Digging a MASSIVE Hole Metal Detecting and FOUND ...

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this week on the hoover boys so this is why we're not live digging a whole lot right here there's these little aluminum balls and muck said this sounded just like one of them i did [Music] beautiful morning and if you haven't seen this skyline before this is the place we call the hammered silver field today's episode is going to be a little bit different i'm standing right here where there's a massive iron patch there's big iron in there and uh the last couple times we were here we were digging signals digging out the big iron getting down a few feet and finding really early buttons other relics and other desirables so today mark and myself we're going to come in here with some smaller coils dig down scrape a little bit detect maybe try and get into a trash pit we're going to see where the day leads us but it's definitely going to be something a little different in something really cool uh hopefully we stumble upon some bottles some old relics some coins you never know there's a really early site and we're gonna have some fun try to save some history let's get to it i'm not saying it looks like i'm digging a well we just did a little test hole just to see how how deep we could go and we haven't we haven't found any bottom yet and he's probably two and a half close to three feet deep bricks old oyster shells obviously yeah the bones that's the stuff you look for into the uh burnt ash and i just beeped over his tailings and i was like oh there's a 48 signal right here that's a two-piece button which we haven't seen any of them come out i'm gonna bring her up to you it's obviously you're fine because you dug the hole but nice you know my brush yeah please it looks like it came out of a little karate trash bit that's going to be your shank side yup actually looks kind of it's kind of old it definitely has some sort of design on there but hopefully we'll find out shortly anything something on there i see something on it doesn't look like anything military definitely more civilian yeah but that's what we're doing today finding relics and what we believe is an old trash bit could just be the old foundation that's they filled in the side of the field here but it was obviously all the right indications yes sir all right so what i've decided is pick an area there's the hole he just pulled that button out of so pretty close to that i'm just scraping off you know a layer throwing it over there beeping that tailings and then beeping this and then scraping again you can see all the brick and actually it looks like pottery right there brick pottery ash stains all that stuff so this whole area is just littered with this all right so you can see how the color is kind of lighter like clay looking there compared to the the darker looking soil there i think this is the the pit here and it comes up over here because i'm just getting little bits of iron he's got a was a 70 on my machine oh what was it on your machine is that a copper oh it could be i wonder how deep that came out of the way down by the iron yeah he just pulled another did another hole over here feet down that looks copper-ish there you go that feels like a copper it does feel like a copper i think it is unbelievable it was down in there i knew we were gonna find some look it's got fire damage yeah it's got fire damage but no doubt that's a coin bro this side over here i might get some details off of this weight a lot smoother oh no we're gonna give this coin some 10 to 11 carry how about that i mean you find a coin over two feet deep you know there's more this is wild it's crazy this is crazy they came out of the slop all the way at the bottom of the hole too that's why this side's all corroded up pitted looking because it's been sitting down there in the moisture definitely a really early coin most likely an old british coin old british copper coin half penny of some sort but uh so i'm probably gonna stray away from this side and just help him open up a big hole over here and hopefully there's more desirables in there congratulations you got coins and buttons how about that i got a little piece of lead yeah man i did find a let me get this out of my sack a little clay pipe stem so hopefully i mean there's got to be some bowls in here some clay pipe bowls so i got my whole field back in while i was doing that mark's working on oh that was at the bottom of the hole that's a big hug that was underneath of the corn the coin he just pulled out that's a big old hill that is a big hell but it doesn't even look broken i wonder why they jumped it yeah it doesn't look broken i mean obviously we've found a whole bunch of hoes in here last time hoes and x pieces and stuff so had to be a trash bit this is going to get interesting that was a deep big hell all right we're making some progress we're digging down we've we've gotten to a softer layer and uh we're pulling out some some old pottery and stuff oh this is a horse bit it'll go in the horse's mouth which looks like some early pottery there most of a plate well two pieces of the same plate that looks early and uh let's pull it out up my machine's shadowing that's a pewter button that there is the early stuff so that was all the way down there no way you're gonna hear this with the metal detector that's why we're digging a huge hole see what's at the bottom hopefully there's a whole bottle down there yeah something really cool i mean we already got a coin out here which is really cool this is definitely some back breaking work though we're sort of taking turns with the spade and beeping tailings and same with the tape the day takes us we need to borrow a loader yeah we need a loader so here's where we are right here you can just see the the layers just change into this really dark softer soil [Music] with bone and pottery this is what you want to look for right here that ash layer now what i'm going to do here is just start scraping at the wall and huh actually what's that more bone start scraping at the wall and see what falls out because this is where your desirables are going to hide this is definitely a trash bit here definitely an old pit we don't have a screen so we can't sift this that's why i'm going slow with the shovel now let's see if i can find things that aren't metal now once we move all this dirt we'll beep over with the metal detectors i can't flip out like a silver dollar or eight reals right now all right so i'm scraping the wall and throwing the dirt up here mark says there's a button signal over here we haven't seen it yet yeah oh it's a piece of shoe buckle it's funny because when i was scraping the wall there he said something oh the hell's like i can't wait to flip out a shoe buckle a little piece of a shoebuckle looks like it was fancy yeah but we're i haven't done this in a while this is cool this is really cool you don't never know what's going to come out of these old pits oh yeah never know all right so at least on this side got down a really hard packed sand that there's the bottom now we just follow the the dark soil as far as you can go so you can see how it the pit sort of runs this way i'm sure it's all over here too but that's once you hit the hard that's the bottom we have a lot more scraping to do though there's a reenactment of what i just did it's a button right there beeping 48. it's got to be a button beeping like a tom back but it's looking like a brass button it had an iron shank just a thin brass button actually it could be tom back all right that was down there deep so it's might have to jump in the hole and do some scraping before i did i wanted to see if i heard anything something right there so let's go get her there's a mid-tone 58-60 hoping for another button i just lost it all right well let's get the big beep stick back out excuse me cool is that it oh it's the rest of the shoe buckle nice it's definitely most of let's go see if that lines up let's go see if it lines up we're missing another piece but yeah could have been a real short one here that are missing a couple pieces here and here yeah that may be the majority of it could be a bigger knee buckle but that's our our non-ferrous stuff there get back to it well my graves getting bigger it looks like i'm digging some of the stuff pipe's dead that leads up to the bowl i haven't found a bowl yet did pull out a big chunk of thick thick glass bottle really early stuff and i just pulled out this looks a little tom back [Music] oh someone's gonna pop clean and be a fancy one definitely a little top back button mark's just beeping around me working the iron with his machine so i just cleared my tail ends i got a signal over there and mark pulled this out of my tailings look at the shank on that joker that is incredible old lead button talk about some early stuff but i'm going to sit down on my glove we're i'm gonna go in here and try to extract this live oh sat down with some iron somewhere over here oh is that it okay apparently that's it no clue what that was off of all right well we got a big button all right this needs to that needs to end i don't know it looks like a claw or something what in a white what the heck is that a tusk like a pig tusk mate i bet it's a boar tusk of a hog see the hollow end on it yeah oh like what the crap is that so i guess we're thinking about pig bones here oh man that was that was weird like what is that thing that's different and cool all right back at it we just had some lunch and i did a huge loop out in the field got a musket ball and a little computer button walking back up here so i had the show for it muk's been working at the pit and he's been working hard and let's see what he's got some more clay pottery let's see a little little pony shoe some more bones there's a jaw bone there there's some tvs iron another hoe and you got some buttons it's a big broken tom back there there's some pewter there it's another big shank peter button awesome all right i guess is it my turn to get deep in that hole yeah man this really takes it out of you um my shoulder's killing me for some reason but i'm gonna go over my uh my scrape job pile of bones this is like a big old antler for a deer looks massive a bunch of clay pipe pieces haven't found a complete bowl yet that's the most of one and some glass and a little piece of buckle frame i'm down there and there's definitely a lot of hose around here another hoe for the pile all right i still got to beat my tailings though so there might be some more buttons and stuff in here hunk of iron well i beeped all my tailings and cleaned up the hole a little bit found some more clay pipe stem and maybe the top of a little fancy two-piece silver washed of some sort but the mux back what you got oh you got an early little buckle little broken piece and drawer pull your musket ball oh you got a nice little cufflink beautiful little cufflink fancy little almost i'm not sure what's got fancy on it yeah it's not i don't know it's just like the air off a toy gun but you see a thimble in there and some lead and holy cow yeah right is that a gel key you like that tooth hey bob wow that would be a banger oh yeah it's huge just drop my little button there it is slip right between that is a massive key yeah man i got one of him just like it what do you think it was two i don't know a treasure chest yeah a big one [Laughter] that's cool yeah i might make my uh my way out there and do a loop i'm gonna eat the rest of my lunch yeah i eat your lunch we made the decision to fill the hole in we've uh down the bottom and all the sides so what we're gonna do is what mark's already started doing collapse the walls down because we've dug them all up under there collapse them down and then fill it in but we're gonna metal detect it as we collapse and see if we find anything else hopefully it exposes something fun part of that buck jaw some more clay pipes and found a piece of escutcheon and then i was like oh hold on i see something first i thought it was gonna be a coin but i think it's gonna be a two-piece button just knocking the walls in and finding more stuff nothing on it come on it doesn't even have a shank it's been neutered all right another button for the pile and about two hours later it's all filled back in my shoulder is on fire and we're gonna go do some metal detecting on the fields if we uh find anything we'll show it to you then let's at least have a live dig on this this video so working part of the field that we've never been before we got a thimble over here and that hole there it's got a really fancy one piece button and mark just found a coin it's an episode what was that 73 something 73 it's a little small date that's a great date dude yeah those are not easy to come by indian heads sent 1873 definitely a semi-key date i think that's one of the years they had the uh double die liberty or something like that nice yeah we've dug free signals in this little area and they've all been good targets so we're going to stick around here for a minute or two well unfortunately there was nothing else but trash by the indian button we're just doing some zigging and zagging out in the middle of the field and i may have an old coin here it sounded like one but we haven't found anything on this side of the farm [Music] it is it absolutely is that's all i wanted today was one nice old coin and that did it right there it was low 80s so it could be anything well unfortunately this side is toast but we have an id it's a matron head large scent check that out nice early united states large scent lady liberty facing to the left and that's a nice old coin exactly what the doctor ordered we don't have a ton of time left and it should start snowing soon and give her a kiss can we find anything else show it to you so it's mark's fault that i didn't laugh dig this because he told me was gonna be a piece of trash because we've been doing some trash in the area of the field burn right now it's not trash what's going on here that looks like a little half cent or something definitely a coin it was beeping 82. oh yeah that's a half cent has some meat has some details looks looks like farm field details so far well unfortunately i don't see any details on this coin maybe we can sidelight it later but it might be bigger than half cent it might be more virginia half penny size but i don't see much to get a clear idea on it there might be a bust right there i don't know it's a nice early copper of some sort and here's the size difference from the large scent so definitely smaller so this is why we're not live digging a whole lot right here there's these little aluminum balls and muck said this sounded just like one of them it did and that is a spanish silver that is a half real that is a little silver coin we're gonna have to whip some food for that that's getting dark i don't think we're gonna whip some food today bro look at us that's the reverse if i can give it sharp that's awesome man way to go global pillar nah charles what's up the bust milled bust let's give that side some some juice too and go close up it is that is that is the first spanish we've seen this year first spanish coin it's got the m over the the o over the m so it's mexico city mint and there's some geese flying over my head it's a king charles iv it's an 1801 definitely some black stain on this coin but not bad details wise man it's actually very sharp the luck of the muck yes sir good job brother thanks man that's awesome it's just about dark out here and they're calling for a snowstorm tonight so the geese are flying we'll be getting out of here shortly well i'm certainly glad we came here and dug that pit today i'm pretty sure there might be a few more in the same little area but just to get in one of those pisses to see what was in there it was definitely a peace of mind and then we went metal detecting for a little bit and actually found some coins i think it met only taking too long and we got some trash in there there's all the bones out of the pit more bones and a horseshoe and some big iron and a bunch of pottery some really fancy pottery over here more jawbone a broken plate a bunch of hose like this there's nothing wrong with this hoe let me put that hole back to work i mean there's nothing wrong with it i don't know why it wasn't they got discarded i mean that one's got chipped tooth and that one over there is all busted up but that's a good-looking hoe um here's the board got the bore tusk there's all the uh the pipe stems my ears are frozen so i can't think there's all the little buckles and buttons and stuff that we did get in the pit in the escutcheon piece and i got some marks metal detecting finds over here a little early buckle and a thimble and some lead and some small buttons a little cufflink there's a copper he pulled out of the pit before we dug the pit and then the 73 indian and that the little heffery out there at the end that was a sight for sore eyes and i got i think that might be a virginia half penny and the matron the fancy button and a memorial all right time to go my uh my face is frozen now it definitely smells and feels like snow out here so until next time help clean up the ground dig it all and take your trash with you why because all holes matter it could be treasure in the bottom of those holes let's see what happens right yep asking sal receive we have a live digable signal here i can't talk i'm not having a stroke so it's kind of deep it's like 78 for me try again what's going on here try again straight there it's a memorial memorial down that deep gotta at least be a weedy yeah i see you have a weedy fine sir yay wheat scent in the sack awesome thank you well we're gonna lie to dig this one 81 could be a half set it could be a one real oh one real car that'd be fun please use me hear me [Music] i bet i did there's something right here it's a small scent friggin memorial way out here next to a large scent what's going on here that's a week not [Laughter] i guess it's a wheat oh well good amount of copper on edge look like one of them little aluminum things yep you caught it there's a little aluminum balls we find over here that's exactly what it is oh yeah usually i find balls of steel but this is a ball of aluminum why don't you turn this thing off i don't know it's making enough noise i think you pulled it too fancy [Music] you
Channel: The Hoover Boys
Views: 136,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, gold, deep hole, digging deep, massive hole, treasure hunting, finds, gold coins, best finds, rare, valuable, treasure, gold rings, jewelry, rare coins, coin collecting, pirate treasure, Real treasure, Incredible, Historical, Old, Deep, Unbelievable, Amazing, Coins, Revolutionary war, War of 1812, Civil war, Big silver, Silver spill, Dime, Penny, Large cent, Colonial, 1700’s, Wow, Funny, The Hoover Boys, Metal detector, plantation, treasure map, battle, currency, spanish silver
Id: dx1xUARhRQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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