Stopped for a quick dig & metal detected around a cellar hole in NH

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[Music] oh yeah that's rusty it's a match to the thing i found a few minutes ago one of those [Music] [Music] hey folks welcome to another not thursday in new hampshire solo dame today i'm out on a it used to be a dead road and now it's a loggers cut that goes way up i've driven this a couple of times and i've always gone past this little tiny cellar hole right on the edge of the road and i've always said i'm not gonna go there that's gotta be gross and nasty so i was on my way up and i decided i'm just gonna swing around the hall i wasn't prepared five minutes in check it out a beautiful keyhole escutcheon look at that well you can hear the trucks jake breaking um yeah so i guess i'll start here and see what happens so as you guys can see this is a very tiny settler site it's maybe 10 feet on a side and then out back it turns to ugliness and swamp i'm going around as much as the terrain will let me and lots of big iron stuff from the loggers tossing it uh i've got a signal yeah we'll see what it is oh what is this that's that's an interesting thing uh some sort of horse tack maybe the straps went through the bottom there and right next to it hmm oh i think it's a it's a button got a button three things so far 15 minutes not bad that sounded pretty shallow let's see here kind of big too oh yeah that's rusty it's a match to the thing i found a few minutes ago one of those weird 75 buckle boy things are just coming out of the ground very cool 60. sheet metal at a foot down that'll do it boy i tell you i can't move but three feet without getting another signal here that's small probably right on the surface could be ammo oh it's uh it's an upholstery type tack that's a relic nice cool finding things is good so this was sort of double tapping a couple of things about six inches from each other they both sounded kind of buttony but you never know oh there's some old glass i have to be careful chunk of iron [Music] sounds ugly i was hoping that iron would have been masking something oh i hope it was masking another piece of iron that is fairly modern fairly modern something that's what i was masking that sounds squeaky like a button or garbage yeah i don't know how much longer we're gonna be able to stick around the wind keeps blustering up and spraying me with cloud sweat it's uh oh lovely some of that things that are around sound better than they are the infamous 53. it could be an ant's nest yeah oh it's ammo it's old shotgun though that uh that was a full size brass shotgun shell there all right 53. that was a short one folks uh we're back exactly where we started [Music] we found things it was a spur of the moment i was going up there now it's gonna rain but it worked out perfectly till next time folks enjoy you're not thursday you
Channel: Not Thursday
Views: 6,202
Rating: 4.9857311 out of 5
Keywords: stealth diggers, not thursday, new hampshire, metal detecting, Fisher metal detectors, Fisher F19 metal detector, Stopped for a quick dig & metal detected around a cellar hole in NH, cellar hole metal detecting, metal detecting old places, digging up old buried stuff around cellars, fisher f19 small 5 inch coil, finding old iron relics buried, metal detecting 1800s, metal detecting cellars, 1800s, key hole escutcheons, digging around old foundations for relics, cellar in woods
Id: OC8JeKzzqmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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