MOST AMAZING Metal Detecting Hunt We’ve Ever Seen! UNBELIEVABLE Finds!!

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this week on the other boys you gotta be kidding me dude it's bright bright light Bob Hope's bob says that when I had the camber light on the other night all right I'm pretty excited today we're at a permission that I gained in the late spring early summer it's a 1760 colonial house a huge farm that sits right on the river and I got permission by myself detected this little field right here pulled out a bunch of buttons and buckles and they got one cop or a two-cent he's a flying eagle yeah and it was like like it was a hundred degrees that then I was dying I was only here for a couple hours playing phone tag with the guy all summer and this fall and finally caught up with him and he gave us permission for today we invited our friends Ron Steve and Mark unfortunately ron has to work we invited John I think I said then fight it we invited John and yeah next time we're gonna have some fun and try to say some history I'm pretty excited let's do this thing this place is huge and beautiful my first hole a little flat button marks on the board Hey look everybody its marks feet he says beeping 25 an equinox by wiping I think you have a coin here that's what I was thinking looks like clothing size huh it's a little larger than far then yeah it's uh quite moist today I'll try to figure it out if we can Oh hello actually see something going on over here let's uh let's clean this thing up figure out what it is one hands never better than two it's gonna be hard to show any details of this thing cuz it's a little taco top this is the obverse the thing is a King George the third but it's no doubt it's a Hibernia definitely a harp on this side there we go face the Sun like that you can see the harp a little better awesome seventy-nine this early in the day good job anything you can't stay and hang out with us geez oh look it's marks feet again another coin a smaller cent the fat oh this the way the ground is today how moist it is is not making this very easy exactly me anyone well it's an Indian barely coming through there yeah give it a good hard one there we go make it an episode good job soap every it's a 77 we clean it up later right on nice job oh no mark I'm showing a shadow that's a huge copper Indian and a really great signal here probably another coin he said was a 26 and then knocks it was I got 81 82 on the max be a surface saw here the new bread yeah [Music] good Oh what is that stuff oh no it takes myself oh it's kind of round oh you know what this is this is off a candlestick holder this is the thing you put your finger throw and attach to a little plate that held the candle that's exactly what that is good job they said it could it was beeping around 70 but I think I think I nailed it somehow yeah it's definitely a fresh scratch right there and there oh yeah I've seen that before you said I'll rub this side don't don't be rare though it's pretty thick yeah you're right see something silly I do believe it's a coin no no I'm just cleaning it up I don't want to flip it definitely yeah that's a little copper right there got it whatever it is oh boy I know it's really early in the day that two coppers already we've been here five minutes it looks like pétain is trying to come through there this is the side I got I only did that to make Brad feel better about himself it looks like a bus facing to the right so King George the third all right hopefully there's some silvers out here it's been a long time since we found the silver well since I found this over oh I can't show you so see way for me to get all the way up on top of this hill we just did a big loop around this area and now he's caught us back everything seems really excited about something big shining it's gotta be a coin uh-huh are you just gonna hand drop me Oh what is bad is it hammered oh yeah holy cow holy cow this is gonna be 16 or 15 minutes probably hundreds my gosh here's some food you need some too oh my god Oh poopie pop that off I just want to hold it Oh what is it oh my god or 1669 it's at the top so the first and then the second part of the date the other side of the bar across oh yeah let's clean this thing up I want to see us on this side I'm just trying to move this keep in it it's smooth Lizzy dude I think it is I'm gonna vomit I'm so glad you're not Brad here let me uh close up oh my god that is Queen Elizabeth the first this is a British three pence hammered silver coin from 1569 so if I can get some of this Sun there we go it is freakin incredible 1569 hammered silver coin found in the United States you can almost make out Elizabeth there Oh sixteen hundred silver coin you had fifteen hundred's no no no congratulations oh my god dude what held was Bob's coin it was 1561 right oh yeah yeah see two one five yeah Bob Bob found a hammered 16 it's 15 69 to 69 all right well maybe we will hit this area a little bit more a little bit more per second be a horde be a horde [Laughter] it's a 75 76 so there wasn't a horde over there by that hammered coin but we did hammer that area you know what I'm saying before he found that coin I found a nice big time back oh yeah nice big time back button then after he found that offend a buffalo nickel but they say you guys big copper baby movie oh that is small it's a small coin I want to rub too hard is it half cent get anything I don't know 21 on the max yeah that's nice small yeah I'm tough girl with something going on here I can't figure it out it might be a BBC no nobody definitely looks like a coin now back on the board yep yeah you were on the tour today I was gonna call it this morning Mike Steve's due for something amazing I had a feeling I know I was like using a good first day oh well as you can see this place is enormous it's going pretty much all around the water we're walking back through the field to go back to the tux to eat our lunch I just popped out a farthing sized copper coin there's nothing on it and Steve the man of the day says he's got a big copper let's get check that out how there been anything off of this yeah try to block the wind so I got a little wind is not that huge either you see the hole now lets you know hole actually I think there's something in there there's a letter I bet that's King George the first I know there's a three there oh you know what but this is a Virginia Halfpenny it is is the Virginia Halfpenny first see the cross on it right here oh there's a Virginia half penny that's 1773 brother that's a colony coin before we head state Cobbers you got another friggin cross donor coin yes sir that is a Virginia half penny get the one two three the the George esque bust but mines ugly he went Congrats [Music] bigger than a large sense gotta be a cartwheel pity it's it's a low 90 signal 87 88 on the stalker it needs to get live dog I really don't want to jinx 94 reading copper old radio awesome there's the invitation there from where Bob Clampett at six months ago Brady yeah pride is surf at scope a little bit more as it block the wind where the Sun go I see incent coming up yeah it's gonna be braided one Kent once yeah it's a braided hair Larson let me uh it's just dried right out on me I might feel it toothpick it and come back and show your close-up well unfortunately the Sun doesn't want to come out and help me out but uh that is a braided hair large set a nice farm field coin it's pretty toast that unfortunately we're hoping there's gonna be some more silver in here is that I'll get toasted like that but I'll give Lady Liberty a kissy gonna find a coin bye sweetie you wish we'll take a peek at it you beep it this is Mark's hole I just pulled out a braided hair over there that's no clad quarter it's a cool blue hair straightened damn you deal with the shovel huh looking right what's order I don't know the sun's not helping me today come on a coin my guess is King George the third facing right I'm out of here Danny R by the water now here looks like a changers a third to me you see him I'm guessing just the regular not a Hibernia yeah like the first in this morning for me nice thank you they're showing up we need this over now not you we need this over now not you so where was your last one like right here anything you have another one over here it's definitely one go in a deep either my goodness you got a client quarter congratulations what do we have they're drying up so fast here you're gonna play with it I'll let you do it oh yeah please be some silver in this grass not for you get here like the deets right off of that one yep I didn't barely touch the tips come right off as brittle any numbers in an axe yeah British Congrats thank you racking up the coins today well look you made it to the party what's up buddy please do me a favor find a copper the guy who has everything's sad today look at them he's Steven swinging like you know all sad poor little fella looks all lonely I'm gonna go join them as we know Brad hasn't found any great coins today but he has found some nice relics got some really cool bag seals he wants to show me oh oh my closet is so bad Bremen Bremen bro man what is that that one's really bad a dude reputation like this fo so so shall we see the other dude it's so cool-looking this now they have seen a bag seal that bears the Nathan if you want a filler I think it's maybe hurt your dreams oh yeah other ones in it you got another huge one like this it says Cleveland peas or something on it that cools my shoulder that is Wow that wicked I like it I like that a lot I think that ever wasted copper it's mark kids Sammy's turn the other way already on the board huh your flatty I'll watch why Nicky that's a good looking watch running key so they wearing the old pocket watches back in a day I love them anything on it nope I just got a little tiny flat button in a ball bond so yeah [Laughter] all right back to it what you're doing now mr. smiley oh she's too much of the house it's tiny definitely Eagle absolutely price Civil War little cuff button nice work look at the back sometimes to it once you break off the shank very cool boys nice the final piece of military don't drop it he said I have it again mr. smiley what do you got is it over there web by that button you found that's near death that's three ringer brother so your first son war bullet yep my man all kinds of first Hey hell yeah what a day I still can't believe that coin you have in your pocket that this no dad for a ringer Union Civil War bullet a better one that you want yeah we're a no ringer Enfield they're fun Congrats I think I need to do oh no that's okay I want to anybody oh hey look it's Steve I think it's easy to say there's been your best day ever definitely you getting deep nice oh that's a big copper anything on it it's got a face look at it - laughs I think you me about figure out what this is King George the second I think just the top of the bus right there yeah there's the 1 2 kg - buddy sometimes it a really really deep all the chemicals and stuff won't get that thing's really thick dough no no I think it's King George a second but if there's anything else we'll come back nobody look at the Rory I like the angle of the Sun right now it looks good yeah Congrats buddy thank you all I wants a Merc well with a lot dug that but I thought it'd be a fat quarter we're working our way back over to where the trucks are and we all have a pocket full of clad quarters it's a big copper I don't even going down and look at it yeah I just popped it up and flung out right there yeah it's beeping around 85 so I'm helping us probably matron one cent yep not a bad-looking one either this is almost a 1 Leiper nee-chan head large cent white jack clean it up a little bit more for the wrap-up but their dad about that one sorry Brad I hope you get one buddy not that you need any more great coins but they're just fun so I clean up a little bit yeah it's a nice sticky marques shiny I can't run right now good too much too much trash my pouch Brad marques shiny stars it is a half its seated half as all a deeper one who doesn't feel yeah oh don't see the back I want see the backside first I love it was you may give a nice good day I can't tell her I had to clean up a little more dog clothes so that is freaking awesome some little tiny silver so pretty what do you got memorial bread it's a half time yeah seeded half time 1851 we are having fun today well what's a friggin Merc he kept seated after yeah and it's pretty we are losing the Sun I'm kissing your coin it's over in a while you gotta be kidding me dude he just woke up in here new tissues and I Brad sure I'm holding right Brett said give you some side light it looks like you got the design the middle yeah oh let's try all these got a shake shake yeah it's gotta be the W right there yeah it's all dried up though it's a 13 collar George Washington fun we can't do anything to it there's a salt dried up now along with the president it's incredible we're gonna friggin see the hath die it's not support we just came back over to Chuck and Brad city has something is yet to be identified that looks at the back of a Connecticut if I had to guess yeah I thought it was statehood not a bad looking one behind with a million here first created up sure we got to do a wrap-up and get out of here mr. smiley very fun with a wrap up you don't have to be out here son you know aren't you glad you took off work today I'll buddy yes I am absolutely killed it looking at board goodnight that's probably just me and Brad stretch it wasn't that much trash here surprisingly for all the places where do I start up do me got a bunch of little Buckley things up top suspended things on my clad and my lead I've got on 13 buttons I believe please or not that is a buffalo nickel that that is a wasted farthing as a braided hair large cent that's a king george the third that i gave a little kissy and that's that matron in 1817 it turned out to be bread that rock your call native yeah here's his cleveland peas bag seal next to his brow man and there's a connecticut turn out to be 1788 well that's showing up they're not Nestor reverse got some time back so watch winding key a whole stack of clad muskie balls Ron you went here that long but he got on five bucks a watch water key yeah where's big bag seals and that little lucky thing Marky Mark some scouting Keys bunch of big buttons that aren't George Washington a saddle strap guide Indian hey yeah he did great the Hibernia this morning there's a King George the third we don't know that's a weird little bus on that copper do you think I see Georgia vests on it we didn't get that one over film but there's the 1851 see Liberty halftime and then Steven Civil War bullet musket ball so were button a couple other flat buttons unidentifiable farthing here's that King George the second that's the Virginia half penny that's the Queen Elizabeth 1569 hammered silver quarter and long lived the president 13 colonies George Washington button you George Washington inauguration but you do it on like three weeks ago until next week help clear up the ground dig it all and take your trash with you why Steve this is all holes matter that hammered silver it was a 65 i beeped it on the max [Music] [Music] hey buddy flip me young Friday - yes I don't know defend first you guys first Civil War boy that's it in his hole it's nowhere near done flip it remember that Lizzie you found that's a three pence he only recognizes a big one three date knows that I can't see a date 1569 he's in the 59 superclub with you buddy here's more yeah we did that you knew about this I was there unfortunately my mind hasn't been right since this day this is one day yeah yeah I'm nauseous again welcome to the club against a different club different membership oh no I'm not an ex of either
Channel: The Hoover Boys
Views: 164,381
Rating: 4.9290543 out of 5
Keywords: Metal Detecting, Finds, Most, Amazing, Ever, Unbelievable, Treasure, Found, Discovery, gold, Silver, Coins, Hammered, 1500’s, Coin, Collecting, Mind blown, Find of a lifetime, Treasure hunting, Best day ever, Pirate treasure, Incredible, Mind blowing, George Washington Button, Inauguration button, GW, Metal detector, Garrett, AT Max, Minelab, Equinox, Historic, Seated liberty, Epic, 13 colonies, American, History, Coin collecting, Coin spill, Colonial, Real, River treasure, The Hoover Boys, Rare, Valuable
Id: w-zlEcznTKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 5sec (1865 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 09 2019
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