Metal Detecting Finds A Colonial Honey Hole | Dream Hunt
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Channel: The Hoover Boys
Views: 211,489
Rating: 4.9173379 out of 5
Keywords: Honey hole, Colonial, Silver, Gold, Spanish, Reale, Reales, Coin, Coins, Coppers, Largie cents, Garrett, AT Pro, Fisher F75, Ace 400, Mateo detecting, Metal Detector, Treasure Hunting, Dirt fishing, History, Historical, Indian Artifacts, Seated Liberty, Half Dime, Trime, King George, NEL Storm Coil, Hibernia, Coin spill, Fun, Funny, The Hoover Boys, Farm, Jewelry, Deep, Maryland, Treasure, Big Silver, Epic, Amazing, Best, Finds, Wow, Insane
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 42sec (2562 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2016
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