DogDay Kraken Attacks A City! Tiny Town VR

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welcome back to Tiny Town today we're building a dog day Kraken as you guys probably know I'm going to go ahead and delete these guys let's get rid of this giant eyeball oh my God there's so many chilies on the inside of this thing I need to make room for my dog day Kraken so that's why I'm getting rid of all these things then we're going to head over to video game Island and build a new character let's just get rid of these fanss oh my God such a mess oh B gorilla this is one of my favorite Creations ever this guy and this guy right here let me know in the comments who you like more this dude or bur Gilla I mean Burg Grilla is pretty amazing before we build our dog day Kraken we need to go to video game Island we've got a dinosaur thing we've got this character everybody guessed pretty easy that this is alloy from Horizon zero Dawn let's just get rid of all this stuff there we go I think I made that one a little bit too easy okay let's get rid of all this we didn't own these rocks we don't need them okay job bot are you ready we're going to build another character let's go I want you guys to guess who this is this one's going to be a really hard one to build okay this character is kind of blue so let's get that thing kind of blue in like a metaphorical sense as well so let's put that there nice um he's not very big I'm going to try and zoom in a bit there we go and then we got to put a bit of a head on him as well sort of a he's got a bit of a bigger head I suppose all right let's give him some little arms I'm going to put these arms sort of like his little arms are on his hips there we go he's kind of got like a bit of a sassy pose he's a little bit emo this guy right give him some little legs I think his legs are a bit big I don't think you guys are going to be able to guess who this is this is going to be a really hard one to guess all right there we go there's the general shape of him let's give him put his head about there he kind of looks pretty fat but that's all right his ears also kind of look like this shape let's go like there he's very blue this guy okay then he's got sort of some purple here oh he's already starting to look a lot like the character maybe this guy is actually pretty easy to build that doesn't look too bad are you guys going to be able to guess all right let's put some purple down here think he's got a little bit of purple just there like that I don't know if he's got anything on his chest once I put the Eyes in I think you guys will guess it right away his eyes are very distinctive looking oh man these eyes are really hard to do okay then yeah it's looking okay oh man the details are so tiny on this character all right he looks all right hey if you stand back oh that looks really obvious who it is got to give him a bit of a mouth now I want I want you guys to sort of give me the name of the character but also let me know what video game it's from all right that is my guy this is pretty much what he looks like I'm was trying to that's the best I can do the arms okay but I I think it's pretty bang on guys let me know the name of this character in the comments and what game he's from all right okay let's shrink the world down there we go you guys might have noticed I've actually deleted some stuff so we did have some buildings and things here they're now gone I needed to make room okay we've got a lighthouse I want to start building my dog day Kraken I reckon we should get right into it so I made some of these tentacles and I made them in the color of dog day's colors yeah they look good okay I kind of want them to be roughly sort of that big that a good size yeah it's a good size okay and I want to make it so that I can have like this sort of like grabbing this Lighthouse perhaps okay yeah that looks good got hold of the lighthouse we're going to be building some other stuff as well so I want to get this pirate ship down here and maybe the pirate ship is like fighting him you know like trying to shoot him and stuff so let's uh let's just put that there we can move that around as we go oh yeah there we go got our dog day head I don't really know how big the head will be maybe something like like that size looks pretty good should we put him like partially under water yeah that's a cool look I like that all right let's make a couple more tentacles we put these ones like sort of back here like this let's get some of these waves okay I'll add some more tentacles later I'm just going to leave it like that for now we need to add some like eyes and things like that onto him that's fine let's get our Pirates uh maybe put like a pirate ship sort of here and let's have him like blasting they got cannons along the side pretty sure we've got got something we can use for cannon fire be like would you have them like this you know what I mean like they're sort of blasting it's sort of shooting it in that direction then we could do some cannon balls let's go like that one okay cannon balls put one there like that and might put one that's like hit him there we go get like a little explosion on the side of his head that's pretty good it shows how big he actually is he's ginormous okay let's get some Pirates do we actually have some Pirates i' I can see we've got some Sailors it's got to be some Pirates I mean we got this guy this guy's the captain the captains are the biggest they're bigger than even their ships look at this guy he just rides the ship let's put his legs like this This Is How They Ride ships there he is he's like yeah I am the captain of this ship let's make him a proper size the hang on we could actually put him like he's sort of up here what's going on between his legs he looks like he's sort of starting to pull down his pants that's weird let's put him up here have him hanging onto the top there and we'll get him like a like a telescope all right this will make a good telescope there we go put that in it's in his eye he's like poked himself in the head with it all right that's pretty good where's he looking he's looking into the mountains that's fine all right let's get some more guys down here these just look like sailors we don't really have any pirate guys let's get another Captain we'll get we'll have two captains they don't know about this Captain he is like snuck aboard their ship we have some swords we can give these guys oh yeah there we go nice yeah they got to have some swords well there a huge that's a massive okay that's fine we'll give this guy a sword as well this guy can be like swimming he's swimming and he's got a sword put his arm around oh man so hard to put these guys in swimming poses there we go guy swimming he's got a sword he's like struggling to swim with a sword it's a really dumb thing to do there we go his arm is like Snapped let's put this Captain he is riding like a cannonball through the air these captains are just absolutely loose units you know what I mean they're just like whoa really getting in there oh yeah get him on that Cannonball oh yeah he's he is on that thing he's going to take out that tentacle give him a speech bubble there we go he's like was this a good idea I don't think it was probably don't want to ride a cannonball champ all right we need a third Captain there we go this ship is basically just captains let's just get this guy he's not doing much this guy is basically he's just relaxing there we go just have him lying there he's just getting a tan with his clothes on probably don't want to do that there we go lying down he's got his arms behind his head let's give him like like a pirate hat yeah there we go he's got a TV oh look at this guy he's just lounging this guy's having the best life he's got his TV remote he's got a half-eaten burrito Sunny's TV he can like catch up on some episodes of Game of Thrones let's add in some more dudes here we go I'm going to add in this ship right here this is actually the police let's get this actually I don't know if there's a police boat in this game okay yeah no police boat that's fine I can make this a police boat easily just by getting like a I don't know like a red thingy here and then a blue one like this okay how's that look look at that red and blue instantly police let's get this guy he's just relaxing as well there's always one guy who's just too busy lounging around not doing any work let's get that guy there we go all right let's give this guy a donut police like donuts apparently so let's give him a donut oh yeah he's just munching on it absolutely loves it get another donut this guy is actually using a donut-shaped flation device there we go he's just bobbing out in the ocean these cops aren't very good they don't really know what they're doing he's just there he is this guy looks hilarious I don't know why he just has that face like man how did I get myself into the situation this guy mind you he looks like he's falling off the the boat but in like a plank position like he he like up up if I go off the boat let's get another guy let's clone him all right and this guy has a rocket launcher and he's trying to take out dog day Kraken with his rocket launcher I don't really know what a rocket launcher pose is that's not a rocket launcher pose no one has ever used a rocket launcher like that but today he is oh here we go nice uh how is he holding this upside down kind of in his mouth he's holding it with his mouth and no that's not it's pointed the wrong way maybe he's holding it under his armpit there we go yeah that's pretty good this guy read the instruction manual wrong he read it upside down backwards in the wrong language and he's firing in the wrong way the idiot policeman blew up this yacht there we go he hit the yacht that is good and some dudes just some absolute ch DS have just been blown off their yacht oh look at this guy let's get this one as well just trying to get this man he kind of looks a little bit like a teddy bear when you do that they instantly become teddy bear pose but that's fine put his legs down like this maybe okay yeah that's a bit better okay let's give this guy like a phone or something you know like his phone is flown out of his hand where is it town oh no he's got one of these it's a boom box I haven't seen a boom box in so long I don't even know if they make these things anymore let me know in the comments if you've ever seen one of these in a store in the last 10 years do they still exist I have no idea all right this guy he's got a drill he was fixing stuff on the yacht then it blew up he's like bro let's give him a skateboard as well just cuz he was skateboarding on the yacht I feel like if anybody was skateboarding on a yacht it's probably this guy all right put this guy's phone in his hand there we go let's keep building our dog day Kraken we've got some other scenes going on but I want to add some more whoa whoa there we go okay we get like a good picture of what this thing looks like when we do this all right so let's some of these tentacles a bit more like that okay yeah that looks all right we put this one maybe a bit more in that direction all right do some smaller tentacles as well uh maybe have them sort of going like that that looks really good maybe another one like at the back here oh yeah this Kraken it's a good looking Kraken okay maybe put another tentacle down there like that that looks pretty good maybe sort it in that direction yeah nice nice one how should I decorate my dog day to make him look a little bit more like dog day do we give him like the craken sort of I don't know what does the Kraken look like do we give him his dog day like little r eyes or do we give him the sort of the black spheres that is always the question whether we go like this whether we give him these eyes or whether we give him the other eyes I think we give him the other eyes I think they always look better all right let's yeah put them like that oh that looks good that looks really good put them sort of more in the middle yeah cool that is one cool looking Kraken okay we need to get some more waves around him put him like this just so looks like he's actually in water got to look like he's in water and not just blue carpet all right put these little waves here like this yeah cool it's all these little details that look awesome at the end okay looking pretty decent now I just want to do one more guy all right let's just set up like a ramp do we have any ramps I'm sure we do um oh yeah there we go that's a pretty good looking ramp let's put this ramp just like that like everyone is trying to ATT attack this dog day everybody all right where's some Vehicles oh yeah here we go look at this one this is a cool looking car make it a bit bigger there we go just like jumping right off there who would be driving this thing probably an old lady yeah nice hanging out the side of the car you can tell like I'm from Australia because she's hanging out this side of the car not this side there we go put her arm down like this cuz she's got to have one hand on the wheel all right and she's screaming something there we go she's screaming dog day's dead she's like hoping to jump but she's probably just going to smash into these rocks here and die oh look at this guy we've got yet another Captain up here I completely forgot about this chap I don't know what he'd be doing I'm going to get rid of this guy and I'm going to replace him with an old favorite one of my favorite characters that I've put in any of my Tiny Town videos or worlds where is he he hasn't made an appearance for a long time only the old Tiny Town fans will remember this guy there we go this chap right here he is the mounty there we go yeah yes he's just sat up here just watching the world go by what a beautiful mounty he's got a bird on his shoulder just a tiny little bird there we go so cute guys come up with a name for my mounty and his pet bird his shoulder bird he wants to be a pirate that's why he's got the the bird there like man I wish I wish I was a pirate and not a mounty life would be so much more adventurous all right guys let me know in the comments if there's any other monsters you want to see me build I'll catch you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 154,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Tiny Town, Tiny Town VR, Virtual Reality, VR builder game, virtual reality lego, tiny town gaming, oculus rift s gaming, building game, catnap, monsters, building monsters, dogday
Id: -FcbXbZJuC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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