Olivia Colman Wins Best Actress for 'The Favourite' | 91st Oscars (2019)

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it's an honour for us to be back on stage Francis do you have anything to end nope nope nope nope thank you very much here are the nominees for performance by an actress and a leading role jalisa greets young Glenn Close the way Olivia Colman the favorite Lady gaga a star is born now listen to Carson can you ever forgive me and the Oscar goes to Olivia called Megan this is the first Oscar and nomination for the [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] oh it's genuinely quite stressful asked me I have to thank lots of people if by the way I forget anybody I'm gonna find you later I'm gonna give you a message snog and I'm really sorry if I might forget now but your gosh my best director in the best film and with Emily and Rachel the two long videos woman in the world to fall in love with him to go to work with every day I mean you can imagine it wasn't a hardship and to be to be in this category with these extraordinary women and Glenn Close ie you've been my idol for so long and this is not how I wanted it to be and I think you're amazing and let me very much and love you all Thank You Lyndee King my agent who took me on over 20 years ago thank you so much and olive and Hildy and Brynner who made me do things I thought I said no to but she was right and my mama my dad will you know and then my kids are home and watching look well if you're not then we're kind of well done but um sort of hope you are this is not gonna happen again and and any little girl who was who's practicing their speech on the telly you never know and when I I used to work as a cleaner and I loved that job I did spend quite a lot of my time and metonym it's all please wrap up right okay and thank you and my husband ed my best friend I love you so much 25 years Matt you've been my best supporter he's gonna cry I'm not and thank you so much like a fox everybody everybody the cast the crew Francis thank you oh thank you so much Oh Lady gaga
Channel: Oscars
Views: 7,548,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YUytvAg_hE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 32sec (272 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2019
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