Metal Planer Restoration 30: Way Lubrication System and Flaking the Ways

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[Music] hello Keith Rucker here baby's fortune org guys back to working on the metal planer today and we're gonna be working on our lubrication system at least getting started on that I don't think I'm gonna be able to get it all done in fact I know I'm not because I don't have a pump in yet but I do want to start working on getting some lines ran for the lube system before we start really putting this machine back together right now it's when I have access to it before I put the table back home well I can kind of slide it back and probably still work down here it's gonna be easier to do it before we even get to that point so let me come this immune here show you what we've already done and from there we're gonna start running some all lines so previously in fact before we even started scraping the table and I took the time to actually drill some all holes through the ways here in the very center of the machine and also took a die grinder and kind of put this little bowtie pattern in here now if you remember from an earlier episode we talked about the way the table moves on this machine and I want a full stroke it's got an 8 foot table the bed is 10 feet long on a full stroke that the table goes back and there's only about 6 inches here in the center that really does not ever become exposed potentially again on the full stroke the table will come back almost here and that will come into almost about right in here so essentially the only area that does not get exposed so this is the area we put our lubrication system in and this is the area that will be injecting the oil in now the idea is the oils going to come in a pressurized line in through this little hole it will disperse through this little bowtie pattern that we've got scratched in here and that should lubricate the ways as they go back and forth now most of the time the machine will not be running on a full stroke it might be only a partial stroke so have a bigger area in here that will kind of be where it won't be covered up or won't become uncovered rather but worst case scenario this is kind of the only areas we got in here I say that because we really don't want any of these scratched in real deep all ways to become exposed if they do that just gives an opportunity for trash and stuff to get down into this which you can scratch up your ways and I really cause more damage than good now the other thing I did is came in here and I had a small hole I think it was about a I think it's about 1/8 or 3/16 inch hole I can reach one I drilled through there but I came in and with a larger drill bit a letter our drill bit actually and drilled that in a little bit we tapped this for 1/8 inch pipe fittings and I got these elbow pieces in here these elbows actually go to a piece of tubing I think it was 5/16 or 5/32 I'll verify that in a minute when I look at my tubing but it's a brass tubing that will be running and then each of these four points will be going to a manifold or will have an individual line going to each individual point now some people will want to kind of piggyback there there are lines where they have a line that goes in here and the T that goes over to another place ideally you want to have one all on going to one point because what will happen is if one of these points become somewhat obstructed the flow is going to just take the path of least resistance it's going to go to the other one by having just one tube going to each individual point you should have constant pressure on there and that should hopefully be enough pressure to push through any kind of blockage that may get in there if you if you have multiple lines again one will get blocked up and that's really not going to deliver all to that point I am gonna comment right here that this all system that I'm putting in here is something new to this machine it's not necessarily new to planers per se this type of system was used on many planners that were made later this machine was built originally and I'm estimating in the 1890s and at that time they just didn't have force lubrication systems they didn't know as much about lubrication as we do now so this is kind of a modern or a fairly modern type of an add-on and I'm doing that just to improve the lubrication system on this machine now what did the machine have originally for lubrication system let's show you what it is so when the machine was new what it had was these Oilers that kind of bolted onto the end of the table there's two mill mounting holes here and this little bracket here there's actually it's all dried up now but there was a piece of felt in here the felt comes out through the holes in the bottom ideally I really don't think it's packed the way it's supposed to be packed you really would want those to be actually wiping on the ways but she would just squirt oil down into this oil cup and as the machine went back and forth it would wipe those ways it's actually a system that is used something very similar even today on lays we have--we wipers and I haven't decided I think I'm going to modify these or actually make something a little bit different same type principle where we have a felt wiper in there that will wipe all on there it'll have a reservoir here that will just let put all into but one thing I want to incorporate into it is a actual rubber way wiper built into that as well so that that rubber kind of pushes any material that may be on the ways off to kind of help prevent them from getting up underneath it it also kind of acts like a squeegee when you're coming back across that way to keep that all kind of in this area so I've got to do a little bit of work on that I'm a redesign these and do something a little bit different but we I am still definitely planning on having these some type of way wiper on the end of this some ways that will lubricate it from the ends as well as from the new system in the center this will not be a forced lubrication system I'm not gonna say you couldn't do that but because of the stroke on this and the tubing and and all the piping this involved that would be kind of difficult you'd have to have a some some flexible piping to move back and forth with the table which I just don't think I really want to fool with so but then want to kind of show you the orig system there so here's the game plan this is a manifold that's made by bezoar bij you are who is the company that sells the all fittings and lubrication systems they're the experts in this and they have some really good resources up on their website that kind of helped me determine what I needed for this machine but this is basically a manifold there's four outputs on the top there's two on the end one on each end one I'll actually have the oil coming in I'm only gonna have four points I'll put a plug in one of these but in this manifold we're gonna screw in these little metering devices and what this metering device is it does a couple things number one it's a backflow device it keeps any oil from actually backing in it's like one-way delivery system but you can purchase these metering devices where each time you put a squirt in through your loop system its metering how much oil is able to go through that that port and the cool thing about this is is if you're working on a lathe that has many many oiling points you may want some areas to get more off than other areas you don't want everything to get old equally just depending on where it's going to so you can actually purchase these so that you have different amounts of oil that is metered through these different lines and of course you have one line going to each point and it all just kind of balances out in this manifold so you know this one might get twice the amount of oil as this one for every shot that comes into it so I'm gonna be drilling some holes and it's going to mount this thing kind of right up here in the front and then we'll be running some tubing into each one of these four metering devices that's the game plan so with that let's get started getting this thing put together this manifold takes a quarter inch screw to hold it in so I'm going to kind of put this down here where I want it I've got a transfer punch here it's a quarter-inch transfer punch I'm just going to kind of put that in there we're going to get the first side set and then we will do the second side so that should give me a center punch hole to start with this is gonna be quarter 20 threads so we're gonna be drilling this with a number seven drill bit which is the drill size for a quarter 20 tab it should be deep enough we got a quarter twenty tap here and [Music] let's see if that's holes deep enough I'm a hacker on bottom and tap in there to get it we're gonna tighten up all the way and I think I'm gonna be good so I am gonna go ahead and just kind of snug that in place back here where I can see he's go up just a tad punch again just in that up and then get it out away and we will drill us a second hole right there and there we go tighten both of those up very good we got us a manifold mounted so next I'm gonna put in my meters and if you look real closely there's an arrow on there that's the direction of the oil flow also one sides kind of got a little bevel on it that fits down into the bottom of that hole and kind of seals it in place so I'm gonna go ahead and put these on in and the top size will just connect our oil pipe to these happen to be number ones like I said I went to their website I read all their documentation at bezoar and it helped me determine which size fitting I needed for these particular ways and it was based on the the area of all that was being covered so I calculated on a full stroke of the machine two inch wide way and there was something else in there but it went through and helped you determine how much wall flow you needed to properly lubricate that slide way and then it told you which metering unit you needed to deliver that amount of oil in this case they're all doing basically the same thing so they're all for the same size meter and I think that's good all right I've got all four of those mounted so I've got my fitting here and we got the tubing this is 5/32 outside diameter I think this is copper maybe brass I'm not exactly sure whatever I got from the company that sells the stuff but this tubes got to come in here come out of this I need to get it to the inside frame and instead of trying to go around and up underneath I'm just gonna drill a hole through here and I take it through there I've actually got some other places like right here there's a hole and it goes to a piece of tubing this actually goes down to all this bearing here so they've already drilled holes in here for tubing for lubrication so we're just going to kind of follow suit 5/32 is the tube size I just went up one side was that 1160 force I think was a drill bit size here and we're just gonna drill a hole completely through the casting I'm doing about right here that should give me plenty of clearance I've already done some measurements to figure out where I wanted to come out on the inside all right and just verify that my tube goes through that it does so I see I think one one do is just kind of estimate how long this needs to be I've got some extra tubing here so I'm going to cut this off a little bit long make sure I don't run out of space when I get down in there and we will cut it to the length we need on the other end so I just got a little tubing cutter here and we'll zip this around and cut our tubing take this feeding out there's a compression nut in a ferrule that goes up in there that puts all this on this end so this all just slides up on my tubing put that compression nut on there and when you tighten that in it just wedges that ferrule in between the two two bodies and it compresses in there and makes a nice tight seal so let me figure out about where my bend needs to be this little spring thing here just helps you keep it from kinking I really need one about a size smaller but it will help when bending tubing to get a nice smooth Bend put all this stuff home got my wrench here go ahead and tighten this up and that's starting to tighten up real good in there now we probably got a good seal arm right there that's good put my spring on here I don't want to get a fairly tight Bend in there without over pending anything and then over here we want to kind of come down and then onto that fitting right there so that's going to be close I want that cuff about right there there we go just got a little deburring tool here that I'm gonna run up in that end make sure that we don't have it crunched over in there got a nice good clean opening there's a cap on there we will put our ferrule in there alright so now that all will come out of that meter it will distribute the right amount up here to this once I get all my lines in here I'm gonna put me some some type of little bracket here to kind of make sure these tubes stay in place and we should be in good shape all right next one will be this one here and we'll bring it right over let's take a quick look here at the plumbing now that we got all this done of course the table will keep this covered up the vast majority of the time and we should have plenty of clearance there's the rack that goes through here but we got plenty of clearance between there and where the bottom of that racks will go through shouldn't have any issues there side to side no issues I do still want to get some clamps I'm going to have to fabricate something up and just put those in there just to keep these nice and tight but I can I can get access to this once they get the table on I don't have this worked up quite yet but we'll get them done now that I got on my all lines ran last thing I need to do to the ways on the bottom of the table is to put some flaking in these and the flaking I'm going to use a special scraper it's called a Halfmoon flaker it puts a little Halfmoon scrape mark in the ways and basically it's just strictly for all retention it's to help move all around you do it after you've done your scraping and these will just kind of get some deeper marks in there specifically for the scraping so I don't think I've ever shown me using this tool before but I'm gonna zoom you in here and kind of let you see how this thing works I don't know if you can see it or not but I do have marks on here to show the extents of where I want to go I've also put lines at 45-degree angle across there to kind of give me a target to shoot for to get these things evenly spaced now when using the flaker it's a lot different than the scraper you basically just push on it and it does the work it's a totally different action than a scraper it's a different tool all together but it leaves that Halfmoon pattern you go pretty quick when you're doing this so hopefully you can see this Halfmoon flaking that I put in here a lot of people see this on machines and say oh that machine's been scraped when they see the flaking and yeah you're partially right we do have it has been scraped or flaked in this case for all retention but this is nothing to do with getting the surface flat this has nothing to do with what I really consider true scraping this is kind of a finishing thing that you do and you don't always do this but when you want to have that good old retention on ways it's good to go in there and inflate those surfaces and again it's just a little bit deeper surface it breaks up the scraped surface that we already have but it gives a nice deep pocket for that wall to rot in to help keep this thing lubricated and that's what we're working on right now is lubrication so to finish up this lubrication system I do still need to get a old pump in here to be pumping be sure makes themselves a pump that would work fine on this it's about seven eight hundred bucks for a new and I do have someone that told me they thought they might have something that'll work they were gonna be checking on that for me I haven't heard back from them yet so I'm kind of waiting to find out on that before I decide to buy a brand new pump or not if we can take a pump off of a older machine a lot of used pump that's in good shape I'll probably go that route but to be determined but again no problem I inside the table back I can still have access to this and be able to work on that later on so that would be the gameplan there I think we're about ready to go ahead and put the table over here before I do I want to go ahead and put some oil on these ways this will be the first time I've actually put any oil on them and I've just got some machine way all here and I'm just gonna put a nice little liberal coat down through here and we'll run that back and forth the time or two I'll run the table back and forth a time or two before we kind of distributed evenly [Music] there we go she is home free well there we go I think that we were ready to start building the rest this machine now I said that in my last planar video but I remember we had a few more little things we need to get done before we started going up and I think next on the list is we're gonna start putting our uprights here which is the parts that hold the planer cutter tools and all that kind of stuff there's we've got a good bit of work to still have to do to those to get everything lined up and perfectly in here but fortunately I've already done a lot of scraping on that so I think it's it should go a little bit quicker than what we've been bringing on so far I've also got a few repairs in there I got to work on so yeah there's still some work to do but we're getting much closer to getting this machine back in action which I'm excited about guys that is going to be a wrap on this video as always thanks for watching please subscribe the channel if you haven't already those comments as well as thumbs ups are appreciated as well and we will catch you on the next video [Music] you
Channel: Keith Rucker -
Views: 47,163
Rating: 4.984365 out of 5
Keywords: Machine Shop, Machinist, Restoration, Vintage Machinery, Metalworking, Keith Rucker,, metal planer, metal planer restoration, vintage machinery restoration, metal planer machine, antique metal planer, large metal planer, restoration videos, old metal planer, hand scraping, lubrication system, way lubrication, biax power flaker
Id: 3Ek-Axgm_Dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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