- It is easier to walk with shoes. - What?! No, that's not how you use shoes. - There's aliens. You're mask! Here get your mask on! Quick, get it on. We gotta get out of here. We left you a note. We'll be back. - Who are you?! - Who are you? - No, who are you? - I'm a mermaid. - You're a mermaid? You got to learn to walk if you have legs. - Ah! (thuds) - What are you doing with our fork? - No, it's a dingle hopper! It's a dingle hopper! - It's a fork. - As you can see, there's
aliens invading Utah. - Yeah, look at that. You're doing awesome. Oh, careful! Slow down! Slow down! (child thuds) (screaming) - It's a mean one. - Let's open this. - Tell Adley I'll visit
her at pirate island. (water splash) - They're really yummy. - I can't eat human food,
I'll turn into a real human! (sign whoosh) - Wait seriously? - Yeah. - Welcome there family! We're going swimming. - Swimming! (cheering) - We're going to blow these
up, make an obstacle course. - Oh yeah, we got our goggles. Snorkels. - Wait, you got a snorkel? I don't have a snorkel.
BRB getting my goggles. - Ugh dad. We'll get the stuff. All right, grab that floaty. - Is he gonna make an
obstacle course under water? - Yep and then we're going
to try to balance on these. (TV beeps) - Okay, wait, TV! - With Pirate News network,
I'm Storm Weathers. I'm here at the scene at Pirate Island. As you can see there's
aliens invading Utah. I think we need help from
heroes, please! Help us! (TV static) - Adley, we got to get outta here. - Oh no! - What are we gonna do? They really need us though. - Let's just go. - [Mom] Write him a note. - Bye dad, love you. Mm hmm. - [Mom] Adley come one, we gotta go. - Okay, lets go. - There's aliens! Your mask! Here get your mask on! Hurry get it on. We've gotta get outta here. Hurry, go! - Hurry hurry! - We left you a note, well be back! - Bye! (door slams) - Where did they go? (shoes slamming) Hello?! It's raining. (door slams) All right. Maybe they just went to
grab something real quick. All right guys, we're
still doing the video. We got all the pool stuff. We got this. " Hey dad, we had to get school supplies. Get the hot tub and towels
ready, well be right back. Love you." Did Adley write this? (camera squeaking) - All right. Well, let's go get the hot tub ready and they'll be right back I bet. So I'm thinking we blow all these up and we make like a crazy obstacle course that we have to like swim through and find prizes and (yelps)
it's cold, it's raining. Cold, cold, cold, cold. Hey let's open this. (tub steams) That steam coming out. Hope Adley and mom don't take too long. All right, is that probably enough? That's probably enough. Let's go put this stuff over here. - Who are you? (mix tape scratches) - Huh?! Who are you?! Who are you?! - Who are you? - No, who are you? - I'm a mermaid. - You're a mermaid?! - Mm hmm. - A real mermaid? - Yes. - Are you nice? - Yeah. - What are you doing in my hot tub? - I went to the sewers and then I just got trapped in here. Can you help me get out? Its really hot. - Well yeah, it's a hot tub. Wait, you were swimming in the
sewers and you got lost here, are you a real mermaid? - Yeah. - Let me see. Can I touch your fin? - Whoa! It's real! What?! What's your name? - Melody. - Melody? - I'm just a little kid. - You're a little kid mermaid? You're lost? - Mm hmm. - Okay. I'm going to help you. What do I need to do? How did you get out of here? Where did you come from? Is this the drain? (pops) - The sewers, remember? - But where did you come through? Like, how did you end up in the hot tub? - I came from underwater. - Where did you like come
out of though? Do you know? - The wall! - The wall? Did you come through like one of these? - No. I don't where I come from. I
don't know how to get back. - Well, maybe did you try like one of those holes over there? - No I don't fit. - You don't fit? I'll help you get out. Come here, come here, come here. Maybe I could like put you
in our bathtub or something. All right. I have a daughter named Adley and I think she'll know
exactly what to do. - Can I eat first? - I don't know what to do? I've never had a mermaid before! Am I going crazy? This is my house, you can come in here. (door slams) Mom and Adley, we've got a situation. Are you home? Mom's my wife, Adley's my daughter. Here, let's, you're so slippery. Okay, let's lay these towels down for ya. - Is there a sea bed anywhere here? I don't have any sea beds but maybe I can find some food for ya? Here. (Dad grunts) Like that and then do you want to be like covered up at all or? - No. - No? Okay. What do you need? - Some food, please. - Food, okay, food. Okay, I'll be right back. - Make sure it's mermaid food! - Here's some delicious
what we call Doritos. I think you'll like 'em. (chips crunch) - These are delicious. What kind of seaweed is this called? - Here's some water. Well, it's not really seaweed. It's kinda just like
Doritos, like human food but they're really yummy. - I can't eat human food! I'll turn into a real human! - Wait seriously? - Yeah. - How many did you eat? - Five. - Okay. I'm gonna get
the stuff away from you hopefully you're okay. - What?! ( Melody yells) - [Dad] Melody?! (thunder rumbles) - [Dad] Melody! Are you okay? - Yes. - What happened? - Did you eat too much human food? - Yep. And I'm okay. - Oh okay. (Melody screams) What? (Dad yells) You have toes. Cute toes. Oh look, they're like painted all mermaid. - And! - Ah! Legs! What do we do?! - I don't know? (gasps) My daughter, Adley, she has clothes that would probably fit you. Should we go get some Adley's clothes? - Yeah. - Do you know how to walk? - Whoa! (Melody thuds) Okay, so you got to stand up and balance and then put like one leg forward and then like put the other leg forward. - How bout you just carry me? - You got to learn to
walk if you have legs. - Just carry me or I won't learn to walk. - Okay. - Cause I really can't get up. - Okay, whoa! Whoa! Okay, let's go get you
dressed in Adley's clothes. I'm sure she has
something that'll fit you. There you go, Melody. How does that feel? - Good but, - Is it comfy? - Yeah but who's clothes are these? Oh, these are my daughter's clothes. So I have a daughter and her name's Adley and she's five years old. - I'm five years old! In mermaid years. - You're five? - Mm hmm. - So you guys would be friends. - Mm hmm. - She's going to be home soon. I don't really know where she's at. We're going to film a video and then all of a sudden
she just ran a way. - Can we learn how to walk? - Oh, you want to learn how to walk? (Melody thuds) - Melody be careful. - Yes. - Okay. So here's what you're going to- (Melody thuds) Okay. So here's what you're gonna, (Melody grunts) Okay, so, here's what you gotta do. So this foot, and then you go this foot. And then you go this foot,
and then you go this foot. - Okay, I think I got it now. - Okay. (Melody thuds) Okay. Let's try this again. Okay. All right. So you gotta go this
foot and then this foot and then you gotta balance so up here like keep your arms out so you can balance and then this foot, and then this foot. Does that makes sense? - Yeah. - You got this! Yeah! Look at that! You're doing awesome! Oh careful! Slow down! Slow down! (Melody thuds) (Dad sighs) Sorry, melody. (Dad gasps) I got an idea. Okay. Stand up. I got just the thing,
they're called shoes. You've probably never worn them
before but they're amazing. Put on these shoes and see if that helps. And then I'm also going to get you - It is easier to walk with shoes. - What?! No! That's not how you use shoes! No! Melody those aren't, okay, bad idea. I just need to teach you
how to be a human, huh? These are fingers, they move. These are toes, they wiggle. Wiggle your toes. You got to learn to wiggle. Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle. - Wiggle wiggle, wiggle - Wiggle 'em! (Melody giggles) Can you not wiggle your toes? Melody! Maybe a walker! A walker would help. Do you know what a walker is? Okay. I mean to get you one. Stay right there. (shoes slamming) - Okay, I fell like this
is an easier way to swim in water but it might
be easier if you just, hey, a bed! I've been wanting to take a nap. - [Dad] Okay, here's the walker, whoa! Melody stop! No! No! No! That's not a mermaid
bed, that's a dog bed. (exhales) You have so much to learn. Okay look. This is Nico toy. - What's a Nico? - A Nico he's Adley's brother. Do you have brothers? - No. - Well, this is Adley's brother and he used to play with
it when he was a baby but you can hold on right here and I can help you walk, whoa! Okay. Hold on. Stand up straight and then hold this and then yeah, walk with your feet. Good job. Good job, Melody. All right. It's going to take a
little bit of practice. Practice with that I'm
going to get you a new one. Just be careful, okay? Okay, good job Melody. - I always needed a thing
to help brush my hair. (Melody humming) - What are you doing with our fork?! That's a fork?! - That's for my hair. - No that's a (grunts) - No, it's a dingle hopper. It's a dingle hopper! - It's a fork. - It's a dingle hopper! - What's a dingle hopper? - It's something you brush your hair with. - You're crazy, girl. Okay. Hand me the dingle hopper. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Hand me the dingle hopper. Brushed your hair? Oh, It does feel kind of good. - Hey that's mine! Okay, okay! It's not a dingle hopper. It's a fork. Okay. Oh! All right, we gotta get these legs, ow! Sorry, I stepped on your toe. - Ow! - Is it okay? - Yeah. - Okay. No Melody, where are you going? - It's a land shark. I always wanted to see a shark. - That's just the Valentine's day box. - No it's not! It's a real shark! A real shark. It's just a- Okay. Aw man. Let me, let's call mom and Adley and see if they're almost home. Just let me get my phone. Don't get in any trouble. You sit right there. Where's my phone? (Melody screams) - [Dad] What?! - It's a mean one! (Dad grunts) Okay. I can't leave you
alone for one second. Okay, I'm going to put you
in the safest place I know where you can't get hurt. Right here. (Melody thuds) Cover you in pillows. So you can't get hurt no
matter what you do, don't move. Just stay around all
these soft pillows, okay? - Okay. (Melody pants) This is so tiring. Wish I can get out. (Melody gasps) What's that's? What's that?
What's that? What's that?! I wanna know, I wanna know. I wish I (Melody grunts) Let me out. - Hold on. We're going to call Adley and mom. - Who's Adley and mom? - Adley's my daughter, she's
five just like you remember? And mom is well, she's my wife. We're married and we have
kids and this is our house. And I guess it's kind of like
where you live in the ocean. Hello? Where do you live in the ocean? - I live in the deep sea. - Oh, well this is like my deep sea and let's call mom. - What kind of shell phone is that? - Shell phone? It's a cell phone not a shell. - It's a shell phone. - It's a magic phone. Look, It can call people, watch. She didn't answer. What could she be doing
that is so busy right now? Come on. - There's a mirror inside that shell? - Well kind of like, so that's us. And then this shell phone can
talk to Jenny's shell phone and then we can talk
and that's how it works. - I don't think your
shell phone is working? - Yeah, they're not answering. Why could they be so busy right now? We're about to film a
video. I don't get it. - I got an idea! - You have an idea? - Let's go. - Let's do it. - Oh my god. - Oh, I forgot you can't walk. Okay. Let's just, how
about (grunts) you just sit on my shoulders for all of this, okay. - Okay. - What's your idea? - Do you know where pirate island is? - Pirate Island? I do! I do know where it's that way. We have a ship there. - Pirate island is close to my house! - Really? So if we put you in the
water at pirate Island, you could find a way home? - Mm hmm. - Let's go to pirate Island, then. Come on. Whoa! Hold on! Have you ever driven in a car before? - No! - Well, this is going to be interesting. (door slams) All right. - This is really cold than the water. - I know it's winter time and
out of the water right now. - What is this white stuff on me? - It's called snow. I don't think you're going to like it. Let's just get you back into the water. - I'm so cold. - Yeah. All right. So what do I do? Do I just have to throw
you back in the water? - No! - No? - I'll drown! - Oh, well what do we gotta do then? - I need my mermaid tail. - Oh, yeah, you don't have a mermaid tail. You have these cute little toes. Your toes are so cute. Wait, how do we get your mermaid tail? - Seaweed! - Yeah, you ate human food
and turned into human. We need to find seaweed. Maybe there's some over here. Where did we get seaweed? - In the water, duh! - Oh yeah the water, okay let's go. Sand, sand, sand. All right seaweed? Oh, some seaweed right here, okay. (Dad grunts) Here eat this. - Mm mm that's good. - You ate it all? - Mm! (Dad yells) (magical sparkling sound) You're changing! Whoa! Whoa! (thunder zaps) (Dad panting) Melody?! - Yay! - You're a mermaid! We did it! How do you feel? - Good. - Good, Okay. Now what? - Just throw me in the water. - Throw you in the water? Okay, one more hug. Thanks, that was so much fun. Any last words? - Tell Adley I'll visit
her in pirate island. - Okay. I'll let her know. One, two, three! Whoa! (water splashes) (Dad gasps) She did it! We saved her life. Melody, I'm going to miss you. See you this summer on pirate Island. Adley and mom are not going to believe me. This was the craziest Adley video. I guess this is the end now? What a weird video. Thanks for watching, bye. (wind whooshing) (zapping noises) - Bye!