Mermaid Secrets of The Deep - THE COMPLETE SEASON 1 with BONUS FOOTAGE | Theekholms

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[Music] are you okay are you okay are you okay wake up wake up wake up are you hurt I don't know I don't feel so good what happened to you are you attacked by something I can't remember something's in there it's dangerous I can't go back in there okay I'm going to take you to my pool at my house yo safe here I have to go back to the ocean by the morning I know I will take you back and help you find your pod you will but how in a boat no I'll swim with you I have a lot to tell [Music] [Music] you you're a merid but how I'll explain everything what's your name I'm Radia who are you and what's going on I am Apex I was separated from my P and you were attacked who attacked you razor friend and megalodons here I'll show [Music] you razor fins I thought the were extinct they were never extinct they were only hiding in the depths of the Mariana Trench and then a giant volcanic eruption made them go out and they've been attacking mermaid pods ever since working as a team and prehistoric times they never did that what's changed why are they doing that now they've evolved they're twice as big twice as hungry twice as sharp and that makes them deadly and they want to wipe out the entire mer race what can we do for now we avoid them I'm going to get you back to your pod and you relocate your pod to anal hola Bay you should be safe there for a while I'm formulating a plan and I'll get back to you as soon as it's done this can't be happening this can't be happening there's a network of sewer pipes from here to the beach my friend aquada is going to take you back through the sewer system to the ocean then you can lead your pod I'm aquada I'm [Music] Radia it's high tired right now we need to go don't be afraid I know the way like the back of my fin follow me and stay close this is as far as I can take you just swim do West and you'll make it Beware of the heavy currents that can take you far off track thank you [Music] these weather patterns are so unpredictable I've never seen anything like this and it's only the beginning of [Music] elino Radia has to move fast or she's never going to make it this is too crazy I better check in with the cane this is Dain hey Dain it's Apex um radi is going straight into those hard currents the aleno started so could you check on her and if you've seen anything strange could you tell me yeah I haven't seen any magon or razor Fs in this area in about 3 weeks now have you seen anything unusual seems pretty safe you know just to guarantee it I'll send out the plane for some marial reconnaissance all right you stay safe buddy and uh tell me when radius is coming this way okay H you over hi hawy Apex here what can you see from up there storing fast strong winds wait a second what's that I've never seen anything like this before there's a big school of meanon is coming your way my good this so big Apex whenever you don't go in the water stay out of the water do you copy me Apex the currents are getting stronger they're pulling me into the shipping lanes I have to make it I have to save my pot I have to I have to save my pot I have to oh [Music] no I've got you going to be okay it's going to be okay I got to get you out of this net take it easy just hi down and rest it will be okay I found you in the shipping lanes I thought you were dead who are you and what are you doing out here I'm Radia I have to save my pod the current got so strong I couldn't fight it thanks for saving me who are you I'm Aquarius I'm the only one left in my pod you can join my pod I have to save my pod and relocate them to anahola Bay it shouldn't be out here by yourself it's too dangerous with these high currents let's stay here till night time then we'll swim while the ocean sleep sounds like a plan let's go together no one should be alone Radia you heading into trouble I'm coming to help right after I alert Queen Kalia to be ready to welcome [Applause] you look out Aquarius the me do are here I'll hold them off get to your PT Apex good to see you I've got all I can handle here together we stand watch your back blast them with your Sonic scream I'm three we dive and follow the lightning 1 2 3 [Music] go believe in yourself [Music] [Music] Radia look Radia Radia I made [Music] it what about Cor where at that oana they didn't make it there were too many Megalodons what are we going to do okay we're going to S together stair strong and locate to anall Bay one stair we'll engineer a sar defense system why and a h Bay Apex told me to' be safe there Apex the legend the one who speaks the Oracle Apex is a myth Apex is real he found a wash up on the beach and it's a long story I'll tell you all I'll tell you all about it when we get to a h day we better get going what if one of our pod survives and comes back here let's hope you're right I leave a tail shed note for any [Music] survivors [Music] we will make it if we stick together and believe we made it to anola B it's beautiful you guys stay in this cave behind the waterfall you'll be safe I'm going to go look for help welcome to anahola Bay who are you I'm Kalia I live here did you think your name was Kalia and then Queen Kia the ruler of the traets yes but you can call me Kia wow oh thank you you must be Radia I've been expecting you how do you know my name Apex told me you were coming he said you needed to relocate your pod to a safe place you're welcome to stay here I wanted to build a s of defense system to protect this Bay I like the way you think there's someone I want you to meet Titania I'd like you to meet [Music] Radia Radia and her pod will be staying with us for a while I plan to engineer a s defense system to protect his SP I can help you with that first teach Radia the three self-defense moves we use around here if we are attacked we use our Sonic scream and then our Sonic Speed need to get away we only use our Hammer fist to the nose as a last resort but I don't have any Sonic abilities everyone has Sonic potential but Sonic abilities must be developed tapping into your Sonic abilities is a lot like playing make M except you start to believe in the make belief so much that it becomes real first let's hear your Sonic scream use your imagination to imagine yourself screaming louder than ever Loud Like a Hurricane is storming out of your mouth when you see it in your mind do it for real Aquarius I know that took a lot out of you but we must stay together stay strong and reach anahola Bay by Nightfall together we can do it how is the training going it's going better than I expected Radia has a vivid imagination you're doing great now if for any reason your Sonic scream and your Sonic swim doesn't help you get away that's when it's time to use your Hammer hits to the nose with your Sonic screen like this to make a proper Hammer fist curl your fingers down and curl your thumb over the rest of your fingers now keep in mind your pits will only have half as much power if you don't use your Sonic screen make sure your scream comes from your core hop hop like that when you see it in your mind do it for real now let's see your Sonic Speed imagine you're like a bolt of lightning and then do [Music] it Titania I changed color impressive I've only heard of color changing in Legends how did you do that maybe it was my imagination you said my imagination could do what I thought I was just imagining that I was swiming in a rainbow and my colors changed into rainbow your intentions are so strong imagine the possibilities Radia you're here and you've changed color I have a lot to tell [Music] [Applause] [Music] you where is your pod in an underwater cave I found when I reached the bay I left them there to keep them safe while I look for help we need to send word to the Marine World that all Mar people are safe here and welcome all hear this all hear this this is Apex I am telling all Marine Friends of the mermaids tell all mer people to go to anola bank all hear this all hear this this is Apex I am telling all Marine Friends of the mermaids tell all mer people to go to an hole B I plan on to design a sore defense system to protect his P great I'll ra to Hawkeye to make sure he knows to bring the materials to us did Aquarius make it he's fine he used a Sonic scream to get out I'm reading my Sonic scream he's resting now while I came to find you when he took on the Megalodon and razor spins I feared that I'll never see him again I owe him my life some my part didn't make it coral and O were both lost you don't know that for sure maybe they'll find their way here it was a long hard journey to get here how much time do you think we have until Megalodon's razor fence discover we are here it's hard to say we have at least a week for a Sona defense system we need the water insulating power of the heart-shaped Aster which blooms in late fall in Michigan I have to go now before the snow starts to [Music] fall [Music]
Channel: Theekholms
Views: 50,972,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mermaids Mermaid Youtube Fun, Maco, Fin Fun, Fin, Nemo, Finding Nemo, Kids, Children, Stories, Drama, Friends, Love, Fun, youtube, Boy, Girl, Ocean, Saving, Epic, Fail, Warning, Graphic, Sharks, Shark, Melody, Mermaid, Funny, The Little Mermaid, Extreme, Make up, Rescue, 911, Mermaid tail, mermaids secrets of the deep, fin fun mermaid tail, mermaids, mermaid videos, mermaid secrets, fin fun mermaid tail unboxing, mermaids for kids, mermaid tail unboxing, theekholms mermaid secrets of the deep
Id: VmYiTj5nOKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2016
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