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you're exploring an ancient tomb in the middle of the deserts in that hat no girl you've gone down deep into the dungeon what white people investigating when you suddenly realize you've lost you've lost or you're lost looking for a way out of it girl Rana is a horror movie star you come across three doors leading back to the main hall okay all right which one do you choose choose some better glasses but there's a trap behind each door Oh No deadly pendulums okay a trap shooting arrows five feet above the ground a minefield oh gosh dang this is dark okay guys go ahead answer which door should you choose hmm there's the pendulums the arrows and the minefield guys they all sound so dangerous huh but the arrows are shooting five feet above the ground so you can just crawl you just go through the arrows they're five feet above the ground you crawl boom baby give me the give it to me yeah count it hey let's go but yes right now we're gonna check out some messed up mystery riddles please go ahead click the subscribe button and leave a like on this video if you don't like school it's okay if you like your friends but if you just don't like homework in school and stuff leave a like on the video we got the fresh dang worst the YouTube play button link in the description below crowd mate calm slash dang Matt Smith make sure to get it for the holidays beg your parents to get it yeah and go ahead comment down below something funny it could be a joke it could be a funny word like flabbergasted huh yeah it's kind of funny comment it down below let me know but let's jump right back into it you guys can play along answer these questions and let me know how many you get right all right we're going back in here we go oh yeah well who is this dude what the heck oh hey no this dude looks like penny wisest parent what the heck why does he look so evil geez bro you got the different colors up in your hair I'm in the hair that he's got left jeez at least he's nicely dressed he's got the nice bowtie uh-huh bro you look like you about to eat a Popeye's chicken sandwich she's just like me here we go you're locked up in the basement by a Mad Professor or what dang why am I always getting trapped kidnapping the black man that's racist to escape you will have to go through three doors okay through one oh through one of the three doors all right dang this girl looking like looking like she's hypnotized and the professor came up with a tough quest what is it the system works with the help of an electric generator oh man not science no likes who the professor's office okay what do we do what do we do behind the doors there are there's what what is it an electrified water pool with sharks oh okay well what why dang a heavy block that will block the exit hmm and stop the generator if it falls a cage with lions uh yeah yeah definitely don't go with the Lions okay so how can you escape you go through the door with the I I don't know you guys let me know what do we do okay you go through the door with the weight saying the 20-pound weight and then it's gonna stop the generator once the Falls and then when it stops the generator the water won't be electrified anymore and since the waters electrified the Sharks could probably got killed so you can swim out you can swim free right the Sharks already dead because electricity yeah see okay put your shoe under the block to stop the janitor okay yeah that's right I got that right I got that right come on and go through door one yeah just swim out friend yeah yeah boom you're done I mean that's sad that the Sharks didn't make it you know sorry sorry it's okay okay moving on Oh No can you spot the odd one out where is it oh my gosh all right do you guys see it you guys did wait wait second row from the bottom yeah till I yeah okay yeah you you know yeah I got that got a guy ah crap okay can you spot the odd one out second row from the bottom again on the left side the one that's doing this uh-huh give me that money yeah whoa okay I'm on a roll this is good can you spot the odd one out ah dang it all white people look alike to me ah no one's getting skin on the top the fourth kind in the middle on the top on the top year good baby okay no the odd one out again dang it oh it's a family I don't know what that looks like I'm just kidding uh-oh know which one oh wait wait wait I see I see I saw it I saw it at the last second give me that can I get a point half a point a point a point oh dang all these camels man okay which one is the odd one out oh wait there's one with one hop second row second row this is top man that's tough whoa snowmen in time for the holidays which one is the odd one out ah dang it I don't know where is it wait what how is that one different wait go back hold on hold on okay I think they made a mistake am I missing something like like lemon on the comments but that one looks the same as the other ones it looks the exact same are you serious how is that one the odd one out I think they made a mistake if I'm wrong let me know in the comments all right moving on here we go ooh what are you all doing Patrick invited Diana for a date and he never heard from her again haha on tinder Oh bro come on you got to get on bumble you know I'm talking about he works at the local zoo with the monkey Oh so after their dinner he called her an animal no no no he invited her for a night tour around the zoo the sounds it sounds kind of dangerous and the zoo kind of smells I don't know if you want to do that it'll be very romantic no won't monkeys throwing poo at you you can watch and pet the animals yeah yeah go ahead pet the tiger see how that works and then she's like okay why not because she's been single for four years so when they were passing by sleeping line somebody hit her from the back dang yeah it was probably the dude who took her on the date you guys got to be careful out there I mean do a first date in a public place Diana woke up in a locked cage no Diana you're silly you could have been at home if you said no this is dark dude jeez who kidnapped somebody at the zoo out of all places but I'll give you one I'll give you one more chance you spelled that wrong y'all let's play a game I knew I didn't like this dude he's evil he was evil bro here are three levers you can choose one okay man dang what is this the purge all right and then the cage will fill with water in seconds dang bro what are you doing why would you do this to hungry lions we'll enter your cage okay three the cage will fill with deadly mosquitoes I mean you could just swap the mosquitoes come on girl just choose number three I'm just kidding which lever do you choose hmm all right y'all let me know comment down below which lever do we choose mmm one water two lions three mosquitoes okay I'm thinking one with the water because it's open there's bars the water is just gonna leak out it's an open cage choosing the one yes yes yes yes oh yeah I got it right let's go water will simply spill through the bars of the cage baby Oh how's easy yeah this dudes like the worst kidnapper ever I mean come on that's easy game don't worry girl you don't be free just don't date again you're trapped in a room that's about to explode there are six doors but only two of them are safe a pool filled with piranhas uh Wow why do I keep making these choices dang a mad psycho waiting to kill you ah no or high-voltage wires hanging above a wet floor yeah that's that's dark a room with raging fire why who's creating all these rooms dang a lion and a wolf that haven't been fed for Day this is the worst hotel ever I mean I got choose these rooms come on tenth floor room with only window okay which would you choose that's a lot of rooms okay we got the piranhas the killer the wires hanging above water the fire the wolf the room I choose the water what the wire is hanging above it you just swim through just don't touch the wires and you'll be okay number three rooms three and five are safe yeah true that your weight the lion sense wires don't touch the water it is safe you could crawl beneath them yeah that's what I did give me that give me that point yeah a lion is stronger and faster than a wolf so he will eat him and no longer be hungry yeah I don't trust that I don't trust that no not today three friends are locked in cages what why is everybody locked up man everybody's in jail dang Tom's cage has an ice block okay alright Bob's cage has hot water that keeps boiling okay good okay good for you Bob and his cage is locked with a locker no Anna how did y'all end up in this predicament but geez and the key is in Tom's cage come on black man save yourself the lake is deep and only Anna can swim why can't the black man swim [Music] racism discrimination how can they escape alright guys how can they escape what do we do black man toss the key over and then get it to Anna and unlocks the cage swims to safety and then gets the boat and then saves them the ice block will melt soon yeah yeah so he'll be free yeah boom and then the boiling water will soon evaporate alright I mean I didn't say all that but you know I pretty much got the gist they should unlock Anna's cage boom she swims to the boat right why y'all smilin nowaday I wouldn't be that that wouldn't be smiling she swims weird Anna you swim weird girl you look like a floating head and pick up her friends man who locked y'all out there that's what you need to figure out what would you do to survive stranded in the desert walk at night or take off my clothes to try to save water walk at night baby yeah yeah yeah walk at night that's all you do approaching dog what do you do run away stay still aren't you stay still arms pinned to the sides right you can't outrun a dog silly goose yeah you just you know just like this nice and easy easy peasy booty squeezy a parachute ripcord doesn't open your screw uh use the reserve parachute dummies yeah yeah there we go okay okay curl up and protect my head and torso yeah that ain't gonna work huh what would you do to survive approaching bear play dead run for my life oh you got a play dead I think yeah he just played dead he'll he'll lose interest there we go okay these are good tips just in case if you encounter or bear a protein shark play dead stare right in the eye and punch it in the nose I heard you're supposed to punch it in the nose yeah I give it a nice swift punch to the nose there you go okay approaching tornado yeah you're screwed at least it's not sharknado get in the car and drive away crouched by you crouched by a nearby ditch yeah crouch down crouch down yeah man in your green car nice nice a nice green car bro good for the environment guess the brand by the emojis Oh No okay we got a pizza and like a tent like huh oh wait Pizza Hut it's gotta be Pizza Hut it's a little Hut yeah okay I see I see I see it nice got him whoo I want pizza now sounds good okay we got a circle and a bowl like red red red bowl alright bull Red Bull yeah I do not drink those I do not drink those at all so yeah okay all right not bad I'll see you money and a dude what does anybody know what was his money friend friend money PayPal bro how was I supposed to guess that that's that one's hard black white black cookie racism am i right is that it racism nope but are scible Oreo Oreos Oreos yeah Oreos hey come on yeah y'all ready no white man and a book man book book man white book I don't know what is this face book I probably should have got that I probably should have gotten I'm kind of ashamed gasoline shale gas shale oh it's the company the gas company shale it's called shell yeah the gas is gasoline company mm-hmm yeah baby I'm getting these yeah give me my money fire and a fox oh man what could it be it's Firefox yeah nobody really uses Firefox anymore at least I don't think let me know though yes the superhero by the emojis black man gun fists guilty is a guilty man no no Nick Fury nickfear Nick Fury yeah you guys me the avengers yeah here we go okay this one there's an ant happy face and a magnifying light Ant Man it's gotta be ant-man right ant-man yeah ant-man all right yeah okay come on where's Elsa from frozen she's a superhero too ooh we got a white man with the Triton thing and then waved it's gotta be Aquaman yes whoa if I didn't get that man you guys really would have been disappointed in me spider web city if you guys don't know this then that's sad that's sad man book spider-man come on whoa spider-man oh there we go I just want to be a superhero that's all I want to be calm it down what would your superhero name be what is this man sunglasses money microscope Iron Man it's got to be iron ya got Iron Man we need a superhero and his name is black man no a woman with a crown and shield Captain America no Nazca Oh Wonder Woman Wonder Woman Wonder Woman baby we got here spider a Glock and a motorcycle spider Glock what what is this Oh Black Widow oh that's racist oh okay yeah I know Black Widow man talking about Black Widow is a superhero she's just a regular woman she ain't got no powers boy better bad Adi yes that's it thank you guys for watching the video please please click the subscribe button and leave a like if you don't like school go ahead click the link in the description below and get that fresh dang Matt Smith March cop the merch cuz everybody's doing it yeah the YouTube play button we got the holiday sweaters we got the bracelets we got the hats to get that out of here check it out crowd made calm slash dang Matt Smith get there and get song oh yeah that's it when you guys are out there please be safe don't go investigating and I'm see you in the next one peace [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: DangMattSmith
Views: 6,403,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: infinite, lists, azzyland, sssniperwolf, reaction, reacting, funny, riddles, brain teasers, puzzles, test your brain, brain teasers with answers, riddles with answers, prank, tiktok, tik tok, dangmattsmith, dang matt smith, react, dang matt smith reacts
Id: wliZEY44rkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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