I found all kinds of old things metal detecting in the woods

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[Music] that can't be any good it helps to sometimes psych yourself down for those signals huh actually maybe [Music] [Music] [Applause] well we might as well start here hey everybody welcome to uh not thursday in new hampshire well i have been at it for 30 minutes already with the current world situation with the human malware going around everywhere you go to park there's now no parking signs because well people are getting outside more or everywhere you go to park somebody's parked so my intended goal of looking for a seller hole now it's way way way over there for today has become an impossibility i have had to start 30 minutes back on this trail and i do know seller holes up there so that's where we're heading because that's where we have to go yeah there is absolutely no way we can get to where i was going to go today but that's all right this is a very cool area classic uh basically a village everyone got out of dodge the early 1800s because it's just it's not good terrain for farming or anything so we're going to head up to a seller hole here that i haven't been to in quite a while we'll see what we can find in the ground look at this as usual i've veered off course because i looked in and i just saw a massive wall going up the hill here and uh once again i am not going in the direction i intended twice but you know what [Applause] this is this is intriguing granted it's not good land but somebody up there spent the time and you know us with ops gotta go you gotta go check it out so let's follow this wall over and see what is up all right well we're pretty much up now this is interesting and this is a you know what we refer to as the signs right there is a very short line of field stones they were clearing up there and not far over is another wall larger stones keep things in or out or property either way when you see walls this close at least in our part of new hampshire it's a sign of the battle against the land meaning there wasn't much room to toss them or there was a home up here but that is always an interesting thing to look for well i'm back out on the old dead road just popped out of there it definitely appears to be the best piece of land around so my guess is somebody from one of these farms owns that and that's where they had to clear and grow things uh once i popped out of those you know rock line squares it just got bad so we're a short distance from a proper seller hole and we're gonna go see what we can find been a while since i've been there there we are on the back side so you know doing side trips like that is never a waste of time because that's how we enjoy and learn the landscape some of the most remarkable sights that have ever been found for us have been bushwhacking and just going for the curiosity so this is a well-hit site who knows either way it's a good thing we're here so i just locked onto that target this is one of those sites i like because it's loaded with iron so i'm just crawling along really slowly hoping to lock on to something like that i like the challenge of iron it also kind of gives you the advantage because most people won't or can't pick through it that's a thing no doubt about it it's like a double rivet so we were able to pull something out that's different all right well here's one for the curiosity value right off the sidewall of the cellar hole big well it's definitely not right under the surface what's left of a can one of these days it will be full of coins right right right well a very loud and obnoxious 60. there's lots of them around but this one i just went for it and there you are what's left of a pewter spoon that is great because as i swing through here there's you know over there where we just where's all iron over here it's just very noisy i can see sheet metal and things popping out of the ground but that was hidden in there and that baby's old sounds like sheet metal it's clearly the tip of a knife but it was again it was in that 69 70 range as opposed to you know well the sheet metal on my machine goes 78 ish so all right two links so not necessarily garbage just uh you know iron goodness [Music] that can't be any good it helps to sometimes psych yourself down for those signals huh actually maybe i don't know about you guys but that to me yeah it is it's a heel plate made of iron one two three four five holes and then i don't know what that larger one is but it is an iron heel plate awesome so you never know wow makes uh makes sense on the slight back side of the hill here you often find things like that know if you guys heard that signal uh don't know big iron threaded on this end i guess it would have had another prong to be indexed or something but that's what that noise was and no less than dead center in the middle of the chimney stack and iron buckle another cool thing it just was screaming at me as i walked in so i was like i'll just dig it now that's where i am i'm i'm inside the house right in the middle essentially so yeah just like that practically sounds right under the surface because it is oh wow oh wow that is a cool piece of iron i don't know if that's wagon stuff stove stuff but that thing is cool this part here that swivels yeah i really don't know i've never dug one so i have no idea my arm is as far as it'll reach sorry um but yeah right under the surface right in the chimney stack there's no doubt the place burnt down because it's this just stuff and iron absolutely everywhere nail bed is heavy but let's see what else is under the surface another buckle now it's kind of making me wonder about what was going on here debuckle very well worn actually see these are the things that make the day interesting you know this old site here essentially in the middle of the house under the chimney and there's you know a pile of probably stuff from the 1800s cool we are definitely finding things [Music] today it's a it's a latch from a corset or some type of fancy lady you know strap-down apparel nice talk about picking it out of the iron another one of them another loud obnoxious seemingly not deep curiosity signals there's no way it was that nail yes mission accomplished button i got distracted by the big nail once i opened up the ground beautiful huh that is after standing up and swinging over the area oh my god oh it's a shotgun shell i thought it was another button you got me buddy the infamous 53 oh cool a little bit of it but it is what it is found the heel plate earlier here is part of a toe tap so that's great you never know what them 53's well everybody that's it uh today was actually pretty good considering i didn't choose the site it chose me today that's how things go when heading out to the woods and we found a lot more things here than i was expecting but i just picked through the mess and wasn't over selective on my signals and we walked out with a few relics so how can you beat that all right everybody get out explore your world and just go with whatever way the day takes you and enjoy you're not [Music] thursday [Music] you
Channel: Not Thursday
Views: 8,670
Rating: 4.9863324 out of 5
Keywords: stealth diggers, not thursday, new hampshire, metal detecting, Fisher metal detectors, Fisher F19 metal detector, I found all kinds of old things metal detecting in the woods, digging up cool old stuff buried in the ground, 1700s, 1800s, cellar hole metal detecting, old rock walls, old foundations, hiking, exploring, nh, digging up relics, colonial cellars, metal detecting out in the woods, finding things metal detecting, what can you find in the ground metal detecting, dug it up
Id: eoapM2hY8cQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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