Metal Gear Solid 2 - The Movie [HD] Full Story

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the hudson river two years ago we had classified intelligence that a new type of metal gear was scheduled for transport the whole thing stank but our noses have been out in the cold too long [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] love [Music] up [Music] hmm oh boy he's right on schedule he'll know soon enough [Music] [Music] this is snake do you read me ottacon loud and clear snake kept you waiting huh i'm at the sneak point everything going okay stealth camo is busted landing impact i must have overused it sorry but you're gonna have to deal with it you're not in the military anymore right i didn't plan on relying on this gadget anyway the private sector is not so bad is it privacy guaranteed i'm happy as long as no one gives me any more unwanted gifts you mean that thing with naomi and i can't say i miss the chattering nanny mailings not so bad that reminds me i have to get in touch with her again about that new natick flashware diverting toys from the sscen again but give her a message from me someone will find out sooner or later she's better off assuming it sooner and quit while she's safe too true okay snake let's get to work you know how the technical specs of metal gear were sold on the black market after shadow moses all ocelots doing exactly and now every state group and dot com has its own version of metal gear not exactly a classified weapon for today's nuclear powers this new one seems to have been designed to wipe the floor with all the other models the only consistent description is that it's an amphibious anti-metal gear vehicle that explains why this one is under marine corps jurisdiction the mission objective is to make visual confirmation of the new metal gear being transported by that tanker and bring back photographic evidence but i want you first to go up to the top level of the infrastructure to the bridge we need to find out where the tanker is headed a little reconnaissance huh there's too much we don't know about this new prototype capabilities deployment method we don't even know how close it is to completion if we know where the testing arena is i can start to draw some reasonable conclusions all right i'll head to the bridge asap try to avoid confrontations our goal is to collect evidence on metal gear development and expose it to the world it would be best if you could get out of there without alerting anything don't worry i know the drill we're not terrorists very good don't you forget that you're part of philanthropy now an anti-metal gear organization and officially recognized by the u.n recognized but still fringe otakon they don't look armed hey earth to snake these are nice upstanding marines not terrorists don't get caught you're in stealth mode here sure and if it comes to that a little beauty sleep never hurt anyone by the way are you sure of this intelligence absolutely hacked it out of the pentagon's classified files myself no traces oh please i'm too good for that but this might be a trap remember there's a price on our heads we're just being paranoid i hope so those men you wouldn't think they were anything but civilians from here with all the ships passing on the river and in the harbor putting uniform marines on the deck would be a bad idea people can get a clear view of the water on riverside too the water line is too high according to the navigational plans this ship should have discharged its cargo upriver it's in there no doubt about it the military trains you to watch for threats from the stern on a boat that's sop for counter terror ops too security should be tighter you worry too much where's the target satellite surveillance is a major international past time these days i'd say the cargo holds safely below the deck do you see the entrance to the holds looks like there are a few entryways into the crew quartershopper looks like we're not the only ones after metal gear tonight is that a chopper i just heard affirmative probably another cavalry what's their game hijack they're probably targeting the ship's controls how many men do you need to take over a tanker this size the ship is run by a computers i'd say about 18 people aks74u russians you sure no marine barber touched that head of hair i'm transmitting a photo let's get an id on him asap i'm on it looks like the tanker's theirs now k-60 kasadka kasatka right killer whale look snake all we need is the photographic evidence of metal gear as long as we have those we can put it online and blow the whole thing wide open so no pyrotechnics okay all right i'll do my best this isn't like shadow moses reach me if anything happens freeze [Music] so it is [Music] [Music] so snake did you find out where that ship is headed looking at it 35 degrees longitude latitude around 58. more than 500 miles off the coast of the bermudas out in the middle of the atlantic so the prototype is ready for solo testing anyway analysis can wait till later control room communication and engine room are under control all entry and exit points to the tanker hold secured infrared sensors placed an operational good work are the explosives in place yes they are all planted listen once we have what we came for the tanker will be and the vehicles pilot he's the only one who underwent the vr training no one else can do it are you sure you can trust him your part in the mission is complete you want to leave at once no it's not over even in this yet pale as death i have a bad feeling about this mission you swore this to me that you would leave the unit once the mission was complete do not worry this is a country of liberty no this is where i belong with a unit i have nowhere else to go father i want to stay and fight there is no choice to make here olga need i remind you that you are carrying my grandchild you will be on the helicopter out of here now freeze hands over your head now [Music] toss your gun overboard slowly [Music] a woman show your face you men you're all the same who are you we are nomads wanderers i said to move americans well you should women too i'm a nomad too [Music] what else do you have there take the knife and toss it [Music] not there toss it overboard [Music] hold that position now turn around you know what you're doing it stopped me not too shabby is it new york i mean [Music] [Applause] [Music] no one's ever dodged that shot of mine but no one gets lucky twice either [Music] i've been with the unit since i was born i grew up on the battlefield conflict and victory were my parents the unit is my life whoever you are you're not stopping us oh [Music] um [Music] cypher [Music] otakon the ship appears to be under their control the men have russian gear but i haven't been able to find out anything else about their origin i know who they are you do we've id'd the old man who is he sergey gurlukovich gerluka pitch one of ocelot's allies yeah the gru colonel he's the one ocelot was supposed to meet up with after shadow moses thereafter metal gear everything's changed this is not gonna be as simple as we thought you could say that i saw a surveillance remote just now it looked like the cipher a marine cipher t no army first the marines then the russians now the army you're right this isn't gonna be simple snake there's something i have to tell you what we didn't dig up this info about the new metal gear on our own not like usual how did you find out then it was a tip an anonymous tip anonymous you've never trusted those why would you start now i uh i have a younger sister a stepsister we have different parents i only knew her for two years you've never mentioned her before so the sender of the tip was e e her name is emma but i always call her ee emma emery yeah it just caught my eye you know i figured it was a coincidence but i couldn't get it out of my mind there's really no one out there who knows about her when was the last time you saw her over 10 years ago you think it's a trap dolores out here i don't know after i got the tip i did break into the pentagon system to get confirmation okay watch your back snake maybe i screwed up [Music] raven [Music] freaks [Music] uh [Music] all communications to the halls have been several no one is aware of our presence [Music] sir we will secure your exit with our lives if necessary yes sir [Music] my daughter keep her safe yes sir [Music] [Music] who's this [Music] [Music] so [Music] ah who goes there [Music] [Music] why are you here we thought you were with the corner what the colonel will be joining you soon comerhead they have no way of knowing that the ship's been taken over i'm not interested in fighting these guys the weapons won't do me much good here can you see metal gear no i'll have to go around to the bow they have some serious defenses here i doubt the recent rivals want to blast their way through the marines either wonder where they're headed i don't know not the beach that's for sure there's actually one little thing just spit it out i'm used to things going wrong it looks like someone's monitoring our transmission who i don't have a clue all they're doing is watching it would creep me out less if they tried to interfere with our communications could it have something to do with that cipher we saw maybe i've switched the encryption protocol for our burst transmission for now what i want to do is use a different method for sending these photos just in case instead of using the codec exactly there's a work station in the southeast corner of the block where metal gear is housed i've made arrangements so that you can send the pictures from the machine and one more thing the commandant's already begun his speech but you need to get the pictures before he's done talking otherwise they'll spot you okay how much time do i have i hacked into his personal files and took a look at the text of that speech i'd say you have seven more minutes longer if he throws in a joke or two a seven minute time limit huh remember snake just the photos okay with these kinds of odds i won't be making any sudden moves but that doesn't mean we can just let metal gear be hijacked okay okay but first the photos all right we'll deal with the rest when we get there stay low at the moment every industrialized nation on the globe knows the specifications for metal gear worse yet so do a number of roads they initiated development of metal gear ray as a countermeasure to these pirated weapons forces the only thing that can stand up to a metal gear is of course another metal gear you're all familiar with the shadow moses incident during the sears administration the current state of nuclear reparation is a direct result of that metal gear [Applause] freeze the shift in the balance of power will mean a new world order play a central role in its military advantage but it cannot be more it is a fact so any codec moments from you snake the first image is okay that's good the shot from the right is in the bag the next image is okay this works it's a great front view next up is you're a pretty good photographer we can definitely use this left shot okay last one's coming up this is great the marines lettering shows up really well excellent speech my friend who the gift of the silver tongue they say it's the mark of a good officer end of a liar americans are too in love with the sound of their own voice to speak the truth identify yourself i am shalashaska also called revolver assad what do you want this machine will be quite useful what are you planning to do steal this thing steal no no i'm taking it back two [Music] nobody move understood this ship now carries enough semtex on its key structural points to blow it out of the water at the touch of this button [Music] that's right no one has to die needlessly [Music] we're almost at the target get a move on [Music] what do you intend to do with grave sell it on the streets i was raised in zlatinsk formerly known as chelyabians 70 the nuclear research outpost what are you talking about after the cold war ended my home was bought out by the americans is there a point to this sad story land friends dignity all sold to the highest bidder the united states of america even the technology that gave birth to these weapons is russian developed by us what do you intend to do russia will rise again and pray is the key i regret to inform you that i have no intention of selling metal gear as i said i came to take it back [Music] yes returned to the patriots the la le lu how's that possible ocelot you have you sold us out i was never in your employee are you still in liquid solidus hard feelings colonel mother russia can rock for all i care since when ocelot when did you turn i'm glad you noticed comrade i abandoned her during the cold war [Music] metal gear only has room for one lukovich you and your daughter will die here damn you [Music] let's go sergey looks like you were long overdue for retirement [Music] show's over if you wish to live i suggest you run now this ship is still in the lower new york harbor you may yet make it to shore if you swim for your life don't let him get away ocelot [Music] it's been a while brother who are you you know who i am liquid not so young anymore a snake you're drowning in time i know what it's like brother no wonder naomi passed you over for the fox die program get out of my mind liquid [Music] the price of physical prodigy few more years and you'll be another dead clone of the old man our raw materials are vintage brother big boss was in his late 50s when they created his copies but i i live on through this armature oh [Music] yes so you don't have what it takes after all you're going down snake with this tanker so hey yes we have a problem [Music] so snake [Music] snake foreign no problems proceeding as planned sir yes at the location we discussed yes i have photographic evidence of snake on the scene the cipher was most useful i look forward to tomorrow morning's newsflash i would say the marine corps plans are on indefinite home yes of course mr president [Music] snake [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] snake do you remember the sinking of that tanker two years ago of course terrorists blow a hole in an oil tanker full of crude barely 20 miles off the shore of manhattan your classic nightmare it didn't take long for the government to put oil fence around the whole mess and then that massive offshore cleanup facility went up inside the big shed i hear the cleanup isn't quite over yet it takes time but in the meantime the shells become a landmark a symbol of environmental protection approximately six hours ago the big shell was seized by an armed group do we have an id former members of the navy seal special anti-terrorist training squad dead cell russian private army members may also be involved it's a highly trained group and they have the big shell under complete control come in from downwind and clump fast get ready to fast rope down to shell one for five minutes disarmed [Music] what are their demands 30 billion 30 billion dollars what makes them think they can get that much there was a government sponsored tour going on with the big shell that day hostages huh a vip from one of the major conservation groups and one from our own government the most important person in a sense the most important person james johnson the president unless the demands are met the terrorists intend to blow the big shell out of the water and the crude will ignite turning the manhattan harbor into an inferno that's not the worst case scenario if the chlorides being used to decontaminate the sea water go up with the oil toxins containing catastrophic levels of dioxins will be released in other words the bay's ecosystem will be wiped out and the sea will turn into a toxic suit for centuries becoming the worst environmental disaster in history [Music] you have two mission objectives one infiltrate the offshore decontamination facility big shell and safeguard the president and other hostages and two disarm the terrorists by any means necessary you should know that seal team 10 is also conducting a rescue operation is this a joint effort no foxhound remains a covert body don't alert them to your presence that is an order [Music] this is snake i'm now inside strut af shell one any problems there was a brand new hole cut through the oil fence there's someone else besides me that wanted to get in badly that's not possible what about seal team 10 they landed on the roof of the big shell as planned and by the way snake we're changing your code name for all following communication what's wrong with snake just a precaution you are now designated ryden all right ryden you've already covered infiltration in vr training i've completed 300 missions in vr i feel like some kind of legendary mercenary okay we'll skip that part make sure nobody sees you if you need to contact me by codec the frequency is one 140.85 the codex receiver directly stimulates the small bones of your ear no one but you will be able to hear it all right i'll contact you if anything changes first make your way to the upper section of the big shell how do i get up to the next level there's an elevator at the far end of that area use that sounds good colonel i've sighted an enemy century 94 and a makarov those grenades all his equipment is russian made must be a girlerkovich man a russian private army that was in line to work with the shadow moses takeover group four years ago what's their stake in this one they must have made a deal an arrangement with the terrorists they become a band of mercenaries an army without a country [Music] [Music] [Music] colonel there's definitely another intruder in here besides me that's not a possibility not a team looks like a solo job one man we may not know who he is but he managed to take care of every century in the area they're all out cold whoever he is he's got some skills we need to get an id but for now you can take advantage of the situation and get to work there's a terminal in front of the elevator a node did you say nerd not nerd node use the node to gain access to the big shells facilities network then what pull up the map of the structure that'll let you activate the soliton radar [Music] good work the radar should be functioning now remember your vr training sessions the tool is exactly the same one it maps the terrain as well as the position of enemy personnel [Music] the bright dot in the middle is you ryden the red dots are your enemies and the blue cone shape represents their field of vision your radar isn't affected by the weather but if you're discovered by an enemy you won't be able to use it it gets jammed easily i'm afraid it's all made from currently existing technology you won't be able to use it in an area with strong harmonic resonance so be careful how do i save the mission data i've set aside proprietary frequency for saves and an analyst to work on the data too jack is everything all right what are you doing here jack can you hear me rose you're not supposed to be involved what's going on jack i'm a part of this mission colonel what the hell is going on ryden meet the mission analyst she'll be overseeing the data saving and support why her the fox hound analyst that was supposed to take part in this mission was in an accident rosemary was brought in as a replacement an accident and according to the files she knows you better than anybody else rose may be in the service but an intelligence analyst is no field officer not to worry she has our technical staff at her disposal she's never been a part of a field mission this is insane i have my own reasons for selecting her for this mission soldier colonel i failed to see i know your vr training performance in and out but sometimes that's not enough you're familiar with the shadow moses incident you know i covered it in vr if there's a crucial tactical detail that case taught us it was the power of the operative's will to survive i was trained to fight my personal feelings have no place in a mission we've learned that it doesn't work that way and on the field you need all the help you can get jack you're stuck with me whether you like it or not rose you need someone to watch your back but i have conditions that need to be met colonel what is it i'll perform my duties and save that mission data but i'm aware that technically i'm not part of the mission control team after all i'm just a normal girl who's worried about jack but that means colonel that i am not required to follow your orders outside of my immediate duties jack is not simply a field personnel for me to track his safety comes first to me not the mission and because of that i will be monitoring and keeping a record of every communication you have with him colonel given the circumstances you're free to do what you see fit hey i prefer this to being kept in the dark waiting i'd like to make a request if i may of course his handle is ryden for the duration of the mission could you call him that yes sir all right ryden let me know when you're ready to turn in a save the proprietary save frequency is 140.96 i just switched frequencies jack what do you know what day it is tomorrow april 30th is there something special about it isn't there i can't remember i'm sorry oh well i'll keep trying till i hear the answer i'm gonna let you go now jack take care ryden the enemy sentry is regaining consciousness be careful jack find somewhere to hide until the elevator arrives you must stay out of sight [Music] return your positions [Music] [Music] the terrorists call themselves sons of liberty sons of liberty the name of their leader is solid snake the hero of shadow moses so that's why you changed my code name right but he can't be the solid snake he died two years ago on that tanker after he blew its sky high could he have survived not a chance the big shell is comprised of shells one and two each unit consists of a central core and six struts surrounding it so the whole thing is shaped like two hexagons connected end on end exactly and you're on the roof of strut a shell one at the moment and the president seems he was spotted on strut b do we really have no line of communication with the seals they don't know a thing about us you know we work in the dark and this mission is no exception only a few people know about your presence here there's no need for concern this operation is under pentagon's direct command your mission may be top secret but it's gone through the usual channels [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] uh uh oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] on alpha come in what's going on alpha respond yes [Music] hey what are you [Music] five today or rather six [Music] [Music] get down where is he [Music] strange smell you smell likes are you it has to be shoot him what are you waiting for [Music] yeah queen are you all done cleaning up yes but wait till i tell you what i found something interesting i'll tell you a person where are you in the central unit with the president be right there [Music] [Music] [Applause] hold on i'm not an enemy calm down my name is my name is pliskin iroquois lieutenant junior grade are you a navy seal how did you get in fast rope descent from a navy chopper have i seen you before that suit are you foxhound that's right foxhound was disbanded huh where were you before foxhound delta force i was part of the army's force 21 trials force 21 that's about tactical i.t deployment right any field experience no not really so this is your first i've had extensive training the kind that's indistinguishable from the real thing like what sneaking mission 60 weapons 80 advanced vr huh but realistic in every way a virtual grunt of the digital age that's just great that's far more effective than live exercises you don't get injured in vr do you every year a few soldiers die in field exercises there's pain sensation in vr and even a sense of reality and urgency the only difference is it isn't actually happening that's the way they want you to think to remove you from the fear that goes with battle situations war is a video game what better way to raise the ultimate soldier so you're saying that vr training is some kind of mind control ryden what's going on the alpha team from navy seal 10 is dead no a single survivor the kid's wired with nano machines take a look [Music] what the hell a navy captain [Music] you all right give me a few minutes i must have lost a few more pints than i thought what was that man just now that blood sucking freak that was vamp he's romanian a wizard with knives as you saw the way he moved didn't seem human you won't see that in vr i guarantee what is he one of the members of dead cell dead cell kim a special forces unit created by ex-president george sears the name was originally intended to reflect its anti-terrorist functions the unit would launch unannounced assaults on government complexes for the ultimate terrorism simulation they were needed to show vr troopers like you how to deal with the real thing but around the time their original leader died in prison the unit began to unravel they were always close to the edge but they became more and more extreme began to go after u.s allies even civilians we estimate that no fewer than 100 people died as a result of accidents the dead cell arranged on their own they were out of control and it all came to a head six months ago what happened the unit was devastated there are only three left now and you just saw one of them why would they go after the big shell how should i know i told you they were on the lunatic fringe what about their leader he says he's solid snake snake died two years ago you mean the incident that made this big shell necessary in the first place right and he was the one that sank that tanker but he's a legend legends are usually bad news there's not a lot of difference between heroes and madmen you're saying snake is still alive and pulled another one no he's not involved in this one his body was positively id'd two years ago is dead and buried what about the other soldiers i saw russian equipment too former soviet military they're probably mercenaries the big shell is too much ground for just dead cell members to hold down you weren't briefed on any of this and you came in alone to boot why what are you really doing here can't tell me huh fine with me i don't smoke keep it anyway may come in handy take this too in alpha zero this is bravo zero currently at the bridge between struts b and c the president is damn i can't hit this thing it's like some bad dream alpha anyone come in all alpha this is bravo zero aren't you going to answer him [Applause] the bc connecting bridge we need to get there can you handle it i need a few more minutes remember my frequency it's 141.80 141.80 got it i've been briefed on this plant's layout if you need information on the place or about dead cell contact me you're using nano communication right yeah but i can patch into your frequency hey what's your name ryden ryden strange code name makes up for the boring one my parents gave me maybe i'll find out someday jack do you remember what day tomorrow is that again i'm sorry but i still don't have a clue that's okay what is it rose talk to me i'd rather you figure it out it's important how important important enough and we'll talk about it tomorrow why not now tomorrow seems more appropriate i need all the help i can get so that i won't chicken out anyway is that the reason you decided to be part of this mission okay i'm gonna finish this thing by tomorrow no matter what you know i'll do everything i can to help you rose there's something i need you to do as an analyst what is it it has to do with solid snake the leader of this takeover incident is claiming that he's snake himself the legendary mercenary i need as much data on him as possible everything they have on him after the shadow moses incident he's dead now isn't he yes should be a burial record somewhere too you should be able to request top level security clearance from the colonel that should get us into the most classified material i'm on it i'll contact you as soon as i find out something [Music] foreign [Music] what the hell is that [Music] [Applause] [Music] come put me out of my misery this is impossible nothing will hit her is she the one they call fortune [Music] queen [Music] don't let them take the president ready grenades [Music] a dirt [Music] [Music] today is another bad day is there anyone here that can give me happiness wow [Music] uh bye [Music] i'm so sorry my beauties i'll see you again someday [Music] hey [Music] colonel seal team 10's bravo team was wiped out i see what happened to the cargo choppers both of them are at the bottom of the harbor looks like your new hosts have a harrier too a harrier what is this calm down it just means they anticipated the attack what besides since the seals drew their fire your infiltration went off without a hitch on top of that we know their defensive capabilities are you saying this was all a faint ryden get ahold of yourself the entire mission is in your hands now do you understand but there's no time for questions they could decide to retaliate for that failed assault you mean the hostages they could be in danger yes but we need to consider the possibility that they'll blow the whole shell if that toxic spell does take place it'll devastate not only the harbor but poison the coastline for generations ryden we've had to adjust the mission objectives the priority is now on removing those c4s of the terrorists wired over the big shell the president can wait but this can't colonel you know i'm no bomb disposal expert that's not a problem the bravo team brought an explosives pro in with them he was supposed to stand by on strut c according to their mission plan you should find him there is this according to simulation 2 what are you talking about get to strut c and find him understood but i need to ask you something before i go make it quick who are they dead cell i mean they couldn't hit her no matter how hard they tried and that vampire too it's it's like it's like being in a nightmare you can't wake up from jack snap out of it and you rose i can't believe you're on this mission i keep thinking i'll wake up ryden this is real and that's why you won't wake up but nothing seems real i've made up my mind to stay with you whether this is real or a bad dream i'll keep watching you till it's over thank you rose and i won't let you be just a dream are you two done ryden you're needed on strut c [Music] freeze don't shoot [Music] you a cop i'm not nypd i came in with the bravo team who are you with and what happened to seal team 10 they're all dead all of them oh that's bad i tell you you could move he's not one of the bad guys don't go pointing that thing everywhere kid what's your name my name is peter peter stillman lecturer at nav scoliot indian head also a consultant for the nypd bomb squad a poor old man who got dragged along for this picnic i thought you'd retired i did can't keep up with everybody as you can see a famous church got wiped off the map thanks to me with too many lives inside all i lost was this leg [Music] so you're the bomb disposal guy [Music] kid this is the bomb disposal guy open any explosives disposal textbook and you'll see his name just ancient history now why did they bring you out of retirement then because the terrorist group here includes one of my students the emperor of explosives fat man he built an atomic bomb when he was only 10. i created him in a sense and that's why you're here i'm pretty rusty i was supposed to supervise the bomb disposal looks like it was taken care of before i had my turn i wouldn't say that there are at least two people here who can claim to be experts at bomb disposal are you two with seal team 10 i didn't see you at the mission briefing oh we're with another squad my name is pliskin lieutenant junior grade honored to meet you sir mr pliskin do you have any experience with explosives disposal don't worry about me and he looks young but he can do it but we need more manpower i'm uh what's your name ryden that's an odd name any other survivors there was also an engineer with me an engineer a skinny guy he went in with us where is he i haven't seen him since that skirmish was he killed i don't think so i didn't find his body i see they told me he was a security systems architect for the big shell why would they take a civilian along everything in this structure is computer controlled he was supposed to get us past all the security measures i never heard anything about that he had official orders with him hmm we'll leave that for later right now we need to figure out how to deal with all the bombs there's no need to think about this so much you won't actually be dismantling the bomb that's not for amateurs what we'll try here instead is a temporary freezing measure there we go simple huh the spray freezes the detonator instantly how long does the effect last there's no way the thing can detonate in this condition even if you leave it alone it'll stay out of condition for at least 24 hours that's enough time is there anything that'll help us locate the bombs here take this with you it's what they call an ion mobility spectrometer it can recognize ionized gas emitted by c4s i know fat man well i know how into his own aesthetics he is signatures yes on every bomb he builds he always leaves a trace of the cologne he uses the sensor also picks up that particular scent spectrum is that something he learned from you no it was his own quirk he wouldn't work by any rules except his own and he followed them like a religion and common sense wasn't one of his strong points i thought i taught him everything i knew i have no children of my own and i thought i found a son in him he had the right stuff you know there's something very unusual about an ability like that even at indian head he got special treatment i remember some people called him one of the fat cats maybe that's what started all this i didn't teach him the most important thing i had to tell him there are some things you have to pass on the trick is to know which one right all i taught him was skills and now i have to stop him from using it to destroy us all kid this place is all yours i'll take care of shell too let's get going you stay here no i'm going the two of us can handle it don't worry but you'll just slow us down with that leg of yours there's a war going on here i don't have time to babysit anymore why don't you just let us handle the grunt work you can tell us what to do over the radio like in the original mission plan all right i'll give you instructions from here i may also need to prepare a backup plan just in case in case of what good luck to both of you this is a dangerous one who dares wins if anything comes up let me know my frequency is 140.25 good luck kid i'll see you later semper fi that man's no seal i don't even think he's a navy man what semper fi marine court talk normally team leaders stay in the cp and give orders with those headphones and as far as i know sales keep their offices away from the field and who dares wins is a model of the british special air service is he one of the terrorists then no somehow i don't think so if there's someone to suspect i'd put my money on you i'm just take care of those bombs for now what about you they could be back in this area soon i'll hide out in this pantry for a while if i lock the door it should be all right plenty of food in here too so you don't need to worry about me i'll give you instructions by kodak from here good luck kid bomb disposal is a face-off with your own mortality don't let the fear get to you when you give in to the fear the darkness comes [Music] riding here i took care of the c4 in strut c the ceiling of the women's bathroom was set to blow that's not like him anything wrong maybe pelicans reported other locations too and none of them are effective demolition points what do you mean it means that they wouldn't be the best places to choose if you wanted to destroy this place are you saying they don't plan on blowing the shell up it certainly seems that way so far we haven't seen anything but a waste of good explosives unless of course we're missing something a trap he couldn't have overlooked the fact that i would be called into this there's something going on [Music] i've taken care of that annoying fly what's the situation over there puzzling i saw a man dressed like a ninja just now it's the only way to describe it a kind of cyborg ninja complete with a sword what are you hiding something from me olga are you sure it wasn't an arsenal tengu don't be a fool think i wouldn't know the difference i've never seen field gear like that ever all right we'll intensify patrols anything else actually one more thing you'll find it hard to believe though i saw a man hiding under a cardboard box where on the connecting bridge to shell two so you believe me this time i've seen someone use that box trick before we'll lay a trap on the shell two connecting bridge over an open freeze you must be one of dead cell course not what a thing to say drop your gun not a chance female soldier russian must be olga garlukovic how do you know unlike you i've been briefed she's not a dead cell no she commands a russian private army they must be the ones patrolling the big show that's right she's led the group ever since her old man colonel gerlukovich died watch yourself with her she's a tough one [Applause] be careful there are cleveland mines around there who is this stealthy could claim our minds invisible to the naked eye choose the mind detector identify yourself just call me deep throat deep throat you mean from shadow moses mr x then mr x now is it why would it matter if i called you deep throat never mind about that why did you contact me let's just say i'm one of your fans [Applause] colonel someone calling himself mr x just contacted me do you know anything about it no and whoever it was it wasn't a burst transmission the transmission was sent from within the big shell he called himself deep throat at first do you think i caught that part too but the possibility of it being true is none gray fox was the one who used that alias in shadow moses and he's dead is it an enemy trap could be exercise extreme caution [Applause] [Music] jack do you remember the day we met i'm kind of busy right now rose you're right sorry i do remember it was right after i transferred to new york there are all these tourists around you in front of the federal hall a group of middle-aged japanese ladies came up and asked me which building it was that king kong was climbing in the movie i said it was probably the chrysler building and then you showed up and started mouthing off you were like no it's the empire state i said the chrysler building was in godzilla we started arguing and i forgot all about the tourists i was insisting that i was right and you were doing the same the next thing we knew that japanese women had gone away and we ended up going to the skyscraper museum to see who had the better recall we argued all the way to battery park and for nothing since the museum was closed we went our separate ways from the museum and then i found you again by coincidence out in the base corridor an amazing coincidence that we were actually working at the same place that night we went up to the top of the empire state it was so beautiful i could look down on the chrysler building from 120 stories above ground i felt overwhelmed i didn't care anymore who was right and that was our first date we watched king kong in your apartment a bunch of times that night didn't sleep till morning if it weren't for that coincidence we wouldn't be together i know i'm sorry jack i'm taking up your time again what take care [Music] this is ryden the c4 found in strut a has been frozen and disposed of explosives were planted in the pump room on the first floor good work only one more left to go this is pliskin do you read me pete i'm here what's up ryden you need to hear this too i'm listening i checked out the bottom of strut h for you pete wait what's this about i asked pliskin to look around annoying fat man i can't shake the feeling that all the bombs so far were just wrong so did you find anything yeah a hell of a lot of c4 is packed into the bottom of the strut pete called it right i knew he had the real thing up his sleeve so all the other ones were dummies no they're a threat all right but the detonation wouldn't be enough to destroy the entire shell but the c4s pliskin found would inflict serious structural damage that's not the bad news either these are sensor proof what new model i guess the ionization sensor can't detect them the whole thing is sealed tight to prevent vapor leak and there's no trace of that cologne signature pete looks like he fooled you yes but she managed to find the thing anyway it was sheer luck bombs that are invisible to the sensor any ideas pete are there more out there i'll go see for myself you can't move fast enough he's right i can try the spray from a distance hold on there's something not right about this when i can feel it well pete should i come back and get you no there's no need writing you have one left to go correct right except for those scentless ones how about you pliskin i have two left not counting this one okay it'll have to be me i have the level four card that'll get me into shell two in any case you'll never make it with that bad leg of yours they'll spot you for sure that won't happen i i can walk just fine i can even run what do you mean that bomb five years ago i messed up even with all my experience i lost it and the church was lost in the explosion all those kids playing nearby too these past five years i've lived a lie lied yes lied i didn't lose my leg in the explosion ah so many dead all because of my mistake all i could think about was hiding from the crime shielding myself from the public outcry i wanted people to be sorry for me for my weakness i faked being a victim myself because i couldn't bear to face the families of the real victims this is no prosthetic i can keep my footing on catwalks and hike over deserts i lived my life so well i haven't even answered to myself for my sins it was supposed to be a shield and it's become a shroud instead i've killed my soul by playing the victim instead of protecting me it's made my life even more hellish what good can that do the victims i know i'm a coward hey pete god forgive me i can walk with my own two feet and i need them to stop fat man his crimes are also mine one of a mission an arrogance no one should teach the skills i taught him without a clear conscience this is the only way i can defuse my own sins i get you pete that one's all yours you got it ryden i understand pete i've taken care of guards and struts g and h of shell two i wouldn't recommend you go into any of the other struts i owe you one i'll get back to freezing the baby bombs then you do that too ryden i'm on it i'll have the radio with me if you need to get in touch just don't ask for peg leg peter he's gone for good i have the last c4 frozen there's nothing showing up on the sensor now good work ryden you're way ahead of me kid i still have one to go how's your bomb peter it's a bomb all right sealed c4 and in huge quantities you think there's another one in shell one for sure somewhere at the bottom of strategy why are you so certain if this bottom section of the strut is demolished shell two will be well on its way to destruction you mean that shell two will actually sink not immediately they'll still be five struts left but if shell one loses a strut at the same time it'll be a very different story the big shell structural integrity depends on a very exact balance if both shells lose a strut each the whole structure will tear itself apart under its own weight what do we do i have a sensor that can locate even those scentless c4s it makes combined use of a neutron scintillator and a hydrogen bomb detector you brought that stuff with you of course i made the calibrations while i was in the pantry does it work i just tested it and it definitely responds but the best i can do is a sound beacon not the radar sound the shorter the interval between beacons the closer the target i get you there's another one in that pantry i was in you can go back and get it it's all yours ryden i'm going to study it some more and see if the freezing process will work don't touch the other one until i say so okay i'll stand by until you radio in [Music] peter i have sensor b good head to the bottom of strut a how's your invisible bomb i'm looking at it but i'm keeping my distance house plist can do it a few more minutes i just got to the last strut but there are a few enemy sentries i have to take care of does it look bad peter maybe it's an odd one the detonator hasn't been activated what but the sensors are live which means this is pliskin i've located the last c4 is that it i'm about to freeze it then wait listen damn that was it what's going on the detonator just woke up it's counting down what happened the big ones were rigged to be activated when all the baby c4s went offline writing the one in shell one should be counting down two hurry writing move get to the bottom of strut a now [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen carefully what is it i feel for it fell for what that man has my number a proximity trigger microwave microwave with a seven foot range it's not a technique i told him neither was that multi-bomb booby trap looks like he's far surpassed me as far as explosives technique goes as for the rest pete get the hell out of there there's less than 30 seconds left it's too late no pleskin get away from strut h as fast as you can pete right keep your distance use the spray from as far away as possible me you can do it i know that i'm not so sure but i am do it i know you can [Music] colonel i've neutralized the bomb good work ryden it was a great loss for everyone yes it was colonel any damage report on the explosion seems that the duct for diverting the contaminated sea water was destroyed and the central section of shell 2 is flooding the explosions ignited the oil slick on the surface what about the toxins the chemicals stayed in containment there's no immediate danger is the big shell stable shell one was unaffected the price was high but the threat of the bomb is over for now what's the next objective rescue the president get back to the upper level roger that [Music] [Music] i can't tell you how happy i am that you were live after all i knew this moment would come show yourself and finish me like you finished off my father otherwise you'll be the one to die oh crap that's not him this could be interesting you've seen the fires of hell haven't you maybe you can give me death my name is fortune lucky in war and nothing else [Music] and without a death to call my own hurry kill me please [Music] so [Music] is [Music] this the countdown's already the gun right great how much time do i have left 400 seconds remaining he's planning on taking this out it looks like he has a which type of explosives [Music] [Music] i'll take over queen what is it it seems our friend fat man is out of control he'll actually try to destroy this place yes this could unravel everything we've planned but why would he do such a thing but he's nothing more than a stereotypical mad bomber now he's completely lost sight of our ideals and with it his loyalty to commander jackson all right i'll take care of the wayward soul it wasn't him unfortunate i expected more of this one really but he couldn't kill you i see [Applause] completely useless then he's all mine [Music] later them [Music] now [Music] wow [Music] oh damn vamp are you gone no no that death was meant for me why am i the only one that can't die alone again cheated out of death again how long will you force me to live how much longer dad you've punished me enough i thought you could give me peace but you couldn't kill me either [Laughter] there's no need for solo queen i died once already them i can't die twice wow [Applause] [Music] so you're the one you're right on time i see i like a punctual thing is he dead sound i am fat man i am the greatest that humanity has to offer can you hear it hear this rhythm it's the rhythm of time and life i used to hang around department store clock counter [Music] life is short bombs tell the time with every moment of their existence and nothing else announces its own end with such a fanfare glad you could make it the party's about to start [Music] yum good year let's drink the stillman shall we if you destroy the big shell you'll never collect your ransom ransom what are you talking about 30 billion dollars in cash so that's what's going on what the hell are you talking about oh you'll know soon enough and i could care less what they planned to do [Music] my ambitions are much more simple to be the most famous bomber of them all you're nuts no one's gonna give a damn about you oh yes they will i'll go down in history as the man who beat peter stillman that's the only reason i assisted them like hell you beat stillman he had your nose what did you say you had nothing of his courage what are you laughing at that croc died of dishonorable death six months ago six months ago the liquidation of dead cell call it what you want only the right stuff survived that hell set me free you know open the way to a new dimension so that i can become the emperor among detonation devotees you're nothing but a common criminal and that's the only way people will ever remember you i'm an artist is why i dislike boorish military types it's time to start the body [Music] this is how it works i plant a bomb and it'll explode soon after that if you prefer to stay in one piece you'll have to disable my bombs laugh and grow fat let's move [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh my suit oh no i've nothing to wear to the potty the party's over for you that's what you think what do you mean what did you just do what is this i have beautiful hands these delicate hands can craft works of answer me what the hell is this it's the switch for the biggest bomb in the entire place huh no use once it's activated there's no stopping the gown where did you plant it where is it somewhere in this area don't worry it's very close by where is it go ahead shoot me i'm already dead damn think you can find it when it goes off it'll take the big show with it tell me where i can find the bomb that's your problem this is the highlight of the party bring it on i say they'll be happy too i die here and start my legend too bad you won't be around to see the movies laugh and grow fat [Music] [Music] good work right looks like all the bombs are neutralized one of their main leverages is now gone that leaves colonel fat man didn't seem to know about the ransom demands intentionally kept in the dark i'd say he seemed to be coming from a very different place from the other terrorists right a lot of hostages our president included are still in danger keep your mind focused on protecting them what are my orders rescue the president we have no idea where he is you haven't been in the central core yet i suggest you start there wait i have another call want me to take it no i'll go offline best to keep our presence unknown how you doing kid pliskin is everything all right could be better looks like i was out cold for a while how did you manage to stay alive had a little help from a friend friend what about the bomb defused and fat man too that's good news how's shell too it's a mess the bomb crippled h-strut what about the toxins the what if the big shell blows up the explosion is expected to produce massive amounts of toxins never heard anything about that huh well looks like there's not much danger of that in any case but the central core is starting to flood it won't last much longer well what about the president and the other hostages they weren't in jail too they must be in shell one do you know where the president is no that one's all yours the president is at the top of our rescue list these are our orders lieutenant jg your orders not mine what see you later [Music] are you mr x [Music] [Applause] but come let's get out of the open follow me [Applause] are you with foxhound too neither enemy nor friend just a messenger from the la lilo [Music] this is safer i think safe from what ease dropping of course all right why did you contact me i've been on to give you backup including the relay of necessary intel ordered by whom why won't you identify yourself there is no need for you to know i'll decide whether i need to know you are not yet trusted to make such decisions i'll tell you something you do need to know state the current location of the president what or rather the person who knows the current location of the president who is it a secret service agent named ames currently being held with other hostages secret service huh the head of the president's security detail aims has been fitted with the same type of vip nano machine system as the president if you're within range you should be able to communicate why are you telling me this do i need to repeat myself there's no reason for me to believe any of this you understand that of course but you also have no choice but we leave do you have any other blades where are those hostages the hostages are being held in the b1 conference hall in the shell one core you'll find aims there what does he look like we don't know if it is indeed a key i've never met this person either how am i supposed to look for someone without even a description use your ears what's that supposed to mean ames has a pacemaker you'll be able to hear the machine sound in the heartbeat you expect me to walk up to these hostages and listen to every one of their heartbeats the sound is too much to detect i'm amplified you'd be captured immediately so what am i supposed to do use the directional microphone there's one somewhere in the core take this the security guard will unlock all level 2 security doors and pointing the one into the core it's called a pan card it works together with your body's own electronic field and watch yourself the core is more heavily guarded than any other section of the big shell you'll get nowhere just like that try this instead one of the terrorists the sublime's camera won't let you on the elevator without the right uniform you want me to disguise myself men assigned to the core and those on primitive duty are given different colors to wear your new outfit will work in some areas not others the uniform alone won't fool them either you're talking about weapons but i saw them carrying an an-94 all men assigned to the core section carrying case so without an ak-74u someone will see through me really quick you could take care of the weapon issue yourself one other thing there's more you'll also have to pass a regular scan to get into the conference hall biometrics crap nothing but the real thing will suffice deception is not an option here i suggest you hurry they have a nuke on their side the nuke they have a nuclear weapon with them you didn't find their continuing presence here on youtube even with the president as hostage this is an island and they have no visible means of escape even if they do have a nuke the warhead is no good without an access code the security lockout can't be bypassed they don't need to they have the code you saw it too i believe but navy men would have a handcuff the other half of it is on the football or the black case if you like the nuclear bottom and now they have it why did they have to bring the football along to a decontamination plant of all places but they did have to because after all the big shell is the farthest thing from the cleanup like there is what dead cell didn't have to bring luke along with them it was right here to begin with nothing in this affair is what it seems a cover-up but why for what for metal gear but it's housed here metal gear the very same what's this for you might be glad you have it keep the controller's vibration function on what do i need a cell phone for colonel who is that man just now he's not one of ours no we have no one like that in our unit he said that the big shell was housing a new model of metal gear first i've heard of it colonel what are you not telling me i've been completely open with you ryden i've told you everything is that everything you know or everything i need to know snap out of it ryden i'll have the metal gear rumor looked into you need to make contact with this ames so you believe that ninja since we have no leads on the president's current location we have no other alternatives right now collect as much data as you can including anything on metal gear are those my orders yes they are disguise yourself as an enemy soldier and infiltrate the shell one core understood [Music] looks like you've got an ak if you wear an enemy's field outfit and carry an ak you can pass for one of them [Music] got a minute jack rose i found some information on where solid snake is interred great shoot i've located the grave site and the body exhumed for dna testing well do you have the results the right arm was missing but there was no doubt that it was him that body belongs to solid snake so the head of the terrorist group must be an imposter right you sound disappointed i guess i guess i was kind of hoping to meet the legend in the flesh i get you but it looks like he's not behind this incident ryden the president needs you i think disguise yourself as enemy personnel and infiltrate the core section your priority is to contact agent ames [Music] good morning good morning good morning good morning [Music] you have the directional microphone according to our information ames has a pacemaker this should make his cardiac pattern fairly distinct use the directional microphone to locate retinol pattern recognized you are cleared to enter you must be ames keep still and listen to me i'm not a terrorist i got in here using one of their uniforms i'm taking off the tape stay quiet who told you about me an informer calling himself mr x dressed like a ninja i see take this thing off me will you i'm richard ames secret service no i was sent in by the lolly lulay low just like you what you're here to find out where the president is we have a little time so i'll be brief how about switching to nano communications first nano communications right silence beats talk when it comes to safety are you on right here do you really know where the president is almost certainly he was moved to the first floor of shell two's core section the first floor the core of shell two is he still there i don't know i can't get a response you don't think he's been like the other hostages a hostage was killed in retaliation after the seal 10 disaster remember what are you talking about regardless of what they do to other hostages they won't touch the president what makes you so sure the case you mean the nuclear button they took right and the case won't do a thing by itself that case may be the single most advanced example of a weapons fail-safe system the password is nothing less than the physiological data of the us president physiological data the president's own vital signs heartbeat brainwave pattern blood pressure and so on are constantly monitored and relayed by his internal nano machines this information along with the dna pattern serve as a biometric password unbreakable even by the latest parallel processor super computers the password entry itself cannot be performed unless brainwave patterns and heartbeats fall within normal parameters rendering chemical and other forms of coercion impractical in other words the login must be made of the president's own free will as a fail-safe the input must also be reconfirmed hourly even after the initial login if a valid confirmation is not forthcoming the system will automatically cancel the login and that's why they can't harm the president at least until the bird flies is there really a new model of metal gear here absolutely the black case serves as the launch key to metal gear as well why would they hide metal gear in an offshore plant haven't they told you anything the entire thing was planned the oil spill the tanker accident that caused it everything the big shell was built specifically for the development of a new metal gear model the inspection tour was to check its progress what's going on around here wait [Music] here comes snake that's him use the microphone to listen in [Music] king fat man is dead it doesn't matter saved us the trouble of getting rid of him ourselves why did he betray us who knows they're a band of lunatics to begin with nothing they do should come as a surprise i'll have his background reject just in case you think he was working for them we can't discount the possibility especially with that intruder still at large yes the man in the sneaking suit you know more about those suits than i do but foxhound was disbanded four years ago so it must be the patriots what about the damage to shell 2 the circulation system for the contaminated water has been damaged the water being drawn in is overflowing and the lower block of the central section is flooding seal the connecting pathway between shells one and two the syntax and ir sensors are already in place any effect on it no what about the president the password entry has already been made to the black case in one hour we'll need a confirmation from him his work is done after that make sure you keep him alive until then yes i know what about the unit's activation almost complete the code has already been entered all we need now is for the girl to start the system the usual method i assume no the drugs took care of everything only a few more steps to outer heaven who is that cyborg ninja shalashaska i cannot even guess what about you i'm having the matter looked into olga don't cast suspicion where it isn't due where it isn't due when you watched my father die and did nothing it's been two years ago let it go i read the case file for shadow moses by the way oh girl how could you suspect me i know that the ninja is not one of my men how meaningful you make that sound if sergey we're still alive if the old man were still alive i wouldn't need to take orders from you olga sergey was my best friend if you sell us out i'll kill you myself listen daughter of sergey don't ever let me see your gun pointed at me again if you wish i'll put a bullet in your back instead i took you both in when no one else would you think any government would have you as irregulars in this political climate the worst kind of wet works maybe but even that's doubtful i recommend against switching camps you've nowhere left to go it's happening again this damn right arm liquid it's almost as if it's having its revenge how much do you think we spent on that arm and leone the best transplant surgery team in the world i never trust a frenchman there's something going on the incidents are becoming more frequent maybe that man's presence ocelot i leave this place in your hands i have the intruder to take care of yes king is that really solid snake that's what he claims i thought snake was dead solid snake did die but he's also here in the shell either he survived or there are two of them two of them and that's impossible [Music] anyway what did you manage to catch they said password input was complete i thought so you said the password entry into the black case had to be made by the president willingly that's right so this means the president is cooperating with them it would have to be yes why probably tired of being a puppet but it wasn't a smart move to betray us we're running out of time they will fire a nuke you know what you need to do before then fire the nuke but it's nowhere close to the ransom deadline ransom 30 billion dollars in cash what are you babbling about the nuclear strike is not a threat it's been the objective all along they plan to slaughter millions of people no a high altitude detonation you've heard of the compton effect total disruption of electronic equipment caused by emma pulse textbook answer well when an average nuclear warhead goes off within the atmosphere the result is an electromagnetic pulse of up to 50 billion megawatts the emma field can reach tens of thousands of volts per meter and most electronic equipment will be toast in an instant if one of the key movers of world economy stops functioning it could mean the beginning of a global depression but that isn't their aim what they plan to do is liberate manhattan pull it off line and turn it into some kind of a republic hence the sons of liberty i suppose damn ocelot is coming i'm going offline what do you think you're doing i asked him to remove these i'm ill you see i always knew that the dia turned out second-rate liars what are you talking about no need for denials we know what you are colonel ames they knew that the president was planning to betray them so they sent you in to keep tabs on him am i right you sorry colonel you failed to carry out your duties you'll never escape the la lilo said so you tricked me you which team are you with show me your face you know who he is no he is not one of mine identify yourself we meet at last [Music] [Music] you but you died [Music] [Music] heart attack that's unfortunate however we do at least know where the president is so there really is a new type of metal gear in this place apparently we're still looking into it i've also been told that the nuclear strike was what the terrorists were after from the start not the 30 billion dollars right it was a cover-up all along colonel what are you keeping from me i am not keeping back anything it's not as though i'm told all the facts either i'm pulling in all the favors i can to look into all this just be a little patient our priority should be with the president right now we can take it that they've completed the password entry and are preparing metal gear for nuclear strike get to the president as soon as possible but the president is cooperating with them according to aims yes but it's also true that they're about to get rid of the president there's something else going on here and the president may be able to tell you what it is when you see him in person once they get the confirmation for nuclear launch they'll do it you need to rescue the president before then jack i agree with the colonel you need to protect the president for now all right [Applause] [Applause] ryden can you hear me plskin where have you been checking around i'm in strat h right now how's the situation over there we have a lead on the president's location where is he shell two core the first floor i'm cut off from the core where i am it's a mess here all right i'm on my way to shell two right now there are ir sensors in place on the connecting bridge between shells one and two if you break the beams the semtex will go off yeah i heard them talking about that target the control units and destroy them make sure you don't shoot the sem tags wow [Applause] [Applause] ryden i found us a ride i'm all ears one of the enemies casatkas is it in good shape full tank i'm heading for shell one now what about that harrier it's not on the heliport here good i'll set this one down there then can you cover the hostages they're being held on level b1 in the core pliskin you didn't happen to find any other places where hostages were being held did you no nothing like that okay how many hostages are there there's a few short of 30 one dead and several wounded the casaka's cargo area will hold 13 max what about the other kasaka i sabotaged it it can't come after us if it can't get off the ground we'll have to make two trips you fly a casata i have a pilot who's flown the civilian model the ka-62 and vr there's not a whole lot of difference between the military ka-60 and the civilian model cleared for takeoff ryden let me introduce you to my partner otacon ottacon hey ryden nice to meet you over here damn right i'll talk to you later [Applause] colonel i need some answers from you who exactly is pliskin and his partner i know what you're thinking it keeps coming back to shadow moses and now this otacon aka hal emmerich phd a shadow moses survivor rose snake and otakon both became fugitives after shadow moses wanted for acts of terrorism an anti-metal gear organization they sabotaged and destroyed countless metal gear units throughout the world and were responsible for the incident two years ago that necessitated the construction of the big shell snake and his partner aren't terrorists jack why are you defending them i look back on what i've done here so far and things like training and sense of duty alone won't get you through a sneaking mission like this jack are you okay you need something higher i can't think of the right word but it has to be pure will backed up by by courage or ideals or something like that i'd stake my life on it the solid snake that saved shadow moses couldn't turn into a terrorists maybe that's true but they went down with that tanker two years ago we even recovered snake's body and the dna test results on the body say it's him jack i know what you're saying but snake is dead he can't be here not even as this dr hal emmerich but that also means that he can't be the terrorist leader behind this thing [Music] i've been waiting for you a messenger from the patriots where do i know him from so you're the boss around here no not just around here i'm the boss to surpass big boss himself solid snake no that is not solid snake what a pleasant surprise brother save it don't say you've forgotten me snake [Music] snake right take cover [Music] stop impersonating him i'm a whole different game from liquid so [Music] that's the best you can do snake did i get it [Music] it's the harrier [Music] the world needs only one big boss i drown you fools for interfering so right this is the stinger missile module the kasaka can't stand up to the harrier you have to shoot the harrier down so so oh [Music] trying oh [Music] [Music] there's something coming up that's metal gear it's already active yes [Music] they got my eye fab go [Music] [Music] so hey what's that it's running on water ryden you all right yeah how about you guys barely managed but we're all right the chopper we need some time for repairs oh the president's all yours okay can i ask you something what are you the snake they said you were dead no not me there are still too many things i need to do snake you're a legend and that's why i need to ask you this legend a legend is nothing but fiction someone tells it someone else remembers everybody passes it on i'm here because i was assigned to this mission not because i want to if i could i'd be out of here in a second how could you come back to all this why keep fighting there's something my best friend said to me once we're not tools of the government or anyone else fighting was the only thing i was good at but at least i always fought for what i believed at least i always vote for what i believed in speak farewell [Music] what about the dna results from that body that was liquid's body he and snake are identical on the genetic level liquid a deception for our own protection we stole his frozen body from some organization kind of a hassle though that's all there is to it are you two really an ngo insofar as we're a non-profit organization of civilians advocating a cause yes the cause happens to be the eradication of metal gear we work on our own but it's a cause worth fighting for why would you stick your neck out for something this risky that's the way i used to look at it four years ago i was holed up in the middle of nowhere in alaska drinking too much we have a responsibility to the coming generations to the world what responsibility to keep track of the mistakes we've made as a species we need to remember to spread the word to fight for change and that's what keeps me alive you think you can change the future i'm not as arrogant as that what you do isn't grassroots activism it's more like terrorism i admit that but our group philanthropy received some information a new metal gear prototype was being developed here and terrorists were planning to raid the facility the information came from a very reliable source so you're here to we're here to stop all that but i also have a personal motive looks like the terrorists have his sister in the big shell we're here on our own not under anyone's orders we have our own battles otacon's here for someone i'm not this is a military mission metal gear's already gone active it's not too late you can still prevent a nuclear strike by securing the president and preventing password confirmation from taking place get to the president he's in the core section of shell too and checking the satellite images looks like you can get to the core from the other side of strut l the core hasn't gone under yet from what we can tell follow the railings down then jump onto the pipes the only viable strut in the outer perimeter is the l that attack just now doesn't make any sense it's like they have no more use for this place colonel you were monitoring the kodak calls that man was the real snake all along maybe maybe don't let your guard down with him why do you say that because they were never a part of the simulation they're an unknown factor you can take your simulation and we're out here we bleed we die calm down i suggest that you do ryden even if that is snake that has no bearing on your mission colonel you and snake used to be on the same side i don't understand i read about you and snake in in the darkness of shadow moses i don't give a damn what that piece of trash said do you get me jack how's the mission going fine fine is that it look i really don't feel like talking about the mission at least with you i want to talk about something else okay then let's talk about you me yeah your least favorite subject that's not oh yeah then go ahead and say something like what anything tell me something about yourself i can't think of anything interesting to say why do you want to talk about me so badly because i'm curious but why is it really that strange to want to know more about someone you love no it's not strange but you know sometimes i oh look now we're talking about me not you why won't you tell me anything about what you were like as a child what kind of things you like to do what kind of people your parents were i've never heard you talk about any of that why don't you think it's just a little bit unusual that i don't know anything about my own boyfriend's past rose when i get back i'll tell you everything is that a promise yes it's a promise my sympathies sneaking missions are called wet works for a reason after all don't worry about it jack it's okay rose that is as long as you take a shower the second you get back do we have a deal volga snake he's here in shell one my father had some unfinished business with him calm yourself [Music] then screw your plan i've been waiting for this day for two years and i will send him to the bottom of the ocean right next to my old man the launch comes first damn it [Music] listen olga the court confirmation is in one hour keep the president alive until then i know no one gets in here turn the currents on of course high voltage currents the door stays shut unless the president manages to take out that circuit panel from inside the room and it's no job for bare hands all right come back immediately one more thing what we leave for russia when this business is done i want half the money for that of course that was part of the agreement [Music] i'm in front of the room where they're keeping the president everything all right no sign of flooding but i can't get close to the door the floor is electrified don't test it you'll be bacon any suggestions remember the shadow moses vr training take out the circuit panel right but there's no way into the room try ventilation ducts yeah i think i see one look for a remote control missile launcher you can guide it through the duct into the room then target the circuit panel got it right but make sure you don't hit the president the president is wired with nano machines if we know the frequency i can raise him we've tried that repeatedly but there's no response it looks like the walls have a built-in radio shield so that's why ames lost contact with him if you need to confirm his position you can log into the node understood locate a remote control missile launcher first [Music] [Applause] [Music] president johnson so you're finally here you've been expecting me your equipment that skull suit is an exactly standard military issue are you all right sir is this some kind of sick joke i thought you came to kill me what i'm prepared to face the consequences of my betrayal what the you're a man well who are you foxhound sir foxhound i see now things are starting to make a little sense switch over to nano communication so nobody can listen in yes sir do you read me sir uh yes mr president it's my understanding that the terrorists have managed to input the code sequence necessary for launching a nuclear strike that's correct i punched the sequence in myself you're working for them if you asked me two hours ago my answer would have been yes right now they're keeping me alive until my vital signs are reconfirmed they betrayed you i wouldn't quite put it that way i wanted power they sought destruction but why stoop to terrorism i wanted absolute power but you're the president you have power no i'm just a figurehead i don't have any control the real power is in the patriots hands the patriots the truth behind this country i'm not surprised you've never heard of them very few are aware of their existence even among those with code word clearance politics the military the economy they control it all they even choose who becomes president putting it simply the patriots rule this country now hard to believe isn't it but it's the truth the space defense income tax reduction and national missile defense programs every policy that's been credited to me was actually done according to their instructions space defense was initiated by congress that's what the patriots want the country to believe it's all a show democracy is just a filler for textbooks think about it do you actually believe that public opinion influences the government no this country is shaped and controlled as the patriots see fit the people are shown what they want to believe what you call government is actually a well-staged production aimed at satisfying the public huh don't look at me like that i'm legally sane you know it's not your sanity that worries me the patriots even i don't know who the actual members are are they financial political or military leaders no one knows who the patriots really are even my instructions come from a cutout all i've been told is that every key decision is made by a group of 12 men known as the wise men's committee your office the white house merely puppets pawns in a game by pledging my loyalty an insignificant son of a senator was awarded the presidency hmm of course that wasn't the only price i had to pay what do you mean even if a pawn becomes a queen it is still just a playing piece i wanted to leave my own mark in history but my ambitions were [Music] you'll understand someday i wish to be a member of the patriots i wanted to wield the power of a king instead of being an expendable pawn and that justifies acts of terrorism yes i'd intended to use the new metal gear as a bargaining chip bargaining ship but i underestimated solidus he actually wants to challenge the patriots even if it means the destruction of the world what are you saying whether you believe it or not the balance of power rests in the hands of the patriots they regulate the country's various interests through controlled presentation staging a drama that is palatable to the general masses can you imagine what would happen if they ceased to function picture a massive political vacuum a space that every power monger will try to fill for their own greedy ends i'm talking about an unregulated power struggle panic civil war chaos like it or not the patriots is an organization that must continue to exist so you changed your mind because you wanted to avoid global chaos exactly when i told solidus that i wish to prevent disaster he replied that pawns can never become players and who is this solidus my predecessor george sears that was the name the public came to know him by i knew him by his code name solidus snake he was the third snake preceded by solid and liquid a survivor of the lais alfont terrible project neither solid nor liquid he was a well-balanced masterpiece that the patriots saw it fit to entrust with the presidency however he fell out of grace with the organization four years ago when acting on his own he started an incident four years ago shadow moses that's right at the time the darpa chief donald anderson together with certain influential parties initiated the development of metal gear wrecks and an advanced nuclear warhead however this did not fall in line with the patriots plans what's more solidus decided on his own to send his most trusted man ocelot to provoke liquid snake bringing about the said incident as a result he succeeded in obtaining wrecks and the data on the warhead but in doing so he ended up revealing the existence of both rex and the genome army a blunder that earned him the wrath of the patriots shortly thereafter solidus was removed from the presidential office i thought he resigned that's the story given to the general public following his resignation the patriots selected me their new porn for the presidency but that would mean that the presidential race was that was quite a show wasn't it it was a well-scripted drama staged by the patriots for the benefit of the public even the democrats and republicans were dancing to the patriots tomb everything went according to plan but for one exception following his resignation solidus health was scheduled to fail him bringing about his untimely death capped correct but before the patriots could execute their plot solidus went underground with the help of ocelot as he avoided pursuit solidus gained control of dead cell winning over colonel golukovich's outfit from there he bided his time knowing that his opportunity would soon arrive what opportunity the completion of the new metal gear project an opportunity that would even his odds against the patriots by stealing the patriots most valued project he would be able to place them in a very uncomfortable position it's the only chance he has for survival once he has the new metal gear he'll declare war against the patriots needless to say he must be stopped metal gear is already operational no not yet what you saw was metal gear ray hijacked two years ago from the marines by ocelot that was not the new metal gear then where's the new metal gear right here what you're standing in it to be more precise this entire big shell facility is the new metal gear would you say no i'm quite serious the upper structure that you've seen is camouflage designed to represent an offshore cleanup facility the main structure extends from the foundation all the way down to the ocean floor the connecting elevator is located on the b2 floor of the shell 1 core arsenal gear that's the code name for the new metal gear arsenal that's right arsenal we're talking about an impregnable fortress carrying a load of over a couple of thousand missiles including nuclear warheads all protected by a horde of mass-produced metal gear ray units mass-produced the ray unit was originally designed for the marines to be used as a countermeasure against the metal gear variations throughout the world the patriots had rae redesigned to protect the new arsenal gear so now anti-metal gears are guarding a metal gear ironic isn't it that's not all arsenal gear has full access to the military's tactical network giving it the ability to exercise absolute control over our nation's armed forces not to mention our nuclear armament in short arsenal was created to be the core of our country what kind of idiotic weapon weapon no you're not seeing the full picture arsenal gear is more than just a military tool it is a means to preserve the world as it is it will establish a new form of control the patriots will use it to keep their place as the country's true rulers right now they feel pressured and threatened by what they fear an over abundance of digital information the world will drown in the coming flood of information and they along with it the arsenal plans include a system to digitally manage the flow of information making it possible to shape the truth for their own purposes in short the arsenal system is the key to their supremacy the key yes the gw system is the patriots trump card arsenal gear will be fully operational when gw is successfully integrated once operational it will be a completely new form of power for the patriots to wield i had hoped to seize the project from them so that i would be in a strong bargaining position bargain for what i'd hoped to trade my way into their ranks a solidus preferred rebellion outer heaven his plan to unleash a nuclear blast over the skies of wall street to break the patriots control over the business community is also a key factor in his offensive effort outer heaven listen there isn't much time the football serve as the key for activating arsenal gear i've already input the necessary code sequence it won't be long before gw begins to establish connections with other external systems and arsenal gear becomes fully operational stop them before that happens that is your role roll you've got to find emma emmerich she's the only one who can stop that thing once it's been activated emma emmerich she's the system programmer for arsenal gear i believe she's somewhere on level b1 in the core of this building i thought the levels below us were flooded i'm sure they won't let her die just yet as she's the only remaining programmer for this project according to ocelot she was being held in a locker room located in the northwest part of level b1 cut transmission and get moving this is card four it'll give you access all the way to emma's location give this to her when you find her what is it a program for disrupting the control functions between gw and arsenal gear take emma to the computer room on level b2 shell one core she'll know how to load the program into the main system a virus that's right modeled after foxty a biological weapon designed to selectively eliminate personnel with a specific genetic code but why do you have it the patriots had it engineered as a fail-safe and ocelot forgot to search me you've got to hurry that disc is the only way you're going to stop arsenal well i've told you everything you need to know there's only one thing that remains to be done there's no time to argue the final check for my vital id will start any second if you kill me now you'll at least prevent the nuclear strike cut it out do it that's your role that's abusing your right to free speech mr president or is it ex-president the president why did you alas my finger must have slipped i'll see you around carrier and boy him he did us a favor without free will there is no difference between submission and rebellion my only real choice is to put an end to this charade [Music] let me at least have the freedom to end it myself what are you find emma stop arsenal this is my last order as your commander-in-chief i'm counting on you what's your status ryden snake the president he's been assassinated what there was nothing i could do what about the nuclear strike code sequence he died before his vital id could be reconfirmed then the enemies lost their nuclear strike capability but that ocelot guy obviously killed the president on purpose why it doesn't make any sense they had to know that they couldn't launch the nuke if they killed the president maybe there's a way to launch without reconfirming the vital id or maybe they found a more effective weapon within arsenal gear you knew about arsenal gear yeah why didn't you tell me about it you never asked am i correct in assuming you also know that the big shell is a front for the project you mean did i know that the big shell a fully functional environmental cleanup facility was designed to camouflage arsenal gear yeah i did it's exactly what the president and ames described a massive cover story the good news is that it hasn't really done much in terms of cleaning up the environment so we won't have to worry about any toxic gas being released if we have to blow the house down right and when did you find out about all of this it took a while but we uncovered the info around the time you took out that mad bomber there's no doubt that arsenal gear is being built here and it was all set up two years ago on that day all of it two years ago what really happened here i took these photos two years ago i know these pictures they were on the news on several websites if i remember right the reporters blamed you for sinking the tanker that's right otakon me we were used we'd hoped that by going public with photos of the new metal gear we could persuade the government at least that was the plan at the time i've gone through vr training of the tanker mission before yeah well i doubt it accurately simulates the events of that mission i'd infiltrated the dummy tanker to obtain proof that a metal gear was under development shortly after i made it aboard an armed group led by colonel grukovich raided the ship and gained control olga and ocelot were among the raiding party yeah and him who are you talking about a man that was supposed to be dead their target was also metal gear ray but ocelot eliminated colonel gerlucovich and marine commander scott dolph and he hijacked rey so we betrayed them i don't know what kind of deal was going down all i remember is what ocelot said at the time something like i'm taking it back ocelot then sank the tanker along with the soldiers of the marine corps how did you manage to get out otakon managed to have a small boat ready for me that was the easy part the tough part was not getting dragged down with a sinking tanker small miracle when you think about it it turned out that the whole thing was a setup to lure us photos of snake taken by the cipher were released to the public in turn we became the world's most wanted environmental terrorists it was definitely a move aimed at putting a stop to our anti-metal gear activities but why did they choose snake since the shadow moses incident snake became sort of a hero [Music] i think the patriots weren't too happy about that you knew about the patriots well yes to a certain degree it seems like everyone knows about them except me they didn't choose snake to be a hero so they decided to do a smear campaign i think the patriots wanted to make an example of him so everybody would think twice before opposing them that's it they set all this up just to nail you guys no there's more to it than that the marines metal gear ray project headed by commander dolph was carried out in opposition to the navy's arsenal gear project to be more precise the patriots considered metal gear ray to be a thorn in their side hence they attacked the dummy tanker and stole rey they followed this up with a perfect plan they immediately sent a fully loaded tanker to the same location and sank it then set up the facility to camouflage the development of arsenal gear and we fell for it two more puppets in their show [Music] colonel gralukovic and his daughter olga both fell victim to ocelot's plot was solidus behind all this he used ocelot to get hold of rey huh no he was underground keeping a low profile at the time then it must be the patriots if that's the case what's ocelot doing alongside solidus hmm forget it we're wasting time we can figure this out later the nuclear strikes been prevented but arsenal still has a massive payload of missiles to deal with right if the opposition gets control of those missiles ryden you've got to find emma wait a second isn't emma emrick my sister what's she doing here you got me she's a computer whiz who specializes in neural ai and ultra variable volume data analysis using complex logic how she got involved in weapons development is beyond me whatever her reasons we need her in order to stop arsenal ryden find her i'm on my way ryden are you reading me this is otacon what's your situation wet and miserable this place is flooded the sea water that's been pumped up is pouring into the building i see listen there's something i have to tell you about ee don't worry about her i'll get her out she's afraid of water what yeah when she was six years old she almost drowned with my father in our swimming pool she can't swim well yes and no we used to swim a lot together when we were kids in fact she swam like a fish until that day when she almost drowned when the accident happened i was in my room i learned later that ee was calling me for help she didn't doubt for a minute that i'd be there you could see the pool from my room but i didn't realize at the time that she needed my help what were you doing i i was so emma survived the ordeal yeah but my father didn't so you blamed yourself and left your family no he seems to believe that was the case the fact is i betrayed her and you think she can't swim because of the traumatic experience i haven't seen her since that day but yes i think so i got a letter from julie her mother after they moved back to england in her letter she mentioned that he couldn't swim anymore that she refused to even wear a bathing suit damn if she still can't swim we're in trouble level b1 in the core is pretty much flooded look maybe you can help her overcome the trauma you want me to help her get over it well it's still going to take some time to repair the cam off sorry kid emma's rescue is up to you thanks an underwater mission now this is a first look i'll see what i can do i suggest that you drum the map of the building into your head because you won't have time to look at it when you try to bring emma out i'm counting on you ryden i covered most of the core when i had to take out the c4s if there's anything you need to ask me call me on the kodak i'll do that still ticking huh unfortunately him had no vacancies [Music] i [ __ ] human muscles are quite elegant they speak out clearly what a person's next name will be they even tell me which way a gun is going to be pointed before the trigger is pulled but your muscles they're different this should be fun well worth the wait you knew i was coming you've become a nuisance i can't let you interfere with arsenal gear the girl is just ahead she is of no use to us now but she served as well as the live bait for the big catch crazy ivan sometimes speaks the truth emma's alive she was some time ago but the flooding has become quite serious i wouldn't be surprised if she's a mermaid now what did you really think killing the president would prevent a nuclear strike think again i didn't do it arsenal is still armed with a purified hydrogen bomb purified hydrogen bomb this is no ordinary nuclear bomb this weapon is capable of heavy hydrogen nuclear fusion using lasers and magnetics to generate heat insulated compression it was a top-secret project initiated by the current president and solidus has no idea of its existence the clean thermonuclear bomb is at an experimental stage and is handled differently specifically it becomes launch capable when arsenal is activated a nuclear threat still exists six months ago we lost everything we believed in we were abandoned to take the fall in their cover-up we were labeled as killers responsible for the mass murder of civilians as well as our own allies and the public believed every word turning a deaf ear to whatever we had to say to the contrary our only goal is to wipe them from the face of the earth and destroy this world of deceit they have created along with them you're insane insane we might be the only ones telling the truth final check for activating arsenal has been completed all arsenal personnel report to your stations well it sounds like arsenal's ready to go into operation damn it you're still hoping that the girl can install that virus you're carrying around on you you know it's a shame you're not going to be around long enough to hand her the program that isn't sea water you know it's a byproduct of the microbes contained in the pool buoyancy is practically non-existent thanks to the high oxygen content once you walk in you don't come up take a good look at your grave show me what you've got [Applause] [Music] so ah [Applause] [Music] ah are you all right who are you ryden i'm getting you out of here get me out you're lying where are you taking me this time what are you talking about i'm here to help oh you can do it i can't come on deep down inside you know you can swim i can't keep my eyes open in the water endless blue the water it wants me it won't let me go all right then close your eyes i'll guide you i i was injected with something my legs i had trouble moving them listen emma just hold your breath i'll do the rest put your ear against my chest and listen to my heartbeat your heartbeat count the beats don't think about anything else when you reach 100 open your eyes by that time you'll be on the other side give me a signal if you think you're running out of breath what will you do then i'll swim faster hang on tight okay let's go i'm closing my eyes take some deep breaths one two three what is it let me take off my glasses you know you should wear contacts there's nothing wrong with my eyes i wear them for show trying to be different from the other girls no it's not like that i like glasses and there's this guy i liked who used to wear them your first boyfriend no somebody more important anyway they bring me luck i see okay let's go oh [Music] you did good i concentrated on your heartbeat it reminded me of when i was a kid i remember my brother giving me a piggyback ride i was sleeping with my ear against his back i could hear his heartbeat sounds like you were close we were back then we were stepchildren in our parents second marriages wherever my brother went i used to tag along my brother didn't have any close friends so he used to take care of me we both wanted to be loved so much so much that we used to pretend pretend yeah we used to play house my brother was the husband and i was the wife but it was always just make-believe we are only kids you know what i mean i never had a family but i think i know what you mean ryden what's your status colonel i've got emma emmerich here we've managed to avoid drowning good job get her over to shell one as soon as you can that's going to be hard with the connecting bridge on the upper level destroyed didn't olga say something about taking the oil fence at the bottom of strut l yeah i remember that you should be able to go down by way of strut l try and get over there ryden we've infiltrated the computer room what's your situation emma's safe we're heading your way i had a look at the system but there's nothing i can do ee is our only hope right i'll put her on then huh how i'll use my codec as a relay here she is how uh ee is that you help he um why are you involved with metal gear huh you knew our family's dark history and still got involved what's wrong with you i should have known answer me why are you repeating the same mistake i i wanted to hurt you i wanted to see you suffer you abandoned me no that's not what happened all right that's enough huh who are you i'm a friend of oticons emma enough with the sibling rivalry that's not what this is we haven't got time for this ryden get her over here right now i i gotcha snake i'll head over there with emma most of the enemies aboard arsenal but i suggest you be careful make sure emma gets here in one piece ryden take care of my sister don't worry i'll get her there emma snake and hal are waiting for us in shell one's computer room i've got this disc that the president gave me this disc is supposed to contain a virus that can corrupt arsenal gears operating system we need you to this is this is my program what why did the president give it to you did something happen to the president president he's dead what you actually wrote this virus it's not really a virus it's more like a worm cluster it's actually a delayed effect autonomous program that's designed to invade gw cerebrum and render its nerve connections useless you know what gw is of course i created it huh you look surprised uh well cat got your tongue i'm sorry i how about the patriots ever heard of them yes but i only know what i've been told can you tell me what you know um sure but it's hard to put into words right [Music] are you reading me emma yes loud and clear the president said that arsenal gear was the patriots key to supremacy that's as good a description as any what exactly is it it's a massive data processing system capable of controlling information on a global scale a data processing system that's right the system's a social device for maintaining the patriots control you've lost me well in this day and age information emerges from every direction and is freely distributed a variety of information gathered by servers employing the latest in high-speed communication networks and p2p technology is rapidly circulated to individuals in fact the speed of this circulation process is accelerating on almost daily basis the patriots seem to be afraid of this development apparently they believe that their role will shift from dominant to dominated let me give you an example you're aware of solid snakes anti-metal gear activities aren't you yeah i know a little about it well that's just a small sample of uncontrolled information i can guarantee you the patriots did not want solid snake's name publicized now look at it like this political scandal corporate corruption up until now the patriots have managed to keep a lid on these and other self-serving events but with their existing data processing system they're no longer able to effectively control the flow of information generated at the individual level with the newly created system they can fully regulate digital information high-level information can be categorized in stages given clearance levels and deleted as necessary never to be seen by the public by deleting such information the patriots can shape the course of history as they see fit somebody's bound to catch on no the memory capacity not to mention the lifespan of the average individual is extremely limited on the other hand digital information lasts virtually forever it doesn't deteriorate so the alphabet 26 letters right it could have been 30 letters what if the four deleted letters were controlled by a program impossible it's not in fact something similar is already underway do you know how many genes exist in an individual about 30 to 40 000 right that's what was announced at the turn of the century but there's actually a hundred thousand according to the original theory advanced by the scientific community information regarding the remaining sixty thousand was suppressed by the patriots no why how would you know do you know what a gene looks like did you count them yourself there are research organizations of course and their reports have already been subtly altered they're even beginning to believe the doctor reports gw is a system that allows the patriots to decide what will be recorded in tomorrow's history so what we're talking about is one huge censorship system for deleting information which might be inconvenient to the patriots exactly the actual physical core for handling the task gw is installed in arsenal it's the only system in the world with an optic neural ai that has a parallel processing capacity of 980 trillion hemets i suppose that being a specialist in neural ai and complex logic played a significant role in your association with the metal gear project that's not the only reason what do you mean i guess there are plenty of other reasons yes there are i understand do you so arsenal gear was actually designed to protect the gw system wasn't it um yes it's armed with everything including nuclear weapons and is fully equipped with cyber terrorist countermeasures physically and logically it's the ultimate fortress for housing gw but is the ai actually capable of controlling everything no gw is only the system's core it's only for deciding what data is stored or deleted the actual subsystem for executing the task exists within our social structure what do you remember the panic that gripped the computer industry prior to the end of the century you mean the y2k problem that's right if you recall our government supplied the world with a countermeasure program using the internet at full capacity the program was distributed to every governmental organization every key facility throughout the world in addition the same program was included in an os application for distribution among the public let me guess the y2k countermeasure contained a program designed by the patriots yes and everything supplied from that day onward contains the same program impossible do you know how a computer operates do you really know the basic principles on how data is exchanged nobody's aware of it but there's a sub-system in place and it's about to be activated is that why solidus wants to burn out every electrical circuit in manhattan with a nuclear blast probably but the overall system isn't actually complete what it still lacks the necessary factors for judging situations i heard they were planning a major experiment in the next few days to provide complex data for gw to study and suddenly all this happens emma it's not your fault if it wasn't for the terrorists yeah you're right well i think that's about all i know right uh thanks i think we'd better head for the computer room my bird in the computer room is he safe that noisy overgrown parakeet excuse me he's a parrot and he's my best friend my only friend well the bird's okay good did you know that in the old days miners used to take a canary into the mine shafts to detect toxic gas that's what he's for no i really needed someone to talk to right i think we'd better get moving [Music] oh [Music] how are your legs better the numbness is gone i can climb down on my own okay follow me [Music] the sunset it's beautiful if we don't hurry it'll be the last we see [Applause] [Music] this is ryden do you read me yeah what's up we've made it to the lower part of strut l we'll have to cross the water from here can emma walk yeah she's okay the pontoon bridge doesn't look too sturdy emma's gonna have to cross it alone right the oil fence there are ciphers and several guards ryden you're carrying a psg-1 are you yeah it's time to play sniper not bad this spot gives me a good view of the targets you're going to have to cover emma until she crosses to strut e i'll get there and provide some support of my own thanks this is snake can you hear me yeah nice and clear i've reached my sniping position on struck e i'll provide support fire from here right do me a favor and take out whatever i miss just call me when you want me to shoot freeze a girl what are you doing here it's not my choice thank you very much oh you're not gonna shoot me no why not stay away from good looking women when you're fighting otherwise you'll get hit with diarrhea huh one of the few things i learned from shadow moses what are you talking about ancient history don't worry about it uh i have no idea what you're talking about but does this mean you're letting me go well you could have found a nicer way to say that but sure better hurry thanks don't mention it just run like hell oh no my stomach is not again this place is about to sink just get out fast okay oh wait what what's your name don't have one huh okay fine it's it johnny if we run into each other again what a weird guy wow uh um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ryden emma's been stabbed that bastard how bad is it she's conscious but the bleeding's bad i'm bringing her over there right now ryden get that disc over here as soon as possible i'm afraid her time's running out i'll be there [Music] [Music] [Music] how's emma i think he got some internal organs we can't stop the bleeding [Music] how i'm here got the disc [Music] emma set everything up apparently all you have to do is pop in the disk uh that should insert the virus into the ai is it working just leave it to emma what the an antibody agent [Music] damn the connection's been cut is the virus upload complete i don't think so the count stopped at ninety percent otakon i don't think emma's made any mistakes but a portion of the worm cluster might have been altered after the disc left emma's hands by the patriots will the virus still work i have no idea how is is everything all right uh it's all right everything's all right good [Music] at least i i won't be adding another page to her family's dark history yeah that's right what if the virus doesn't work either destroy that thing or take out solidus as men how do we get on board i don't think we can unless somebody inside gives us a hand hell i i always what is it [Music] i wanted to see you again you don't hate me never i never wanted to get in your way i never wanted to hurt you i thought that with arsenal if i followed in your footsteps i could be closer [Music] i just wanted you to look at me look at me as this woman [Music] i could never do that don't be so honest it hurts sorry [Music] emma what's wrong with ee emma emma am i am i answer me [Music] i didn't i didn't leave you because of the accident i had i had a relationship with your mother she seduced me and it went on my father's death was no accident he took his own life it was my fault all my fault forgive me [Music] [Applause] how ah [Music] [Music] attention arsenal gear is ready for launch evacuate the upper levels immediately sounds like they're cutting this area loose what do you mean it means we're gonna sink we have to get the hostages out what about the camera repairs done we won't be able to get everybody aboard we'll just have to take as many as we can my sister [Music] won't be able to come with us we will be commencing the countdown shortly personnel in the upper levels head for the evacuation area immediately [Music] i'm always the survivor why wolf [Music] take care of the hostages what about you guys we got other arrangements there's our ride out of here anyway we're gonna have to sink that thing if the virus doesn't work i should be going with you you've got your job we've got ours you mean i'd only get in your way wrong only you can save those hostages got it [Music] right listen the two of you won't be able to destroy that thing eliminate the enemy that's your only option [Music] how [Music] try to get as many hostages out as you can it's a short flight to the shore so don't worry about overloading the cam off leave it to me head for the evacuation area immediately [Music] ow i miss you how i miss you [Music] i miss you i miss you [Music] [Music] you and me we're the same both you and i we were always alone always we only wanted to be loved we were always waiting waiting for somebody somebody who would love us but we were wrong you can't wait to be loved you have to go out and find it four years ago i realized that you can't just wish for a happy family you have to make it happen i only wish i knew that sooner i learned that i could love as you probably did emma [Music] you think he's gonna be okay he's tougher than he looks consider it done now how do we open this thing you can come out now a ninja what the arsenal's going to take [Music] off still need to take care of a few things [Music] this time snake what's this all about bedtime ryden i would do that you're changing sides now change sides i don't recall saying i was on yours [Music] you ready for some shut-eye [Music] so i've checked everything including the genome data but there's nothing on this guy nsa cia fbi he doesn't exist in any database he's a non-existent operative from a non-existent organization i suspected as much however i know this man wake him up it's been a while hasn't it jack the ripper you know this fellow you remember me don't you you've grown high concentration of cerebral implants have they altered your memory too this is my son i taught him everything jack i never thought i'd see you again you know me you don't remember your name your skills everything you know you learn from me the 80s a civil war you were one of the best among the child soldiers that fought in that conflict when you were barely 10 years old you became the platoon leader of the small boy unit at the time your outstanding kill record earned you several nicknames including white devil and jack the ripper jack i was your godfather i named you when the war ended you disappeared from the relief center i wondered what happened to you i should have known they would recruit you it's an interesting coincidence if he's unlucky for the patriots i doubt he knows anything of interest what should we do with him we'll use him like you suggested what about dead cell ignore them happening again could it be that he's here too in another hour we demonstrate the power of arsenal gear attack with standard weapons of course yes proceed as planned at last report all as well with gw hmm how about the troops the men are being refitted with arsenal gear equipment as ordered you're the spitting image of big boss [Laughter] is that so perhaps i should be grateful to this kid for that this situation i find it very nostalgic where am i why inside arsenal gear of course actually we're also inside the memory of shadow moses i'll take this back you don't need this anymore do you a foul wind is blowing we shall speak again don't move stay as you are we're being monitored by a camera what are you up to i'm switching over to nano communication [Music] mr x ninja correct it's me i thought you were the leader of the russian troops no that was just a smoke screen a smoke screen i was sent to provide you support support who sent you the colonel no the patriots what i i deceived my troops betrayed them but why my child is being held hostage by the patriots it all started two years ago when i lost my father during the tanker incident my men and i had nowhere to go so we joined forces with an illegal russian organization the russian mafia something like that actually i learned much later that it was a subordinate organization of the patriots i was expecting at the time when i gave birth to my child it turned out i was in a hospital run by the patriots in the morning my child was gone my baby is being kept somewhere in this country have you ever met your child no once a month they send me a photo of my child via network i've never even held the child in my own arms i see given your situation nobody can blame you for what you did that's your opinion what about snake i thought you were enemies he wasn't responsible for my father's death actually we owe him our lives two years ago they were responsible for getting us out of the sinking tanker alive so you were partners since the incident no i only found out the truth shortly before this huh when i confronted him here you fought with snake when well it was around the time you were holding hands with that girl snake so you joined hands with him to pay back a debt no mutual gain mutual gain my job was to assist you if solidus gets away with arsenal your mission is a failure the patriots would judge that as failure on my part and terminate my child putting it simply my child's life depends on your success so you did it all for your child but why would the patriots want to help me are they hoping i'll take solidus out no you're just like me we're just pawns for what purpose the s3 plan huh you'll figure it out sooner or later but i wonder if you'll handle the truth what do you mean listen we haven't got time for this solidus will commence his attack any minute he's got to be stopped what about the virus no results so far i think the patriots have tampered with the program will it work i don't know get me out of this thing not yet i'll release your restraints after i leave this room where's my gear snake's got everything i couldn't bring it here and where do i find snake the passageway ahead leads to a hanger he'll be waiting there i gave him a card key for the hangar does snake plants destroy arsenal gear no even for snake it's impossible to completely destroy this thing the only option is to stop solidus and his men what are you going to do stay concealed that's my role i still can't afford to be discovered [Music] olga you can't keep this up they're bound to find you listen i'll free you in a little while brace yourself so jack are you all right oh uh yeah jack is it true what solidus said yes it's unbelievable drafting small children sending them to war it's not allowed under international conventions icc rules don't mean a lot in war someone told me that there are over 300 000 children in combat right now i was just one of them so you remember i thought your memory had been manipulated by them it was but i have nightmares every day pieces of the past i can't put together why didn't you tell me you couldn't begin to understand you wouldn't know that until you try me i didn't want you to get hurt there was never a real reason for me to fight except that someone put a gun in my hand and that someone was him it wasn't your fault if i survived the day's fight i was praised fed and had a bed to sleep in i think i was only six when i held my first ak but i'm not even sure of that jack i'm not like snake i never questioned why we fought there was no purpose no way out they give you a gun you ask how many to kill if you didn't you were the one they shot instead it's okay no one is blaming you we were shown hollywood action films every day the kind with macho guys and big guns they call it image training they they built us from the ground up into killing machines we were fed once a day i can still taste the gunpowder they mixed into the food gunpowder in the food the gunpowder had toluene in it giving it hallucinogenic properties it kept us drugged controllable oh my god when the civil war ended those of us who survived were taken in by ngos they gave me a new life in the states i can't complain but nothing's changed the only people who have no problem with my past have secrets and agendas of their own terrible nightmares every night i can never forget jack i'm afraid of the night that's why i don't sleep next to you you should have told me told you what that i'm a killer and always have been no no what i hate more than anything else in the world is my own past i didn't want you or anyone to know about it now i know why i was chosen for this mission no one can take him on take him down except me i've been kept alive this long for this i knew as soon as i saw solidus jack i love you the way you are now you have to believe me i didn't know anything about you i admit that where you were born how you grew up but i know that now and i know that what i feel for you can only get better and i'll share in your past if that's the price it doesn't work that way no one can share the burden of what i've done it's not one of those warm and fuzzy things couples share i accept the good and the bad jack that's what you do for someone you love i don't want to share my past with anyone i just want to forget about it jack i haven't told you you know about what i've done the last two years with you it's been more than i've ever hoped for jack but i can't go any farther i know you want to get married i but i can't i can't risk starting a family there's no way to erase my childhood it's all right jack please don't say anymore [Music] ryden do you copy you must continue your mission i've lost all my gear i need to locate snake he was never factored into the simulation leave him out of this i can't do much naked especially in this temperature that's true you won't be able to attack or enter the hanging mode either i think snake has my gear ryden take out solidus and his men you must recover arsenal intact colonel are you under orders from the patriots your role that is mission is to infiltrate the structure and disarm the terrorists my role why do you keep saying that why not this is a type of role-playing game the point is that you play out your part and i expect you to turn in a perfect performance colonel i just remembered something what that i've never met you in person not once complete your mission according to the simulation colonel who are you no more questions we have rosemary what do you mean by that over and out [Music] ryden turn the game console off right now what did you say the mission is a failure cut the power right now what's wrong with you don't worry it's a game it's a game just like usual you'll ruin your eyes playing so close to the tv what are you talking about ryden something happened to me last thursday when i was driving home i had a couple of miles to go i looked up and saw a glowing orange object in the sky to the east it was moving very irregularly suddenly there was intense light all around me and when i came to i was home what do you think happened to me huh fine forget it [Music] infiltrate the enemy fortress outer heaven destroy the final weapon metal gear [Music] actually there is something i have been meaning to tell you but i just couldn't i think you should know though on saturday morning last week i saw a guy leaving rosemary's room how should i put it it was like they were intimate i'm sorry sorry to bring this up during the mission but even my patience has its limits i just can't leave this thing up to you any longer i'll do fighting you can just go home [Music] variety level 13. [Music] rescue metal the return of ginola [Music] [Music] i hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flapjaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on harry carey rock i need scissors 61. [Music] jack it's me hi rose jack i owe you an apology if it's about that conversation just now i'm the one who's sorry no it's something else what is it that day at federal hall two years ago it wasn't a coincidence i was ordered to keep an eye on you keep an eye on me yes by the patriots you're a spy i suppose yes it's an ugly word are you still there was sleeping with me a part of the job i fell in love with you how could anyone i can't excuse what i did i've reported every detail of your personal life to them these two years what you did said everything must have been fun but some things i didn't tell anyone like what i felt for you so that's why you were involved in this mission i should have known why else would they toss an analyst into the mix at the last minute i'm sorry i know what i did was wrong no matter where i go i get used i reinvented myself to suit your tastes hairstyle clothes the way i moved things i talked about you say you love the color of my hair my eyes they're not even real you must have gone over my psych profile with a fine toothed comb it was my job great performance had me completely fooled what i really wanted was for you to see the real me it hurt to play out this this artificial romance it was worse to lie to myself than to you the more love you gave me the more it hurt because i knew the person you loved was just a character so it was artificial on my end too it was just a game not the real thing oh chuck i feel better knowing that what i was in love or thought i was with someone who didn't exist i was trying to be someone i wasn't by loving what wasn't real i don't know who you really are the person i knew isn't real she's not the woman i'm talking to right now in a sense the deception was my own not theirs jack i thought i was acting because that was my job but i did fall in love with you that wasn't an act you expect me to believe that oh it's okay you had your reasons right hey i understand but i have nothing left to jack what i'm i'm carrying i'm pregnant [Music] rose what's going on amazing how you walk around like that [Music] snake been waiting long where's my gear right over there [Music] that's more like it everything you had when you were captured is still there [Music] sorry about earlier i had to use you as bait to gain access to arsenal it worked why didn't you tell me about olga you never asked not happy about that get over it any effects of the virus yet still waiting on that so it was rigged by the patriots looks like it from what i can tell arsenal is headed for manhattan i don't know what solidus is planning but we'll have to deal with it one way or another there's also a troop of production model rays ahead how many units 25 according to olga 25 yeah can't say i've faced that many metal gears before but i think we can deal no way we can we can because we have no other choice how i've stocked up on stinger missiles oh yeah olga left this for you why olga asked me to give it to you besides i'm not a big fan of blades come on time to go if you run out of ammo you can have mine you got enough absolutely infinite ammo wait up snake what [Music] snake have you ever enjoyed killing someone what are you talking about i'm not sure sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between reality and a game diminished sense of reality huh vr training will do that no it was field training when i was a kid i lied snake i have more field experience than i can remember it's not vr that's doing this to me ryden we don't carry guns to take people down we're not here to help some politician either you can say that because you're a legend a hero i'm jack the ripper a dirty reminder of a terrible mistake legends don't mean a whole lot i was just a name to exploit just like you people will remember only the good part the right part of what you did there's no right part in murder not ever and we're not in this to make a name for ourselves and what are you an otakon fighting for a future you can stop being part of a mistake starting now what am i what am i supposed to do find something to believe in and find it for yourself and when you do pass it on to the future believe in what that's your problem come on [Music] snake ryden ottacon you all right yeah so are all the hostages that's good news how's everything on your end all right for now but there is something what the colonel's last transmission was strange strange how just strange no idea interference i don't know where is this colonel i don't know i've never met the man actually i'll dig around thanks i owe you one if there's anything else call me on the codec i might be able to help the frequency is 141.12 ryden about this kernel of yours i found out where he is where inside arsenal what i've checked out all the possibilities but i keep coming back to arsenal it isn't a relay point it's the origin of the signal and the encryption protocol it uses is exactly the same as that of arsenal's ai the so-called gw what the hell does this mean i think it means you've been talking to an ai that's impossible the kernel probably isn't gw per se gw was most likely stimulating cortical activity in the dormant part of your brain through signal manipulation of your own nano machines the kernel is in part your own creation cobbled together from expectations and experience that's crazy but it's probably the truth the virus may be starting to affect gw which would explain the colonel's behavior it was all an illusion everything i've done so far ryden snake what's happening around here i don't know what i do know is that you're standing right here in front of me not an illusion flesh and blood huh it's your call you can drop this if you want no i can't do that let's go uh [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] fortune it's been a long wait solid snake the root of all my sorrows what two years ago you killed my father that was the beginning of hell for us everyone i love has been taken from me one by one and no matter how hard i try i can't follow them an endless nightmare the only thing we live for is to see it end our wait is almost over you can't be serious about firing the nuke since no one can kill me i may as well kill everyone i can damn looks like i'm today's pick you go on ahead you want eternal rest i've got it right here what are you gonna do bullets can't get near her i'll think of something there's no such thing as a witch you think you can kill me i don't know what your group's been through but let's get one thing clear i didn't kill your father [Music] do you think anyone believes your lies ryden get out of here [Music] aah [Music] jack i've been watching how you fight it looks like you remember the way you used to kill in the old days or is it one of the s3 plan's proud achievements what are you talking about it came as a complete surprise when ocelot discovered the s3 data from gw s3 stands for solid snake simulation it's a development program to artificially reproduce solid snake the perfect warrior the result is a foxhound commando when foxhound no longer exists a simulated solid snake shaped by vr regimen sound like someone you know jack i'm sorry to see you reduced to one of the patriots puppets but i've made use of you and their plan too solid snake sudden appearance your arrival it was obvious the patriots were among my ranks i had to smoke out the agent before the mission entered the final phase you came in handy as bait jack those days during the civil war were as real as they come every day was absolute split between life and death you ran from it and now you've been led back to war by something less than real no more games jack at least you know there's no reason to keep you alive now i've given you a worthy opponent at least but now you should die as the little jackie boy i once knew [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so it's i expected a little more decided to show oh don't do this they'll know i'll hold them off give you time to get away what about you this is suicide your nano machines they're transmitting your vital signs to the patriots if you die my child dies you understand the child i see so that's why you sold your troops out to me so many dead and they all die trusting you were they your comrades no not just comrades family i know i'm going to help but at least my child i applaud your attitude if you haven't yet i'll be happy to accommodate you see you in hell [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] enjoy the show jack let's pick up where we left off what's going on what's wrong with it gw it's out of control what [Music] i'm reading an abnormal impulse cascade throughout the neural network i can't shut it down what happened maybe some kind of virus the patriots i don't know ocelot what have you been up to it's too late arsenal system control is going haywire it's on an emergency ascent course stupid machines so [Music] [Music] damn the patriots you still have some use i've captured snake snake bring him in are you awake yet jack gw the arsenal ai is corrupted beyond repair i admit that i underestimated you oh i'll squeeze the answers out of you instead my son [Applause] what do you hope to hear you know he doesn't know anything it's not him i want the answers from what do you mean that's not your business oh really it so happens i have some business of my own to attend to planning to hijack arsenal huh you were going to screw me over weren't you who talked ocelot not exactly i was the one who used ocelot to suggest the idea to you in the first place what i was planning to give you arsenal to begin with why the uncharacteristic generosity i'm no philanthropist arsenal is far from impregnable it needs other metal gears as guards a huge payload of warheads and full air sea and land support to function efficiently against a large attack force without support arsenal is nothing more than a gigantic coffin seizing arsenal gear was never the real objective what was your objective then a list of names of the patriots they were planning to extend their control to digital information flow with gw and arsenal that means the information they want to filter out is contained in gw including that list of the highest 12 members of the patriots wiseman's committee and once you knew who they were you would cross out their names one by one while we with our useless arsenal drew their fire very good you were using us all along were you any different but your plans hit a snag with gw destroyed hasn't it no there is another way really but we have our own plans to carry out we'll take the arsenal since you don't care for it anyway the purified hydrogen bomb is ready to go a nuclear strike won't stop them it will damage their power source the mindless masses that they control first things first of course that was what you wanted i won't stop you good luck thanks but i have quite enough of that what exactly do you find so funny your age usually are humorous i wouldn't have minded watching some more of it but we're running a little short on time what are you talking about everything you've done here has been scripted a little exercise set up by us exercise the s3 plan was conceived as a means to produce soldiers on paul with solid snake that's what i told you but the vr training the boy was put through is not the meat of the project [Music] you think this little terrace incident is your own doing solidus this is the s3 training colonel [Music] an orchestrated recreation of shadow moses what aims and the president's deaths the ninja [Music] the computer virus that mimics fox die [Music] did you really think they were all a coincidence aims own nano machines were used to shut down his pacemaker i arranged for the appearance of the ninja as well as for the president although johnson realized what was going on he played out his allotted part as for the computer virus it's a digital counterpart of foxtai it was also designed to eliminate every scrap of information regarding the patriots from gw your plan was invalidated even before execution solidus fat man was a different story he's one of our own people a sort of examiner we hired to test the boy's progress before letting him tackle the exercise proper we had to arrange for stillman's presence to coax the maniac into agreeing if the boy had allowed the big shell to be destroyed this exercise would have ended there [Music] the project has no room for failures what do you mean given the right situation the right story anyone can be shaped into snake even rookies can fight like men of experience [Music] an instant creation of genius and this training kernel will provide more than enough data to formulate such a program you did sell olga you're all nothing but pawns placed to create the perfect simulation solidus you and the boy were selected because your relationship resembles the one between snake and big boss fortune you and the rest of dead cell stand in for the foxhound squad that snake took on and shadow moses you're the most impressive collection of freaks outside of foxhound we've gone to a lot of trouble to set you up against the boy that story about purified hydrogen bombs is just the tip of the iceberg the project was already underway when i sunk that tanker along with your old man two years ago throwing your husband in the brig was a part of it too you were told that the eradication of dead cell six months ago was an act of the patriots we provoked and encouraged your hatred and you opted for vengeance just as we planned all orchestrated except for the appearance of the real solid snake i wonder now who said for you all now we're just a misfortunately of their project how could you know lady luck you have nothing that we didn't give you what do you know why no bullet could hit you it wasn't magic or some new age mumbo jumbo certainly wasn't your psychic talents it was all staged by the patriots staged you were being shielded by the electromagnetic weapons technology that the patriots developed your dead cell comrades loved your father and husband we needed a pathetic wretch like you to keep them focused you've been our puppet all along just like olga no you were hamming it up as the tragic heroine thanks to the script that the patriots wrote for you pure self-indulgence absorbed in your own misfortune you couldn't get enough of the drama i could have died whenever i wanted to hmm thought i got her in the heart it missed now i remember your heart's on the right waist of metal my dear but your lucks run out this is the little gizmo there's no such thing as miracles or the supernatural only cutting-edge technology yes uh [Music] now that i have enough data all i have to do is retrieve arsenal and clean up the refuge from the exercise just try how's this then damn [Music] fortune you idiot get the hell away from there i told you your lucks run out take your reward it's all the payload ray has died everybody down what the impossible [Music] she is ladyluck my name is helena duff jackson the daughter of a proud and noble soldier [Music] i can see my family again [Music] damn [Music] try this instead no no no go [Music] brothers leopard i've been waiting for this it can't be i've been inside this arm all along waiting for the right time to awaken you were inside ocelot yes a sleeper in the arm of a patriot spy it was you two years ago exactly i was controlling him snake it was i that leaked information about arsenal to your partner and got you out here what you're the only one that can free me after all [Music] i'm off to bury the patriots for good you know where they are how why do you think i chose ocelot as my host but before i go i have a family matter to settle with both of you room for only one snake and one big boss time to say goodbye damn like surfing it's a good way to go [Music] liquid stop this thing hey snake you coming snake [Music] do federal hall what are you laughing at do you know what day it is today april 30th that's right george washington took office as the first president of the united states of america 200 years ago today and it happened right here we were going to declare another independence the dawn of a new nation here the end of the patriots secret rule liberation of this country this was where it was supposed to begin this is where freedom could have been born all you want is power at any cost jack it's not power i want what i wanted to take back from the patriots of things like freedom civil rights opportunities the founding principles of this country everything that's about to be wiped out by their digital censorship jack listen to me we're all born with an expiration date no one lasts forever life is nothing but a grace period for turning the best of our genetic material into the next generation the data of life is transferred from parrot to child that's how it works but we have no ears no legacy we brothers are called les alfonte cloned from our father with the ability to reproduce conveniently engineered out what is our legacy if we cannot pass the torch proof of our existence a mark of some sort when the torch is passed on from parent to child it extends beyond dna information is imparted as well all i want is to be remembered by other people by history the patriots are trying to protect their power their own interests by controlling the digital flow of information i want my memory my existence to remain unlike an intron of history i will be remembered as an exxon that will be my legacy my mark in history but the patriots would deny us even that i will triumph over the patriots and liberate us all and we will become the sons of liberty ryden are you receiving we're still here how's that possible the a.i was destroyed only gw who are you to begin with we're not what you'd call human over the past 200 years a kind of consciousness formed layer by layer in the crucible of the white house it's not unlike the way life started in the oceans four billion years ago the white house was our primordial soup a base of evolution we are formless we are the very discipline and morality that americans invoke so often how can anyone hope to eliminate us as long as this nation exists so will we cut the crap if you're immortal why would you take away individual freedoms and censor the net jack don't be silly don't you know that our plans have your interests not ours in mind what jack listen carefully like a good boy the mapping of the human genome was completed early this century as a result the evolutionary log of the human race lay open to us we started with genetic engineering and in the end we succeeded in digitizing life itself but there are things not covered by genetic information what do you mean human memories ideas culture history genes don't contain any record of human history is it something that should not be passed on should that information be left at the mercy of nature we've always kept records of our lives through words pictures symbols from tablets to books but not all the information was inherited by later generations a small percentage of the whole was selected and processed then passed on not unlike genes really that's what history is jack but in the current digitized world trivial information is accumulating every second preserved in all its triteness never fading always accessible rumors about petty issues misinterpretation slander all this junk data preserved in an unfiltered state growing at an alarming rate it will only slow down social progress reduce the rate of evolution right you seem to think that our plan is one of censorship are you telling me it's not you're being silly what we propose to do is not to control content but to create context create context the digital society furthers human flaws and selectively rewards development of convenient half truths just look at the strange juxtapositions of morality around you billions spent on new weapons in order to humanely murder other humans rights of criminals are given more respect than the privacy of their victims although there are people suffering in poverty huge donations are made to protect endangered species everyone grows up being told the same thing be nice to other people but beat out the competition you're special believe in yourself and you will succeed but it's obvious from the start that only a few can succeed you exercise your right to freedom and this is the result all rhetoric to avoid conflict and protect each other from hurt the untested truths spun by different interests continue to churn and accumulate in the sandbox of political correctness and value systems everyone withdraws into their own small gated community afraid of a larger forum they stay inside their little ponds leaking whatever truth suits them into the growing cesspool of society at large the different cardinal truths neither clash nor mesh no one is invalidated but nobody is right not even natural selection can take place here the world is being engulfed in truth and this is the way the world ends not with a bang but a whimper we're trying to stop that from happening it's our responsibility as rulers just as in genetics unnecessary information and memory must be filtered out to stimulate the evolution of the species and you think you're qualified to decide what's necessary and not absolutely who else could wade through the sea of garbage you people produce retrieve valuable truths and even interpret their meaning for later generations that's what it means to create context i'll decide for myself what to believe and what to pass on but is that even your own idea or something snake told you that's the proof of your incompetence right there you lack the qualifications to exercise free will that's not true i have the right does something like a self exist inside of you that which you call self serves as nothing more than a mask to cover your own being in this era of ready-made truths self is just something used to preserve those positive emotions that you occasionally feel another possibility is that self is a concept you conveniently borrowed under the logic that would endow you with some sense of strength that's crap is it would you prefer that someone else tell you all right then explain it to him jack you're simply the best and you got there all by yourself oh what happened do you feel lost why not try a bit of soul searching don't think you'll find anything though ironic that although self is something that you yourself fashion every time something goes wrong you turn around and place the blame on something else it's not my fault it's not your fault in denial you simply resort to looking for another more convenient truth in order to make yourself feel better leaving behind in an instant the so-called truth you once embraced should someone like that be able to decide what is truth should someone like you even have the right to decide you've done nothing but abuse your freedom you don't deserve to be free we're not the ones smothering the world you are the individual is supposed to be weak but far from powerless a single person has the potential to ruin the world and the age of digitized communication has given even more power to the individual too much power for an immature species building a legacy involves figuring out what is wanted and what needs to be done for that goal all this you used to struggle with now we think for you we are your guardians after all you want to control human thought human behavior of course anything can be quantified nowadays that's what this exercise was designed to prove you fell in love with me just as you were meant to after all isn't that right jack ocelot was not told the whole truth to say the least we rule an entire nation of what interest would a single soldier no matter how able be to us the s3 plan does not stand for solid snake simulation what it does stand for is selection for societal sanity the s3 is a system for controlling human will and consciousness s3 is not you a soldier trained in the image of solid snake it is a method a protocol that created a circumstance that made you what you are [Music] so you see where the s3 not you what you experienced was the final test of its effectiveness that's crazy you heard what president johnson said the arsenal's gw system is the key to their supremacy the objective of this exercise was to establish such a method we used shadow moses as a paradigm for the exercise i wonder if you would have preferred a fantasy setting we chose that backdrop because of its extreme circumstances it was an optimal test for s3's crisis management capacity if the model could trigger control and solve this it would be ready for any contingency and now we have our proof ryden there are also reasons behind your selection solidus raise plenty of other child soldiers do you know why we chose you over them it was because you were the only one who refused to acknowledge the past all the others remember what they were and pay for it but you turn your back on everything you don't like you do whatever you like see only the things you like and for yourself alone yes rose can attest to that you refused to see me for what i was i lied to you but i wanted to be caught you pretended to be understanding to be a gentleman you never made a conscious attempt to reach out to me the only time you did was when i gave you no choice but to do so i was just trying not to what trying not to hurt me dear the one you were trying not to hurt was yourself avoiding the truth under the guise of kindness is all that you did it occurred to you to do nothing but look out for yourself even if you claim that it was for my sake that feeling was nowhere to be seen in the end everything was for your sake i was never part of the picture exactly right so you see you're a perfect representative of the masses we need to protect this is why we chose you you accepted the fiction we've provided obeyed our orders and did everything you were told to the exercise is a resounding success didn't i tell you that gw was still incomplete but not anymore thanks to you your persona experiences triumphs and defeats are nothing but byproducts the real objective was ensuring that we could generate and manipulate them it's taken a lot of time and money but it was well worth it considering the results i think that's enough talk it's time for the final exercise ryden take solidus down think again i'm through doing what i'm told oh really aren't you forgetting something if you die my child dies the termination of vital signals from your nano machines means the death of olga's child not to mention the death of rose she's wired the same way rose does she actually exist of course i do jack you have to believe me damn it will be a fight to the death solidus at least wants you dead we will collect the necessary data from this last fight then we'll consider the exercise closed so jack the ripper will it be solidus the patriots creation or you solidus's creation our beloved monsters enjoy yourselves jack my son my clone brothers and i are called monsters replicants of evil genes you are one of a kind but still a monster shaped by a dark and secret history we need to decide which monstrosity will have the privilege of survival by the way jack i was the one who killed your parents i claimed you for my own and raised you as a soldier in the army of the devil i am your foster father and your worst enemy why because i needed to know whether we were really someone else's creation we're repeating history jack liquid and solid hunted down big boss trying to sever the tide that bound them to him unless you kill me and face your past jack you will never escape you'll stay in the endless loop your own double helix it's time we were both free [Music] [Music] i have other reasons for wanting you dead the clues to the patriots inside gw have been erased but there are other traces inside you what the information is being carried by the nano machines in your cerebral cortex and throughout the neural network they formed [Music] brace yourself oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is where it gets interesting [Music] [Music] [Music] this is your last duty we're not just pawns in some simulation game you know yes you are nothing but mere weapons no different from fighter jets or tanks [Music] [Music] on the battlefield just pawns in a game exactly as you said and a weapon has no right to think for itself now it's time to fulfill your purpose defeat solidus [Music] is [Music] rocky to [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] called who am i really no one quite knows who or what they are the memories you have and the role you were assigned are burdens you had to carry it doesn't matter if they were real or not that's never the point there's no such thing in the world as absolute reality most of what they call real is actually fiction what you think you see is only as real as your brain tells you it is then what am i supposed to believe in what am i going to leave behind when i'm through we can tell other people about having faith what we had faith in what we found important enough to fight for it's not whether you were right or wrong but how much faith you were willing to have that decides the future the patriots are a kind of ongoing fiction too come to think of it listen don't obsess of a word so much find the meaning behind the words then decide you can find your own name and your own future decide for myself and whatever you choose will be you i don't know if i can i know you didn't have much in terms of choices this time but everything you felt thought about during this mission is yours and what you decide to do with them is your choice you mean start over yeah a clean slate a new name new memories choose your own legacy it's for you to decide it's up to you by the way what is that dog tags [Music] anyone you know no never heard the name before [Music] i'll pick my own name and my own life i'll find something worth passing on [Music] they taught me some good things too i know we've inherited freedom from all those who fought for it we all have the freedom to spread the word even snake what about olga's child don't worry i'll find him count on it as long as you keep yourself alive he's safe do you know where liquid went i put a transmitter on his ray did he head for the patriots yeah but i have a feeling they gave ocelot a bogus location to begin with cheer up we have a better lead this contains the list of all the patriots but ocelot took it the one we gave you wasn't the real thing what this virus is coded to destroy only a specific part of gw namely the information about the patriots identity which means that there's a parameter coded in here that defines what that information is i get it analyze the code and you can probably find out where they operate count me in no you have things to do first and people you need to talk to [Music] oh [Music] snake what's wrong [Music] nothing can i ask you something who am i really i wouldn't know [Music] but we're going to find out together aren't we yeah [Music] see me for what i am okay [Music] i know [Music] do you remember this place of course this is where we first met i remember now today is the day i met you that's it [Music] i think i found something to pass along to the future what [Music] he said all living things want their genes to live on are you talking about the baby yeah the genes aren't the only thing you pass on there are too many things that aren't written into our dna it's up to us to teach that to our children what kind of things about the environment our ideas our culture poetry compassion sorrow joy we'll tell them everything together is that a proposal this is for your ears [Music] [Applause] [Music] walk by myself on the streets below and ask every child i know do you think tomorrow will bring sun or which one of these will show i can't say goodbye to yesterday my friend i keep holding on till the end out of the darkness there is no other way than the light leading to yesterday [Music] find the joyfulness i'm looking for way back in yesterday [Music] my [Music] hey [Music] [Music] why can't each of us in the world ever see the best things in life are free little sounds a kiss from you to me i fall to my knees i cry and i cry love do not pass [Music] [Applause] [Music] i can't say goodbye to yesterday my friend cause i know how good it has [Music] here i stand come with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yesterday [Music] uh [Music] um [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] life isn't just about passing on your genes we can leave behind much more than just dna through speech music literature and movies what we've seen heard felt anger joy and sorrow these are the things i will pass on that's what i live for [Music] we need to pass the torch and let our children read our messy and sad history by its light we have all the magic of the digital age to do that with the human race will probably come to an end sometime and new species may rule over this planet earth may not be forever but we still have the responsibility to leave what traces of life we can [Music] building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing [Music] snake you there it's me i've finished going over that disc did you find the patriots list of course it contains the personal data of 12 people there was a name on it snake it was one of our biggest contributors what's going on around here i don't know anyway where are they well we were right about them being on manhattan but but what they're already dead all 12 of them when did it happen well uh about a hundred years ago what the hell so any codec moments from you snake okay first up ah this is uh what nothing it's nothing but this isn't a photo of metal gear anyway sorry but you're gonna have to go back and shoot another set i'll just make a backup of this one what's next more of these is that all you think about hey what you like is your business just get those metal gear pictures i'll just make a backup of this one
Channel: KefkaProduction
Views: 3,037,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal gear solid 2, MGS2, The movi, movie, longplay, all cutscenes, cutscenes, hd, long, story, full story, MGS2 movie, metal gear solid 2 movie, metal, gear, solid, MGS, in 2 hours, story trailer, trailer, epic, in 10 minutes, snake, solid snake, otacon, raiden, jack, solidus, ocelot, patriots, hd collection, 720p, collection, fan, tribute, ending, harry gregson williams, hideo, kojima, fox engine, mgs5, phantom pain, ground zeroes, new, 2013
Id: I5AunfmI8bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 321min 53sec (19313 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2013
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