SNEAKiNG to our BARBiE CiTY!! Playing inside the Portal House just don't wakeup the Rainbow Ghosts

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- This is an ad for Mattel! - [Dad] Okay, there's only one way to settle this. Dance off. - Dance off, dance off. - [Dad] (imitates music) Who's it gonna be? Who's it gonna be? Who's it gonna be? ♪ Me, me, aww ♪ - [Dad] Who's it gonna be? (gasps) Oh, it's... Wait. (horn honks) (people cheering) Yeah, you won, you won! - Boo-ooh-ooh-ooh! - Oh! (screams) (Dad and Adley screaming) (upbeat music) Blue's waking up! (horns blare) (Adley screaming) Ooh, ooh! (sings out) Go, go, go, go, go! (door slams) - Wait, get the vloggy! - Okay, come in! - Come in, Vloggy, come on. - Ohh. - Wait, Dad. Are you guys ready for this? - Dad, first, first, first. First, cover the vlog's eyes. - Ha-ha, I like your thinking. All right. - No peeking. - [Dad] Surprise, surprise. No looking. - Ready, and now! - Whoo! - Surprise! This is our Barbie World! - This is the dentist's office. We really do like the dentist stuff. And then babies over there. - Yeah. We have lots of babies. - Hey, where'd you come from? - Oh, under you. (chuckles) - [Dad] Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle. Yah! We got your tooth. (Adley screams) Sometimes I'm Daddy Big Mac 'cause I can do back flips. - Why you always say you're like cool because you do flips and stuff. You did that when I was playing last night. - 'Cause I'm a cool dad! - Wee! (both laugh) Okay. - [Dad] She has to land in the pool. - Three, two, one. Wee. (laughs) - [Dad] Okay. - Wee! (laughs) - [Dad] Seriously? (title booming) - Ready, wee! - [Dad] Good job, Chelsea! - [Adley] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Okay, Dad. I'm ready, send her down! (car thumps) Okay, hi Barbie. Hi other Barbie. Oh, hi other Barbie. Okay, they made it down! - Ohh! - Dad, you kinda squished me here. - Why do we have to do it in the portal house? - Because. - Did all the Barbies make it? - Yes. Oh, hi Vlog. - Hi Vloggy. - What is the vlog doing here? Well, I guess they're wondering what we're doing here. - We've been sneaking into the portal house. - Well, they're probably wondering why we sneak into the portal house, too. - We got a surprise. - Because. So we know the specific time that the rainbow ghosts like to sleep. Dad. - They always fall asleep in the same places, like at the same time. So we have like, - And this is the good time. - it's like, two hours that we can sneak in and play. And so we're sneaking in. And you can come this time. - Yeah, boop. - You got everything? - Yup. - Let's go. And then, I wanna play with the rest. - Ooh, Starfish. - Hey, Starfish. We'll tell you the rest later. - Yeah, we got new stuff for our surprise. - Let's go. - Okay. - Okay. (Dad shushes) (whispers) Be very careful. (suspenseful string music) (door closes) - (whispering) There's usually one in here. There's Blue on... Let's see if they're there. (light switch clicks) - (whispers) Dad! (light switch clicking) Again? - I'm sorry. - Look, Blue fell asleep in his marshmallows. - He's usually over there. - Eating a little snack. - Purple's usually on the couch right there. - Yeah, on the couch over there, sleeping. - (chuckles softly) Yup. - And then, pink usually falls asleep dancing. - Dancing over there. And then, Green is, oh wait. - Always on the table. (suspenseful chord) - Where's Green? - Where is Green? - I don't know. - He's not by Blue. - Maybe the back yard. (Green warbles) (Dad and Adley screaming) - Blue's waking up! (horns blare) (more screaming) Let's go, let's go, let's go! (Green warbling) - Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah! - [Dad] Okay, he's coming. You guys, freeze. - Ah, ah, ah, ah! (Green warbles) - [Dad] Don't move. (Green warbles) Go, go, go, go, go! Let's go, let's- (Adley screams) (Green warbling loudly) Go, go, go, go, go! (door closes) - Wait, Dad, the Vloggy! - Vloggy, come in! - Come in, Vloggy, come on! - [Dad] Get in. (door closes) Oh. - Whew. - Good news. They can't use those little human locks. They only use their big rainbow ghost ones. We're safe. - Thank God it's rainbow ghosts, whew. - (exhaling) All right. - Dad. - I told you that's a bad idea. Usually, Green's on the table. Did we come at the wrong time? - I don't know. But, I don't have a phone. - It came at the right time. - Okay. - All right. - Dad, Dad? - What? - Let's show the Vlog. - Oh! - Wait, Dad. - Are you guys ready for this? - Dad, first, first, first. - We've been working a plot. - First, cover the vlogs eyes. - Ha-ha, I like your thinking. All right. - No peeking. - [Dad] Surprise, surprise. No looking, no looking. - Okay, time to move to a new neighborhood. (Dad and Adley vocalizing) - [Dad] All right. - Ready, and now! - [Dad] Whoo! (party favor blares) - Surprise! This is our Barbie World! - We've been building it! We've got all our Barbies that we've had for all the years. And we wanted to build like a whole city with all the stuff. And we just brought more things. We've got, uh- - Yeah. Let's put the pool- - Oh, this is kinda like our beach area over here. - Daddy? - What? - This one- - And then she can be with her pool. - Where's the garage? Where did we put the garage? - Garage? Oh, should it be over here by the house? And we park over to the side. - Here, let's put the, this can. But remember, we had a a car. We had a car shop. - Oh. - Let's put the car shop right here. - Okay, I like that. And then, that's where we go to fix cars. - She owns all the cars. - Okay. - She's like the worker here. - And then, this Barbie's like a marine biologist. And she has like her little pet friends and stuff. Should we have her be on the beach? - Dad, look. - [Dad] Oh, that's cute! - Okay. - Should she be on the beach with that one? - Yeah, 'cause she, the animals could be like. - Okay, We never opened our chair. This is the dentist's office. We really do like the dentist stuff. And then, babies over there? - Yeah, we have lot of babies. - Hey, where'd you come from? (Dad chuckles) - Oh, under you. - And then, this is the doctor's area. - And this is the ambulance. And then, you can take the bed out right here. - Yeah, this goes up here to the doctor's. - Yeah. No, no, no, no, no. - We're kina mixing and matching stuff. - This is the X-ray. No, this is the X-ray. - Oh, is that the X-ray? - Do, do, do, do, do. (Dad chuckles) We don't what it's, but we call it an X-ray. - And you guys are probably like, "How do they have so much Barbie stuff?" It is not normal to have this much Barbie stuff. But we're really lucky. ♪ Barbie helps us ♪ I know. We get to do do lots of videos with Barbie. ♪ Barbie's awesome ♪ So she sends us toys and yeah. Barbie, thank you for sponsoring this video and lots of our videos. You're awesome. - Okay, Daddy. - You let us build a whole world. - Let's go put this back at the beach. Okay, put the marine stuff there. Why is this starfish can, this, this. - [Dad] The marine biologist will be out here, like, studying some animals. Let's pretend that she just, where's her animals? Okay, she has this clipboard. - Dad? - [Dad] And then pretend she's like studying the coral. - Pretend this is like a cool pool. Because she works here. - Okay. - And she goes out into the wild, studies fish to make sure they're not poisonous or anything. - Oh, okay. - And then, make sure they can't hurt anyone. - Okay. - And this is like a pool that they put ocean stuff in. - Oh. - It's kinda like an ocean. And if she sees any, like, hurt animals, then she helps them. And this is the help pool. - [Dad] Oh, she rescues 'em? - Yeah. - And then she brings them back. And this could be like they get feeling better. And then, once they have all their energy back, we release 'em back. - Yeah. - I like that. - People can come and like visit it. And like- - She could be like the trainer. Like, she could go on the expeditions. And then she is the other- - No. But this is also a pool for all the like- - Oh, that's cool! So, in our city, the community pool is also the animal pool. - Yeah. - Is that right? - Because they can go play with the sick animals and help them feel better. - Aw, that's a good idea. And pretend even kids could come down. I love how much you've been coming to the community pool. Are you here to help with the animals? - Yes. And I'm going down the slide. - [Dad] You don't need a helmet to go in the pool. - Too bad. (both laughing) I'm gonna go in the pool with a helmet on. - All right. You know what they say, "Safety first." - Here I go. Three, two, one. Wee, wait. Wee! (both laugh) - [Dad] She has to land in the pool. - Ready, three, two, one. Wee. (laughs) - [Dad] Okay. - Wee! - (chuckles) Seriously? - Ready, wee! - [Dad] Good job! Oh girls, I'm back from my expedition. I just got this new type of coral. - Ooh! - And it looks like some of the animals have been eating it, and we need to nurse it back to heath. - Okay. - So you should actually like come here more and help out with the animals. - Uh-huh, and can I take this fishy home? - [Dad] (gasps) Are you serious? You'd be willing to adopt that little guy? - Yes. - [Dad] Oh, he can't go back to the ocean because his fins are forever hurt. And so, he needs a owner. - Can I take care of him, please? - [Dad] Deal, sign right here. (pen scratching) ♪ Do, do, do, do, do ♪ All right, thank you for having a new fish friend. - Hopefully, - High-five. - my mom's okay with it. - [Dad] Wait, you didn't tell your mom? - Our mom, our baby brother's scared of fish. - [Dad] Oh, that's fine. Fish are nice. Don't be scared of 'em. - Can you go grab me a tank to put him in? I can't take him outta water. - [Dad] Oh, yup, I got a tank over here. - [Adley] Okay, gotta scoop up this fish. Hello? Come on, squirm into the net. - [Dad] All right, I got the bucket. Drop 'em in. - Okay. Doop. Oh. - Good job! You have a new owner, and she seems amazing. - I'm gonna put this shell in. - [Dad] Oh, this type of fish loves shells. That's a great idea. He's gonna have so much fun with that. (Adley squeals) There you go. Everything you need should be right here in Barbie City. Thanks, bye! - Bye-bye! Okay, where's my scooter? Scooter, where'd you go? Scooter? (imitates dropping sound) Oh, there's my scooter. - [Dad] Emma, could you close up the shop for me? I need to go pick up my daughter at the skate park. She's been skating so much, lately. - Uh, yeah, I close up shop for you. - [Dad] Okay, thank you, bye. (bell rings) (Dad imitates elevator) (bell rings) (Dad imitates footsteps) (bell rings) Ding. (Adley imitates skateboard) - [Dad] Whoa, that was huge! What? You just stormed a 360. That was so cool! - Yeah. - Good job, little miss. - I've been practicing ever since you taught me. - Aww, I am so proud. And wearing your bear helmet. Good job. - Okay, Dad? - [Dad] Yes? - [Adley] Another surprise. - [Dad] What? Wait, where are you going? - [Adley] Over here. - [Dad] Wait, where's your scooter? - [Adley] Um, right there. - [Dad] How are you gonna do the surprise without your scooter? - No. Wait, what's the? - This is the surprise. - [Dad] What?! A fish? That is awesome! Whoa, that's a fancy one. Okay, wait. Where did you get this? - Um, at the aquarium over there. - [Dad] Oh, that's the community aquarium that you always go to. Wait, they trusted you with a fish? Yeah, because I always go there. - [Dad] You know your brother's scared of fish. We can't have this at our house. - We can, we'll call it a "water dinosaur." - [Dad] Ooh, he does like dinosaurs. - Pretend I'm telling you I want that. - [Dad] Okay, yeah. - Okay. By the way, Vlog, if you're wandering what my little brother's name is, it's Neo. - [Dad] Neil. We always call him Neo. - Yes. - [Dad] It's pretty cool. - It's a rare kind of fish because it's purple. - [Dad] Ooh, that is rare. Oh, and you got one those shells in there. - [Adley] It doesn't have a, it only has one fin on each side. - [Dad] Ohh. - So like, this side doesn't have a fin. - [Dad] Oh, so that's why you need to take care of him? - Mm-hm. - That's so nice. - That's why I got him at the fish hospital. - [Dad] Good job, honey. I'm so proud of you. High-five. (imitates hand slap) All right. Let's take this fish home. - Let's go. - [Dad] And hopefully, your brother doesn't freak out. - Dad, can you carry my scooter? - [Dad] Oh, yup, I got you. - Dad, pretend this is my big sister. - Okay. - And then this- - Wait, you don't have a big sister. What's your (gasps)? Oh, that could be like, maybe, what should we name it? Um, how about? What do we always name Navey? You thought of it. It's so good. - Avey. - Avey, was that it? - I think so. - Okay. So that's Avey, the older sister. And then, you like, like going to the skate park and animals. - Yeah. - I'm a Mac. My name's always Mac, 'cause our last name's MacBride. - Or (clapping) Big Mac. (Adley laughs) - Or Big Mac. Sometimes I'm Daddy Big Mac 'cause I can do back flips. - Why do you always say you're, like, cool because you do flips and stuff? You did that when I was playing last night. - Because I'm a cool dad! - You did that when we were playing Barbies last night. (both chuckling) - We were playing last night, and I was a cool dad doing back flips. - Whoo! - Okay, and he's the older brother. And he was up like- - Shawnest. Shawnest. - Shawnest? - Yeah. (chuckles) - That sounds like a Shawn that's very honest. (both laughing) Okay, Shawnest is up here. - Shawnest. - Like, working on his music. Lil' A, I'm gonna start making dinner. - Okay. Daddy? - I said I'm making dinner. - Ahh! (chuckles) Dad? This Dad. - I'm trying to make dinner. - This Dad. - You always bug me while I'm making dinner. - No, I'm saying "That Dad." - Oh. - I want to see this Dad. (Dad imitates walking) (Adley chuckles) - I think she means you. Me? Yes, you! (imitates slap) Ow, okay, it's me. (Adley laughs) All right, what? What? - Okay, Dad. While he's cooking dinner, can you be this girl? - Yeah. Good luck cooking dinner by yourself. All right. - The house sets on fire. Ba-koom! (Dad chuckles) (yawns) What was that noise? Oh, what's that smell coming from the kitchen? Is dad cooking again? - Yes, and look. - Uh, Dad can never cook. - We got a new pet fish. (Dad screams) Fish? I love fish. Wait, if Neo sees that, he's not gonna be happy. You know he's kind of scared of fish. - Well, me and dad are gonna pretend it's a water dinosaur. - Oh, good idea. Oh, he'll love that. Okay. - Is Neo upstairs by himself? You were supposed to be watching him! - Oh no, he's upstairs with our older brother. Wait, our older brother, (whispers) what's his name? Shh, Shawnest. - Shawnage? Shawnest! (both laugh) Shawnest. - Oh, he's upstairs with Shawnest. They're just listening to music. - Then why is he coming down a water slide on a horse? - Wait, what? (Dad screams) - Wee. - Neo, careful! You crazy kid. All right, do you wanna see something cool? - Look. - Your sister brought home a baby water dinosaur. Ahh, it's a fish! (Dad imitates toddling) (Adley laughs) Come back, buddy, it's okay. Guess what? - It's a dinosaur! - Fishes are just like dinosaurs in the water. - He's a water dinosaur. - Yeah, you gotta be brave. Look, it doesn't bite. - Dinosaur! (both screaming) It flipped outta the tank! Grab it, grab it, grab it! Hurry. - Oh no! - Ahh, uh! It bit my arm off! - No, didn't. - I'm just kidding. See, fish are nice. You have nothing to worry about, Neo. - Stop. - Neo! - Stop, you're scaring Neo. - It's okay. Here, okay, it's okay. Ahh, my couch is in the pool! Look what you did by bringing a fish home. (Adley chuckles) This is why we don't, we're a no-fish family. Okay, guys, dinner's ready. I made fish sticks. (both screaming) Ah, no, you can't do fish sticks! Okay, I'll cook a different dinner. (both laughing) Okay, let's get this fish up in your room already. - Yeah, yay! - [Dad] Neo, that's the dog door! Wait, I need to grab Neo. Ah, uh. He always uses the dog door. - Wait, do I still have Fish? Wait, is that a fish? Uh, no it's not! Ahh! - No, it's not. Ahh, go to second level. Okay, let's get outta here. - One level. - Where are we gonna keep this fish? Okay, we can put it in the shower. Wait, no, the shower drains. Neo, put the fish down- (water plops) Wow, Neo put the fish in the toilet! - Would you like, Neo? - Little A! Come help, Little A! Okay, grab your fish. - Okay, Fish, come back out. I'm gonna put it right here. So Neo can't like knock it over. - Oh, that's a good idea. And I'll distract him with stickers. - Can I go back to the Mororogy place With my new mask? - What did you even say? - (chuckles) Morolo- - Morology place? - Morcology. - Morcalogy? - College. (laughing) - College? You're not in college. Okay, come on, Neo. Your sister's losing her marbles. Let's go downstairs. - What are you doing up here, big brother? - [Dad] Oh, hey, little sis. How are you? - Fine. - Just jamming to my music. Check out this new song. It's called "Shawnest, the Wizard." (intense rock music) ♪ Da, na-na, na-na, na-na ♪ ♪ Na, na-na, na-na, na-na ♪ - Ah, get me under this! (music stops) - What? Where did you go? Oh, she's playing hide-and-seek again. I love when my little sister plays hide-and-seek. It reminds me of when I was, like, a little kid. Are you under this chair? Are you under here? - Ooh, I gotta good place. - [Dad] Are you over here? Under the table? - There, like this. - Where are you? Little sis, where are you? (Adley giggles) I bet she went downstairs. Oh well, I'm gonna go back to playing music. - [Adley] He's healthy. (chuckles) - [Dad] Play. (intense rock music) ♪ Da, na-na, na-na, na-na ♪ ♪ Na, na-na, na-na, na-na ♪ (Adley screams) Ah, help me! (music stops) - Wait, what, what? Hey, what did I tell you about going in my speakers?! That's too loud. (Adley laughing) Okay. Dad, Lil' A's bugging me. Will you tell her to stop bugging me? - Wait, Dad, say it again. And Dad, and then, you would be like, "Oh, not that. And Little A's bugging me." - Okay. - And then, you say, "Little A, don't bug your big brother. And I'll be like, "No, he put me in." - Okay, okay. - "He put me in his speakers." - Okay. Dad, Lil' A's bugging me! Hey Lil' A, don't bug your brother. And hey, no yelling in the house. Use your indoor voice. - [Adley] But he threw me. He opened the speakers and put me in the speakers! - That's it, I'm coming up there. Shawnest, for reals? Your little sister's so tiny. You just gotta be nice. And you just gotta be nice- - But Dad, pretend I walked up to the brother and went (squeaks). Okay? - Oh yeah, okay. Look at those cute little eyes. How could you tell her no? Aw, she's so cute. But still, she's bugging me, Dad! - And then pretend, after you said, "She's so cute," I went (hisses). - Okay. - Okay? - [Dad] Ah, see, she's so cute. See, why would you bug your little sister? (Adley hisses) Dad, she just went (hisses)! No, she didn't. Look, she looks precious. (Adley squeaks) What are you (Adley hisses) even talking about? Dad, she's doing it again! (Adley squeaks) No, she's not. Okay, there's only one way to settle this. A dance off. - Dance off, dance off. (Dad imitates dance music) Hey, I go first! I go first! - Okay, you go first. Let's see, what do you got? - One, two, three, and do. (dance music) ♪ Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun-dun ♪ ♪ Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun-dun ♪ - [Dad] Whoa, splits? ♪ Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun-dun ♪ ♪ Dun, dun, dun, dun-dun ♪ - Whoa. ♪ Dun, dun, dun, dun, nee, nee ♪ - [Dad] Spin splits? ♪ Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun ♪ - Okay, this is easy. I got this. Watch out, little sis. Uh, easy, back off. Okay, you guys wanna see some actual dancing? - [Adley] Wait, no, I'm not done! - [Dad] What? (dance music continues) ♪ Do-do, do, do ♪ ♪ Do-do, do, do ♪ - Okay, she's done. (music stops) You guys wanna see some actual dancing? (music restarts) ♪ Mm, mm, mm, whoo ♪ ♪ Spin, yeah, uh, whoo ♪ ♪ Hands up, do a flip ♪ (imitates thumping) Ow. (doll thumps) Oh. (Adley laughs) Okay, maybe I'm too tall for flips. Ow! Who put that roof there? (Adley giggles) - Okay, Vlog. You put the sticker on who you think who won? - [Dad] Yeah, dance battle's over, Vloggy. - Here you go, Vloggy. - Who do you think won? - Vloggy, here's the sticker. - Who's it gonna be? - Me, me. - Who's it gonna be? - Me, me, me, me. - [Dad] Who's it gonna be? - Aww. - Oh, and it, oh. Wait. (party favor honks) Yay, you won! A, you won! - Yay! (people cheering) Good job! Sorry, Shawnest, you go down the slide. (Dad imitates footsteps) Whoa, Dad, whoa! - [Adley] Wait, I wanted to go down the slide. - That's what you get. Oh, you wanna do that, too? My pleasure. Fwaah! (doll slides and thumps) Ah, Dad! Whoosh. Okay, this is kinda fun. Do you wanna play? Yeah. - Yeah. - [Dad] Back flip in the water! - [Adley] Sorry for being mean to you earlier. - [Dad] Oh yeah, I'm sorry, too. - Watch this! - You're pretty cool. - [Adley] I'm gonna climb up the slide. Eh, and, whoo! - [Dad] Whah? Okay, you're definitely cool. I'm sorry, too, little sis. Watch this. Sit in the chair and then foop, flip out! - [Adley] Then pretend we heard, like, creaking noises. Like, (imitates creaking). - Okay. Wait, I hear some creaking noises, like, (both imitating creaking) - [Adley] Ah, it's Neo! - [Dad] (chuckles) Neo, what are you doing, little buddy? Kids, dinner time! - Uh, Dad said dinner. - Time for dinner. Come on, Neo. - Come on, let's go. - Okay, I'll put Neo on his high chair. - Yup. - Okay, buckle him up. - All right, ready? - I wanna sit by Neo. - I wanna sit by Neo. You always get to sit by Neo. Here, sister, all the girls get the chairs 'cause I'm a gentleman. (doll thumps) Hey! Sorry. All right. Hey, do not be trolling your sister. Everyone sit up, come on. (Adley imitates dogs barking) Wait, what's that noise? Oh no, the dogs are out. - [Adley] Dinner, dinner, dinner. - Ugh, the dog wants dinner. These dogs love dinner. All right, I'll get you some doggy dinner. (Adley imitates howling) The dogs always love a little fried egg. We make it into a heart. There you go. (dogs eating) All right, let me get the food out of the oven. (imitates clicking) Do, do, do. Ahh! Oh no. Uh, Vloggy, close your eyes, close your eyes. Nothing to see here. Nothing to see here. Um, kids, the food is definitely not burnt. But maybe we should eat something else tonight. All right, family. - We don't have enough room for the big brother. - [Dad] Oh, I'm just gonna order food and stay home and study. Good job, son, I'm proud of you. High-five. (imitates hands slapping) Secret best friends handshake. - [Adley] Dad, and he just invites all his friends over. Then they have a pizza party? - Hey, they're not done with their handshake yet. (more hand slapping) All right, see you, Dad. I'm definitely not gonna invite all my friends over and have a pizza party. (imitates footsteps) - [Adley] Well, something tells me he's gonna invite his friends over and have a pizza party. - [Dad] I think you're right. All right, let's go. - Yes. Dad, I'm gonna ride my scooter! - [Dad] All right, everyone buckle up. We gotta go. Seat belts on. (imitates clicking) (imitates engine humming) We're here. - [Adley] Oh, hi Allie. I haven't seen you in a while. - [Dad] Hey, what's up, girly? I've been coming here all the time. You've gotta try their apples. They are freshly picked. ♪ And to die for ♪ ♪ Ooh, okay, I'll get those ♪ Okay, have fun. I'm gonna be over here, working on my new vlog I just did, okay? I'm gonna be editing on my computer. - [Adley] Oh, okay. I want the cookies. Dad, Dad, Dad! - [Dad] Okay, you can get the cookies, honey. - Yay! - Come up. Okay, can we have one order of cookies, please? - [Adley] Yes, coming right up. Bing. Thank you! - [Dad] Okay, good job, Lil' A. What would you like, Avey? - [Adley] Um, I'll have the apples. - [Dad] Okay. - [Adley] And then, can we buy these bowls of cereal for our house? - [Dad] Oh, I love cereal. Yes, please buy those. Oh, and then I wanna try the fresh apples. Someone told me they are delicious. - [Adley] Yeah, that's what I want. Fresh squeezed orange juice in a bottle? - [Dad] Oh, that sounds delicious. - [Adley] In the cart it goes. - [Dad] I love this Barbie Restaurant City. Yes, I think we've got everything we need. Can I pay, please? - [Adley] Yes. Um, let me scan everything. (register beeping) Do, do, do, do. - [Dad] Okay, thank you. - [Adley] Okay, and that will be $200. (record scratches) - What?! $200? I don't have that much money. - [Adley] I'm just kidding. In Barbie City, everything's just a high-five. - [Dad] Oh, I like that. High-five. - High-five. (Dad imitates hand slap) (price explodes) - All right. - Okay. - [Dad] Kids, let's go. I gave her a high-five! - [Adley] Ooh. - [Dad] Hop in the car. - [Adley] Barbie City's awesome. Everything's free. - Uh, Neo, you stayed in the car the whole time? All right, we got you some food. Get your seat belts on, let's roll. ♪ Ride my scooter home ♪ (Dad imitates engine humming) I'm gonna go park the car. Bye, kids. Will you start getting ready for bed? I'm on it, Dad. (Dad imitates phone ringing) - [Adley] Hello? - Hi, I'm gonna go close up the store really quick and check on Emma. Can you get all the kids to bed? - Yes, I can. - Okay. - And she's just putting the groceries away. Bye. - Oh, perfect, thank you, bye. Guys, I'm home! I'm home. Where's the, where is everybody? - [Adley] Got some, num, num, num, num, num, num. - What, why are you just eating cookies? You should not be eating cookies this late. Neo, you're crazy. - Pretend it was 12 o'clock at midnight, too. - It is 12 o'clock at midnight, too! - Pretend you're like, "Why aren't your brother and sister watching you?" - [Dad] Why are your brother and sister not watching you? Okay, wait. Seriously, where's your brother and sister? (Dad imitates walking) Asleep? Ah, kids these days. All right. - Let's turn it up more. (intense rock music) ♪ Da-na, na, na, na, na ♪ (Dad screaming) ♪ Na, na, na, na, na, na ♪ - Turn it down, turn it down! (music stops) Little A, what are you doing up so late? - (imitates snoring) I'm sleeping. - Ugh! Neo, hop in your little dog bed. Why does Neo sleep in a dog bed? - I don't know. We don't have a crib. (giggles) - He's just so good. I'm going to the crib store tomorrow because I swear we have like three cribs. - [Adley] No, we're gonna buy this crib for Neo. - Okay. Neo, tomorrow, I'm buying you a crib. 'Cause no more sleeping in that. That's for pets. (both chuckle) Go to bed. - Aww. - Okay, nosies. Nosies. - Nosies, nosies. - Goodnight kids, see you tomorrow. (imitates snoring) Ha! Finally, the kids are asleep. Water slides! (Dad imitates footsteps) Whoo! Whoo-hoo! - Pretend I heard you. And then, you saw something. - Oh yeah! - Dad, pretend you heard something going down the slide. - Okay. ♪ Oh yeah ♪ (Dad screams) - Ah, wee! - [Dad] Lil' A, what are you doing awake still? - [Adley] Do you stay up late and play on the water slide? - [Dad] Hey, you're not supposed to know that. I need some Dad time. Go back to bed. Finally, I'm actually gonna fall asleep. (imitates snoring) - [Adley] Okay, the kids are finally asleep. Let's go. - Yeah. Water slide! Oh yeah, oh. - Dad! - [Dad] What, again? - [Adley] I knew you were awake 'cause I had earplugs in. - [Dad] You tricker. That little kid is so smart. For reals, we're going to bed. - You have to sleep, too. - And you're going to bed, too. And I'm gonna sleep. - And I'm gonna sleep, too. - I'm really falling asleep. (Dad imitates snoring) - I don't believe you. It's been five minutes. Okay, I going to bed. (Dad laughs) - Okay. What do we want to do for tomorrow's day? - Let's clean up our house. - Okay, yeah. Let's straighten up. - It's like an angel came last night. - After every day, we kinda, like, clean up and decide, like, fun ideas that we want to do the next day. - Pretend it's been a while now. Like, pretend it's been like a couple, like, it's been two years. - Okay, yeah, pretty good. - So now, Neo. - So it's like pretend it's been two years. And Neo's older. Where's the girls? - Now, Neo's three. - Okay, I like that. Pretend, since you're older, I call you Crazy A. 'Cause you're like a teenager. - Crazy A? - [Dad] Do you like that? - Okay, lemme find a girl I can be. What if I just got a little older, so my hair color changed? Like, as I got older- - Oh, I like that. Yeah, you were playing out in the sun a lot, so it got whiter. - Yeah. - And then, when you get older, you can be, like, a red-head one. All right, um. So it's been two years. Neo's older. - Three. - And wait, are you still called Little A? Or are you older now? - Little. Crazy A. - Crazy A, oh, okay. - And I'm eight now. I'm eight. - You're eight, okay. - 'Cause it's been three years, so if- - Okay, and then- - Eight minus three. - Pretend that- - Wait, hold on. Eight take away three is five, so I was five when I got the fish and stuff. - Oh, good job. Good math, hon. All right. - Okay? - So, and then, pretend he was old, and, uh, what's his name? Shawnest went to college. Okay? - Yeah. So he's gone now. 'Cause he went to college. - To get more knowledge! (elevator rattling) Good morning! It's three years later. Wake up, wake up, you're a lot older now. Good morning. - What? What, what, what, what, what? - You're older now. You're eight, honey. You need to start thinking about your career. - [Adley] But I'm only eight. - [Dad] Oh yeah, you're only eight. But it's never too early to plan your future. Come on. Downstairs, kids. We have this day. - Okay. - Hop in the elevator. - I'm only four, though! - [Dad] Dream house elevator down. We're going to the future. (elevator rattles) - Wee. - [Dad] Boop. Down more. (elevator rattles) Yoop. - [Adley] Yay, yay, breakfast, breakfast! - [Dad] Hold on, hold on. Before breakfast, I got a surprise. - What? - Go in the living room. Come on, let's go into the living room. (both imitate footsteps) - [Adley] Why is there a chef in here? - [Dad] Because it's three years in the future, and you need to start thinking about your careers. What if you wanna be a chef when you get older? Chef, tell us about being a professional chef. - [Adley] Well, being a professional chef is pretty easy, 'cause you get to surprise people with delicious foods every day. - [Dad] Ooh, that does sound amazing. (chef thumps) Oh, you're going to the kitchen? Okay, she's gonna go cook us some food. Kids, while she's cooking food- (table crashes) Oh, I hit over the table. (Adley laughs) Okay, while she's cooking food and setting up the table, let's go look at other possible careers. What kind of careers would you guys wanna have when you were older? What sounds fun? - [Adley] Hmm. Baby, baby, baby! - [Dad] You wanna be a baby doctor, bud? What do you wanna do? I wanna run a little shop, like a pantry shop. - Oh, with food? Okay. - Yeah. - [Dad] Let's go look at both those possible careers, and then you guys have a dentist appointment. - [Adley] Babies, babies, babies! - Okay, let's go look at babies. Come on, come on. - Babies! ♪ Do, do, do-do ♪ - Wait, wait, kids. Before we leave the dream house, one more slide? - [Adley] Yeah! - [Dad] Let's do it! (elevator rattling) One more slide! - [Adley] Slide, slide, slide! Three, two, one. - Two, one, front flip. - [Adley] That's what I was gonna do. Okay. - Whoo-hoo! - [Adley] One, two, one. Back flip! - Whoo-hoo! - Whoo-hoo! Don't get wet. - Three. - Just move this pool. - [Adley] Three, two, one, belly! Wee! - [Dad] Whoa, good job, Neo! Okay, now we're ready to go see about our future careers. That was fun. - [Adley] Let's go! - Bing. - Bee, beep, beep. - [Dad] Baby doctor, hi! - Babies, babies, babies! - Whoa, calm down, buddy. Hi, are you a baby doctor? - [Adley] Yes, I am. - [Dad] Oh, that is awesome! Good job. Can you teach my kids about being a baby doctor? - [Adley] Well, being a baby doctor is so much fun 'cause you get to take, take care of cute, little babies. And- - I have cute, little kids that I take care of. - [Adley] and you need to put lotion on them. - [Dad] Oh, good idea. - [Adley] You give them a little bit of baba. - Oh, good idea. - And you get to do checkups. - [Dad] Oh, and make sure they're healthy. Good job, baby doctor. - Mm-hm. - [Dad] Could we show you give a baby a checkup? - [Adley] Yeah! Okay. - Yay, yay. I wanna see, I wanna see! Okay, let's all watch. - So, first. I'll do this part. - I'll hold you up, bud. - [Adley] So. - Yeah? - Were gonna listen to its heartbeat. Boop-boop, boop-boop, boop-boop. - Oh, it sounds like a dance, Dad. We could do a heartbeat song. ♪ Do-do-Do-do, do-do-do, do-do ♪ ♪ Boop-Boop, boop-boop ♪ ♪ Boop-boop-boop-boop ♪ - [Adley] Then I write down how the heartbeat was. - [Dad] Can I help you write it? Can I help you ride it? - [Adley] Yup, can you write "Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah." - [Dad] Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I did it, I did it! I wrote "Blah, blah, blah, blah." (Adley chuckles) Good job, son. I'm so proud of you. Blah, blah, blah. So these are healthy babies? - Mmm-hmm. - Oh, good. You're such a good baby doctor. - Now, I need to put lotion on them. - Oh. - Swoot. - [Dad] Wow, that was so interesting. You are such a good baby doctor. Good job. - Mm-hm. And you can have two careers. I'm learning how to be a dentist. And I'll be starting later in the day. - [Dad] Really? That is awesome! Yeah, that's so smart to have two skills and careers. Actually (gasps), kids? Yeah, Dad? - Yeah? - [Dad] We have a dentist appointment later, remember? Oh yeah. Well, maybe we'll see you at the dentist place. Good luck on your internship. - [Adley] Well, I'll see you later then. - [Dad] All right, good job. Come on, kids, get in the elevator. (Adley imitates elevator) Ooh, what's this? This looks delicious. - [Adley] Yeah, I wanna do this! I wanna do this! - [Dad] Ooh, look at this pantry full of food. Okay, could you tell us about your job? - [Adley] It's fun because I get to sell things to people. And it's very nice and kind. And I help them if they need anything. - [Dad] Oh, I bet that's so fun. And you make people's tummies happy. (chuckles) - [Adley] Yes, I do, indeed. - [Dad] Mmm, my tummy wants to be happy. Can I get a snack? - Yeah. Yeah, I want juice. Okay. - Okay, grab something, kids. I gotta take these guys over to the dentist, so they better get some food in their tummies, first. - [Adley] Yay! - [Dad] Oh, and then, guys, let's stop by at the dream house and brush our teeth before the dentist. - [Adley] Okay. - [Dad] Thank you for the food. - [Adley] You're welcome. Bye. - Bye. I love your career! Okay, Neo, spit. (imitates spitting) You guys have been doing so good. You brush every night, and even in the mornings before school. All right, come on, kids. - [Adley] Put that back. (imitates spitting) Ready! I wanna ride Mom's bike. - [Dad] Okay. I wanna hop in the basket. Yay! Ugh, you kids are so darn cute. All right, let's go. - Pretend I put it on electric mode because I can't reach the pedals. - [Dad] Okay. Put it on electric mode? - Boop. (dad imitates clicking) - Okay, come on, kids. - Whoo. - Okay, yes, we need to check in. - Yes, okay. (Dad babbles) - Yes, two kids. - Oh. Okay, let's go, come on! (Dad babbles) - Oh, we have to check in. - We did! - No, I'm still signing it. Yes. (babbles) Please sign here, mm-hm. And then, (babbles). And then, please sign here. Okay, yup. And then one more. (gobbling) Oh, I don't have my insurance. This is so difficult. Why is going to the dentist so hard?! Okay, we're done. Come on, kids. - Hi. - Hi. - I'm here to practice. - Okay. - I'm just very excited. - Wait. - And your kids are gonna be my practice. - My kids are gonna be your prac... Uh, yeah, no, that's fine. You're okay. - No, I've done it. I've done it before. - Okay. - This is my third time. - Okay, yeah. - Third time. - Um, okay. - We're gonna get a good look at your teeth first. (muffled) Okay. - [Dad] Good job. And look at the top ones. And now the bottom ones. Good job. - Okay, now we're gonna, what toothpaste would you like? Bubble gum or pink strawberry? Pink strawberry. - Okay, I'll go get that. - Boop. (slurps) I have it. - [Dad] Oh, you already have it? You are good! See, they don't need my help. I'm gonna go back to the waiting room. Bye. - [Adley] Okay, let's see if you have any wiggly teeth. Oh, you have one wiggly tooth. The very top one. Do you wanna pull it out, or wait till next time you come to the dentist? Pull it out, pull it out! Well, it depends on how wiggly it is. Whoa, wow, that's really wiggly. We're gonna need to pull that out. - [Dad] Wait, did you say "Pull out a tooth?" - First we're gonna go do X-rays. - [Dad] Oh, good idea. Okay, good luck! I don't even know. - Okay, let's put this so it doesn't scan your clothes. (giggles) Okay. Let's put the X-ray. Now bite really hard. (both imitate buzzing) - [Dad] (robotic voice) Wait, X-ray failed. This is a dog. (record scratches) (more buzzing) (robotic voice) X-ray failed, that's not a human. - Okay, it's on dog mode, okay. - (chuckles) Oh. ♪ Do, do, do ♪ Oh, remember to take the X-ray off dog mode. I just X-rayed some dog teeth. Oh, sorry, I forgot to tell you. ♪ Do, do, do-do-do-do ♪ Okay, now it's working. Let's see those teethies. - [Dad] Ahh. - [Adley] No, mot yet. - [Dad] Oh. - [Adley] Okay, no broken tooth or anything. Just that wiggly one. - Yay! I don't have any broken teeth. - Except, we'll need to pull that out. (Dad screeches) Okay, doctor, come in! - [Dad] Yes. Do you need my help pulling out the tooth? - [Adley] Yes. - [Dad] Whoa, that is the wiggliest wiggle tooth I've ever wiggled! What are we gonna do? How are we gonna get this tooth out? I'm so confused! - I got the tweezers. You just pull it down, I think. - Okay, lemme try it. (imitates clicking) Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle. Yah! We got your tooth. (Adley screams) Shh, it's okay, it's okay. - My tooth. - Ah, what was that?! I'm scared. Nothing, it's just fine. Okay. - Ehh. - [Dad] See, it didn't hurt at all, right? - And she was bitting on a towel. - [Dad] You okay? - [Adley] Yes, that didn't hurt at all. - [Dad] What I tell you? - It's just that my tooth feels funny. - [Dad] You are so brave. All right, she's done. Oh, good job, honey. I'm so proud of you. - Yeah, my tooth just feels funny. - You sound so funny. (both laugh) Okay, come wait in the waiting room. All right, Neo, it's your turn. All right, little guy, let's get you up here. Uh, why is the chair tipped over? Oh, no reason. The last patient just had some bad balance, maybe. - [Adley] I'll take care of this little one. - [Dad] Ah, you dropped the patient! - [Adley] (chuckles) Pretend I didn't do that. - [Dad] Okay, okay. All right, now wash in here and spit. - Wait, hold on, hold on. (doll thumps) - Ahh! - [Adley] Okay, now we're gonna do an X-ray. - Here's the X-ray. - Oh no, it's on dog mode. - (chuckling) Oh. We left it on dog mode. - And Dad, now pretend it's on chameleon mode. Do, do, do, do. - Chameleon man. Chameleon man. Neep, neep. Ugh, it's on chameleon mode. - It is working, it's working. - [Dad] Careful, I left it on chameleon mode. - It seems like chameleon. It is a chameleon. What? - Wait, he is a chameleon? - Ah, sir! - What? - [Adley] Your boy's half chameleon! - [Dad] What, he's a chameleon now? - Yes. - No! Are you? Wait, I already knew that. - Oh. - [Dad] He's kind of a chameleon boy. Yeah, he got this hairstyle once, and it kinda turned him into a chameleon boy. It's kinda cool. - Oh, okay. - [Dad] All right, chameleon boy, let's go. - [Adley] Wait, we're not done! - [Dad] Sorry, he likes to walk on the ceiling. (Dad imitates footsteps) - But we're not done! - Neo, come on. (grunts) Okay, finish the tooth. All right, and then I gotta take these kids to- - Oh no. - [Dad] What? - He needs a cap. - [Dad] What does that mean? - He needs a crown. - Oh, he's a king?! I didn't know my son was a king. (heads thump) This is the best news I've ever- - He needs a crown on his tooth. - Wait, his tooth is a king? I had no idea - No! - my son's mouth was royalty. - (laughs) Fine, I'll just put the cap on. - [Dad] Thank you, you're the best. - Okay, he's all done! - You know how I get. Okay. (Adley imitates crying) Oh, good job, kids. You were so brave. All right, thank you. (bell rings) (both imitate elevator) It's past the science building, where you can look at the stars. (door knock) Hey, Levi, what's up, bro?! (Dad imitates hand slap) Still playing soccer, I see. High-five. - Wait, did you bring Neo? Today's his first day, right? - [Dad] Oh, no, I forgot Neo has soccer practice. Um, I'll be right back. Hi Coach, here's Neo. Hey, bud! We got soccer practice. All right, let's practice those kicks. (imitates kick) Wee! - Ahh! - [Dad] Neo, you literally kicked the ball to your sister. I'm sorry. They need to make these city sports centers bigger. Here you go. I need that ball back. Be careful where you're kicking it, Neo. - Wait, watch. - Sorry, Dada. Three, two, one. (imitates flip) Whoo, landed it. - Whoa, good job, honey! All right, Neo, let's see a big kick. Uh, watch this, Dad. Whaa boom! (glass cracks) (record scratches) - [Adley] I'm still practicing pinwheels. - [Dad] Uh. Sorry, Vlog, it's kinda cracked. Uh-oh. - Uh-oh. - Uh. (Adley giggling) Okay, uh. (sign beeps) - [Adley] Whoa! (giggling) - [Dad] What? Neo, what are you doing up there? What? And Crazy A, you're playing soccer? What is going on?! Am I losing my marbles? - We thought it was opposite day today. It's opposite time, see? - What? - Look. - [Dad] Oh, is it opposite day? Wait. - It's not opposite day, though. - [Dad] Oh, good. 'Cause I was gonna say, I'm pretty happy right now. And that would be weird if it was opposite day. 'Cause that'd mean I'm sad, and I'm not. Let's go. All right, everyone, come on. (Dad imitates elevator) - You guys can keep the soccer ball. - Ah, thank you. We're home! (Dad imitates dog barking) Hi little puppy. Those two are best friends. Uh, honey, are you tapping my leg? Honey, yes? Hello, yes? What do you need? - Dad. Can you come play with the fish and me now? Oh yeah, how's that fish doing? - Good, let's go check on him. - It's been two or three years now, and you've been taking good care of it. Do you think this fish will ever get returned to the wild? - His fin's normal! - What? - [Adley] He has two fins! - You saved him. (gasps) It's a fish miracle. - Let's go give him back to the (mutters) people. - Oh, I agree. (babbles) Let's go! (both laughing) - Let's go. (Dad imitates footsteps) - [Dad] Uh, another busy day at the aquarium. - [Adley] Look, the fish is all better! We can release him! - [Dad] (gasps) What? You fixed the fish? - Whoo. - You are so awesome. I remember that forever ago. Good job, girl. All right, should we go release him back into the wild? - Yeah. - Okay. - Okay, let's go! - [Dad] I'll swim out there and release him. - Okay. - Let me get my snorkel. Where's my snorkel? - Bye-bye. - [Dad] Oh wait, here's my fins. Oh, are you studying the fish? - No, I'm just trying to get a few last vlog shots - Aww. - before we release him. - [Dad] That'll be a good memory. All right, do you have any last words to say to your little fishy friend? - I've known you for three years, Fishy. I'll always love you. - [Dad] That's so sweet. Bubble, bubble. - Bubble. - [Dad] Bubble, bubble, bubble. Bubble, bubble. - [Adley] That means he loves me. - [Dad] Oh, how wonderful. All right, I'm taking it back to the ocean. Bye, thanks for being such an awesome person. - Bye! Whoo, I'm gonna high-five the fish. I break the glass. (imitates glass shattering) - [Dad] Ah, don't break the glass! Okay, I gotta go fast. Bye! (Adley chuckles) - Oh, no, I forgot. He's gonna put the fish in the ramago sink. I'll be right back, Vloggy. - [Dad] That should be perfect. - [Adley] Dad, don't put it in the sink! It's gonna go in the hole. - Are you kidding me? I'm a marine biologist. I know all about animals. I plugged the hole. (Dad inhales) (water splashing) Goodbye, little fishy. I'm so glad you're safe. Boop. (water plops) - [Adley] Ah, Fishy, come here. - Swim, swim, swim, swim. - Swim, swim, swim, swim. - Swim, swim, swim. - Swim, swim, swim. Do, do-do. Thanks for watching! Bye. (imitates crashing) - [Dad] Oh. (imitates bubbles) Thanks for watching, bye! (Dad imitates smashing) - [Adley] Each sold separately. Cover the vlogs eyes. - Ha-ha, I like your thinking. All right. - No peeking. - [Dad] Surprise, surprise. No looking, no looking. - Okay, time to move to a new neighborhood. Surprise! This is our Barbie World! This is an ad for Mattel!
Channel: A for Adley - Learning & Fun
Views: 11,400,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adley, shonduras, best day ever, a for adley, niko, baby bear, backyard, swimming, water toys, family fun, pretend play, new toy, toy, unboxing, routine, morning routine, night routine, adleys birthday, locked, treasure chest, hidden, mystery, whats inside, whats inside family, swimming pool in house, indoor swimming pool, barbie toys, for kids, Portal House, Rainbow Ghosts, Sneaking in, Dont Wake Granny, Barbie City, The Barbie Movie, A for Adley, ugly, Slime, New game, neighborhood
Id: OV3yeiWSfUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 35sec (2375 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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