Advice to muslim students (& their parents) living in non muslim countries - Assim al hakeem

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cd from germany he says what's your advice to the students who live in non-muslim countries and they have to go through the normal schooling system which involves studying darwinism atheism cofor free mixing sex uh sexual um uh learning or education um going to the same swimming pool boys and girls and having their uh pe uh classes all the the filth that you can think of according to us muslims so what's your advice the advice is one migrate leave that disbelieving country and their benefits and their nice social system and the wealth you can get run with your religion if you're unable to do this collaborate as to the best of your ability to build muslim schools if they if it does not exist if it exists take your kids and put them in muslim schools even if it's far even it's expensive at least give them the environment to be brought up as proud muslims not as distorted individuals who don't know whether they're kafir or muslims whether they're westerners or from their origin country it's a melting pot that they put all filth and trash in it to bring up what we see in their country no you want your children to become proud muslims and good citizens but their islam comes first not their passport or nationality if this is not possible then collaborate to get your kids uh to to build uh schools for muslim children with businessmen with uh donors with whatever if this is not possible you have to give your children homeschooling and not allow them to go to such a environment because at the end of the day you're putting them into the fire you're putting them in the furnace no if you put them in in public schools you have no control on what they learn and they don't have the filtering system that prevents them and they're young and it's free mixing everybody's partying everybody's having sex even girls in the age of 12 or 13 years of age lose their virginity and they think it's good if you're 15 and not lost it yet there's something wrong with you if you're a boy and you're 15 or 16 and not lost yours there's something are you gay when are you gonna come out of the closet and and you can say whatever you want about lgbtqfyz all of this filth is there what are you doing there oh i have to work i have to make money i'd like to have a 50 inch lcd screen i need to have membership for netflix you want this dunya enjoy it but don't complain and come after 10 15 years and crying to the to the daris and to the scholars saying oh my girl my daughter my beloved daughter ran away with her boyfriend oh my son is gay he's not a man anymore or he's a drug addict this is the norm people there say they'll come after 10 20 years back to normal they're disbelievers they're kafir and most likely they will say take him to a psychiatrist he will fix him the psychiatrist is the one who made him like that in the first place so i would highly recommend any muslim parents to think twice about staying in a kafir country now don't put hurdles say oh there's no muslim country that would accept me there are tens of muslim countries but you're looking for something that is equivalent to canada to europe to america in everything this is not possible take care of their islam and their iman this is your priority okay you don't have the financial ability now plan at least for two years three years from now so that you can save and move back to your original country and allah knows best
Channel: assimalhakeem
Views: 4,312
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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