MGS2 - Most Interesting Optional Codec Calls

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according to intelligence this new model was designed to combat all the clone models of metal gear floating around in the world Ocelot sold the metal gear specs to anyone with hard cash after he survived shadow Moses and raked in enough money to buy a decent sized country in the process but was that was money really ocelots and objective you think you had a deeper plan I do nothing definite but acquiring a large sum of money is always a good starting point for another project anyway every country that paid off Ocelot is racing to produce its own bipedal tank one that can launch the so-called invisible nuclear warhead if the whole world has a metal gear the military dominance of the US will disappear in a world where metal gear has become commonplace the only way to regain the upper hand is to possess a weapon even more powerful than metal gear and that means a new metal gear exactly the arms race must go on the metal gear that the tanker is transporting is being developed under marine corps jurisdiction but I've also heard a rumor that the Navy is working on its own metal gear any more info on the Navy's model I tried to hack some out but security was too tight there's a lot of money being allocated that's for sure but every one of my investigations takes me to one name then hits a brick wall the name is the Patriots who are they I wish I knew I have no idea if this is an individual or an organization but once we expose the presence of this Marine Corps metal gear to the world maybe that will shake the Patriots out of the tree this mission is partly about that too when the photos are in will put them online and blow this whole thing wide open on the web don't you think that the authorities will just shut us down probably but it won't matter they'll be mirror sights spawning within minutes after those images go up we won't even have to ask people will be grabbing the pictures there's no way anyone can stop it information has a life of its own and as long as it lasts it'll keep existing even if it has to change its form of location life yeah the desire of people to learn the demand for data that's called idle curiosity in my book everyone's got some of that and sometimes it can pave the way for truth that's what I believe I see a light that's a fully enclosed fire resistant model equipped with its own oxygen pump those have a water-based cooling system and self-contained air supply on board this means that even if the boat is sealed there would still be air available for the crew and engine operation it automatically writes itself if it's overturned and can withstand contact with fire for a significant period of time but you won't be able to use that lifeboat it's too noticeable for one thing and it just doesn't have the kind of speed we need what do you think you're doing snake you don't have enough to keep you busy try to remember the mission if you can this reminds me of when we first met I was the one inside the locker that time we're equal now huh not unless I wet my pants that's a low blow snake that must be the crew lounge the tankers crewman would relax here when they're off shift there's a lot of stuff there make sure you don't move it around too much someone may notice that it's been tampered with leave no traces that's common sense when infiltrating a target right look at the TV over there it's showing the hold so that's a new metal why are they broadcasting this they probably want to keep a record of this exercise and maybe give a little presentation presentation that ships been transmitting a live video for you to be a military satellite uplink for a while now so there's some brass out there smacking their lips over this little home movie I've been trying to pinpoint the receiving location but I haven't had much luck there's a heavy-duty firewall in the way I'll try some more wherever it is it must be a warm dry office with hot coffee on tap far cry from that tanker huh that's what happens when the battlefield has a revolution in military affairs we're snake how long are you gonna stand around watching TV get back to the mission the plastic explosive is probably semtex it was developed in the former Czechoslovakia as easy to use as c4 and just as powerful the composition is a mix of RDX and PETN with a detonation velocity of over 26,000 feet per second with temperatures reaching up to 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit it was probably the explosive used in the Pan Am 103 bombing over Lockerbie in 1988 if this much sim text goes off at the same time the tanker will disappear in two seconds flat make sure it doesn't go off then don't trip the sensor don't touch the semtex are they planning to take metal gear and the ship that must be the mess hall it's pretty small considering the size of the ship I guess modern tankers are so automated that you only need a crew of about 20 that's not a lot to feed there's a lot of things there but make sure you don't disturb anything and leave traces the enemy mount notice so that's the KA 60 Kasatka a multi-purpose military helicopter built by camo of the russian aerospace firm it adapts to a variety of missions troop and weapons transport medevac target marking for attack choppers even all-weather surveillance missions it uses Fenna strong type tail runners that's what makes the distinct rotor sound that you picked up it is a Russian helicopter but we can't be sure that the hijackers are Russian military after all cam off did make a civilian version the ka 62 and there's also the ka 64 the export model this is the bridge but it's not just a place where you steer the ship in a modern tanker navigational engine control communication and all other major operational functions are consolidated in the bridge the ship is auto piloted via a global positioning satellite system this is a precision instrument we're talking about here so it's probably best to leave it alone [Music] and Spence nas written all over at buddy's fancy nas that's the special ops of the Sony so she must be Russian who knows all I'm sure of is that she shoots like a commando be careful the ciphers what it looks like a flying surveillance saucer it's an unmanned aerial vehicle used for ground and ocean surveillance and it also assists in communication it can take off and land vertically and uses abducted airstream from its rotors on the surrounding shroud to fly the one you saw was the type used by the army if I recall but I can't see the army officially cooperating with a top-secret Marine Corps project no which means that there's someone besides us and the Russians that are interested in the new metal gear prototype ciphers can stay airborne for about three hours so there should be an integrated mobile ground station controlling its flight pattern and output nearby it's got to be on land I'll bet you anything it's disguised as a regular truck or something driving along Riverside let me check it out good call didn't think the lukovitch was involved of all people ocelots former CEO and a man with a private army of X Russian military and GRU soldiers I don't like it and Linkwood was planning to team up with that bunch of shadow moses all he managed to do back then was to provide a toy or two looks like he's had enough of sponsoring insurrections so this time he's out here himself I guess he's after Metal Gear history repeats its Metal Gear has enough strategic clout to upset the balance of military power overnight must be dreaming of mother Russia's return to glory like you said history repeats itself some people never change maybe it's the world that doesn't or won't change maybe but we're fighting to upset the status quo too aren't we she's not dead is she no just knocked out good looks like a little angel doesn't J what's gotten into you nothing Sleeping Beauty may have been awakened by Prince Charming's kiss but you better not try it here I'm with you besides I've had enough of tomboys so who was that old gun person don't know I'm guessing she's curlew kovitch his daughter she said nomads didn't she you know look a little like Meryl I didn't notice what are you doing how could you shoot someone who's unconscious what are you some kind of a monster snake I know you're into high places but do you think maybe you can head down into the hold sometime this year you're here to take those photos of Metal Gear remember snake that shadow it's it's him no doubt about it but Raven was you know out in shadow moses i know maybe it's the last of his nine lives or maybe his maker decided to give him another chance you're not serious are you maybe I am maybe I'm not either way we'll find out soon enough snake watch your step okay the reason the ships drive section is in the aft area is so that more oil tanks can be fitted into the middle part a shortened propeller axle is another benefit the simplification of the drive structure means a greater emphasis can be placed on hallström the Marine Corps is defining character is that of an emergency response team in crisis situations but the Army's been steadily enlarging its own crisis response capabilities building on the strength of their medium Brigade analysis is that the Marine Corps sees this as an infringement on their own domain and is more than a little alarmed we both know that Metal Gear Rex was being developed for deployment by the army so it does make sense that the Marines are trying to compete with their own version of Metal Gear Congrats snake looks like those pull-ups were worth it your grip strength is up you're currently using artificial blood primed with nano machines what did you do with my own blood it's being kept in cold storage it will be circulated back into your body when you return if the life gauge drops to the red zone you won't be able to stop the bleeding by yourself blood stains can give your presence a weight to the enemy be careful to stop the flow select the bandage from among your items you can also go into a crouch or crawl and stay completely still for a while all you have to do is stop moving for a duration of time and your nanomachines will arrange for platelets to be produced in large numbers the bleeding will stop as a result look at all these bugs the seawater is polluted with crude oil and yet they can still survive it's an altered bug that can resolve crude oil altered yes through genetic engineering it was created in the lab to combat frequent oil spills it doesn't exist naturally the bug is genetically altered with DNA from a bacteria called Pseudomonas which can decompose crude oil it has an enzyme in its body that can break up oil and was modified so it instinctively consumes any crude oil that it absorbs one of the reasons the big shell has little oil pollution is because of this bug it also helps in reducing costs and the number of spill maintenance workers it's a form of bio remediation it's for the most part innocuous so no need to be worried those bugs have ravenous appetites be careful that they don't end up eating your rations shake your equipment to protect the items from sea lice Colonel there's a gym suit hmm looks like a high of barometric pressure diving suit by maintaining barometric pressure within the suit it should allow its wearer to carry out work at sea depths of as much as 300 meters but it doesn't look even remotely usable it's a very old model yeah and it's rusted all over doesn't even look like it's being used right that diving suit doesn't look like it works forget about it and return to your duties I remember this place of course you do this is level one from the VR missions you're right I see it now you may not have field experience but you've been trained in the hyper reality of simulated combat don't give in to fear just do as you were trained and everything will be all right Brighton you won't be able to use any of the enemy's equipment why not you should know that all active weapons are equipped with a personal identification system the owner enters they require user ID information during the weapon registration or at the start of a mission if anyone other than the registered user tries to fire the weapon the ID system will not authorize the action but these are black-market Russian weapons how can they be equipped with identification functionality they must have been customized by the terrorists themselves these are professionals were dealing with and they certainly won't let their own equipment be used against them I'm guessing it's the same for the Navy SEALs gear right how am I supposed to procure weapons then find the ones that haven't yet been individualized everything you find in the item box is clean you should know this from your VR training okay I know those items in the item box are yours to use at will they will be your supply source with regards to weaponry and gear nodes are the terminals of the operation support computer network for the big shell of course only big shell staff can gain access with their job description determining their system authority and access I installed a program in your nano machines that automatically enters the passcode for unrestricted access press the action button in front of the node to activate it use the node by pressing the action button in front of the terminal I see a lot of birds over there the tanker accident two years ago released crude oil containing massive quantities of endocrinology endocrinologist to so that finishing the cleanup of ocean oil spills does not mean that environmental restoration efforts in there as well Colonel do you think the terrorist ringleader is really Solid Snake yes I do but during the Shadow Moses incident snake was a a hero yeah certainly you went through VR training but it is not as if the simulation is faithful to every fact it changes people you to Colonel writen focus on the task at hand Solid Snake is the terrorist kingpin he is an opponent you can't underestimate understood that tanker accident that happened over there two years ago the tanker sank and I know I went through it in VR training the tanker didn't sink because of snake though Ryden VR training does not exactly simulate everything with absolute fidelity what do you mean okay listen here are the facts known terrorists Solid Snake sank that tanker loaded with crude oil the end result being severe environmental pollution in Manhattan Bay put any misperceptions of snake as some kind of hero behind you he is a terrorist and that's that jack I did a search on the Big Shell the tanker accident two years ago spilled a catastrophic amount of crude oil into the bay the Big Shell is an offshored decontamination facility built to restore the Manhattan Bay environment by trapping and disposing the spilled oil around the perimeter of the Big Shell oil fences were erected in order to protect against any further dispersal of the oil you see those steeples erected here and there in the fence those are piles to draw up the polluted seawater gathered seawater is carried to the Pump Room and strut a first and all of the larger garbage is collected in sediment pool number one of strut D this is followed by a two-step purification process in the shell true core water reserve in which oil is removed by microbes then it is sent to strut Ellyn sterilized and finally once again carried to the surface piles and flushed back into the bay did the military database include information on the marine filtration facility structure as well no I didn't use the database huh I used a brochure strut a is a pump facility that supplies the energy to circulate the polluted water drawn from the sea throughout each of the big shells sections the south side is the actual pump facility itself while the north side is the control room Colonel don't you think it's strange that the fence is missing this spot right here yes I do you don't think that he got away it's possible beyond the alert Roger that right I see you found a weapon why are there weapons here of all places the big shell is supposed to be just a facility for marine filtration right the terrorists properly brought it in with them don't know looks like it's been here from before them what are you saying writing there is no time for armchair theories concentrate on the task at hand Roger that strut F is the storage center I think a variety of materials for maintenance of the big shell are stored there there might be something that would come in handy why don't you look around colonel who are dead Sal they are pretty much what that guy Plissken described them as a special forces unit the brainchild of the former president chances are someday we'll find ourselves in a gunfight with them a thought leaves me uneasy you have experience combating Fox sound during VR training right you'll be fine don't be apprehensive Jack don't run unnecessary risks okay yeah I don't want to but I know is there anything I can do yeah could you check for any data on them for me okay I'll do it good luck someone mentioned the name vamp do you have any info on him wait a moment oh look Brighton looks like rosemary has something for you Jack I found some information on vamp he's been a member of dead cells since it was first founded and like lieutenant j.g Plissken said he's a master with knives he's originally from Romania he's apparently no ordinary knife specialist what do you mean he can parry bullets yeah I saw him do it how the heck I don't know also it looks like he secluded himself from other humans on several different occasions there is no detailed information on him though be careful riten don't dwell on what Plissken said the VR training you underwent is the best training program there is there is no reason to be apprehensive be confident do you understand strut be is a generator facility that generates electricity for the big shell the first floor is its substation right forget about that guy I think you should just let him sleep return to your duties head for the BC connecting bridge be quick about it he's asleep how much longer is this guy gonna sleep wish I were that relaxed he's still sleeping liquid Brighton I'm on your side right what reason could you have to shoot someone while they are sleeping I can't believe you and he was on our side right I strongly disapprove hurry up and return to your duties Colonel do the terrorists have a Harrier yes and av-8b Harrier two designed for the Marines it is a v/stol attack aircraft outfitted with a 25 millimeter gun air-to-air missiles and anti ground rockets it's not something you want to try to take on in a SEAL helicopter yeah even more so if unprotected colonel where did they get such a weapon I don't know are they really just run-of-the-mill terrorists relax writing right now just think about your mission at hand do you understand colonel who exactly is that woman her name is fortune she leads dead sell hang on a moment I'll look her up for you rosemary researched fortune for you Jack here's the data I found on fortune she goes by fortune she leads dead sell her real name is Helena Dolph Jackson two years ago her father Commandant of the Marine Corps Scot Dolph was killed in a training accident her husband was the former dead cell leader Colonel Jackson died in captivity my data says after her husband's death she joined the military she didn't have any combat experience but was soon singled out for a particular trait and was reassigned to dead cell what trait luck she was real lucky like miraculously lucky wherever she went bullets curved away and missions always ended in success is that some kind of joke I thought so too but there is not a single record of her ever being wounded not even a scratch Jack be careful please strut see is the residential area it supports life at sea for all of the workers on the big shell that being said almost all systems are completely automated so there aren't many workers to be found riten what are you looking at oh I see rosemary what could you excuse him for a moment huh you know so he can ah I get it Jack um let me know when you're done okay mmm right and I didn't know you had such weird interests not that there's anything wrong with that though just that well it's a little weird jack I think that's a little weird writin what are you doing there with that I don't believe it what are you thinking and during your duties I highly disapprove even though every one of us is scrambling to do our best to support you this and what exactly are you going to do drool over pictures of voluptuous girls exactly at least use a picture of me instead why I mean I completely disapprove I can't believe you jack do you know what that place is I just thought maybe the bomb disposal instructor might be in there why would he be in there well you never know he's AWOL and even AWOL a normal guy wouldn't go into a woman's bathroom you're the only one I know who would you're like really strange rosemary settle down but it's all right right rosemary is right you should probably look someplace else I can really sympathize with you there though what sir nothing Ryden that's that return to your duties you guys are unbelievable a ridin Jack give it a rest I can't bear watching you do that I disapprove return to your duties that's what I feel like saying but I'm beginning to feel like putting you in charge was not such a good idea like at a loss for words I'm afraid to ask do you do that in my room to Ryden that's long enough hurry up and get back to your duties if you've seen enough Jack in retrospect I'm really glad that I took this assignment it's given me a chance to see you for who you really are goodbye so Jack what do you want what do I want well I'd like to save if that's okay then go ahead this is a joke right Rose what now what do you mean what now save my data please fine don't you have something you want to say before that like what all right I get it I'm sorry there you satisfied close enough you selfish what was that nothing just talking to myself right Stillman is a top-notch explosives technician follow his orders and disarm the explosives okay but exactly who is Peter Stillman gotcha I'll look him up hold on a moment colonel do you really think they'll blow up the Big Shell it's highly possible we'll have to listen to their demands in full they are pros they won't hesitate to take the upper hand if they see an opening do you plan on meeting their demands absolutely not you're the only person I can depend on you must remove the explosives quickly if the big shell explodes massive quantities of chlorinated chemicals used in killing marine bacteria will go up in flames along with the crude oil if that happens expect a large amount of harmful chemical substances including dioxins to be released into the atmosphere dioxins are common nomenclature for polychlorinated die Ben zodiac Sun and polychlorinated die benzo Fuehrer they are organic chloride compounds that are highly acute and toxic and are powerful chemicals that can cause cancer genetic disorders and birth defects on top of that they do not decompose easily nor dissolve in water making it easy for them to accumulate within the bodies of living organisms the environmental impact on the bay and coastal area ecosystem would be unfathomable environmental restoration would likely require several generations that is why we cannot allow them to blow up the big shell writing you must disarm the c4 tell me what you know about fat man okay hold on a minute I'll look him up tell me a little more about dead cell dead cell was a shadow unit within the SEALs organization right they handled surprise raids on vital government facilities didn't they yes they were originally put together to check the nation's military security system the unit was the brainchild of ex-president George Sears dead cell was a secret unit positioned at the opposite end of anti-terrorist outfits such as Delta Force and seals were they always a group of madmen yeah no they got weird when Colonel Jackson fortunes husband was sent to jail santé jail for what corruption he misappropriated government funds sounds like he deserved it that's what everybody else thought except for the members of dead cell they felt the colonel was falsely accused fact is they took the case to the powers that be but they never managed to reopen the case was there any truth to their claim who knows whatever the situation is dead cells name was tainted in Colonel Jackson he was being held at Leavenworth was meaning has been released well in a manner of speaking the Colonel's dead apparently he lost the will to live and died in prison the members of dead cells snapped with the loss of their leader they underwent a radical change became uncontrollable and that's why they undertook this terrorist operation seems as good a reason as any vamp is a member of dead cell born in Romania his specialty is knives but I guess you know that by now when he was just a kid he lost his family to a terrorist bomb that went off in a church they were attending his body pierced by a crucifix vamp was buried under the rubble for two days before he was finally rescued during those two days he survived by feeding on the blood of his family to quench his thirst that was how he acquired a taste for blood so that's why they call him vamp no vamp isn't for vampire it's because he's bisexual rumor has it vamp was the lover of Scott Dolph the marine commandant who accidentally died two years ago Scott Dolph was also the father of fortune the dead cell leader fortunes old man but fortune and vamp you noticed eh not bad for a rookie all right as you say vamp and fortune are very close not lovers but very close friends no there's more to their relationship than that but vamp was her father's lover would it have been better if it was with her mother well I don't really think they care what you think focus on the mission by the way have you ever met the guy before no but he seemed to know you right well no it can't be what nothing I told you the dead cell as a group of madmen I wouldn't take anything they say very seriously well you know about that strange woman you meet Fortune she's the dead cell leader her real name is Helena Dolph Jackson's known to her friends as Lady Luck Lady Luck yeah she got the name because bullit seemed to veer away from her in battle people have heard her say that her fortune in battle was payback for the lousy luck she's had in life lousy luck the death of her father the marine commander the conviction of husband a dead cell leader Colonel Jackson these events were followed by her mother's suicide the loss of a husband and the idea of a convict in the family apparently took her over the edge fortune was three months pregnant at the time and the shock of her mother's death led to the loss of her child add to this her husband's death in prison a few months later and to sum it up in the six months after her father's death she lost her family and everything that mattered in her life cheese she's had it rough yeah the thing is she didn't grieve long instead she joined the military now why is that do I look psychic my best guess is revenge I heard that she firmly believed that her husband was framed anyway by the time she came out of basic training she proven many times over that she was gifted with an unusual streak of luck in fact some say she sold her soul for it her soul her uncanny luck earned her a reputation that led to her appointment as the head of her husband's unit dead sell fat man supposedly he's nicknamed after an atomic bomb but to me he's just a fat man something straight out of a sideshow if he even has a bit of spare time he spends it disassembling and assembling his Glock over and over a cabinet he can't stand to have his hand still he's extremely vain about his hands keeps his fingers as slender and soft as a woman's they say he's always looking at his hands giving himself manicures Plissken what do you know about Stillman he's a bomb disposal expert probably the best in the world what else would he mean like why he retired are you here to gossip no then get back to work defusing those sea fours if there's something you need to know about Stillman go ask him yourself Plissken SEAL team tens Bravo team's been wiped out is that right is that all you have to say I thought they were your comrades yeah too bad too bad did you know they were used as a decoy to support my infiltration no but it doesn't surprise me man you are cold they were your friends what do you want me to say that you killed them or do you want me to say it wasn't your fault I just listen kid I don't have time to wet-nurse you or provide you with a shoulder to cry on you got a problem with your conscience you take care of it don't bother me Plissken he seemed pretty focused on the Navy captain something catches your eye yeah remember the handcuffs were cut there was something on the other end of that do you know what it was well I know forget it what do you mean forget it just what I said forget it I talk to you later kid hey Plissken were you really a seal that's what I told you but but what I had nothing listen kid you're on a mission thinking about anything else can get you killed Ryden where are you i I what are you embarrassed about you're on a mission anything goes Plissken I've snuck into similar places in the past myself huh Brighton I've frozen the first bomb how are you doing nothing yet Plissken what was the exact location of the explosive the heliport it was behind some cargo thought I was gonna have some trouble with the patrols but you is an easy job let's see what's the matter nothing really Plissken just don't let your guard down don't relax even after you think you've diffused it I know that writing shell one's all yours sure about this bomb it's been placed in a somewhat strange location agreed it doesn't make sense not for him anyway you sound like you've got everything figured out that's because I do I know exactly how his mind works we're still minute tell me something about that man well to start he was born the son of a clock maker neglected by his parents and without friends it seems that he spent a lot of time by himself in his father's workshop maybe that was a reason I'm not sure but apparently he has had a tremendous fascination with clock mechanics since he was a child it was at the age of 10 that a guide book that he found on the Internet changed his life forever that guidebook served as a basis of his eventually piecing together an atomic bomb it was from there that he came to be known as fat man but soon enough there was no one associated with bombs that didn't know his name in a sense fat man was a hero although what he did was recognized only by those in a trade I'm sure that it served to greatly stir the ego of a teenage boy at the center of thought but he leaves his mark nowhere else apparently he was hated and shunned by everyone in school so he went on to focus all his energy on explosives he scorned the reality that surrounded him and instead chose to embrace a world that would easily grant him recognition well to be sure it never amounted to anything more than occasionally bringing a gun into school eventually Fatman came to Indian Head the exercise training facilities of the naval school explosive ordnance disposal at which I was a lecturer he absorbed all kinds of knowledge as if he hungered for bombs close to 20 percent of the students at Indian had flunked out of what is truly a hellish curriculum despite this environment he achieved extraordinarily high marks that were without precedent after leaving Indian Head he joined up with nest said to be the most accomplished bomb disposal unit it was there that he apparently got into some trouble what exactly you got me but fat man was definitely not cut out for group operations from the very start having been ousted from nest he was picked up by dead cell which was already becoming notorious for being a motley crew of sorts it seems that it was through surprise attack maneuvers made it conducted by dead cell that fat man completely subdued his former companions from nest while being the most peculiar individual among my students he was also the most talented be sure not to underestimate it a weekly Stillman I heard you made quite a name for yourself in the bomb disposal field nothing of the sort is only that you never hear people badmouth retirees why did you retire I forget at any rate rather than dwelling on past occurrences shouldn't we focus on taking care of the pressing issue currently at hand true enough I'll get back to work Stillman are you all right over there yeah no problem you must be bored hardly between dueling with you guys and calibrating this I've got my hands full what did you say nothing look it's just that it would be best if we didn't have to use this anyway get to those bombs by the way right did you happen to see the technician that came down along with me no I didn't I see wait Stillman is that guy really riding what disposing of the c4 is our first priority there's no time get back to the task at hand right gotcha looks like Plissken shouldn't be having any problems you'd better look sharp as well Stillman do you really believe that Plissken is not a member of SEAL team 10 he's probably not then exactly what is he I'm not sure but there are other things that I am sure like what like that I can believe in and that's what there's something about it too certain something that's found only in men of strength trustworthiness and reliability I see anyway I'm getting back to the mission what you see flying before you is a cipher it's a saucer type UAV for surveillance and communication support of land and marine operations it may look strange but it's very stable the cipher is capable of vertical takeoffs and landings in tight areas measuring as small as 3.5 meters also it features a fully autonomous system that allows for tracking and analysis of man-sized targets you can confuse the cipher sensors with chaff this not only blocks its movement but also prevents data transmission to its controller Colonel do you know anything about mr. X he is not a member of the voxel human he called himself a foe almost like he was the Shadow Moses right and I know what you're trying to say but that possibility is nil Jack our interest Plissken there are landmines in this area there should be a mine detector and strut F how do you know use your head they can't see those claymore mines either even if they did the planting so they need to keep a mine detector handy I wouldn't have thought of that you're right I don't think they taught you this and all that VR training but intuition counts for something in battle use your wits and senses to detect the danger got it colonel what do you know about that female soldier Olga Olga girl ooh kovitch just like that guy said she commands a Russian private army do you know anything else anything else yeah anything else why are you concerned about her anyway you know jack no no it's not like that I'm joking I'll look into her for you good luck riten rosemary has some information to report I looked into mr. Peter Stillman's file full name is Peter Stillman known as peg leg Peter he is a legendary bomb disposal technician he is also a longtime instructor at the Naval School explosive ordnance disposal and a consultant for the NYPD bomb squad but five years ago he lost his leg in an accident and since then he hung up his gloves to focus on being a lecturer he was called back into service because as he said he is the only explosive specialists who can stop fat man although no longer an active consultant he is still without a doubt the number one guy when it comes to disarming explosives he should be very helpful to you rosemary has completed her data search I looked up information on fat man fat man the Emperor of explosives you've already heard how he manufactured an atomic bomb at the age of 10 he appears to have been known throughout the world of explosives since he was a child he entered the naval school explosive ordnance disposal at Indian Head and graduated at the top of his class that's around the time that he met Stillman he was assigned to the nuclear emergency search team he quit soon after though after that he joined dead cell as an explosive specialist he's been there ever since rosemary has dug up some information on mr. X Jack I looked into mr. X I mean deep throat during the Shadow Moses incident Solid Snake did receive help from a guy who called himself deep throat his true identity appears to be that a former Foxhound unit member gray fox grey fox huh correct his real name is Frank Yeager the only member of Fox hound allowed to use the title of Fox he was its best member in outer heaven he holed up in the stronghold a head of snake he helped him and brought an end to the standoff but in zanzibar he joined forces with Big Boss and became the leader of the upheaval that's where he fought and lost to snake Fox was mortally injured and was picked up by the military after that it looks like he was used as the guinea pig in power exoskeleton and gene therapy experiments power exoskeleton cyborg ninjas as some people called them detailed records were lost in the research center fire though after that he ended up in shadow Moses yes but why he showed up there is not in the records some people believe that it was to get revenge against snake but there is nothing definite to go by so now he's no he died in shadow Moses that is for sure so then who is mr. axe I don't know but be careful right rosemary has something to report jack I looked into that guy a few minutes ago wearing a cardboard box but did you find anything no there is no corresponding data in the files for neither dead cell nor kernel girl lukovitch's private army how about as a surviving member of SEAL team 10 of course I looked into that possibility too but you didn't find anything no I'm sorry I couldn't be of any help Linda who the heck he was ridin be on the lookout writin I trust that you don't actually believe what that guy Pushkin told you right I believe him there's something about him like like an iron will enough to trust ridin hmm he's not included in the simulation don't trust him ever you got it Roger that Ryden don't ever turn your back on that older woman Olga girl ooh kovitch daughter of colonel sergei Gurley Kovich ex GRU and former Spetsnaz commander she's the leader of Colonel girl uka [ __ ] private army that's been wandering around the big shell those men were gathered by Colonel girl lukovitch following his death she inherited his command and now exercises full control her father's name was widely respected throughout the old Soviet regime and he was the goal of just about every military man why would a respected soldier become a leader of those cutthroats the collapse of the Republic resulted in a lot of unemployed soldiers most found himself suddenly cast out into the civilian world hopelessly lost the colonel took these men in he organized a mercenary army and led his men from battle to battle in various disputed regions around the world hoping that one day he would rebuild his homeland rumor has it that during the Shadow Moses incident he planned to rendezvous with liquid snakes men and assist in their uprising I assumed that the revolt figured into his reconstruction plans for the Soviet regime I also heard that Ocelot liquid's right-hand man was an old friend of the Colonel's back in the old days of the Soviet Union in any case Olga inherited her father's military genius and has become a force to be reckoned with she was born and raised on the battlefield and she's as tough as she looks not my ideal choice for a date you sound like you've met her no I haven't had the pleasure just remember what I said don't turn your back on her Ryden rosemary did a bit of research on that female soldier Olga girl ooh kovitch she's the daughter a former GRU colonel Sergei girl ooh kovitch after the Federation collapsed the colonel apparently commanded a group of mercenaries that drifted between area conflicts and civil wars after he died it looks like she took over control of the group she has more notches on her gun than you do under estimating her prowess we'll get you hurt be careful Stillman are you feeling all right there's been a while since I've run though guess that means it's also been a while since you've run out of breath huh are you accusing me of something writing no I didn't mean anything by it no no I should be condemned what wait everybody makes mistakes but it's the reasons behind those mistakes that become the real issue what do you mean the reason that bomb exploded and the reason that I was saved it's because I was confronted by fear and I I couldn't handle it halfway through disposing of the bomb I succumbed to that fear and when I realized what was going on I had turned around and was running away from the bomb the one who paid the price however wasn't me after I regained consciousness from the shock of the blasts the first thing that my eyes met were the corpses of children crushed under a pile of rubble still men yet what do you think I felt at that time a sense of relief relieved that it wasn't me oh that's not all at the time I was known as the top bomb disposal technician in the United States under someone like me who had neither a wife nor children that reputation was everything I didn't want to lose it that's why I lied about losing my leg ran away from the responsibilities that was mine closed my eyes to the victims stirred up the sympathy of the public alright Stillman that's enough for now let's just worry about what we're going to do about fat man's bombs yeah is that you ridin I haven't reached on a jet Stillman do you really think there are bombs that the sensors not picking up right ceiling the entire casing of the bomb prevents the odor from leaking outside it's a technique that I for one didn't teach but wasn't leaving a signature of sorts fat man's aesthetic touch perhaps this fat man is not the one I knew what fat man right now is fragile and weak what's more he's dangerous watch yourself okay riten how is Plissken doing looks like he's doing fine still when set it to there's something strange about that guy don't let your guard down understood struck D is sediment pool number one it's a facility where extracted polluted water is stored without being disturbed so that its large pollutants settle and are purged from it Stillman how are you doing over there I'm checking it now it just can't simply be a bomb that doesn't respond to an odor there must be something else planted there exactly what is it I'm not certain give me a little more time writing your grip has gotten stronger guess your hard work has paid off jack you're great right your grip went up again jack you're truly amazing colonel Stillman is dead I know pull yourself together writing I can't I can't do this alone Jack are you listening alright calm down Stillman is dead there are no more explosive specialists you're fine I won't let you die Rose alright then is censer be equipped yes see if it responds or not Jack no matter what you have to bring an end to this crisis okay right Rose did a bit of research on Fortune's weapon the faith rifle that she carries appears to be a personal that fires bullets with magnetic force as a movable conductor it uses plasma electrons to boof acceleration capabilities the kinetic energy of the ammunition is approximately 10 mega joules incidentally that of a 140 million a smoothbore gun ammunition is 20 mega joules I can't believe something like that even exists it's not available though what she has is only a prototype that thing sure doesn't sound like a prototype problems with the rail plasma and inner rail electromagnetic reliefs have yet to be solved evaluations exist that criticize it as unacceptable as a field weapon because of the high risk of accidental discharge mostly either way it's a weapon machine and a weapon that's uncontrollable to be very careful jack Batman is wearing a bomb blasting suit it is worn in disarming explosives and protects its wearer from the flash heat and sharks essentially it resembles a bulletproof vest made out of special material the front of that head and body are guarded by a laminated ballistic insert the back - is guarded with a protector to ease the impact on the spine from a fall after a blast attacks to his torso will likely have little effect at first it might look to be cumbersome but in fact it is made to be extremely flexible so as not to hinder bomb disposal one could even do apparatus gymnastics like the pommel horse or parallel bar and the problem is that poorly ventilated and having it on for long periods of time runs the risk of leaving its whaler mildly overheated however the seat is equipped with a cooling system like a spacesuit in which the period is run through inner suits - he will not likely overheat in the suit with those configuration calipers the total weight of the suits would exceed 50 kilograms that's too heavy for skating around and impact might easily make him lose his balance and he'll fall down shooting a part of the secret of gun will be minimal damage at best aim for exposed areas of his head if he falls down when he tries to get up he's your best chance Batman carries a Glock 18 a fully automatic version of the Glock 17 pistol it can fire twenty nine millimeter bullets per second getting caught in its line of fire is extremely dangerous work machine pistols originally used for VIP security assignments though in order to stop terrorists correct as portable weapons with major firepower and he would have such a gun and use it with only one hand don't forget he's a member of dead self what's more he walks around wearing that suit he must have a lot of faith in his own strength don't engage him in a fire fight from the front attack and when he reloads like a bomb nothing yet where is that damn fate we're running out of time have you checked under fat man's body what of course not it can't be there you don't know that okay what evidence do you have that it's there just a hunch all right look Rose I know what I'm doing and this is my life on the line you don't have any experience in this type of work so jump Ryan don't turn down a good suggestion when you hear one check it out Jack what you know what I'm talking about all right all right the bomb was where you guessed it would be you were right and you saved my butt as long as you realize that I was pretty surprised though I never expected to find it where I did you must think I'm pretty clueless huh of course not and I have a pretty healthy respect for the woman's intuition thing now that is such a sexist thing to say you know that come on don't be mad I apologized already don't sweat it I'm just messing with you I want you to recognize that I can help you through this thing and that I care about you Rose hang in there okay colonel whisking wasn't killed you look happy Jack Yeah right and don't trust him what don't you think it's suspicious that he alone came out unscathed things don't add up hmm right you don't put any faith in that guy you will carry out your mission alone do you understand the strut a roof functions as a heliport while inside it serves as an aerial transport hub for materials to each of the other struts because it's sea entrances are cut off by oil fences there's hardly any transportation of goods into the big shell by seafaring vessels almost all of the materials brought in are via the roof heliport colonel who's that person Eames I checked the roster of secret service members serving the president there was definitely a person on the list named Ames so what that ninja said then was not a lie after all as far as the roster goes no Rose do you have any other information all right I'll look into it for you I'm counting on you colonel the stories about a metal gear within the big shell that is still being looked into sorry Jack and stories that the big shell is just a cover well every record I've looked through only ever has it is a legitimate offshore decontamination facility on paper it's clean so you're saying that we have no choice but to talk to Eames or whoever else Plissken do you read me what's up writing I just ran into a guy decked out like a ninja a ninja yeah do you know anything about this no can you trust that costume freak I don't know but the colonel told me to follow the guy's instructions and like a good soldier you'll do it right I'll let you in on a little secret kid the ninja that was publicized in the Shadow Moses incident no longer exists the guy you met has no connection whatsoever with the incident and how do you know that because I do huh just be careful who you trust okay place gambit do you know anything about a Secret Service agent named Ames Ames you've heard of him ah no listen if you know anything no I got the name mixed up with someone else forget it right rosemary has a report for you or name's Jack it's about Ames did you find anything yeah only that there's nothing to find what there is not a single record let alone his social security number address or background I couldn't even find Ames gender age or full name well what does that mean all I found out was Ames just that one word hmm even still Ames is our way to the president we'll have to make contact head for floor b1 in the core of shell 1 if you make physical contact with the enemy while in disguise the disguise will be deselected keep that in mind uniforms probably not even close to your size yeah tell you the truth it feels pretty tight it's probably a better fit for rosemary here than you excuse me colonel just an observation let's get back to the mission shall we that was inappropriate Michelle one Corps is what its name implies the center of the Big Shell the first basement floor is a capacious meeting hall I'm sure that's where they held the Welcome Reception for the President and the environmental protection inspection team but its core function is concentrated in the second basement floor computer room this computer room is where the flow of polluted water and the status of filtration is observed in addition to being where all tasks for other facilities are carried out I can understand why security is so tight colonel what's this door I don't know it's huge what the hell is it it's not in our Intel right we have no way at the moment to open that door leave it alone and proceed with the mission understood there's a desk that stands out it's oddly customized what kind of dork brings all this stuff to work must be a super freak what's that bird parrot isn't it probably a large budget parakeets get used to humans easily and our talkative so they are real playful and fun hurts when they bite though and keeping their cage clean is quite a task having one isn't all fun and games you sure know a lot about parakeets I had my own once I didn't know that I never mentioned it no this is the first time really yeah it's probably a lot of other things that I don't know about you yet yeah actually well there's a lot more rows Jack what after this mission is over let's talk about lots of things yeah what good luck that area is the hall looks like there's going to be a presidential welcome reception you mean we're gonna come flying in and crash that party looks like there's a lot of stuff laying about make sure not to scatter it around the enemy will increase their security if they discover anything out of place don't worry I'm used to cleaning things up roses room is Jack don't say anymore fine anyway the key element of covert operations is not to leave anything behind understand like what are you doing you forget yourself I can't believe you what's wrong with you I highly disapprove just what do you mean I'm just rosemary you're right one shouldn't stoop to vulgar levels just because they've set foot on the battlefield but I can sympathize with you there what nothing how twisted both of you Jack what the hell are you doing you are sick you know rosemary colonel was I wrong in what I did perhaps there are certain things that a person can and can't do yeah maybe you're right you understand yes come out of this thing alive both for yourself and so as not to waste your training no need to tell me that Colonel Wright and I recommend you not throw away that picture colonel what you're not joking are you continue your duties understood yes sir right you appear to be enjoying yourself slapping around defenseless hostages I can't believe you I didn't think you were the kind of person to do such a thing good thing you saw him for what he really was hung rosemary yeah I don't know this person anymore goodbye Brighton rescue the president head for the first floor of the shell to pour is the president one of them Ames said that the president entered the code with his own free will but you heard how they are planning to get rid of the president right yeah they are going their separate ways no first off the president is not necessarily extra baggage for the terrorists if you have your doubts you should address them when you meet him Roger that do you think Ames was telling the truth about the football rosemary Roger that Jack I'll look into it for you colonel apparently Ames didn't even know that the hostages were killed in retaliation for SEAL team tens incursion yeah the hostages were probably in a different room right focus on your duties for right now concentrate on rescuing the president head for the first floor of shell to score colonel I saw the terrorist leader is that Solid Snake yes he's the terrorist who sunk the tank or two years ago right do you think he's some kind of hero you heard him right Solid Snake is a terrorist you must fight him do you understand colonel the outer heaven that snake mentioned ah yes it is a despotic military state built by a guy called Big Boss the greatest soldier in history and snake's father genetically speaking he tried to restart it I don't know but word has it that his brother liquid snake hope for an outer heaven also it might have had some special significance for the two brothers that ninja helped me again do you have any information on him sorry I've looked around but nothing I don't know what he wants but he is trying to help you that much is certain don't let your guard down though like rosemary has completed her search Jack I found data on the briefcase used to unlock the nuclear launch codes it appears to be a fail-safe system using the president's DNA base order and input of his physiological data as its key the lock is said to be impenetrable in other words the President himself is the only one who can enter the password right on top of that as Ames mentioned before the password becomes invalid when the president's brainwaves heartbeat etc are not within normal limits so the president entered that code by his own free will after all but why would the u.s. president lend a hand to terrorists how should i I don't have information like that yeah I guess you wouldn't also it seems that the need to reconfirm the code after a set amount of time is true meaning that the president is safe right how about the story of the black case also serving as the launch key to a new model of metal gear that wasn't in the records stories of a new metal gear model aside it is certain that they have finished inputting the code and are trying to launch the nuclear warhead meet with the president and ascertain the truth hurry you must meet with him while he's still alive the reinforcements that rush up whenever you're discovered by the enemy are the president's special security unit they are the cream of the Secret Service and have previously served as members of cat' the counter-assault team which is part of the presidential security force these guys have seen more action than you'll ever see in a lifetime their equipment is based on the land warrior system which has been an army development project over the last century you've been with force 21 so you should know what I'm talking about it's the latest infantry equipment enhanced with advanced data communication and processing features the system is designed to treat each infantry soldier as a single terminal in a network the helmet has a mounted display that provides everything from sensor and map updates to directives and commands from a command outpost through a data link the soldier is also provided with video and graphic information such as current location including the placement of friendly units rendezvous points also included with the package are various targeting systems biosensors GPS receiving units and the latest data processing equipment if I remember right didn't the army have a problem finding of battery with enough longevity to power the equipment that's right but the development of a sealed membrane battery capable of withstanding the wear and tear of combat situations solve that problem making the system practical on top of that the weight of all this equipment is no longer a problem thanks to the DARPA developed exoskeleton technology with human strength amplification capabilities a soldier may look slow and clumsy and all this equipment but don't let that fool you former members of the president's special security unit are equipped with ceramic plated armor attacking any spot other than a head is pretty much a waste of time for results go for the head actually the best course for survival is to avoid any direct confrontation with these guys have you ever heard of outer heaven outer heaven yeah know anything know what about it the terrorist leader mentioned it something about being close to reviving outer heaven is that right well do you know anything no but whatever their goal is they're probably up to no good we've got to stop them Yeah right the stuff used in that trap is semtex it's a plastic explosive like c4 developed in former Czechoslovakia the stuff was called the terrorists c4 back in the Cold War days made from RDX and petn semtex is easy to handle and very powerful the stuff can devastate an area whatever you do don't get caught in its explosion the Hollywood the world's first practically beast all vital by shifting the propulsion of the engine nozzles on the sides the plan can handle short distance vertical takeoffs and landings the payload capacity of the Harrier 2 is considerably larger than its predecessor do to improve engine output as a result it carries more armor started with a 25 millimeter machine when the pod on the fuselage there are air-to-surface rockets on both wings and various pods for air-to-air missiles on cluster bombs you won't be able to take out one of these with small arms fire the fact is you'll need to use stinger massager the harrier ii is equipped with an err determinism the mm is an active homing missile designed to succeed the sparrow on the final phase of its guided approach to a target the missile locks on to the objective of an active seeker and goes into full autonomous flight mode in short the Amram is a missile with fire-and-forget capability this aspect of a missile makes it ideal for fire in the running tactics significantly improving the mission survival rate of the firing aircraft with a high-performance active seeker the MRAM is extremely functional once fired it pretty much zeroes in on its target with deadly accuracy and how do you avoid one of these I recommend Chat protects the a man's been reinforced against ECM in fact the missiles been designed to home in on the source of electronic countermeasures but that only applies to air combat it's highly unlikely that the missiles I put for tracking human targets with any precision you should be able to sufficiently throw an MRAP off course with a chat burning the minute you see one launched break out the grenade we are currently aboard a ka 60 Kazakh helicopter a multi-purpose military aircraft of the Russian this copter is capable of handling various missions including troop and supply transport medical evacuation target acquisition for attack doctors and all-weather skeleton equipped with the latest avionics electronic equipment and the kesakhian can have a communication and electronic jamming as well as other special operations the copters designed for survival in combat and the mains the rotors are capable of functioning of the green puncture in addition the Kasatka features a polyurethane filled fuel tank to minimize the danger of explosion however the Cassata cannot hold its own against the harrier it's only suitable for providing you with air support what I'm trying to say is that it's up to you to take out the heroine right where do you think you're anything stop messing around you have something against us that we don't know about colonel Plissken was snake after all according to him what listen right I'll say it again he is not in the simulation there you go about the simulation again don't put your faith in Him don't trust him do you understand you know I thought I heard of aim somewhere before dia would mean we're talking about moustaches ex-husband Nastasha miss Dasha Romanenko isn't she the one who wrote in the darkness of shadow moses yeah she helped me out during the shadow moses incident she was also actively involved in the philanthropy organization following the incident where is she now your guess is as good as mine but she's probably still a heavy smoker so iroquois Plissken was an alias of course in the rank of lieutenant junior grade made it up that's just great anyway I get the Plissken part but what about Iroquois Iroquois is a Franko Fayed version of the Algonquin word for rattlesnakes it's what they called their enemies Algonquin the Algonquin nation one of the many groups of Native Americans who used to call Manhattan Island their home the majority of tribes in what's now the state of New York were a part of the Algonquin nation so this was a stronghold of snakes by the way Manhattan means island of hills and Algonquin right my sympathies sneaking missions are called wet words for a reason after all don't worry about it jack it's okay rose that is as long as you take a shower the second you get back do we have a deal the shelter core is where the actual filtration system resides or at least it used to now it's just a shadow of its former self here water mixed with crude oil was filtered using antagonist bacteria in the microbial decomposition of hydrocarbons below the first floor basement is a gigantic VAT for this purpose what happened was that this VAT broke and flooded the floor the first floor which is not flooded houses the air purification facility that eliminates the stench from the polluted water Manhattan is right in our backyard here you know there's plenty of reason to be cautious Colonel I want some background information on Emma Emmerich I've got it right here direct from the National Security Agency's personnel files apparently she was involved in some sort of high-level project but there's no details on that her record shows that she resigned from the agency two years ago Emma Emmerich full name Emma Emmerich Danziger members of her family call her EE after divorcing Hal Emmerich's father her mother took Emma to England and raised her there Danziger is her mother's maiden name but she prefers Emmerich after returning home to England her mother married Robinson a businessman the following details are from a report filed with the NSA when she joined the agency just before graduating from high school Emma injured Robinson in self-defense during an alleged assault on her person as a result of this incident she followed in the footsteps of her stepbrother Hal Emmerich and left home to enroll in Oxford it is believed that at this particular point in her life she was extremely angered by the fact that her brother failed to protect her consequently she lost all family connections and is very resentful she seems to believe that her brother is to blame for everything while attending Oxford she was noted for her success in a deciphering event sponsored by British GCHQ they may not be blood-related but she sure sounds like Otakon sister there's more Brighton do you recall a certain situation that's more or less become a legend among hackers to refresh your memory at the time just about all of our nation's communications and information resources were concentrated at NSA in Fort Meade in fact NSA's basement facility operated round-the-clock to amass data obtained not only from public communications but everything from satellite to wiretap operations as well I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that whoever controlled the NSA facility could move the On January 24th in the year 2000 the facility suffered a total system shutdown for a 73 hour period did they ever figure out the cause it's believed that a small group within the government had arranged the incident with the assistance of a notorious group of crackers the result was a full review of NSA safety measures which in turn led to the decision to shift the data gathering operations to an isolated location that would be safe from physical attack as well as cyber terrorism and where might that be my security clearance couldn't get me that information but I did find out that one of the key members of the hacker group was none other than Emma Emmerich although she started off as a specialist in artificial intelligence and complex logic Emma is now regarded as a computer genius that would make her a prime candidate for recruitments in the intelligence community wouldn't it and knowing most of the intelligence agencies I doubt Fairplay was a major concern in their recruiting efforts your assumptions correct the government played on her weakness her strong hate for Hal Emmerich the brother who left her when she was 6 years old she hates him that much when she was 6 years old Emma and her father were involved in a pool accident she survived but her father drowned what did the police have to say about that the report states it was an accidental death isn't that about the time that Otto Kahn left his home and family exactly but I don't have any idea why he chose to do so does Emma blame Otto Kahn for her father's death I don't think so her hate seems to stem from the fact that she believes Otto Kahn abandoned her you see although the two weren't directly related they were said to be very close it's rumored that sibling rivalry was what launched her career as a hacker four years ago the government leaked her the details of the Shadow Moses incident in doing so they were able to recruit her for the NSA I also have little doubt that they also used the NSA hacking affair as a means to convince her to cooperate you think that her hate drove her to frame snake in Otacon that I don't know colonel did you hear the truth about the shadow moses incident yeah snake wasn't a terrorist you look thrilled huh yeah so you just believe everything that he told you then what did you say don't trust him he isn't in the simulation simulation again what exactly are you talking about don't put your trust in him just carry out your duties to the best of your abilities do you understand writing colonel why did Ocelot murder the president they disagreed probably exactly the same what has the Shadow Moses incident don't be foolish are you sure about that Ames death appearance of the ninja the president's death and now the virus you're reading too much into things that's right jack you're tired right and don't waste your time thinking unnecessary thoughts invest all your energy instead in carrying out your duties colonel did you find anything about the Patriots no not yet I can't find data on them anywhere but the president is Jack there is no data colonel you know something don't you no I don't know anything I need a little more time the rumors about Big Shell being a big cover-up are all true Otacon I had snake check everything out sure there's some facilities to clean up the pollution but they're not running at full capacity don't you think it's funny that even though two years have gone by since the incident they haven't managed to clean up all the crude oil of course the media doesn't report that kind of thing I think they're having fresh shipments of crude oil brought in to replace the stuff they've cleaned up the story you were told about toxic chemicals being released if the plant more blown up also seems pretty I don't think it's actually true information is being suppressed on a huge scale these guys seem to think that the new metal gear is worth all the effort money they're spending on it so I've been lied to all along no I think even your CEO didn't know what was going on and that's probably what he's been telling you I didn't mean by the kernel I meant by you uh-huh we never lied to you we just didn't tell you everything that's all you know you're a pretty interesting guy you're just like snake said What did he say that you're a weak simple-minded stubborn fool a a weak simple-minded nah don't worry he didn't mean anything bad by it nothing bad what could possibly be worse than that that lying useless backstabbing mincing son of a writin I'm his friend I know him better than anyone else I know he's not that kind of guy yeah so what and by the way there's one more thing you should probably know about snake what he's right here next to you yep did he hear every word I'm I'm just gonna get back to the mission now as the president mentioned Metal Gear RAY was created as an anti Metal Gear weapon in the Shadow Moses incident Ocelot returned with a disc containing data of the exercises that were held for Metal Gear Rex and the new nuclear warhead what's more he sold that data not only to the nuclear powers but to other countries as well those nations that obtained the data have commenced their own Metal Gear research where does it go from here what happens when the world is flooded with variations of Metal Gear we'll probably be looking at an era similar to that at the nuclear arms race that was one of the reasons we organized philanthropy I understand that fortunes father marine commandant Scott Dolph had the same misgivings that's why he proceeded with the development of the anti Metal Gear weapon Metal Gear RAY in fact ray alone can drastically redefine tactics when you consider its seafaring capacity to approach strike and break off from targets I also believe that Ray was a solution for renewing interest in the Marines whose role as a Rapid Response forces dwindled over the last few years I did a quick inspection Arsenal gear security system is similar to the antibiotic function of a living creatures immune system surveillance of the inner system is handled by periodic scans using a number of agents with the capacity for detecting data that doesn't belong in the system once the agents detect any invading data the information is passed on to an antibody production system from there a program referred to as an antibody agent is autonomously produced to neutralize or eliminate the invading data added to that there's a solid barrier existing between GWS optic neural net it's physical and logical base and the other general nets referred to as the bit brain barrier this wall is a filtering system for preventing the infiltration of foreign data this security system makes it very difficult to attack the system from the outside I'm afraid nothing can be done without sufficient preparation that underwater mind is believed to have built-in compound sensors for detecting acceleration speed changes in water pressure body temperature and other data a light touch will trigger one of these so be careful mistake it's stillman Stillman's here yeah he was waiting for me right be careful driving you're a dead man if you fall into the light reaction tank that's right the life reaction tank cleanses polluted water with microorganisms these organisms are activated by pumping them with large volumes of oxygen as a result the water specific gravity is extremely light making it impossible to remain afloat once you fall in you'll never come up you can't move once his knife nails your shadow shadow diving are we talking about some kind of ninjutsu it's probably some form of hypnotism hypnotism I'm guessing it the power of suggestion augmented by his speech and movements coupled with the manipulation of the light reflecting off the Pleiades not what should I do I can't think of any way to break the spell on such a short noise the easiest thing to do is to make sure his knife doesn't hit your shadow ride if his 9p nails your shadow you won't be able to move for a while if this happens your only option is to rapidly press a button and move the left stick around to free yourself from his spell vamp mentioned a purified hydrogen bomb any idea what it is a purified hydrogen bomb is a nuclear weapon that doesn't use a nuclear explosion to trigger a nuclear fusion reaction there are two theories for triggering a purified hydrogen bomb of the two our nation focused its research efforts on the laser inertial compression theory theoretically it's the same as laser nuclear fusion by solidifying deuterium and tritium at an extremely low temperature to create fuel pellets and bombarding these pellets with a high-output laser the surface of the pellets evaporate this creates a reaction that results in the inward compression of the pellets the center portion of a pellet reaches the necessary extreme temperature and pressure conditions for confining nuclear fusion and thereby creating a fusion reaction I understand that research in this area continued into the last century but I'd heard they hit a wall when they couldn't come up with a miniature laser capable of the necessary ultra-high output from what you tell me I guess I'll have to assume they overcame that problem right that skull suit of yours is designed to minimize drag when you're underwater try feeling the suit skin sort of sandpapery what you're feeling is a series of microscopic grooves this water repelling scale structure cancels out the force of the currents the suit cuts dragged by a full 10% you'll be swimming like a fish the technology is extrapolated from the structure of shark skin the concavity of the skin surface is designed to cut down on air drag on dry land as well same idea as the surface of golf balls but improved upon sounds good if I'm ready for the Olympics jack-jack Oh Rose is that you but what's up what's up you were looking for a pretty long time something catch your eye no no just um scouting for the enemy somehow I have a hard time believing you enough hurry up and return to the mission at hand Brighton how's Emma doing she's pretty shaky on her feet whatever ocelot drugged her with it's still having an effect on her poor thing look after her okay I'll try she can't even walk by herself because of the drugs in her system see how she has to sit down when you let go of her hand if you have to release her hand make sure she's somewhere safe don't let her go in sight of the enemy if emma loses consciousness drag her just like you drag the enemy's body around unconscious Jack what's up with you oh nothing don't leave Emma in an unsafe spot when she's unconscious drag her if you have to but get her to safety okay ridin let me talk to Emma sure one condition no arguing no problem put her on e is that you yes what do you want why did you get involved in weapons development a lot of people will get hurt even more will die I'm talking about the destruction of homes and cities radioactive contamination for years to come you of all people should know the horror of nuclear weapons you know about our family's dark history ye why you left me you made my life a living hell I didn't have a choice don't lie to me but pool you could never look me in the eye after the accident you took the easy way out so you wouldn't have to face me that way you could avoid responsibility every day you ran you ran away so you wouldn't have to face the pain no that's not why I left you left me and took the easy way out that's not true I left the house because you're a criminal just like me I know what you did you manipulated our account on the network but look at what you're doing now you're nothing but a cracker no I'm just applying my knowledge for the cause the cause of cause justice for peace ee I'm not like snake I can't carry a gun and face the enemy that's why I do what I do best oh right nice justification how forget about being a criminal you'd make a great lawyer alright over Eddie that's enough what's up right out of my way let me talk you want to talk to Oregon yes I'll put him on yeah what is it up to now scientists have continued to be active participants in war what's your opinion there's no doubt that war has been an ideal event that fuels the progress of science but therein lies the trap we scientists must establish some form of work ethic it's a tragedy that both the government and the military act as sponsors to modern science what are you talking about the atom and hydrogen bonds were born from laboratories owned and operated by universities and private enterprises Los Alamos and the Lawrence Livermore labs were run by universities there's a big strange about that weapons development and universities this may come as a surprise but science requires that information be exchanged freely you're referring to the will of Professor Oppenheimer aren't you for me science and weapons always existed at different levels I never thought that my research results would bring about misfortune to others that was until the Shadow Moses incident I have no regrets that's where you're wrong we scientists know the dangers of a nuclear threat it's up to us to protect the people we can't allow it to be exploited by Nations or their politics man and nuclear weapons cannot coexist mere mortals were never meant to handle nuclear fusion science defines me my government respects me can you tell me what's wrong with that can you okay enough what do you think you're doing that hurt I don't think I like you you suck what do you think you're doing to her you purple what do you think you're doing at a time like this keep your hands to yourself excuse me can I make an observation sure you are worthless what is wrong with you yuck you know that I don't want to do this [Music] [Music] Venus in cancer Emma this is about GW but is it really possible to automate the scale of censorship do we have that kind of computing capability of course we do and it would be impossible to do this unless it was automated there's too much information for human beings to handle let's say your specialty military operation is an example shall we the US military began to aggressively abduct the digital model in both combat and daily operations at the turn of the century that's true battlefield networking the revolution in military affairs and of course the BR training regimen information is the deciding factor in the outcome of conflicts it's because of that reality that the military's invested trillions of dollars in high-tech weapons and equipment there's no night or day in war or information right 24/7 there's nothing that we couldn't see through electronic eyes and ears and that's what gave us the capability to collect analyze and understand tactical data in real time no just the opposite what we ended up with was two huge alone women literally everything from the position of every platoon on both sides to the number of clips everything and treatment had left as a result nobody could figure out what the big picture meant not even the most experienced and skilled general could because we are flesh and blood humans can't adapt to the information age is it basically no human being can make an intelligent command decision in the information overload of digitized Wars so R&D into computerized systems to assist in the process was initiated the Defense Department tested a large-scale 8i driven system for troop logistics during the Gulf War apparently they got the results they were looking for and you're saying that worldwide information censorship can be performed the same way yes it's possible given GWS capabilities begin it EMAS terrified of the sea lice she won't move I sympathize I wouldn't want to be anywhere near those things either but we can't exactly sit here Arsenal gear is about to go online right you'll have to get through there even if it means forcing her to move I know it seems cruel Ryden I may have to sign off for a while anything wrong just a small errand don't worry about it what's it about here goes I'm going offline are you trying to kill me did you have to shoot me of all things do you really hate me that much [Music] gone be something hey are you taking this seriously [Music] em'ly about what you said behind that column there what are you talking about can I just say something sure this is my real hair okay of course if I said anything about that right watch where you're aiming Brighton what are you aiming at cover Emma that's a pretty good shot kid now how about aiming at the enemy how's Emma doing not very good I can't do a detailed examination here but it looks like the damage to our muscle tissue is equal to the actual size of the wound what are you trying to say that there's the possibility of intestinal damage added to that she's bleeding bad losing blood pressure she needs abdominal surgery but this ain't the place to do it I plugged the wound as best I can but it isn't gonna be enough she's running out of time we have to hurry why I asked EE about the disk you have in your possession basically it's a set of computer worm programs each one is structured to mimic the data units that compose GW as a result GW scan agents are unable to detect the program in short the program doesn't trigger GW s antibody production system what's more the program can penetrate the bit brain barrier that surrounds GW once the worm program enters the neural net it transforms the surrounding neurons the transformed neurons become solid and can no longer function as neural nets as time passes the neurons transform and perish stripping the overall system of its power to define and comprehend data this in turn causes language disorder and memory loss leading to the shutdown of functions as the system becomes unable to maintain itself right do you actually enjoy abusing helpless animals I don't believe this I had no idea you were that kind of a monster I don't understand you writing if you're satisfied get back to the mission right you won't be able to hang throw or chokehold anyone in your current state why not is it really necessary to ask it's just not a good idea to perform those maneuvers there could be complications oh really jack do we have to spell it out for you really is this right the famous mass production metal gear that entire section seems to house a maintenance line for metal gears check em alright those mass production metal gears are in adjustment phase they're not a threat but it's entirely possible that there's an operational metal gear somewhere ahead stay focused right be on the lookout those soldiers are outfitted with special gear Roger armed with what probably Arsenal gear equipment called Tengu the suits use exoskeleton technology to augment human strength and improve mobility with artificial muscles not the kind of opponent you want to take on without your weapon or other equipment you'll just have to move about without being seen understood right temperatures in that area appear to be real low yeah just like a refrigerator maybe to keep GW frozen high temperatures are forbidden for fiber optic neural AI processors don't catch a cold Metal Gear RAY was originally designed by the Marines as a countermeasure against other metal gear variations but the mass-produced model is only based on the Marines design it's been redesigned to guard Arsenal gear now it protects another metal gear i heard all this from Emma it seems that the mass production model metal gear rays have cooperative engagement capability with GW as the primary control system several Ray's can connect with Arsenal gear and mutually exchange data within this unified domain all Ray's can cooperatively manage threats through notification pursuit and interception all in a lifelike manner all for one and one for all there's no weak spot when protected by a pack of roads Arsenal gear can move without cruisers or destroyers as escorts those mass production model Metal Gear Ray's look like they're being serviced I don't think that can move keep going Gangu soldiers carry the p90 personal defence weapon it lies somewhere in between a rifle and a pistol the designers of the p90 and it's ammunition focused on the convenience of a pistol and the penetrating power of a rifle it fires the new 5.7 by 28 millimeter cartridge the lightweight rounds feature a projectile weight of 2.02 grams and a muzzle velocity of 715 m/s and low recoil its piercing power is also quite high it can penetrate an ordinary bulletproof vest at the distance of 100 meters the body is made entirely of plastic and perfectly symmetrical so even left-handed shooters can easily use it it carries a 50 round the magazine is knotted on top so it doesn't get in the way when firing from a prone position but the biggest threats are its rapid firing rate and its accuracy it's probably best to avoid a full frontal assault if you use the blade to defend yourself you should be able to deflect even the attacks of the p90 tangu soldiers wear a special kind of combat suit it was developed by DARPA it seems to utilize some kind of exoskeleton technology the suit encases the soldier in a layer of armor and is outfitted with actuators which utilize artificial muscle tissue to amplify the soldiers strength and increases chances of survival using the human strength amplification provided by the artificial muscle a soldier can move faster travel farther and carry heavier weapons than normal in other words he has superior scouted and combat abilities and can basically dominate the battlefield any soldiers you face will wear special kind of soup will be able to move with superhuman agility make sure you're prepared you found out anything about the colonel yet his behavior is getting stranger and stranger nope nothing yet just give me a little more time the engine system Metal Gear RAY appears to be outfitted with artificial muscle tissue the artificial muscle consists of actuators that resemble human muscle tissue it's made of a macro molecular fiber that conducts electricity this system is different from ordinary engines based on mechanical activators and oil pressure it's capable of many different kinds of movement using a single kind of engine in other words it's capable of performing a complex series of motions smoothly and effortlessly Ray's movements of both quick and precise be careful Ray's armor is made of a state-of-the-art ceramic titanium alloy a network of simple sensor arrays stretches around the body including conductive nanotubes that connect the surface and the interior of the armor when the condition of the armor changes self diagnostic systems located throughout there detect and respond to this change like a network of autonomic reflexes this acts as a damage control response system performing functions such as shutting down a damaged section or rerouting signals through auxilary circuits at the same time any holes and tears in the armor are repaired to some degree by a kind of nano paste that secreted automatically from valves near the damaged area this nano paste almost makes ray seem like it's bleeding you probably won't be able to pierce Ray's armor with the weapons you're carrying you'll have to aim for the head where the armor is thin aim for the head using Stinger missiles the power suit that solidus is wearing is a state-of-the-art excellent that makes use of artificial muscle tissue it gives the person wearing its superhuman motor skill capabilities it's the same technology used in raised engine system and the tengu soldiers combat suits your skulls who uses a little bit of it - a number of sensors stretched between the surface and interior of the souffle gunnarolla when these sensors detected impact the artificial muscle reacts instantaneously by automatically contracting and defusing the damage so you can't just chop them in half with your sword your suit uses the same technology you could almost say that your shoots solid suit and Metal Gear RAY are like brothers
Channel: George Salonikh l Metal Gear Solid
Views: 268,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YagH5FOyuRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 24sec (5964 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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