Metal Building Tips and tricks: How to get a permit?

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so you're thinking about a metal building and it sounded better and better every single day that is until you get these permits the end-all-be-all and the whole metal building process whether or not you can put up a metal building on your property is all up to these guys today we're gonna share the best tips and tricks in order to make it a little bit easier coming up what's going on guys this is tony here with big builds direct comm and on this channel we talk about all the tips tricks and advice in order to get you the metal building of your dreams so if you're interested in that or interested getting in a metal building consider subscribing and also comment the state below in order to see if we can help you out with your metal building if you have any other tips tricks and advice feel free to comment below as well so let's get into the video tip number one we're out here on our property we're getting a lay of the land we're gonna take some photos some videos and get a pre plan of where we want to put the metal building now what you're gonna want to do also is look for any foreseen problems that may incur during the permit process [Music] they're your commercial or residential you guys will see that sidewalks can play a part in easements and setbacks on where you can put your meadow building so your county or your HOA may require that you're 5 foot 10 foot 20 foot or even further away from the sidewalk depending on exactly what their regulations are what you'll see right here is we have a tree some counties HOAs in certain places will make you actually get a permit to take down a tree won't let you take down a tree we're not going to take down this tree we're gonna keep it here but there is a tree stump that's blocking where we're putting the metal building so we might have to get that taken out of so that needs to be accounted for in your budget as well as talk to at the permit authorities guys right here they're called powerlines you don't want to get too close to them also there may be a variance on how tall you can build the metal building near power lines make sure to look at the ground work while you're doing this the ground does not look out a level at all but there is areas where there has been a foundation cord already and we need to address that accordingly during this process all right guys so you went on to your property you've got to lay the land kind of did some pre-planning but what you need to do now is go on to Google and look up your local Planning and Development website and there you're gonna find the physical address to go and apply for the permit you're gonna find a permit application you'll see there's a phone number there and before you call you need an email address as well to stay in touch with them so get some more information but then what you're gonna want to do is confirm a couple things with the county time to make the call always be polite and respectful no matter what the person on the other line is doing or saying always be polite and respectful you're gonna want to ask them a couple questions just to confirm the things that you've seen online on the Planning and Development website question number one would be what is my wind and snow load in my area give them your actual address they'll be able to pull it up on the computer they'll be able to provide you that some counties you on this side of the county it's a certain snow out on this side it's a total different snow load so make sure to confirm what is my wind and snow load at my exact address so I need generic engineer drawings do I need calculations do I need foundation drawings do I need as built engineered drawings do I need wet stamped engineer drawings sure to get all your questions answered while you're on the phone with them be polite once again be respectful fill out the permit application if you have to go into the office go into the office submit it online get the engineer drawings that you're gonna need submit those as well and then cross your fingers I hope you guys get approved a permit guys on our video next week we're gonna be talking to concrete Pete he has 20 years of experience doing concrete work so if you get a chance hit that like and subscribe button and you'll be notified of our next video on how to do concrete coming on [Music]
Channel: Big Buildings Direct
Views: 26,031
Rating: 4.8576779 out of 5
Keywords: metalbuildings, garages, permits, metalgarage, polebarns
Id: cId6NFpdJ2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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