Apple Vision Pro Switches to PCVR | VR Update

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meta is dropping a huge update with v67 they're letting you control all of your windows in all of the locations it's an experimental setting so check your quest right now go into the experimental settings see if you have multim monitor support it allow you to have up to six Windows anywhere in space Also this week apple is taking control oh cool they are getting some sixed off uh trackers they're kind of like the meta Quest ones but they look shiny kind of like a Magic Mouse do you want a magic mouse for controllers uh w I guess yeah what's the what's the least convenient place you could put a charging port on on a uh yeah it would be like on the lenses in questionable news metah Horizon store is allowing app lab apps into the store and they're naming them Early Access I was right it was me I called this yeah you you said this last week or a few weeks ago they're going to call it early access and we're never going to get real games ever again exactly [Music] um all right let's just get let's get into it it's not it's not a comedy podcast oh it is is it well I try to be funny I'm not laughing hello everyone welcome to games V reality the place where you get VR news but not facts no not at all not facts uh I am advoc gr gray and with me as usual except for that one time is I am at Lord bit steak correct yeah you did that correctly I did uh we are current you can't see it on camera but we are in a bomb site right now we are we are a very expensive bomb site yeah we're slowly moving to set this up so we can stream M don't trip on any of the multiple headsets that are just lying around there's a lot of heads I got a quest three here there's two Vibes and a quest two there's a lot going on if you'd like to see how many things are in this room subscribe to us and if we get more than what how many do we want like 10 15 we're at 205 our record for one video is 18 new subscribers hindsight isn't very big but I'm proud of that let's get 220 by the end of the week and if that is the case we will upload a video of what this room looks like no we're not going to do that when we get to 100,000 subscribers I'll will show you what this room looks like oh I saw a Reddit post where there is an app for uh an Apple app that allows you to stream 2D movies onto your headset and play them in 3D it converts them to 3D in real time oh wow that's awesome yeah it's really really cool also Mark Zuckerberg announced that he's really close to showing off his holographic AR glasses do you want to talk about that no also in the we're going to have a comment time our first comment time oh great excellent like a Q&A kind of a thing exactly we're going to talk about cloud gaming in VR we had a few comments about that also your review of Jedi fall in order yeah yeah cool awesome also we're talking about what we're doing in VR I've been playing some demo but in really weird circumstances and you've been doing some developing in unreal I have I've been on the other side of the fence for once wow what's it what's it like over there uh buggy if you want to jump to any of the stories we're covering today just look in the description cuz I put all the time codes and links to the articles I get get the stories from in there so check it out um if not just pretend like you watch the whole video and comment saying that it's great and then subscribe yeah and put a Time code in the comment yeah totally so we don't have to do it you know what let's do that delegate yeah that's great I Like It Cool do you remember the first story I have no idea yeah yeah I told you I know you tell me every week I just don't remember okay v67 is bringing that multim monitor fancy new new thing that they have Computing is coming to the world yeah that's how I pitched it last week so for everybody that isn't aware of this so in the experimental settings for v67 which is the next update for the quest platform or the Horizon platform oh yeah everyone's favorite if you go into experimental settings it will uh have a little tick and you can add this multim monitor support so you have your regular dock it's a little bit different it's smaller and flatter but you have your three Windows there but you can take a window and just drag it out and put it anywhere in space and it will pretty much pretty much it'll stay there MH mhm as long as you don't reset your play Space right yeah so I found if I Clos the dock and then open the dock wherever my head is the dock would appear and everything else would spin around relative to the dock which is kind of annoying mhm and this is coming to the Quest 2 as as well yeah yeah yeah it's v67 so the cool thing about meta is when they release an update it's for for both so at the moment um yeah it'll be on the quest two you have a quest two I have a quest three obviously pass through is great for having Windows around the place but Quest two it would be sick as well yeah it would be very helpful for me the only thing I want to add now is the ability to have a window in a game like just hanging out so imagine I put a window up there I'm doing a walkr of a game cuz I can't get past the but I just put it up there and then ah yeah I can look up you know what um I do a similar thing using steam VR where you can actually put a window like a desktop window anywhere and I'll often put like a podcast like way further down in my vision so like it's out of my periphery when I'm looking forward and then if I want to I don't know they'll be like hey look got this drink that I I had what they show it look at at this product that I had or whatever uh I can look down and see the product that's right and we're looking for a sponsor so if you'd like to sponsor this podcast please reach out to us but if you don't want to sponsor us at least subscribe yeah that's really helpful if you haven't already reboot your quest if you can get v67 and check your experimental settings all right it's the story I know you want to talk about and that is the meta Horizon store is calling app laap appap can you say it applab apps thank you they're calling them Early Access games now you you called this what two weeks ago I did I did I said wait so the app lab is kind of like Early Access right you go no no no no it's completely different complet completely completely different meta announces that it's going to be changed to Early Access cuz that's exactly what it is yeah so calling it early access kind of like allows a developer to just release a half finished product and they're like well but it's early access that's right whereas when it was applab I kind of felt like you were still still purchasing a real product right in theory what you're purchasing a real product when you buy a game on Early Access on Steam yeah but they can they can claim oh well it's buggy cuz it's not finished yet it's early access it's not a real game right whereas I think ideally if we're going to the Horizon store wouldn't it be great if um they were finished I suppose but like this puts money upfront in the hands of developers that otherwise would not have access to that and we've seen that do wonders for for early VR games on PC VR I don't see why that can't be migrated over to meta's OG platform yeah that's probably a good point so the the two did you not I'm checking my phone and no yeah no it's let's have a look it's on no no no no look at this look at this zoom in on that mine's um you you go yeah mine's mine's on silent too so one of us is lying yeah I wonder who it is I don't know so I'm looking at it from the point of view where the steam store is just full of trash it's all Early Access whereas another way to look at it VR is very small so there's a lot of small developers so it's good that they're able to sell an early access version of it to get extra funds to finish off the products okay uh Counterpoint um steam is full of trash whether or not it's early access or not there's a lot of games that are like asset flips that aren't Early Access you can buy them their their their garbage uh uh objectively um I feel like the same thing also exists on on The Meta Horizon store anyway as well there are games that you have recommended to me I guess you saw a 30C apologize for recommending those games was that on the app lab or was that on the actual okay well that tells me that we are dealing with just reshuffling the same content around I guess at the very least this will be a tab that says Early Access so you will know it's early access also coming soon is the ability for developers to turn off the boundary if it's a mixed reality game and you're kind of excited about this because you hate boundaries I do I do I hate all the boundaries uh uh you hate it you should probably respect some boundaries from boundaries I should I should um no this is good because I often have to turn off the boundaries manually in the developer settings in the headset so if a developer could turn that off on the game side it means I don't have to do it so it's good for mixed reality games like Deo for example so you don't need to set up your boundary every time because that can be pretty annoying it can be you are constantly like having to set up your boundary yep yep I I I move rooms quite a lot I'll be playing VR in one room and then I'll take it off and then move it somewhere else and stuff and so um yeah I'm constantly having to reset it up even when I do their point Cloud shared data nonsense thing that pops up I was like rejecting that every time because I thought it was like a privacy I guess it's like they've seen my room anyway I guess so it's like what am I really saving but I was holding off on doing that and then I'm like well [ __ ] it I'll finally do it and I'm still setting up just as many boundaries as I was before now I've just given them permission to have the data from that so I thought it was going to fix it it just it did didn't but now theoretically a developer could just tell the game that it's a mixed reality even though it's not and we could theoretically have games having a little toggle yeah just turning off boundaries all together I just can't imagine that an official game is going to choose to do that when there's the possibility of someone hitting a wall or breaking a controller and then blaming the game you know and then meta goes well it wasn't our fault because it's all on the developer we've given them the opportunity to do this that would be good for like uh fear challenge G GES like nope or Rich's plank experience is that what it's called that's my favorite horror game yeah yeah yeah experience uh but you go extreme boundary mode this could actually kill you yeah totally totally play it on the highway if you go the wrong way you know you're risking it it's a whole it's a whole it's a whole deal yeah just play it like on your roof or something play it near stairs oh boy play it definitely play it near stairs that's what they actually tell you when you set up the Quest for the first time is go definitely go next to some stairs make sure that you are next to a doorway originally when I had the Vive the Vive has the cord uh when I was playing onward you have a knife you can stab people and the very first day I played it my brain was like oh run towards them to stab them and I did that and ran into my brick wall but if I was facing this way instead I would have ran onto a hip High um little uh barrier and I would have flipped over it oh and I would have I would have I would have hung myself with the Vive cable and people would have thought I was doing erotic asix a in the vi that's how I would have died slightly less erotic well you you won the game obviously right cuz you didn't fall down the stairs you didn't fall over the thing I actually like day one of owning onward I cracked the camera on my Vive the pass through thing yeah is it that one one of them yeah literally here I didn't know he was going to tell this story if you zoom in on this it's got the it's got the crack crack that I ran into a brick wall yeah don't don't do that kids or do do that with this new update for The Meta Quest three horizon horizon two uh do you want to talk about Apple taking control uh yeah let's go so they have a new set of six off controllers coming out and you're like wow Apple what a great move right I thought you were I thought you were going to say that they're taking control of the market uh no of the market I swear I swear this week we've got some controllers that's going to make the headset even better well um Apple can't even brag about that because they're third party controllers oh really well hey that's that's fine what are they uh what are they called oh that's a great question let's get them up here so uh this is on all of the VR websites I'll read it off road to VR let's open it up okay all right all right so they say apple Vision Pro doesn't have controllers although that's not stopping thirdparty Hardware creators from trying to bypass Apple uh enter surreal touch a newly announced Mo motion controller that aims to leverage Vision proos what do you think about surreal touch that's the name that's the name oh my God uh it doesn't sound like they respecting boundaries with this surreal touch no it doesn't at all the Apple Vision surreal touch Apple Vision Pro 2 light it's a real touch Edition there's actually a pretty in-depth video here then they kind of they kind of look like um Jordi Le forge's glasses mixed with the Enterprise the controllers they have like a visor out the front of transl that to Star Wars for me but they're shiny like a Magic Mouse you know the old ones that were white but clear plastic shiny kind of I have one of those it's not white anymore it's real gross but it's I've lost the battery thing on the back but uh yeah but that's that's that's fine so are there touchy bits on there it's touch touch sensitive um no they're joysticks and two buttons they're pretty similar to The Quest ones I want four buttons on my controllers like an Xbox or PlayStation controller is that crazy of me to want four buttons too much too much no no no too much I think we could fit it four buttons where the [ __ ] then you could then you could play regular games like an Xbox or PlayStation game on your I will admit the button real estate is a problem with all the uh um controllers every time you want to rebind something you're like really playing the tile game trying to swap things in and out making sure you've got everything bound yeah um I I just turned off slow motion in Blade and sorcery like in the first hour it's like one of the most integral functions in the game and I just completely Unbound the button cuz I had no need for that and replaced it with jump or something ah so something that you wanted to use you had to like decide maybe it's a feature not a bug yeah maybe maybe well that game is customizable enough it allows for it but I I've played VR games before where I've swapped out a button for the same reason I'm like oh boy I can't reload all do you want to know what what how these actually work cuz I bet you're thinking Apple Vision Pro is a hand controller thing how are these going to work with apps right uh I was thinking that yes yeah they weren't Sur Real interactive says it's currently developing A Vision Pro native streaming streaming app which promises to let you play steam VR games from your computer at 4K 12 htz we promise yeah so like you'll be able to play Steam games through your Apple Vision Pro using these controllers it's like a platform that's embarrassed to be a VR headset yeah a little bit um we're currently collaborating with several Studios to Port their games to AP platform additionally we have plans to reach out and to partner with more developers in the near future so like uh they said they're working on a tool mode which presumably could also allow basic UI selection when in the Vision Pro so basically they need they need to get interaction with particular apps for this to work so early days it's not going to work with everything but the longer it's around the more stuff it will work with and hopefully it will encourage Apple to be like maybe this should be an option interesting I like that um between this and the psvr to we're seeing these headsets that are made for dedicated platforms coming to you know the combined PC platform I want to see like yeah it's basically like why are they fighting why are they fighting it why is Apple so scared of like letting us play a game because you can't control your user base in the same way also like the it's the Apple Vision Pros for Creative people controllers allow you to scale and pin and like press buttons and like if I'm doing brush work like controllers are good for that stuff and it's a test it's a tested method of interaction as well you think that they would kind of be going towards a more you know tried and tested version however uh uh we're already talking about the price point of this headset as something that's prohibitive like we neither of us own one um I think that's probably because there's no Apple store in Melbourne uh but it's also because it's like the headset itself is quite expensive can you imagine if the price tag of a first party Apple controller was there as well and you're like oh you want the controller well it for One controller it's $3.99 if you want the two controllers if you want The Surreal experience yeah I can't imagine if Apple sold a controller it would be very expensive totally totally it would require a battery pack to run yeah you'd have three different batteries in all your like a mar puppet or something like that is all this stuff going on then I would really audio auto oh my my goodness hey did you hear about this screen leg screen lit screen did you hear about this screen lit did I break you it was just the contrast the enthused today I'm fine it's good it's it's a it's a window into the reality part of the games V reality podcast okay I haven't had time to actually check this CU I don't have a Vision Pro but uh the screen lit app is a Plex and jelly Flyn can you say that word too app lab apps okay jelly fin client that converts 2D to 3D in real time so this is a new app it lets you stream 2D movies and then it will turn them into 3D movies so it'll look like a 3D movie when you're watching it okay have I explained that really poorly no no you haven't um having jelly in the title really kind of distracts me for a bit but I uh uh um I need to see what this the app is called screen lit jelly Fin and Plex are like um uh cloud in video yeah yeah yeah yeah cool cool okay so Opie said you can spend forever refining things so I thought it was just time to release you can try everything for two days so please let let me know a few people have commented they're like whoa in real time how and they're like I don't know AI probably but one person said uh I tested it and it's awesome they're listening to feedback and made huge improvements over a short development phase besides the really good real-time 3D feature the environments you were sitting in are the best for enjoying videos in my opinion I'm sure that there is more to come um so yeah someone else said worked awesome on my Plex server and it impressed the hell out of me with the realtime 3D during testing great work and apologies I couldn't find any bugs during testing definite bu for me I love that they're apologizing that the program worked isn't that the state of 2024 it's all very polite I do like that um that sounds awesome and I would like you as someone that engages specifically in 3D movies someone that engages specifically within this Arena um you can test this and see uh uh if it looks better than Doctor Strange I am Keen as mustard to try this there is a few reasons why one it's really hard to get 3D games if you don't uh 3D movies if you don't have an apple Vision Pro because Disney plus is the only place streaming 3D movies for People Like Us in Australia but we don't have an apple Vision Pro it's the only way to stream it so that's number one number two if you were to s the 7 C's you'd probably only get like a 720p 3D and it just is not good if you want to get the proper Blu-ray rip it's 40 gab downloads and I'm having trouble getting that onto my quest to stream it so the I all levels of this sounds great to me I'm excited for this I know it's still only for the Apple Vision Pro but yeah someone else is going to do this totally totally and and um thinking about it as well I really wonder how many people are testing this and whether or not their barrier for quality is higher or lower based on their enthusiasm for the platform I know that I am far more forgiving of VR when I'm playing it if there's bugs or if there's issues and stuff I'm like every time I encounter something I go well I'm using something that is very complicated to set up and run I guess I'll forgive it you know um uh and so I'm wondering if if the people testing this application have a similar head space do you want to do a comment section I do yeah we haven't done this yet but we actually have comments so I figured let's read some comments people that actually comment on our podcast that aren't me yeah if you're listening to this on Spotify or wherever you listen to your podcast we also post on YouTube and you can comment and we will respond or you could email us at games James V reality no not James not James V poor James po James uh gamesv reality pod yeah that's right all right okay I got a few comments um this is mostly about our story to do with cloud gaming possibly coming to the quest platform so somebody found a feature that they weren't meant to find um talking about Avalanche which is their project to get cloud gaming working on the quest okay so Esco XO is that a headset or the guy's name that's the person's name they said you uh they can keep their cloud gaming you will own nothing and be happy BS BS as in oh so what they're saying is um this whole attitude of cloud gaming basically means you pay us money to use it as a service but you don't get to own the games yeah and that's very valid um because you're paying money for something that at the end of the day you're renting right yes but the reason I think this is better than say Game Pass Y is right I can I can buy an Xbox game and play it right yeah but with this the idea is it's PC VR quality games on your quest 3 Y and that is the service I'm interested in paying for yeah so I'd pay 20 bucks a month to have a huge graphical increase if it turns out that they don't look as good yeah and it's basically just Quest games on on the cloud that would that would suck sure sure but if it's actually pcvr quality Graphics yeah I think that's better right I suppose uh it at at worst this is just giving you more access in a different way like right now if you own a PC you can stream PC VR games to your headset but if you don't happen to own that and you have the cash to maybe spend on a month of this kind of stuff then yeah if it gives you something that's on par with that I think it's totally valid yeah next comment comes from zenai 816 he's making these I don't know yeah I don't I think they're I mean literally they're making these up okay I guess I guess they are they say I don't know about latency though like At first I thought even wireless streaming from your PC would be too much latency but it's fine when it works if it doesn't really work though it's effing terrible like any hiccup or quality drop in VR is very noticeable So in theory This Cloud streaming could work but I think you'll need like perfect internet all the time and and a meta cloud data center right near where you live like as usual I think countries like Australia will get the short end of the stick and probably a lot of parts of the US as well painfully correct I'm not excited for that yeah you don't play a lot of multiplayer games on PC where they tell you the Ping but you do play uh I throw rocks at uvr I throw rocks at you yes I do yes and I wish what uh it's called Rumble Rumble and you look at your ping it's like 350 yeah yeah it's it's insane um onward keeps the Ping hidden because I'm sure if they showed it it would be like oh we would be kicked out of lob we wouldn't be a we already are kicked out of lobbies because of the the latency draw penises so much but they're such good penises okay but yeah we like Australia will probably be the last country to get and New Zealand obviously will be the last oh yeah they get the sloppy seconds of us and we've already got seconds it's like the human centipede of sloppy seconds yeah um I want to know how close are nearest meta distance server to pro light is the data center data center yeah yeah I don't know I have no idea no nice quy Le says awesome podcast guys so cool to see more Aussie VR nuts um they also went on to say Fallen order plays uh fine all the way through FPS wise um there are several crash points on specific map areas you can play through the flat mode yep um or you just replay until it works basically but that's kind of what you sign up for for VR you if you're getting a 2d game and you're modding it to be VR you basically know not everything's going to work all the time expect the unexpected even if you expect it um I'm glad that this person played the entire game through because I haven't had the opportunity to get to those sections that I said were when I Ed I didn't see the vision that you sent me before you said the cut scenes are terrible oh really and the vision overlay and you're literally a kilometer away and you're look you nailed it like perfectly I saw uh yeah what you put in and uh you also noticed me looking for like the next point of progression and like you're like where is the that wall isn't the one I can jump up that one's not it that one's not it yeah yeah do you want to talk about what I'm doing in VR and what you're doing in VR sure I get wait was that all the was that all the questions I we're not that big a YouTube channel like there's not that many com it' be good if more people commented that's right that would be fantastic please comment and subscribe all right I haven't been doing much in VR because uh it's school holidays I've been looking after relatives which is great and I'm really appreciative of the time I get to spend with them um but we got to play deio uhuh with three different headsets for the first time oh nice how was that they had my quest three y I had my quest to Y I don't know if this is an error and Deo is going to find out about this but I only have myself logged into both and it allowed us to play together so I didn't need to buy a second copy and then I had someone else uh about a half hour driveway half hour tram ride away and they were playing Deo and so they were in voice chat and we were just we muted each other so we could just talk to each other we could hear the voice chat and it was fantastic um Big Ups to demio I love it I wish I wish I wish I could do more demio I wish there was more demio to do yeah totally I wish there were more games that would like it as well even if they weren't in that format I feel like just the way that you interact with the game itself is is kind of it's like a no-brainer when you see it and that actually made me want to want to buy a quest 3 as soon as I saw a trailer for demia I was like oh wow yeah actual tabletop games that you're playing in in a virtual space yeah you know they say those who can't do teach but in your case you're doing it anyway that was a really clever segue you're doing some developing in Unreal Engine yes yes that was so clever it threw me for a loop I'm learning I should I should write a note being like I'm segueing now and it's a card it's like a it's a segue card that you can only see on the video edition of this podcast um yes I'm developing uh in the Unreal Engine 5 um for uh meta XR you're developing for The Meta platform on Unreal Engine 5 in the past you've sort of dabbled with un uh Unity sorry that's right so what's it like going from Unity to Unreal Engine um well it's it's it's very different uh just in the fact that they're different engines but now I'm using a whole different headset to interface with uh an engine as well so last time I was developing um it was in unity and I was using HTC Vive and then maybe the index after that so I was rying on my base stations and just getting everything set up through that now I'm just developing through for the the quest two uh and I just pop that on and go straight into airlink and then I'm like ready to go pretty much it's like an instant process um and so that yeah it just feels so much more streamlined um because of those both both of those facts how accessible is it for you both times I've developed um for VR I'm jumping into um like preset environments that give you access to hands like things to pick up and then like a gun to shoot and uh typically you use those things to build on and then create create a game um the first time I worked in unity I was using the the uh what was it vrtk VR tool kit um and um that seemed pretty simple at the time but now working in unreal I found that things are like maybe more mature because VR has been around for a longer time but I feel like just jumping in into this I I had so much more I could immediately Envision building even if I didn't have any development experience I feel like people can just jump into this and know that it works and then just start building and that's really cool the Unreal Engine is more accessible as an engine as well there's so many more tutorials now than there were a couple of years ago and you can just start building games VR games and even augmented reality games um really really quickly I think so I highly recommend just jumping into it I personally hope that you have inspired someone to develop a VR game because you told me there's a $500 asset of the house from the shiny oh yeah totally I just watched do Dr sleep right and the movie was fine right but the Overlook Hotel looks so good I want to just run around in an alien isolation Style game where Jack Nicholson is looking for me with an axe and I have to find keys to get through different doors so I can escape uh for copyright reasons it'll be Nick jackels Nick jackels that's right exactly he's my favorite actor in all different things in the underlook hotel uh uh uh uh for the the shunning the shunning the shunning the uh that's what this podcast is you were trying to find a word that means shining that's right you shining well hey you know it's it's it's still it's in the genre no no no it's fine it's because he's he's being shunned by his father right but if you know how to develop and you have a spare $500 US could you please get the Overlook Hotel and make something that we can walk around exactly that would be fantastic and we can review it on this podcast all right I think that's everything we're going to do for this should we end the show like we only had a couple episodes you want to end it now no the episode end the episode oh yeah I guess we could end you think we've done VR news we can just end show there's no more VR news cuz Apple took control right theyve just end of VR they took control that's right uh if someone wants to reach out to us how can they do it uh they go to gamesv reality pod that's right or leave a comment on YouTube because we post all these episodes on YouTube if you notice me looking down here or if it lingered on a sh of me for too long and I would just sort of zoned out it's because um we're recording this live now I got the stream deck here so I can switch between cameras so I can look at you um and uh this is the first time we've done it so I'm doing it live um we're slowly progressing so we can do these as a live stream I think that would be cool if you'd like to see this live stream let us know in the comments yeah please do so yeah you've been video switching on the go frazzled I um what I did was I put you as that side in me as this side so I know when you're talking and when I'm talking I see I see this is very complicated in theory that should work uhhuh anyway thank you um goodbye I'm going to wave and then you're going to W you're not going to wavee thank youbye oh see you no okay all right bye
Channel: Games V Reality
Views: 3,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Cuj-jZsq_4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2024
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