Metal Planer Restoration 52: Pressing the Old Shaft out of Flat Belt Pulley Hubs

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[Music] hello keith rocker here at vintage guys today i'm at george museum agriculture and i'm working on my planer restoration my metal planer restoration and the next step we're really on this project is working on the the whole drive mechanism to power the machine so on this machine there was an overhead line shaft originally that would have been up in the ceiling and it would have been powered up to a line shaft we're going to take a little different take on that and actually put the line shaft on the machine so it will be self-contained everything will be aligned if i ever move the machine around the counter shaft gets moved with it which is going to involve making some brackets and some different things to be able to do that we're going to go into that a little bit further but today what we're working on is i have the two pulleys that the belts come down from the counter shaft to drive the the table back and forth there's two belts there's a forward and a reverse belt one of the of them has a half twist in the belt to reverse the direction and by shifting the belts from one side to the other you can make the table go forward or backwards there's two different pulleys there are two different diameters because your return stroke is at a faster speed than your forward stroke so you're not wasting as much time waiting on the machine when it's retracting as you are when it's going forward so right now what i'm doing on these is uh i had the original counter shaft i had the original shaft that was in it it was a mess the shaft is all rusted up i'm wanting to basically replace that shaft we got to redo the bearing system on it and i need to get the old shaft out of these pulleys i cut the shaft and we're going to be pressing these out today i'm out here using a hydraulic press we've got a 20 ton bottle jack on here this is an air powered air over the mechanical where you can use either air power or do it by hand to press these things out so let's get in here see if we can get these things out without too much trouble today so let's talk just a little bit about my setup i've got this over here on the press i've got some plates up underneath here there's a hub i don't know if you can see the top there's a hub it goes pretty much all the way the same it actually sticks out a bit farther than the the outside rim when i'm pressing on this i want to put all the pressure on the hub on the bottom side i don't want to be pressing out here on the rim of this pulley because the spokes inside because these could easily break we want all that downward pressure to be on the hub so if you look you know there is a gap up underneath here i put some spacers in there i'll tell you what so see we got clearance up underneath here i did this one time and it looked like in the video that it was pressing on there and i had a lot of a lot of comments on the thing telling me i was an idiot didn't know what i was doing uh where there was actually a gap but on the video it didn't look like it so i wanted to show you guys yes there is a gap up underneath there we're not pressing on the outside so i'm going to just put some pressure on this see what will happen we may have to put some heat on this hub to get it to break loose or we may get lucky and it just comes on a part so i got a little spacer in between there and see if we can break that loose all right it is not wanting to come out as easy as i want it to so what i'm going to do is get the torch we'll heat this uh hub up a little bit with any luck what that will cause to happen is it'll expand make that hole just a little bit larger and hopefully this will come right on out so let me get the torch fired up and we'll put some heat on there see if that helps the situation let's warm it up see if we get lucky [Music] here anytime you're using heat like this to expand the part for pressing or whatever the goal isn't to make it red hot we just want to put enough heat in there that causes that to grow a little bit and hopefully come right on out heat will often help the situation considerably so let's get a little heat in there and see what happens look at there she's coming right out now so i'm out at the museum you can probably hear the train going by outside and we're using the air power here to press this down rather than having to crank on it by hand [Music] [Applause] getting close to our maximum stroke here all right let's retract that back someone had shut my air compressor off i didn't have the pressure so i got it pumping back up maybe we can get this jack going a little bit faster there we go it looks like we got it out there we go all right one down let me get my other pulley up here we're going to do the same process on that and see if we get lucky on it as well all right i got my second pulley in here this is a larger diameter pulley as you can see and uh hub sticks up a little bit more on this one than the other one we're going to see we can push it out and try it cold first it's actually moving i'm going to just see if i can push it on out without heating it up there it goes so all right we'll stop right there put a spacer in all right continuing on here getting easier there it goes [Music] and with that that actually was a lot easier than i thought it was going to be well i honestly anticipated these pulleys giving me a little more challenge than what they did pressing them out this turned out to be a pretty easy job which uh we will always take but anyway i thought i'd share that i haven't done any pressing for a while and and working in a machine shop and working in restoring old equipment very often you need to get stuff out of shafts and whatever out of pulleys and gears and what have you so really being able to use that hydraulic press and being able to do a good job is really important the biggest thing to remember guys when anytime you're pressing anything particularly like a pulley like this where you got the spokes and you've got the outside is support it right up underneath the area that you're pressing because if we had to put that pressure on the outside rim and push down and all the pressure was on these spokes i guarantee you these spokes would have broke before the the shaft gave away in there but uh and then two the trick with a little bit of heat i've had many times when the shaft just wouldn't give wouldn't give wouldn't give and you put just a little bit of heat on there it expands that outside part of the casting expands it on out opens it up just a fraction of a thousandth of an inch a couple of tenths is really all it takes and that's enough to loosen it up and boom it just comes right out so there you go a couple little tips on pressing on the hydraulic press next step here is we're going to get these cleaned up repainted and i've got to start working on getting a counter shaft installed on that metal planer again these pulleys will drive the the two pulleys there's uh the the small one will go to a larger pulley down below that will be the pulley that moves the table forward that is at a fairly slow steady pace uh and then the large pulley going down to a smaller pulley will be the pulley that pulls it back so basically with some belt shifting going between the two pulleys you'll have two speeds one going forward at the normal speed one coming back at a faster speed just kind of like that and that quick return uh just saves you time it's all it does it's uh you're not wasting as much time in that retraction mode as you are in that push mode and with that guys uh that is going to be a wrap on this video as always thanks for watching please subscribe to channel if you haven't already thumbs up are appreciated as our comments and uh hit that bell icon up there if you haven't already so you get notifications and we'll catch you on the next video thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Keith Rucker -
Views: 37,927
Rating: 4.9669695 out of 5
Keywords: Machine Shop, Machinist, Restoration, Vintage Machinery, Georgia Museum of Agriculture, Metalworking, How to run a lathe, metal planer, hydraulic press, keith rucker, metal planer restoration, vintage machinery restoration, metal planer machine, restoration videos, flat belt pulley, antique metal planer, new haven metal planer, antique restoration, old metal planer, new haven manufacturing company, new haven metal planer restoration
Id: Ef9nwKbvc_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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