metal detecting challenge, is it really hunted out?

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so in today's video I'm presenting myself with a challenge I'm gonna be metal detecting this cellar hole on Town property which is presumably hunted out but I'm going to approach it the way I do things slow low and methodical there's definitely stuff here well hey everybody today is a challenge day so where I am is this colonial home sight cellar hole nice paddocks old fields well our buddy Tim and I were talking about this location I've never been here but he said it's been pounded my thought in question is it really hunted out so I'm up here for the fun of it to see what we can find expectations none hunted out of coins oh yeah I'm sure relics more than likely but we're just looking for things in the ground so I'm sure there's bound to be something let's hit it so my approach and thoughts obviously we have the cellar hole will hit this for a bit pick through the iron and then we will check the different parts of the farm the little paddocks the living space and maybe orbit out into the field so this is what it's sounding like I [Laughter] [Applause] like hunting in the iron because that's where the stuff hides and that's what deters a lot of other detectorists I just got a signal kick the leaves back and dug that don't know what it is but it's a relic casing but still a hidden signal under the brush yeah that's a Tom Bakk button right in the dirt I have been here five minutes so that is good literally almost on the surface or pretty much on the surface button number two and see what the shank was but there are targets here it's just a piece of metal strapping but the signal was decent it was just about forty eight and I'm just going through gonna show you everything like I said because we want to see what the ground sounds like the targets and what we dig up everyone's got a different approach so the results will always vary well we got to know what that one is right well it was something at some point in time that explains the crazy signal I did get to really pretty blue shards out of it there's an iron bit well here's a deep one might just be a chunk of iron but it's a definite diggable signal a target it looks like a it looks like Tom Bakk but that is very strange huh obviously with the numbers it's not silver it just definitely looks like a Tom back button this side is very odd so see it's all in the approach and you know the commitment to when you hear something going for it 47 48 cufflink I think it's a Tallyho one that puts it right about the American Revolution nice yep there's the Fox beautiful piece of pewter and probably the remains of a spoon Bowl it's a concave in the middle there fall still a relic another button I'm still working a lip I'm still going round and round so it's just a matter of you recoil when you hear something that just tickles outside of the iron noise back up real quick there's no writing on it it's not flashing it's it's perfectly rectangular I was hoping and thinking it was a tag that went on something but but I just moved brushing a perfectly good 48 signal popped up one thing I certainly like to do at sites like this is swing around trees because you know a lot of people just don't get that close it's a 39 to 48 not sure what it may be but it's a good signal and you know that's the way I always think when I approach these sites most people are gonna walk the path of least resistance and swing where it's open that's why I still haven't yet to go out and orbit I might not even make it today I get addicted to the but that's the area that's gonna be the most easily picked over cuz it's quiet out there until you're here a target up here it's challenge see this to me is great when I open up the ground and I find shards of things oh savable artifacts there we go another button half a button but it's still a button shank is there good so that's how I'm approaching my move away I did the lip like three times really slow and now I'm just coming back out this trees about 12 feet away from the hole and that's the perimeter I'm doing I'm hugging all the trees I'm moving brush I'm taking everything I hear so this will probably my last target right up in the lip right up against this tree super loud more shards it's hard to ha no way unbelievable I think this really answers the question look at that beautiful escutcheon Wow well that's a nice way to end the dig right well that's it mission accomplished and it just goes to show you today's thoughts check the site anyways commit to digging things that don't sound great that could have been a piece of sheet metal it was just right there loud go where the iron is that because that's where people are gonna have the most difficulty getting things out if you're good at work in the iron there's still stuff hiding in there I'm sure somebody can come along behind me one of the guys and still pull stuff out of here who brush go around trees go slow just take your time that's all I did and I will be coming back here again maybe even tomorrow because I haven't even gone over to the barn the well and living space is there and then all the old fields so I like this place so we'll see in the next episode till next time enjoy your not Thursday [Music]
Channel: Not Thursday
Views: 6,288
Rating: 4.9638009 out of 5
Keywords: stealth diggers, not thursday, nh vlog, new hampshire, metal detecting, Garrett atgold metal detector, metal detecting challenge, Metal detecting relics out of the iron bed of a cellar hole in New Hampshire, cellar hole metal detecting, 1700s, relic hunting, working the iron metal detector, old farm, detecting town property, abandoned farm site, tallyho cufflink, old buttons, isolating signals, detecting old fpundations, iron discrmination, is it really hunted out?
Id: uYAcnbnA9YI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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