Meryl Streep, Olivia Colman, Taika Waititi and more... 😂 | Top 5 hilarious BAFTA speeches

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And the BAFTA goes to Meryl Streep. I'll get there. Oh my God! Thank you so much. That couldn't be worse. That couldn't have gone worse. Oh gosh! Um somebody once said, I think  it was Margaret Atwood, actually I always   say it was Margaret Atwood but I don't even know if she said this.   But somebody once said the fate of  the well-known is to be misunderstood. And the ambition of this film, The Iron Lady, was to look at the life of the Iron Lady   from the inside out and to locate something real maybe hidden but truthful in the life  of someone that we've all decided we all know   everything about already. And I'm very proud of the  film and I owe so much to Phyllida Lloyd, Abi Morgan, Pathé, Damian Jones for sticking with  this, for asking and expecting so much of me. I want to thank the soulful Jim Broadbent, the  divinely gifted Olivia Coleman, my beloved "moths",   all 300 beautiful actors and crew  that worked on this wonderful film   and to say that half of me is Streep  but the other half is Wilkinson from   Lincolnshire so I come by it honestly this  part. Thank you very very much. I'm so grateful. And the BAFTA is awarded to Brad Pitt for Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. I hate to disappoint you all but unfortunately  Brad Pitt, I'm also very disappointed, is unable to be here tonight. So to pick up  the award on their behalf is Margot Robbie. Okay. Brad couldn't be here tonight due to   family obligations, so he asked  me to read his response for him. Okay. He starts by saying: "Hey, Britain. Heard you just  became single. Welcome to the club.   Wishing you the best with the divorce settlement." Blah blah blah. He then says: "Thank you to the Academy  for this extreme honour." He says he has always been a bit intimidated  over here, given the Royal Academy   of Dramatic Arts and the titans that have  come before, so this is especially meaningful. He said he would like to thank producers  David Heyman and Shannon McIntosh,   the wild and wonderful Zoe Bell, Rob  Alonzo and the rest of the stunt team.   The lovely Arianne Phillips for his  oh-so-tight jeans -- I would also like   to thank her for those. His old mate, Simon  Jones, and the one and only Quentin Tarantino. He goes on by thanking you again,  and blah blah blah blah blah,   blah blah blah -- it's a bit much really -- oh,  and he says that he is going to name this Harry   because he is really excited about bringing it  back to the States with him. His words, not mine. Thanks. Uh... you know. I'm so used to losing, it's  quite a strange feeling to win but it feels very nice. But no, children, if  you're watching, it's not about the winning. Still feels nice. I'm thrilled to be  considered in the same category as my   fellow supporting actresses and I'm not  just sucking up. You're all brilliant.   Um... my underskirt has got hitched  up and this is not a good moment. I think I should thank the Royal Family frankly  because they've done wonders for my career   this year. I seem to be playing queens  with ever decreasing head sizes. Next year will be pinheaded queen. Um okay, I know I got to be succinct. I need to thank...  I'm gonna really really try and do this very  fast. First of all can I just say that I have fun   and I love it and it's my privilege to keep  on working in this over-subscribed profession   and there are so many talented talented  people out there who never get recognition   so I'm incredibly lucky to get this and to  get recognized and to get parts and to go out   and make a living by getting dressed up and  pretending to be somebody else for the day and   then getting paid lots of money. And then I get  an award for it so it's as good as it gets. Thank you. I'll just say that I would love  at this stage just to walk off and say I did it   all by myself just like my three-year-old but I  didn't. I've got a few people to thank. I've got   to thank all the producers, it was all your fault, you started it. And Tom Hooper, thank you for   not cutting me, for giving me all my close-ups, for making sure that the queen mother wasn't   totally eclipsed between the brilliance, the double brilliance of Geoffrey and Colin. King   Colin, you deserve everything you're getting and Geoffrey, you really should be the best   supporting actress I know wherever you are because  you really... we did have only eyes for for you. And   finally the people who look after me Melodie Korenbrot, Adam Isaacs,  Shelley Browning, I might never get this you know  again so I might as well just really stretch that. And then finally Tim Burton who is my genius  and thank you for the big headed queen and   thank you for well helping me make the eighth and  ninth wonders of the world that are our children. And then finally finally okay  I'm really really getting there   Finally, we get all the awards in this  profession. There are many groups that go unsung. I want to just dedicate this to all the best  supporting wives around in the world existing, Queen Mother herself and my mum. And there's  no doubt that were my father alive he would have   given this to her. She was the most best supporting  wife he could have ever wished for. Thank you. Hello, thanks very much, BAFTA. This is very,  very cool for me, coming from the colonies. Yeah.   We know it's been a hard week for you guys.  It's been very nice to take a bit of your gold   back home where it belongs. This is a really incredible night  for me, especially to share it with   the people who made the film with me, in  particular Chelsea Winstanley, who supported   me right from the very beginning, when I started  writing this. Carthew Neal, who brought the whole   film to fruition, and 28, 27, 26, 25 -- if you  put things in front of me, I'll just read them. That's really it. The other people I have to thank is Christine  Leunens, who wrote the book that I adapted, a   fabulous book, and also to my mother, who  introduced me to the book, and made me read   and taught me how to read and insisted that  I read. I love you for making me read, mum. Anyway, I share this with  everyone else, the cast and crew,   and Searchlight for believing in the project. Thanks. Thank you so much. It's really big. I don't know -- I do know what to say. I have  actually written something down. I do know. To my fellow nominees, to be in the same  company as you is such an extraordinary honour.   I think the work you all did was so beautiful. Very shaky. Sorry. I can't read it either. All the producers. Fox and Element and everyone  therein. And Nadia and Sandy and all of your   teams. Hi. We're having an amazing night,  aren't we? We're going to get so pissed later! Yorgos Lanthimos --   I don't know, I can't think of the words  to thank you enough for letting me do this.   My most favourite time ever. The thing I really want to do is, Emma and  Rachel -- must keep it together -- not just   for your performances but for what you  did after the cameras stopped rolling.   And we've never talked about this,  and I find it very emotional, but   you were the best and classiest and coolest  honour guard any woman could ever have,   and I love you. Ems isn't here, but we  love you too, Em, somewhere in America. Oh, God, what else am I meant to say? Done  that bit. I think I have done that bit ... Yes. So this is -- sorry. I swear  I'm going to go in a minute! This is for -- not for the lead, it's for a lead,  and as far as I'm concerned, all three of us   are the same and should be the lead, and  it's weird that we can't do that. But this   is for all three of us. It's got my name on  it, but we can scratch in some other names. Thank you so much.
Channel: BAFTA
Views: 485,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bafta 2021, bafta 2021 awards, bafta, baftas, bafta tv awards 2020, bafta film awards, bafta tv awards 2021, bafta tv 2021
Id: 2lzX4ymeOqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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