Messed up MYSTERY RIDDLES to Test Survival Skills

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guys today we've got a mission mystery riddles to test survival skills here's the mystery riddle why am i single let me know but no seriousness everybody comment down below if you're single or in a relationship or if you're younger and you're like ill boys or if you're like ill girls comment down below your favorite game any video game any board game let me know and please click that subscribe button and for the like button you bet daddy yeah just like you know do the get that out of here on the like button but are you guys ready to check out these mystery riddles to test our survival skills let's go ahead and jump in here we go alright let's do it the first one come on Mary was walking home in the evening okay when a man wearing a black mask kidnapped her at least it wasn't a black man um she woke up in a room with three doors oh jeez Mary peek behind each door oh man she's daring okay oh and saw a kidnapper behind each of them a man with weapon okay okay alright and then a man with the oh okay okay okay what do you do and then a man with the grenade or go through it okay alright guys let me know which door you would choose and now I'll let you know my answer when when the time is up alright guys think about it what what would you do which door would you choose what's the smart answer let me know let me know let me know I know which one I choose choose the one with the grenade right because the pin is pulled this dude's gonna blow himself up he's done for yeah yeah see see the pin is already pulled and less of his fake then you're in trouble whoa guys I've come from the future to bring you great shadow legends so everybody please click that first link in the description below and download the game great shadow legends is gonna remind you of classic RPG and strategy games and it's now on your phone so free rate Shadow Legends is the most immersive and interactive role-playing game of all time raid is changing the game I'm talking about an epic story insane 3d graphics huge boss fights player-versus-player battles and hundreds of champions to collect and customize and check out this almost perfect score at the play store all that rhyme oh here we go let's do it spread out Oh should be here somewhere yep Oh Dragons coming oh you went oh oh girl oh she just got eight she just got eaten dang and guess what you could play with me just search for my clan tag dang Matt Smith and then we could go to war gonna be accepting people for the next few days so hurry up and get there and to top it all off the raid team is hooking you guys up with some extra free gear and items for the game just by clicking my link in the description below so please click it download rate Shadow legends and you can redeem your fifty thousand silver and free epic champion and a big thanks to Ray Chado legends for sponsoring this video and with that let's get right back into it Wow alright next one you and your family are carrying gold in a hot-air balloon what kind of setup is that that's like those random math questions were the like Billy has 24 glasses of lemonade why does Billy have 24 glasses of lemonade is Billy that thirsty geez you and your family are carrying gold in a hot-air balloon okay Oh a lot of gold trying to you know safe way to transport yo cash money a bird pierces the blue no you're screwed and it begins to fall quickly in the ocean that's it that's a wrap for you it's over you have to get rid of weight to stop the fall okay all right whoa you guys let me know what you would do there are four people all right your father what father no I'm skin skin skin my dad is watching this video I'm sure yeah yeah shout out to my dad and then uh your son ha what son I ain't got no son and then your best friend all right let me guess how do you get rid of the weight you got to stop eating so much who would you sacrifice dang that's dark let me know who you would sacrifice I know who are would sorry Jamal it's over now it's getting throw away the gold get rid of the gold right right yeah see a two for two you get rid of the gold I mean you know the gold is a material thing and you know it can be replaced all right your best friend your father or your son cannot be replaced all right yeah man all right Mike was going to spend a great time at sea all right good for you Mike cool story bro and go to Mexico by bus who goes to Mexico by bus bet take plane over there or both unfortunately he lost his ticket no Mike you done messed up I forgot which bus he was supposed to go by and they all all the buses look the same which bus goes to Mexico guys let me know what do we do what do we do okay all right look for signs look for science oh wait I know I know okay I see it I think I see it okay so all right so you guys let me know which bus does he go to I mean looking at the clues which one on just comment down below okay if you guys look at the bus on the top left there is the Canadian flag or you know what they have on the Canadian flag right there so that one's probably going to Canada and then if you look at the bus on the bottom left this person's got like snow boots and stuff and you know so they're obviously going somewhere where is cold Mexico is hot so by process of elimination we got okay yeah yeah it goes to Canada okay I've got the Canadian leaf you know and then the bottom it also goes north okay goes to the north yeah yeah yeah we got that one okay oh oh what's wrong I don't know the door is unlocked oh wait there's no keyhole hey hey there's no kekekeke oh there's no keyhole mmhmm yep so how you gonna open it Oh what's wrong what do we got it's just a bunch of ducks there's nothing wrong with the bunch of ducks now I'm gonna see anything wrong like literally everything's fine there's nothing wrong guys let me know oh there's a pigeon right there how's that supposed to get that oh you done bamboozled me geez dang I ought to be ashamed of myself for getting that one wrong it's not my fault okay look water I don't know how to swim geez leave me alone but it's okay we're gonna come back all right moving on we got what's wrong oh it's just a phone huh what's wrong it's not an iPhone oh wait there's not a number nine hey they put four twice man this person didn't graduate dang got a right got a right what's wrong why is everything got to be wrong I don't know to me it doesn't even look like the trains on the tracks like it looks like the trains just not on the tracks like it's got to move over a little bit yep hey wait is that right okay just circled the tracks blank I don't know what the answer is really so you know guys please let me know in the comments down below testing your survival skills guys so you know hopefully this is helpful let's keep it going a scientist was exploring an ice cave in Antarctica nice beer bro dang I wish I could grow one when an avalanche fell and closed the way he came from oh man you're screwed he found four of the tunnels dun dun dun all of them are deadly the way full of bear traps who will put bear traps in the tunnel like that dangerous wailing dang this whale is looking mean and nasty this well is looking hungry and I'm a piece of meat jeez poisonous underground gasses man somebody say excuse me and abyss with an icy lake at the bottom guys what do you do what do you do okay which way is safe I don't know okay actually I think I dunno but come on guys take your time actually we ain't got much time the whale way whales are safe whales are nice yeah whales don't attack humans yeah see whales are friendly and nice just don't get in their way oh here we go three friends are locked in cages I mean that's not funny they got kidnapped or something anyway three friends are locked in cages all right here we go tom's cage has an ice block alright i don't know why but good for you bob's cage has hot water that keeps boiling today getting hot in here Anna's cage is locked with the locker who put them in cages like this jeez I gotta bring them to justice and the key is in Tom's cage alright you got the key the lake is deep and only Anna can swim alright well toss the key to Anna today simple as that how can they escape I don't know honestly I would toss the key to Bob and then Bob toss the key to Anna and then she gets out and then she takes the boat and calls for help I don't know something like that the ice block will melt soon what black man seriously and the boiling water will soon evaporate okay I had no idea dang they said they should unlock and his cage jeez I got a step my survival skill game up Wow good for you okay they should unlock Anna's cage Anakin reach the boat alright and time out why is it the black man that doesn't know how to swim Oh discrimination dishonor upon your whole family now I'm skinny I'm skinny I guess it was just the luck of the draw man okay and pick up her friends I see Wow all that diversity good for you you captured by a maniac who decided to play a game with you what who is it jigsaw you're locked in a room with no windows yeah bite them nails boy just a tiny hole in the ceiling oh okay you have to choose one of three doors only one of them is safe how do you know only one of them is safe unless you told you corrosive acid yeah man all right you guys let me know in the comments a giant lens that focuses the sunlight and burns anyone dang deadly cold temperature geez but which one is safe I don't know okay if the one of the magnifying glass one I think because wait if it's nighttime then you can escape at night right right walk through door two at night I got a baby whoa you can see if it's night through the hole oh yeah yeah yeah see that's thinking smart man that's think it's smart right there guys we did it yeah comment down below your score how many you got right and hopefully you did better than me thank you guys for watching the video make sure to click that subscribe button drop a like cuz all the cool kids are doing it and we got the new exclusive merch that's gonna be available at VidCon so if you guys are going please let me know and then you could get for YouTube play button dang Matt Smith merch whoa oh yeah be sure to hit me up DM me on instagram and twitter at dang matt smith and yeah thank you guys again for watching the video be safe out there be smart step your survival skill game up and imma see ya next time [Music]
Channel: Dang Matt Smith
Views: 5,689,915
Rating: 4.9260759 out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, azzy, reaction, reacting, funny, messed, up, mystery, riddles, to, test, survival, skills, mystery riddles, tough riddles, mysterious, riddle, answers
Id: I9zTpImgMqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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