Message to SDA Pastors || Pastor Solomon Maphosa

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[Music] just a quick message very important message and i'm out of your way because i know you want to watch this video melvi's work has grown exponentially and so also have our needs grown but our capacity remains limited it is time that we expand this ministry and i thank god he has blessed you and you're looking for collaborators and ministries to partner with get in touch with me over broadcasting network because we've got strategic opportunities to expand this divine voice out of africa be part of god's move and bless his work and you will be blessed what does the church say [Applause] this is sau this is toc you know what great things are going to happen here and you better be part of it because how just how can you not be part of such a great thing yes we are in a movement of destiny let's not forget that this ship zion it may seem that it is tossed back and forth as if it is about to fall but somebody was shown that this ship zion will make it to the harbour yes thank you so very much let's stay together let's stay in the ship and the lord will abundantly bless us before we pray it was on the 13th of january and the year was 1982. i forgotten the flight number but in washington a flight took off it was snowing it was freezing cold rivers were frozen and the airliner took off as they normally would do i've always wondered how they do it when there is such snow and visibility sometimes is not what it should be so they took off under those conditions and as they well as they left the ground to to to sow to the skies the visibility was poor my friends before the pilot could do anything the the plane crashed on a bridge and 81 people perished it landed on the potomac river yes they were survivors they were survivors but that's where my concentration is this morning there was this gentleman who was in the in the river no name for him i suppose he had a name but no one knows his name he was in the river as help came i'm cutting the story short as hell came they would lower the the rescue rope to him he would receive it and look around and see oh there is a drowning young lady and throw it over to her and she would be saved and then when it came back for him again he would receive the rope and look oh here is an old granny he would throw the rope to her and and they came back for you that would have been point for you he would receive the rope and look around and whoever needed the rope at that time he made sure they caught it finally when they came for him i don't want it to end that way but it's only god who knows why it ended that way he was gone swept by the freezing river never to be found again and he was known as the man in the water the men in the water shall we pray father be with us this morning and speak your way through us in jesus name amen you know what i read this story this morning i said i wish there were so many men and women who do not count their life to be who don't mind to lose their life for the salvation of others pray for me the man in the water the text is found in first chronicles chapter 12. it's a beautiful passage it's a beautiful passage in the sense that when you go to chapter 11 you find that david in chapter 11 is enthroned people come to him and they make him their king they come to hebron they anoint him as king over israel succeeding soul who had died in chapter 10 and in those chapters before but in chapter 11 david is is crowned king of israel and if you care to know who david is david was the prophet david was the king and david was the priest all of these things combined in david you see david was a symbol of the messiah who too would come and be a prophet who would also come and later on end up as a king so david was a messianic king that's who david was and the rule of david it was as if at that time god had come down and ruled through a man justice prevailed in israel israel prospered in the days of of david and god almighty was feared in the in the prayers in the days of david david was an amazing man and god even said about him he was a man after god's own heart and you know this is the david that we find here he has just been enthroned he has just been enthroned it's as if in chapter in chapter 11 in chapter 12 it's as if the writer says oh i i i ran too fast i should have also talked about this one then in chapter 12 he then brings in something here something that happened before david was enthroned because in chapter 12 you are told about what happened to david at ziklag if you remember ziklag that's where david was in the land of the philistines that's where david and if you read if you're a bible student because you're expected to be one this is when you remember that story when david came from wherever he was coming from he came that he came to find that the village had been destroyed where his children and the children of his colleagues were living and they had been captured you remember that story it happened when they were staying in ziklag so this is a story of david before he becomes king which is what makes me conclude this writer he first of all writes he was in a hurry to show that david was crowned king and now when he is crowned king he remembers oh i should have also mentioned some important things this is where we are in the important key things that happened before the messianic king sat on the throne what kind of people did he have around himself what kind of people surrounded him before he was he was enthroned as the king who represented the coming messiah you read in chapter 12 if you go to verse 8 there you find that actually from you can start from this one if you choose but verse 8 gives you a good example of the type of people who joined david when who were with david when he was out there who came to say before you are enthroned you may be now a one who is right running around chased by soul but we know that god has spoken and he has said you are going to be the king so we want to identify ourselves with the messianic king we want to help in bringing that time the advancement of your kingdom i want you to see what kind of people came for the advancement of the kingdom of david who is the messianic king and when i get to conclude i will conclude to ask you what kind of a person are you what's your contribution to the kingdom of the messiah now look at verse eight he says some qataris joined him joined david at the stronghold in the wilderness mighty men of valor men trained for battle these are the guys who came to join david it doesn't say lazy people who spend the whole day sleeping but it says mighty men of vela who were trained for battle and these are the people that were with david as you follow him in the wilderness as he was a fugitive running away from seoul he was surrounded by mighty men of valor even when he was crowned king the people around him were these mighty men of valor powerful guys trained for battle those who would go out and fight the battles of the king i hope you are hearing what i'm saying this morning these are the guys who were prepared to die in the battle to die because they believed in the messianic king they believed in the mission of the king they believed that what they were doing was even right and correct before the living god so their lives meant nothing their comfort meant nothing they were willing to sacrifice for the cause that they believed in nothing would have stopped them from sacrificing for the cause they believed in you can read it it's it's them and the whole of chapter 12 they are describing powerful guys it is just from this tribe so many people they then give you what they did from this tribe so many people then they describe how powerful they were and then you come to the text of the day the text of the day i'm going to say a few things about this and sit down in the text of the of today it talks in verse 32 it says i like it best in the new international version and i'll read it in the new international version if you have the new international version go there with me i will also read it in the new king james version for those who are stuck with the king james version it still says the same thing it says from issachar men who understood the times and knew what israel ought to do david had a very special group of people he had mighty men of hell powerful soldiers those that defended him those that fought for his cause were mighty men of vela people were prepared to sacrifice all for the cause of david mighty men of hell and among them they were sons of issachar it says about the sounds of ika isaka i'll read now in the in the king james version the new king james version he says of the sons of isaka who who had understanding of the times to know what israel ought to do they looked at the times they understood the times and because of what they understood the times to mean they also knew what israel ought to do but today our pulpits are mounted by pastors who are disciples of james moltmen they preach mulch men on the pulpit they they they say ellen white this put her in white aside we are disciples of moltmen you go to the theology of moltmen i have gone through at masters level i did contemporary theology i read molten i read but i read all those contemporary theologians some of them speak nonsense for that matter they throw ellen white and they say we are theologians they come and throw away what is supposed to take israel to zion and they play they burn strange fire on the pulpit now more moltmen an analysis of moltmen and hizer and his his theology of hope he says some good things i don't want to trash everything that he says he says some good things as he looks into the future he is so future minded to him the past means nothing but when you go to the word of god the word of god looks both sides it looks behind and it sees christ on the cross of calvary and it takes power to preach for the future that he who was crucified will one day come as king of kings and lord of lords it looks in the past and he sees god opening the red sea he says him who is able to open the red sea will sustain us in the future the bible is omnidirectional but your mothman only looks in the past in the future my brothers and sisters ellen white has been tested and found and and not found one thing but we have some cheap theologians today who think they are more educated by than scholars who have studied and they have seen and they have come and they use ellen white my brothers and sisters i may i may sound to be harsh men but we have pastors today we have a breed of pastors today who don't believe what we as adventists believe god forbid that in this lot that was obtained today that we may find such people because let me say to you my leaders dave there and to you my leader if they shall be found withdraw their credentials they are not adventists withdraw their credentials we are in a movement of testing here we are going we know where we need sons of issachar who understand the times who are willing to sacrifice for the message you know what they say about those who are loyal to the church they say they are gatekeepers and most of them don't even return a tithe and yet they get a check every month how was that man no no that's why our church is not rising to the levels where it should rise we need pastors who understand the times who understand the word of god who stay with the word you know no one is compelled to be an adventist or to pastor in the adventist church no one put a gun did somebody put a gun behind you my pastor no you volunteered you came here willing so preach what we preach in this church we believe because we believe in what we are preaching yes we believe we have universities that stand on this we want sons of issachar who understand the times and also who know what israel ought to do you have pastors nowadays january 1 to december 31 not even one evangelistic effort and they get paid that's the unfortunate part the unfortunate part is that they get paid if i'm saying hard words forgive me but these things must be talked about these things must be talked about you have a church that never conducts evangelism and yet he's a church what did the master say when he left this planet the master said as you go into the world preach the gospel as you go into the world make disciples we are here to make disciples so pastor why is your church not making disciples january 1 to december 31 you still have those people that you had last year in fact they are fewer because some have apostatized we need pastors we need a bridge of pastors who understand the times these are not the times for us to be playing games my brothers and sisters these are times where we need men and women who know what israel ought to be doing when times are paid like this never has been a time in the history of this church where it was officially legal for men to marry a man never has been a time in the history of this planet where they talked about the rising levels of the sea where they worried about the melting the melting of ice are there out in the antarctic up north there never was a time when they worried about global warming never was a time when they worried about the erosion of the ozone layer never was a time when they worried that north korea is making too much nuclear poems never was a time when this planet was seen such problems and then we have pastors here who come with strange fire we want pastors who will bring the fire of heaven in the pulpit so that people will be saved and go into the kingdom no time to play games we want the man in the water who is prepared to sacrifice his life we want pastors who are prepared to sacrifice their lives for the salvation of people they are tankers out there we live in the heart of crime talk about human trafficking talk about drug addiction talk about neope and all those kinds of things and yet we have pastors who has never spent one night worrying about that what kind of a church are we what has happened to us church what has happened we need pastors who understand the times also who will influence israel because it it is incumbent upon the pastor to influence israel to do israel will not do if the pastor is asleep a pastor must be like the advert of standard bank some years ago they used to say they are a step ahead right remember that a pastor needs to be like standard pain a step ahead some of our members know much more than we do and yet we are pastors i'm talking about theology pastors i'm talking about proper research i'm talking about the right amenities i'm talking about the right right here my unity there are some of our pastors here who are into the historical critical method my brothers and sisters they are changing the methodology of the church of starting the bible the historical grammatical they are belittling it because just with a bachelor's degree not even a doctor at all lord have mercy just by a bachelor's degree we know a lot it's only a bachelor's degree i will not like that story which i like to tell a lot you remember that gentleman who had just graduated from a first aid course you remember him oh yeah he had his certificate you know first aid course he's carrying it he has just graduated he's going home he's excited i met oh there is an accident good news i'm a first aider here comes help and he finds there is an old lady there who is kneeling by by this gentleman who's been involved in this accident and he as he as this lady is doing the best that she could the guy comes and says old woman get out of the way i have the first aid a certificate i know what to do i know what you do get out we want to work here we don't want to play here and he rolls his sleeves as he kneels down the old lady stands up respectfully and looks at the kind says when you get to that part where it says call a doctor i am here this church needs people like the sons of issachar we are not working for david who was a shadow of things to come we are working for the messianic king himself you are looking at the eastern skies they are telling you that he is about to break into space this is no time for us to be playing this is for this is time for us to be telling israel what to do gentlemen ladies our home our messiah is not very far away the kingdom i can even smell the kingdom i hear the rumbling i hear the the flapping of the wings of the angel he's about to come everything you know i'm not foreseeing a time when jesus comes and he finds that they've blown us out with their nuclear poems with their hydrogen poems all of us have died including those that detonated the bomb all of us who have died and then christ comes and he resurrects us it starts with dave here in south africa he says dave i want to apologize my friend you preached that i you know before the world is destroyed i will i will have come i'm sorry i delayed it was because of gabriel no no when you see these things begin to happen lift up your eyes lift up your eyes for your redemption throw with nigh everything around us is telling us that the messiah that we have waited for is about to come therefore my brothers we need sons of isaka who understands the times and who know what israel ought to do we need men who are diligent in the study of the living word of god we need men who are not deceived by contemporary theology but who get some good ideas who know how to choose and pick that which is right that which will lead israel forward that which will lead israel to the promised land we need such pastors today if you were obtained a long time ago and you feel that no man you don't belong to this church is not laid hand over your credentials because we are going to have only adventist pastors in their 20s church what does the church of god say we need our sons of issachar my brothers and sisters we are here for work pastors we read the other day your job description is to put these members to work these members need to be touched by you these members need to be shown by you how to work for the master there are a lot of gifts here a few of them were demonstrated here powerful music that that goes right into your heart but it's sung only to the conveyed it's your fault pastor it's your fault what if this music went to the mall nearby what if this music as it was being sung young people are distributing they are distributing great hope they are distributing religiously station literature it's your fault pastor you as law of thinking that's law of mind we need sons of hisaka here sans i challenge you my pastors i challenge you we need you to be like the man in the water to sacrifice for the cause that you believe in we need james white today we need we need all those pioneers today who were willing to work themselves to death for the cause that they they loved that's why we are here today challenge you my pastor i challenge you regain refined attain your faith in the writings of this church find your faith again in the things that this church believes because all of it is true if you have a challenge the door is wide open don't confuse israel i don't believe in tithing you know don't believe in tithing i don't believe in ellen white hey somebody says illinois you're a gatekeeper my brothers and sisters that must come to an end because if we know you you are history already if the union will not do it will take to my community we will do it we need adventist pastors here what does the church say sons of issacha who understand the times look after your family's pastors yes you must spend time with the church but not at the expense of your own family spend time with your own family take them out let them eat at these restaurants you get paid you get paid take your children to adventist schools take your children to adventist schools because if you don't believe in adventist education yourself your church will not believe in adventist education let our churches be where adventist education is lifted high be the light that you are supposed to be the faith of your church will not rise any higher than your own faith the spirituality of this church will not rise any higher than your own spiritually it's a tall order it's a tall order to be a pastor you crave quickly you lose a lot of hair you will suffer a lot from lamp bite you know what lamb bites they will side bite you back bite you front bite you top bite you under bite you it will be a bite bite here in the bite bite there here bite their bite everywhere bite bite but still stand if you feel they are biting you too much read jeremiah you will be comforted [Music] love them even when they bite you don't hold grudges against your members when you see your never hold a grudge against members love them after all the lord uses them to ensure your salary is paid and may god keep you in the ministry i really pray that you come to my age and you are still in the ministry some of you have already practiced to be hairless yes it's it's coming you did yourself a lot of favor with that one because some of us is showing that hey the saints have been very hard on us pastors i'm sitting down now pastors need to be prayed for you believe in that back in pulau there is a gentleman a teacher by profession not even a pastor every thursday without fail he would knock at my office ah no you know what i came here for one thing man zog thunders and funds i just came to pray for you he was older than me and so he would say i came to pray for you boy and so it says that is already kneeling comes and come come i get there and he lays his hand on me and he prays for me in the shed tears stay then he stands up and says pagamamtanam he hugs me and says be strong in the lord we need that pastor's life is too lonely very i saw pastors children here i have three of them the church certainly forgets that they are human just like your own children they have set a standard for pastors children that is unrealistic please understand that a pastor's child is also a child like your children the pastor the man of god will try the best he can to really work on this human being try to bring him up but the child deserves he also can choose like everybody else so be softer on your pastors when you see that his children are misbehaving instead of saying shouting at the pastor go to the pastor and say let's pray together i'm sitting down one one final one just to to put a smile on your face you notice i i ran away from the men in the water it's too much for me for today it's it's too much for me for today we we had a lady back in pulau she 17 years they had no child and the lord blessed them on the 18th year and you they had a son they named him tinashe which is a shona way of saying we have a god or we have god [Music] so tinashe powerful young men energetic before that the mother of tinashe would come to us pastor namama and mama take care of your boy we have a poor he went a boy to molenkos was his name i've never seen a child so full of energy if he's not on top of it he's under it if he's not pulling it he's pushing it that was him that was himself he's climbing on trees he's climbing on everything that can be he has broken his leg he that was him that was him so pastor you don't look after such a training man and we knew she had no child so we just lived and the lord gave him gave them tinashe tinashe was two more times four they now in shona which is a language spoken in zimbabwe it's not a guni language like cinderella it's a it's a language that's spoken in zimbabwe when they say i'll beat you they said right so the children in the in the local churches had nicknamed this boy tinashe and dinokurova because that's what the mother always said to tinashe tinachi i'll beat you tinashe i'll beat you she always had a stick with her because tinashe was two more even times voice and an understatement he was everywhere so children are like that when you see somebody's children going a bit haywire and they are doing their best don't start concluding about them god lost a third of his children what are you going to conclude about god so pastors children are just pastors gentlemen you should be saying him and i'm trying to protect us sons of issachar my friend thank you so much you've taken your time to watch this video you've been blessed you've been wondering how do we get to create such videos and share them to you for free no no no no they are not for free my friends we do spend a lot of time money and equipment to generate these videos and that's why i'm here to invite you if you have not already done so to subscribe to melville broadcasting network particularly to join this youtube channel and all our other platforms and send us your donations so please click the join button and send us your monthly donations you can also go to paypal if you're out of africa or wherever you can send us a paypal donation just go to the details that we're showing you down there and send us your donations on a monthly basis obviously we also have a bank account i'll put the details right there send us your donations so that we can do these and many more projects we have of quality media products we really want to use this platform to prepare you your family your friends and your colleagues to be ready for the coming of jesus christ he is about to come and this is a small opportunity you and i have to use your blessing to bless us that we may bless others so god bless you as you consider sponsoring this ministry now the broadcasting network is a divine voice out of africa god bless you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: MelVee Broadcasting Network
Views: 23,957
Rating: 4.7772398 out of 5
Keywords: MelVee Productions, Christian songs, gospel, gospel message, sermon, Bible study, prophecy, music, must watch, HopeTV, 3ABN, SABBATH SCHOOL, Donate, Prophecy, MelVee, JOIN, SUBSCRIBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 49sec (2389 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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