LAVA FLOOD but We Remove PARTS! (BeamNG)

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today we must escape Rising lava and each round we must remove parts from our cars first place removes one second two and third three parts can we escape so guys how you doing doing great how are you doing sir uh we're yeah we're doing great here um you guys ready for the race of death let's do this before we start the race of stuff I have to beg for likes on the video can I get likes on the video please yeah yeah back for likes ignore that countdown that's happening I'm going to go on one I'm going on one uh remember if you lose you lose like way more parts than the other person so I'm sorry buddy oh are you Ser you broke my tire you guys were bouncing I'm sorry here I'll take out OB I'll take OB out okay my tires are completely broken wa oh my goodness never mind just rated the traffic you can reset by the way uh how about one reset one reset one reset per person don't wor we slowed up here I'll slow them up one more time okay no do not slow me up I'm already having Tire issues they're broken my tire is broken I wait did you reset no I did not reset I'm driving on the broken Tire still okay well here we go I I'll let you reset there you go I cannot be last my god oh uhoh uhoh are you out already hold on I got I got three tires left see this is what happens when I play with ob I feel like I get done I absorb your skill like a vampire you can knock OB off the mountain because I need help going to be naked by the end of them I will be dressed in crowns and gold the door guys I had already used my one reset I'm down three tires me too I ran into the back of another car I think Obie might have this now you have the opportunity to run OB off the road because he hasn't used his reset yet it's fine I don't think he can catch me though okay so I know about this shortcut here I'm going to take go ahead and take this I got an idea here if I can't get one p part removed I can get all two not three take this Koto take thiso talking take this come on get mon who's going to hit the lava first lava first T it first oh no there was no chance OB you did win I won you won the first round the whole video it's no that was one round you ding dong oh okay but I don't remove anything right you remove one part well no you remove you remove one part that's it I feel like I should add a part like t wait no all right fellas I decided to go ahead and remove a part from my car I took off my headlight wa Okay so there spy I could obviously see what you remove the and the doors okay K what did you you removed three parts what were they I removed the hood the headlights and look there's no seat anymore I'm just standing in wait he's standing in there uhhuh so I mean honestly this might make my vehicle handle a little bit better weight reduction so yeah all right you guys ready for round number two round two start the start the flood I don't think Komodo or I are going to last much longer if we don't get first place okay no no we might have to work as a team here by the way we're on a bad part of the cff yeah we're on the edge of the cliff here see you guys later yeah is I'm going let you guys go here I know what Kon was doing I'm not no I wasn't going to punt you I just wanted to line up that way we didn't immediately die I saw that a I'm not trusting you oh my go by the way if we play off the count uh off the cliff can we reset back up that's a reset back up okay okay I was just making sure yeah okay I haven't even looked at the flood is it coming it's coming this is scary come are you block I saw that I'm sorry no I I bounced off a my left brok okay okay I got stuck in a tree CL BL what are you tail lipping oh my gosh I'm going again I'm going again he's going he's so aggressive I he's not doing good we're just doing bad there's so much traffic here he's whipping through them oh my wi just disappeared oh je is the ultimate controller when it comes I think I going have to reset here you reset spy didn't you I reset you guys have a reset yeah yeah I have the most chilled game video Nots this is going to be bad who spy what are you doing nothing knock him off spy we're going to have to play dirty here he's been talking boys okay he was playing spy was like bumping into me like bumper cars you still got to reset I have to whip you my go OB you're reset nope no dude you're missing a tire you're going to be behind I don't need it I'm fine oh why are you turning sideway car H there's a car attached to you oh it's gone okay I had a car attached to me you did but it's gone you're good oh what happened OB fine it's just a de my door but that guy off I got tail whipped by a pedestrian oh that sucks something my head a little strange viewers you saw thato come back and get a win here viewers you saw that disqualify that pedestrian is your is your car done OB or no it's still going it's just acting very OD I don't know what's wrong with it's very bouncy and tires are jacked up oh my back left tires messed up okay I guess I'm last I got tail whipped into the lava man I feel like we're going to have to start down in the parking lot next time oh jeez I think I'm going to get second place in this one my back left tires all jacked up you you can throw yourself off the cliff right now and just just give it in throw the taalon Obi yeah my audience sees my back left tire my front left tire I'm going to go ahead and call this one here a SP confirm that he throws himself off the cliff he has thrown himself off the cliff but did he reset these yeah he's already reset so I get a win here this is a Comm win all right so I only had to remove one part there because I W so my my roll cage is gone oh oh well interesting I took off my roll cage and my strp bar strep bar oh the strut bar under the hood uh-huh let me look at that okay yeah there's no strut bar okay take off SP you had to take off three parts I removed my roll cage and all my lights I got no more lights except the fog lights oh okay all right eventually we're going to be down light I forgot about those lights yeah brake lights okay all right so boys we're going to be a little bit closer to the flood this time soed you're going to have to go fast okay also is there a traffic jam in front of us here no bar a little bit barely all right here we go countdown starting copy that I'm going to count roses no no it's count for we don't need you to catch I was C with it okay how point is a St bar by the way it only keeps your I think it helps under acceleration for twisting something like wait wa I just got to twist together yep it's going to twist together like physically twist but it's going to be you know it's going to be a thing it's going to twist like a broad worst link of weenies wait what what I don't know a broad worst what what is that even sausage you know how they got like interwin as Andi sausage did you say and dude that that flood's moving pretty fast it's down there I'm not much of a sausage guy you don't like sausages you can me it's okay it's okay he likes the hamburgers I feel like he hamburgers okay I got to be careful here oh oh he almost got tail off that's what you get take that the freaking AI like they came over the hill and murdered me hold on I think my car is okay I think I'm stuck on a kodo part I got a reset here my car my steering was broken if you want to reset you can no I don't need to no okay I'm coming up the hill if you didn't reset you can all I have is like maybe a bumper from kodo in my wheels that's all yeah did I stop R that's a hole I flipped I got to reset is that really a rup spot what let that crash that was a let's do this dud that freaking AI just came over and beamed me my mood has gone from being humble to being the king of beam and G okay so we know what we need to do next round spy right yeah he's got to die stable he has to die I'm actually not too far behind you what I'm not too far behind you yeah he's been talking all this stuff dude my car is not turning it no what he's dead come onad yeah I was already having a bad time because of the Broken Wheel and an AI just shot I'll do the funeral arrangements what kind of flowers you want Kono uh I like you get a bunch of weeds I was pick out my bundle of grass come on sorry the great equalizers here I'm still alive I know you're still alive I'm trying to help you dang it okay come on come on why his ring cars on me bro that's not I got to help spy man I feel bad already lost there's no point of disqualifying him yeah like I'm already I'm already dead I mean I think I'm taking the points away away from you now all right come on spy hurry up I'm trying there's so much traffic yeah I apologize than goodness cuz you you just let me get him get him get him get him get me I don't know does that count does that count I'm he he he needed something there I needed one round I you're not wrong I almost have Parts wait the Spy C crash no wait pass you sir still alive no you're not you're not I just ripped the race I'm still alive well I'm in Theo yeah I don't know if I count any stop moving wait are you guys yeah I fell off you fell off yeah all right I give up don't I'm myself off so I won the round yes you won the round all right so uh I had to remove three parts I don't have a bumper I don't have tail lights and I don't have a rear bumper either oh no okay that's not too bad that's actually weight reduction yeah yeah but the arrow part I removed a a strut bar and a light on the inside of my car wait you removed a light on the what light did you remove I don't know I may have also removed the light on the inside of my car as well wait y'all removed the shift light right shift light yeah yeah that's I should have removed one of those all right you ready y ready for five activation come on oh my gosh straight for me sorry it was just a glitch oh my goodness I just saw some stuff I see spy running into a car but I watch Spy kill somebody there it's okay don't worry about it SP it's cuz you're in Canada yeah the cars don't exist here yeah your your traffic Works different than our traffic cuz you have Canadian traffic did you hear my Canadian no that's what you get oh is that a reset back there boy it's not a reset it's not a reset it is just a all right spumy mistake I I I'm you right now I'm we're with each other watch out for that family oh no I told you I I saw oh son of a uh-oh how do we get across wa how do we get across this noises there jeez okay I'm going to have to I'm going to have to squeeze through this I feel like and I somebody noticed this for my comments or my audience like come on when I get the videos with Obie my skill level how do we get through this oh my goodness uh here I'm going to push you oh never mind you got my wing oh my goodness we just like plowed through that I got wait my still goes it still works no reset OB just reset buddy that wouldn't you my car drives better without the wing guys I'm sorry buddy I just I have to I got to slow you down oh my goodness you got to you got to I understand I'm like I'm like spotting from 300 I'm just a kill yeah I I got clipped by an AI he hit me perfectly in the tire and broke the half shaft oh no I have no luck today I'm missing a tire oh oh oh spy just slow it down take your time I don't have I never reset yet oh no okay I think you're about to win yeah fine just one F won I Haven even reset either oh my goodness I got to get rid of three parts yes finally one part all right boys my car looks a little bit different than your guys oh looks nice yeah you missing all the seats in there so I I got rid of the doors I got rid of the big wing on the back and I got rid of the shift light finally so ni okay well I removed my car light and my windshield okay I removed my fog light wow all he had to remove was a fog light okay he this is the double round double round if you lose if you're in third place you have to remove six parts second place has to remove was it four parts and then first place is two parts two parts yeah you said it drives better without a wing right yep I hope you're right kind of you got a little bit what are they doing here we go Bo I need I need to play a little bit more careful here cuz I'm I think I think that's what yall are doing wrong is going too fast yeah dude if I lose six parts like I don't I think I have six parts to get rid of but but it's going to be like a basically chass no no I'm trying to avoid engine parts I don't want to get rid of those yet yeah we're going to remove the transmission next the body the whole body how do if you R the transmission you're not going to take off we'll have to pull you the body might be an option because I mean l the body might be an option Yes W my tire came off my tire came off that's not good okay I'm going full dedication mode my tires are made out of like paper clips they just fall off you just ran into a car that's why it fell off I touched my guy we're talk the fact that I just hit AE oh that was so close that was so close oh ob's reset dude I I hit a tree and only two of my tires touched the ground now but hey it still rolls now it's time to drive for real I understand that the lava is going to catch me at that oh that's a hole that's a hole oh come on come on land it spy hasn't reset I have I don't need to reset I landed it okay my's back my's back in place you guys are so far down there I know spy i' I've I've been hit by everybody's grandall down here stupid oh my goodness yeah I I can't believe what's happening right now like it it's it's just been mostly the AI yep oh jeez I'm going to tell ashmaker the owner of the server to remove the traffic there's no way I can catch by it's over I haven't reset yet call it OB just run into something he you die you die for real I died no I'm done I got to watch watch Jack there goes OB oh my goodness I got to find six parts guys I I think you were moving four and six actually kind of evens this race out yeah to be fair you finished pretty far back the first I think I've losing everything here I need a win all right boys I got a whole list of parts I've removed strut bar something called the backl my front fender flares the trunk the windshield oh my gosh and yeah both fenders uh so I I think I think that's right around your car what your REM H it's hard to remember I back light for sure the pass the doors the seats and oh my bumper oh I removed the strut bar too I finally removed that what did you remove guys I removed the horn wait you can remove the horn yeah and the backl I didn't perfect this is the final round whoever wins wins the video yeah cuz I think we're pretty even right now do you see this car that's coming out yeah he's hold on hold on really oh he stop there there you go there you go there you go all right here we go out started copy that dude there's a lot of traffic coming I know this is dangerous there one's right in the center where I've got to go final round oh my gosh this is awesome like being at being the lead is the best way to go yeah it seems like the leader actually had it best okay here we go oh I just watch the car fly yeah cuz I think if you're in front the AI cars are like who watch out for that guy and runs into the other people yeah and then they run into the guy right by no you stupid take this that's my ttic just got hit by some I think I I'm getting hit by multiple cars you cuz I'm driving in front of people got driver's license but I should go there and right to their manager it's called Defensive Driving I'm making them swerve into you y so much smoke I can't see I have no smoke there's no smoke you're roll coal rolling whatever it's called I'm not rolling coal Co rolling Co this isn't even a diesel oh old lady ran into me I passed them I passed by no it's happening they fixed my ti they fixed my car each other each other slow down for me come on they fixed my tire Koto okay I just had a car my edit just got to show replay I had a car teleport in front of me and I hit him what was that sound I flew off hold on let me reset first reset SP you know what we need to do yeah I'm still behind him no no no no no no no guys list you got to murder him no you don't you don't have to you have to but I got no more to be about murder this is not B slash right you're going to be fine oh I'll tail whip him you know what it is I think I'm getting the remnants of whatever you guys pass and by the time they get I get to him they're already dying an old lady me again what that's a private area wait nobody say anything about touching a butt that's what tail whipping is no with my butt I'm going to hit you with my butt don't touch my butt with your butt so you're going to bounce butts into each other I'm going to bounce my butt into this but uh oh gosh oh boy okay it's hard because I I know I'm making a video right now and I'm supposed to be talking but at the same time I'm trying to breathe and focus he's like is OB super I want to win mode right now yes I am yes I am I might have destroyed my induction system radiator leaking what are you doing um are you dead I might be dead I wrecked everything have you reset yet yeah yes oh I did finish last yeah let's go let go Baby Moment of Silence with spy oh yeah was that like Arms of an Angel it was supposed to be like trumpets oh I got one more thing for you guys oh you got some I me Obie's up there coming towards ESO spy Obie you're going to need to stop for a second spy has to uh you got to vent Cube what are you stop it too yeah I'm stopping okay stop okay stop stop okay so remember how we were talking about something having to come down the hill to equalize everything I'm driving K I'm driving uh yeah why I'm okay with this I feel like this is a little unfair because I'm the one that's going to get hit first but that's fine but if I pass you I got to take out someone else you missing me are pretty low don't miss him okay I what if I hit both of you off though do I win sure oh my goodness I just hit something oh yeah I'm coming up the hill boys he hit behind a tree and TI I'm sorry Koto I have to go on my word I I'm going to have to admit I did a cheeky reset hoping that you'd wreck him I'm done I'm out he I won yep Hope won take take this don't worry guys I'm taking out some of these AI cars for us yeah if you can take them out that has been the bane of my existence this video has been these AI be honest I'm almost at the top of the mountain well you want anyway so shut up yeah yeah I crash into take your reward goomie I'm the best
Channel: SpyCakes
Views: 103,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beamng, beamng drive, beamng multiplayer, beamng gameplay, beamng flood, beamng lava flood, beamng lava, beamng flood survival, beamng lava survival, beamng survival, beamng downgrading, beamng downgrading cars, downgrading cars, downgrading cars during lava flood, flood, flood survival, lava survival, survival, cars, flood escape, beamng flood escape, beamng crashes, beamng funny moments, beamng car, spycakes, spycakes beamng, spycakes flood, spycakes lava, spycakes cars
Id: DQZlnKiEC38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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