Team Murph - 2016 Reebok CrossFit Games

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the Sun is setting in Carson California but team competition is just beginning tonight from the StubHub Center in Carson California we saw individual Murphy a year ago it's gonna be the team Murph Edition here this evening I'm chef right well alongside of shuri-chan and chase Ingram well we all know earlier today big Castro took the individuals off-site to aramis so for the first time in Games history the teams get center stage under the lights here in Carson California and whether it's being out of the lights for the first time on a Wednesday night are taking on this hero WOD chase experience pays off big well it's a big stage to start with and then take that there's 17 rookie teams here with nobody ever having any experience at the CrossFit Games so we do have two teams returning a couple teams had a 506 but look at this we're talking about the worm right the slug the the big Bob all these weird objects that teams had to learn how to use over the last three years now these teams are used to this and if you've never used those things before it makes a world of difference you're gonna see the veterans make moves today and we've got it one big veteran in this competition as you mentioned CrossFit Fort Vancouver has Adam in nature and he's huge he's been all the games that competed it he has there's two teams that have been to the games every single year since 2009 when the team was first introduced but Adam Nefer has been on every single team that Fort Vancouver has placed into the CrossFit Games including that first place seen well the favorite to repeat this year's gonna be CrossFit mayhem they did make one change to their team and as they say Sheree the rich get richer CrossFit mayhem the defending champs looking at your favorite going into the weekend they went ahead and added Lindy Barber 101 right in front of your camera there she has a two times individual competitor they've added her to the roster as many of you know in the team's competition the women make or break your team so we're looking to see if we can have a repeat here of the win that they had in 2015 well this is the team version of Murph and Jason's gonna start out with an 1,800 meter yeah but they have a mad dash to those litters to start off that 1800 meter run but I'm looking at is the worm the hundred push presses and squats as we said before it's gonna be a good day for the veterans like Pat Sherwood said earlier for the individuals I see no surprise or difference here for the teams so excited to see this event it's just grunt work and teamwork and communication and as you've seen before with this worm if you don't have a good team communication if you don't train together all the time this implement is going to crush you you've heard about the litter you may have seen it on the announcement Dave Castro had last night to the athletes but for more on the letter let's sit down to my Karsa no body armor movements inspired by the hero workout Murph and there's a third military aspect to event number one the litter or rescue basket it's basically a stretcher with raised edges typically used in confined spaces or over uneven terrain it actually dates back to the u.s. Civil War when horse-drawn litters were used to take wounded troops from the battlefield now of course the main concern for teams here in event number 1 will be strategy do you put your heaviest members in the loader first your lightest members or do you alternate but one thing's for certain for the team member in the litter it will be a welcome respite from a grueling start to the team competition well there you see the teams there at the start line the start line is going to be down by the track if you have watched games in the past the way these teams are gonna line up and see rich Froning and CrossFit mayhem there they're gonna give the regional champs the opportunity to start up first the second-place finishers third fourth and fifth and Jason Shree this is going to be only part where they can really get out sprint and they are underway and as you can see they will sprint down the street to get their litters so this is your only chance maybe to show off your speed we saw something similar to this kind of a start he was 2012 when you had to do the burden run for the team and on the track side it's almost opposite of what it was you had to sprint to get your lane where they would do a team flip of the pig it's the same concept here is that you can send out one athlete as your quote-unquote horse to snag at least the first litter for your team not all the team members have to be there but you know they can't move it without them so it really doesn't matter who gets there first in terms of speed but as far as positioning it's good to get one teammate out there first such a horde of people what an advantage it is to be one of the people out in the front with the teams and get out from underneath there where you're in the middle and you can't really move that's a big advantage for those top seeded teams that were right in the front there in Pamplona they have the Running of the Bulls here in car something running of the fittest as they come down distribute for their letters it's interesting if you can read their their chest plates is that we have oc3 nordic east to miss Tamaki dynamics so there's not full groups up in the front so you probably see that and I think if you're if you're gonna talk real strategy once you get to those litters and you start have to carry teammates I'd almost want to say is the first person who gets there gets the first break right they work the hardest to at least get the positioning for the team but as well as he talked about you know there is some type of weight displacement that you or the order of operations as well I don't know I would I would almost argue that a little bit so I'm interested to see how it plays out because if you put your lightest person on that litter and you can break away with a little bit of a sprint start on the litter you might be able to hold on to that lead you gain from the very beginning 40 different teams in this competition could be 40 different ways you want to go about this one aspect to where you want to hang back this events not going to be won on this first run to get the letter something we have seen in games past in swimming events is the whether it's the team's and individuals getting bunched up around the buoy we're probably going to see that in this aspect when they get bunched up to get the litter get on that thing and start moving back yeah we'll call this the land rescue sled but you know instead of all teammates on the side one will be on top four will carry each tag for that sled and then one doesn't have to do any of them to be honest that when you're talking about getting bunched up if you if I've got one guy not doing anything guess what they're doing on my team pushing people the heck out of the way and make room for my sled is a friendly sport see the athletes staking their claim they will stand over there work to the remainer their teammates make their way there now on this literal run I guess been caught we'll probably see some slower tracks and jogs on this one maybe someone'll take a chance and sprint with it for teammates and carry one will be able to litter one rough and the rules are is that you have to carry an individual as mayhem seems to be pushing for that top spot James Hobart on the litter first is they have to carry one athlete 300 meters and then they must rotate out so you can't just keep the same person on there the entire time but as well as those five that are remaining can rotate out as needed within those 300 meters OC three out in front right there that was a team a year ago they were team Rawlinson is central they had the injury and going back onto the central they were leading the central by a good margin they were there I say dominating mayhem until the injury trying to prove something they didn't win that last year but look and here we talked about a the ocean events where they get bunched up around the buoy and making that sharp right turn it's like a fitness parade out here this this site is just it's putting a grin on my face from ear to ear a couple different strategies you'll see some teammates aren't holding a litter some are holding litter I would think if you're on that litter you can see that the athletes are really stiff I would hope that they would think to relax themselves so that by the time they do get off of that they haven't been contracting the entire time trying to stay still the standard on the litter as we have mentioned as you see oc3 black out of davenport iowa out in front and they're out of the central region and oc3 black as you look their feet have to be first most of the athletes to distribute the weight evenly will lay down you can sit up I talked to Justin Berg earlier today he says just this feet have to be out for Friday now you told me the interesting thing as well you think you're on that litter and it's time to just chill out and relax he says he's been on it and here's our first switch here about every 300 meters they will have to switch their athletes on that litter but Justin Burke told me earlier there's a little bit of stress even being on the litter you're watching for your other teammates do work I'm a very trusting president and to allow four of my friends who are competing as hard as they can running around a group of other out what we have over 200 something athletes out there all at one to forty you know I'm probably not the most relaxed person to begin with out there let alone in the middle of a competition like this again it's about every 300 meters give or take a few and there they go again the herd of athletes going another thing we were told today by Justin Berg let's take for instance we are a team here Sheree is the ably walking behind I say hey by arms getting out here you can switch huge carrying that litter you just can't take that person off of the literature you get to the next checkpoint hi guys had a chance to talk to team dynamics in the warm-up area and they actually went to the beach this morning and talked to lifeguards about what it's like to use the litter the lifeguards wouldn't let them actually try it but they gave them some advice first piece of advice was to because the weight is at the head the upper body put your strongest guys at the back so your strongest guys are able to take the litter and once they said that the litter carry was 1800 meters the lifeguards were actually shocked that they were forced to carry a litter that far so just some ingenuity by the teams here on how to try and get a leg up to start this competition thanks a lot Mike that is as you mentioned CrossFit dynamics out of Astoria New York they've won the East they are doing an interesting thing this year instead of doing the six well-rounded athletes they define decided to go to six specialists this year we'll see how that plays out now they're at the games just to follow up with Mike's comment on the distance for the slitter unfortunately a hazard experienced with litter my husband was carried out of the middle of the woods on a litter and it took I'd just like to point out 12 people to pull him out 800 meters so they were clearly not the fittest teams in the world that were pulling him out but this is much harder much more difficult than it looks it already made two switches the next which will be the third or the next athlete trying to keep the bounce you see the athlete there holding the head up trying to keep the arms in the middle there's a team that will switch there are four athletes there we were talking earlier just to keep that drift and he saw him kind of get in the way of the other teams behind them he saw us dropping the Rhino ascending and to be able to pay attention to everything that's going on is they make their third transition of those 300 meters is that you know we're at the 8 minute mark of this first part of the run and we just so much work left ahead of these athletes so to make this as easy as possible as imperative at the start of this event it's oc3 black and they made the turn on the third transition that's where they originally started they have to make a turn now all the way back down the street before they enter the soccer stadium and in here again this is where you see that turn coming to play and if you're guilty they're watching your teammates pull that litter on through you just really need to do a jog to keep up again a quick u-turn here for all of these teams and back down the street they were caught into the stadium and get to work it's still a few minutes away almost 500 reps they have inside the soccer stadium we're just watching these teams come all in at one turnaround spot running into each other it kind of looks like baggage baggage claim at LAX but all these cars just parked behind each other getting in and out of these positions there's rich Froning just chilling out it looks like he's comfortable on the literal ride down CrossFit mayhem the defending champion and I believe this the first time in history that rich Froning is actually rested in the middle of a workout oh we've seen him rest on a run before oh I'd like to point out this is actually you know what that was the exact same spot that he arrested when he was doing an individual during that triple freeze a few years ago it's probably thinking where was this litter a couple of years ago up front with your leaders making their way back up the street in the background is where they do the turn that's back at the track that we have used in games past good old Rockwell since they've moved up ahead of oc3 now rock wall or Rockwell excuse me is a new name to this event but not a new team since half of it is from cross at the club the other half is from a two-time defending champ team you pross fit so it's no surprise that they're handling again we talked earlier is like how veterans can handle not just the odd objects like the worm the slug and the big bomb but the ability to handle new objects to adapt to situations that you're not used to soon you have teams that have done this for four straight years they can adapt on the fly much easier than say OC 3 who's now fallen out of that first play spot you mentioned that cute of course was back-to-back affiliate cup champions Rockwell one that 14 relay so not only just experienced championship and event win experience on Rockwell really an ox of human being on the front of there and I think that is Jacob Hutton right there pulling that along we've seen him before in multiple competitions on you CrossFit another transition as they are moving next to the soccer stadium they still have to make it down and to make the left-hand turn into the Seneca stadium once they get and they will go across the concourse make their way down to stead there's a soccer stadium in the background so there right now in between if you've been here the soccer stadium in the tennis stadium so they are getting close there's 12 labors CrossFit out of Columbia Maryland they were third in the Atlantic fourth in the fourth games six a year ago expected to be one of the contenders now they were third at their regional but the way they started was nowhere reminiscent of how they finished and closely coming off that sixth place finish at the games and say twelve labors again is one of those teams that it's used to weird events that have something odd like this litter run or they you know big bobs and things of that nature so twelve labors is one of those teams I would see at least people cells in the top ten after this first event 12 labors runs well they had a experience with the worm 12 labors of you furious what it means for the 12 labors of Hercules I don't know what the litter carry was one but this is a labor Rockwell's make you the way down the pace as you would expect account we saw some trots some light jogs on the way down once they've got to turn around the pace has slowed somewhat I'm just like to give it a slight shoutout to all the judges that are forced to run both 1800 meters with the teens we always talk about our fittest fittest on earth our athletes our judges the fittest officials on the planet but if they know they're gonna be signing up for a couple miles of running when they say yeah I'd love to judge well here comes the chair they're going to go to the northwest as we see them come across the back of the parking lot now the difficult part really on this litter Kenner carry not that this is not difficult enough is once they get into the stadium they're gonna have to make their way with an athlete on the litter down some stairs so you talk about paying to be first Rockwell's right now is not going to have to contend with other teams being bunched up slowing down going fast this team these teammates they're kind of known for doing some grueling things together as a team so I'm gonna bet they have a little experience with that the communication on how to get through that I'm gonna drop the litter off they will make their way in so they'll have a free pass to come on in the StubHub Center and make their way down these stairs and then once they get down the stairs we've seen it on 400-600 sought the burn they're not going up the burn they're just coming across the concourse as the firm is above them stands below them and they will get to work once they get down there will be 500 reps once you hit the soccer field the next movement they have is a hundred push presses with the Worman and when that's going to end up looking like is they're going to shoulder it from the ground and they just have to transfer it from one shoulder to the next this is the first time we've seen it isolated from shoulder to the overhead so like we said is it does it's gonna be so much beneficial for teams who have experienced this but even more so with this odd movement because I talked to the demo team yesterday about how odd was it to do those push presses and it was really challenging because it's so fast it's much different than previous movements where it was like ground to shoulder over your head and back to the ground just that side to side that they're going to have to end up doing was a bigger challenge and actually they said then just picking it up off the ground when there's more of a natural pause there from picking it up off the ground where everybody tends to pause at the same time the communication is going to be huge because there's multiple ways to get it overhead whether it's in sight you're going to dip through it whether you do a strict press through it how is the team going to do it it's going to come down to do they someone out to shout out as a leader tell each person when to go this would be interesting to watch their communication here much like the bird and run much like individual Merc we saw last year once you get into the soccer stadium first-come first-serve no Lane assignments you get in you choose the lane you want right now we've got Rockwell leading followed by 12 labors here's what I was hoping to see is the difference between Rockwell and Labor's look at Labor's just above him that Brock that side to side that nice rhythm going back and forth we'll rock wall or rock well I'm sorry is going from one shoulder pausing going to the next shoulder pausing and labor she's blue by them by 10 reps in the set of 20 alone here comes they ham into the stadium they are back about 7th or 8th place right now now one advantage is they go down that line yeah you'll get to warm a little bit later but if you can make up some time over the 5 under reps you can be closest to exiting the stadium got about a 90-minute we did not even a time capital in this wooden they will move forward every 20 reps grip the worm and that you've talked about chase the funny object if you haven't used it before absolutely the first year they implemented this this worm was made up of solid wood segments I know athletes at loss toenails finger nails I know I thinks that had cauliflower ear which is for life by the way from that wood so it's definitely evolved over the last couple of years but it's still just as difficult now in the field you're starting to see a ton of worms go overhead in a lot of miscommunication and a lot of miss reps as they may not be used to first press that this movement as you said chase that's 12 labors that moved it up front so today are down to lay they have a past rock well rock well the bottom of your screen starting to walk up into their next set up 20 and it's the first time we've added all teams side by side by side by side on the field at one time so you think how hard is it to communicate yelling across five people okay how hard is it to communicate with the music blasting in the stadium with the fans cheering now you got to try to listen to your own captain's voice like it's the five of the teams that are only within ten feet of you on these reps so we're talking about how important communication is as Mayhem's on the right part of your screen they're doing that slow cause that we saw Rockwell doing but your leaders Labor's and have that side to side they're only there one of them only two teams that have seen so far using this rhythm style push press notice however this has happened multiple times where they've dropped this those back two people get out of rhythm on the third one if they would just do that for two reps pause do that for two reps they'd remain with their lean ahead but they're getting a bit of greedy and they're trying to do it with three four and five reps here and let me ask both of you guys this this question I was noticing the judge talking to Rockwell this is 100 push presses you have to be a little careful when you get enough speed not to make any push jerk and what you're going to look for is the difference between the two is what the legs are doing as the worm goes over their head because if we're going to call us a quote-unquote push press they can dip at the knees and bend at the waist but as soon as they drive it up they can't read it to get underneath the worm so you know Jeff to your point is that that's exactly what the judges are looking for because you can get away with that for a little while since you mean you've got six people to look for that's a tough job for that one judge no Rockwell our 12 labors excuse me running into a little trouble now on their fourth segment there's some other teams starting to catch up we have six teams now in the second of the last segment and the set to make it to 80 I'm really impressed with just the fluidity that we can see a Rockwell on the front of your screen down there and it seems like 12 labors still ahead just phenomenal coming up after this final 20 wraps that will be 300 horse whip that weight advance again out of Columbia Maryland for all flavors Lions in the blue shorts females wearing the teal tops guys all went shirtless with the 11 plate carriers and you see Rockwell on the far left of your screen down to the last five reps in lane number one it is a sea of worms on this field out here and we're approaching the 20-minute mark so these athletes have been working for 20 minutes already as they get through these press L say is that 12 labors took a very long break after those first five into their last set of 20 and the benefit of this rhythm the top right part of your screen is the speed at which you can finish as they'll move ahead into first or still hang on to that the downside is that it just ends up smoking you butthere's it is they go from that leg drive push overhead to a pure pull now it's not the easiest poll in the world you know Murph we have pull ups with the vest they're having to do chest of our pull-ups today okay on this set of 300 each individual has to do 30 then each individual will have to do 20 in going any order you want but once you start stay in that order it'll be conga line so they're athlete here will do 30 and then he will be the first to start really get to the set of 20 in the logical path that you do here is the strongest athlete that has pull-ups with the first as they'll have more stamina they won't need as much rest as their other five members right now are resting and sort of you know gathering composing themselves for their first set of 30 Oh see three who on the right side of your screen who is out front a little bit on the first winner carry then fell behind now has moved up to second place there on the right side that still draw Labor's your leader on the left side and the royal blue forks three four now five teams approaching Zeus you've got 12 labors OC three and Nordic that's your top three right down here in team Murph so 100 reps are down for the teams that are on the rig now doing the pull-ups this will be another 300 reps here 500 total reps on the field until they get back to the last 18 hundred meter litter run it's a deceptive view right here it looks as though the stadium is empty from this perspective but they've actually closed off that side of the seating to the spectators the opposite side is just packed over on the front view right here of people watching this first event of the team's you mentioned earlier Cherie about getting out here and having to deal with all the communication when you're bunched up in teams the closer these athletes come down closer to the crowd they get well in the field itself is just a mass of noise down there of active screaming at each other you really do have to go in there with a plan to be able to communicate and there you have rich Froning up there getting his set of 34 CrossFit may have your defending champions well we did mer flasher the individuals it's team Murphy er tonight and also returning this year as you just saw it going across is it Zeus big in the middle making a repeat appearance here comes James Hobart has been at the games as an individual the only athlete to be on two championship teams CrossFit New England ending force CrossFit may have a season ago we're Vancouver in the middle of the pack trying to make a move Vancouver one of the more experienced teams they've had some of the best worm finishes once they get back to it by first the first in the six over the years they've won the team mile realized that it fairly well in out litter carry the get very good experience in these type of implements I just I want people to understand how hard these bullets are going if you just held a litter for 15 minutes your grips already smoked you had to push that worm over and had a hundred times just holding onto that thing as hard I will say this is probably the hardest pull-ups these athletes have ever done but this might be the easiest counting the judges have ever had they can close our eyes and count the reps let's listen for a second as these plates the 20 pound doesn't play too busy you know that's a good rap with that dump the ladies have a 14 pounds the gentlemen have a 20 pound best the easiest time judges has ever had in judging chest-to-bar pull-ups goes down you have a sound cue to know that rep is good chase about how difficult these pull-ups are anytime you hold something statically for any long period of time your movements tend to go away in an event and that's what they've just had them do they're like hey hang on to something which is the litter and just hang on to it for you know a little bit of time what was it ten minutes and now come on over and try to do some polling so very impressive Wendy barber right there the new addition across fit mayhem she's been as an individual twice out of four barrel CrossFit in Indiana but now competing with mayhem Steve out of Cookeville Tennessee one of multiple athletes who moved themselves to Tennessee to train on the team and go for another championship just over twenty four and a half minutes in I don't have Donnie Bennett's to complete team work it was here seems to go coming back this year that perspective of how large that rig is you can see how low down the pillow you know 10 feet up off the ground in the rig itself expands more than double that above them for this Zeus rig it's amazing as you see 12 labors right there just checking to see how many reps he has remaining help bill henagar and everyone a trunk how quickly I watch them start to take it apart a year ago it's like clockwork you would think this thing would take weeks to put up they can get it done overnight it's amazing what that team does I'd love to see the rogue crew team that builds the equipment in the team competition as a team they're pretty phenomenal builder build a rig four times put the crew up he's 450 employees have a friendly competition they might take it they might take it [Applause] and of course that big road rig Zeus it will it will change with different events that some we know about some we don't know about it'll change throughout this week again this is just the first tested many that will see it will come to a close on Sunday and we will find out who has the thinnest gym in the world the fittest box in the world Affiliate Cup champion this is a fifth one it is Timur who started that with that 1,800 meter run you get a hundred push presses or the worm we're in the middle of 300 pull-ups 100 squats of the world before they go out on the litter run again [Music] see just how tall that rig is for that perspective there's 12 labors right they came in second off with a winner won they moved into first place after the push press on the Labour's oc3 and Nordic your top three starting on the pull-ups let's see who comes off first and gets back to that worm [Music] for the teams so look at the back of the ring and the worms are still waiting up one team laughter all the push presses with 12 labors off to the left on with like Torian here is laughs it may have she was on the team a year ago mainstay as they've said in the update show believe it may have been Tony Marquette assistance it's kind of the glue for the female part of this team between her Linda barber athletes in the past the board in that moving big lure the see her in games her bar we all know four-time individual champion a rich Froning she's that that player he's got a man and I think that's an important role you know we talked so much about oh he has a team captain she's the leader this is our gymnastics person but to have that person that brings the team together is so cool even more so than their athletic ability for Kristin she's a very very good at what she does but even that is like it's almost not even necessary to a point if that's your job as a civic athlete let's take a look at what we're in the middle up here as we talked about earlier 1800 meter run with the litter 100 War push presses where the little the pull-up still have to get back on that worm through the squats and then another 18 hundred meter run so 500 total reps here within the soccer team years 12 labors and they are gonna get on the move they have completed 300 pull-ups as a team and they will make the walk down and here we come the 100 squats with the world they didn't have they had a lead going in but it wasn't by that much they've been off the ring and on to this for about a minute at this point so 12 labors moved well ahead of the rest of the field on those chest of our pull-ups I'm very surprised to see event you know the four or five of the teams that are only within 30 seconds something of them lost this much ground I love being able to hear the communication screaming when to be down on that for the 12 labors in nobody has caught them on the field yet there are these 20 reps ahead of any other team Wow there you go 17 there's bay ham they have now moved up they've got the worm they will move it through so they look like the second team there are three teams down with the worm that looks like mayhem moving up in the middle it's oh three OC 3 next to them so you've got 12 labors mayhem at OC 3 that's your top three right now here in team birth and the front of your screen right there yeah very deliberate pace here by mayhem scene three coming into your screen black tops in the teal shorts time with main have the 12 labors as you see it's already moved up into another set of 20 they have but you know that minute and a half leave they may have had they just started their second set of 20 they took a break for about 40 seconds after that percent that's a lot of time loss especially they've had that minute 30-second lead and you don't want to lose too much time to team Mike CrossFit mayhem who isn't really going to stop because they want to rest too much it's it is show strategic with what they do so 12 labors need to make sure they keep pushing the pace on mayhem but they do have a long way to go they have 60 more spots coming up may have and then that first run took over 15 minutes it's going to take a little bit longer on the second part of this right now 12 labors OC 3 and mayhem of your top 3 talking about the rest they took remember Jason Shireen they took a fairly big rest after one of their sets of the push presses I don't know if that's in the strategy or just need to get a breath there it's used to be working for them at this point as all three of those teams are more than 20 reps and head of any other team on the field no other team has even picked up the worm so they have an incredible lead but I like what Mayim just did is that they took their break but they rotated out the athletes so Matthew it was the front athlete to start their first little 20 as I see rich Froning is now the first in the front so it's that is where I'm talking this comes experience because it is so unevenly weighted across that worm it's 435 pounds in total but the sections aren't the same it's almost better to just keep rotating people out so no one gets hurt in with one end or the other and it might be fairly easy for them to know which side that is as one side is eighty pounds one side is 55 and that's probably where the gentlemen were up there with that 80 pounds and then you have the weights in between there what I'm nervous for 12 labors is for is that they're taking the breaks and they're dropping to their knees mayhem is taking breaks and saying okay who wants to count for the next 20 it seems like just so casual what kids joining the party now with the other two teams taking a break rich Froning and CrossFit may have it's a chance here we talked about that deliberate pace earlier it's paying off they can get on that worm they can make a move past well flavors here 12 labors back on the worm at the bottom of your screen out front about that we talked about Sheree you talked about about 20 what lead earlier it's down to about five or six right now so the gap is closing OC three black OC three is sort of their squats you're about a rep ahead of may Hansen still 12 waivers OC 3 and mayhem 12 labors trying to knock on that door they've been closed Noland team it's go to the top to the last two years they're trying to get to that next to the next level and get on the podium this year I'm kind of just amazed at James nowhere cat hasn't popped off at this point he's been able to keep it on the entire time we see three there the teal Schwartz dropped the worm he had second place but now Mayhem's going to pull in front of them right there James Copart there's that tap they go on for dear life you can just look at the athletes faces and you can see how difficult the quantity of work that they've done is so far they're 34 minutes into this event of pushing falling running carrying squatting as a team and you need to go whenever your team is ready to go in mayhem now has taken the lead here on the squats and so they did not come in in the top five on the litter after the worm they one of the top three they made a move on the rag in the pull-ups that here is 12 labels again now they are trying to catch they are no longer in the lead no they they actually are yeah that's their third rat they have dropped and they're bending over to their knees so clearly this is a difficult event both teams are sort of trading off that universal breast position they drop now oc3 comes in so now it's just kind of a staredown up front it's it's almost like the one rep max where you're looking down the lane do I put another five ten pounds on now they're gonna kind of fill each other out when do you want to pick this warm up and get started again but here's the thing with mayhem being led by rich Froning rich is the great white shark out there he is the one that smells blood in the water and when you're doing what 12 labors is doing is dropping the worm and dropping to your knees he knows that he sees that and he's going to tell the team that becomes a boost right a morale boost to the other five athletes that you're on the worm with so if 12 labors is going to want to try to stay ahead of them they gotta stop resting and just collapsing on the ground I understand it's hard they're getting their butts whooped out there by everything they've done so far 35 minutes of just non-stop work but you have to play the game as well as just do the work in general see three right there on the till short spike times there is mayhem off to the right teal tops in the black shorts and it's a three-way battle between OC three mayhem and 12 labors in this hero Murph we're doing it as a team this year did in his individuals a season ago and has a lot of significance as you look at the lobsters throughout this team competition a lot of detective and retired military personnel 12 flavors who has had the lead a lot of military personnel Wagner Marine Rose as a husband who's in the military Vance burger and Naval Academy cadet but here is mayhem as they have the lead and they have moved it ahead another segment each segment represents 20 of the 100 rats before they can get back to the litter on the ease of the final 100 reps of 500 that is inside this stadium and they are getting very very close in fact mayhem when they pick it up it'll be twenty reps left they can get back on the rock being in the center of the field you can see that they didn't get off that run the quickest they had several teams that got on that even though they were in the front of the line so we'd be moved them to get ahead by at least 10 to 20 because there is the potential for those other teams to catch up may have 12 labors OC 3 and that has been the race since these teams got into the pull-up Rick Zeus we sent this a lot okay was slower on the run they were one of the to the Worman that's how you're supposed to do Murphy if I'm the first one into this soccer stadium off the run that first mile of Murph I'm going to start panicking what did I do wrong because there's no reason to sprint or outrun all these teams in an event that's going to take an hour to an hour and 15 minutes I mean how many times do we need to say them it's not about the first room or even have one of your team members sprint for a spot at that worm and then that team member becomes a liability in the middle of that event because they've just sort of blown it out right now it's mayhem oc3 and here comes 12 waivers they get into that last twenty as they drop it but mayhem trying to finish up this last set up 20 before they can get back on the winner carry last twenty reps of five hundred reps within the soccer stadium the first time in games history the teams have taken center stage on a Wednesday night and that doesn't they have knocked out all five hundred reps inside the stop up Center soccer stadium and they will pace themselves walk back down and get ready to get out of the soccer stadium that's what I would do you're in the heat of every single team you're competing against and until twelve labors gets off the ground I'm gonna walk like it's very smart but very difficult it might look easy to do to walk but at that moment in time you have a lot of adrenaline anyway we're looking at your other team members to make sure hey is this alright then we're walking and we're not sprinting to that litter don't see three and twelve Labour's still back there finishing at the last twenty is with phoning Tokyo's teammates down low is 12 wavers in the middle of your screen that is oc3 still waiting to pick up that worm and twelve Labour's they just trying to get on the bottom screen on the left side that's CrossFit mayhem then slowly gonna made it away from the they were still in the upper part of the pack that made their way in the top three - then over took the lead about halfway through these worms squats now they'll pick it up to the job now they're going to exit the soccer stadium and the North East quarter and that was strategy right there they're like hey we're gonna walk into the field let's leave our recovery walk we're gonna catch our breath we're gonna shake out our arms and then we're going to go ahead and we're going to pick a place as we continue to move closer to that litter and right now there's still more than a field ahead of the rest of the pack I would guess it's a little over a hundred yards ahead the walk they jog a little bit good steps now she makes you shrink pretty smart you walk up these steps they're still the only team off of the worm mosy three twelve labors still on the worm that looks like oc3 is off so I'll see three now you gotta you gotta try to chase down bait em they will try to trot back and with a jog that they're making up a lot of time right now I might jogging down those fields we'll see if they keep up that stamina becomes 12 labors they are now done so BAE Hema you see right there on your screen the only team out of the stadium oc3 trying to get out of the stadium so is 12 labors to let your top three they have OC three-inch well flavors have an 1800 beater glitter carry Lundy barber now they belong keep of Xerox tries to be the first one you didn't want to be the one laying down the one walking behind so for this last run you got to dependent they have four more transitions yeah depending on who they've already used you got to put if you have to use your heavy person they need to be first this flat out they need to be first because everybody's going to be smoked coming off so it's not going to matter if they put their lightest person you put the last person that's your lightest person the order of your people sitting on the litter should just be their weight I also think you really need to be a little bit more conscious of hey when we get off of this let's give you to Kate who needs that break who doesn't have the ability to walk who was behind us as we were coming off the field and we were polling them to get them to the litter so you also have to you have to have that plan a but you have to be able to be mutable to a plan B so that you get your team members back up to snuff and in recovery mode interesting here let's take a look at mayhem on the right rich Froning has a hand on the litter four athletes have to touch the litter or they have one holding both handles so kind of switch is smart another smart play by mayhem their arms are tired they're like alright we're going to do this in ten second intervals or whatever the interval is you touch and go but to be honest to said it would be easier to carry with two people anyway they have together with four now I'm not sure if that is quite because a lot of times when you implement something new because this said one who you do things until you tell me not to do them anymore but you know that four person carry is much more difficult to do it's really an American rotation that they have going on there a lot of good communication to be able to do that and that is the fastest way to carry it it's harder with four people so what they're doing now we'll call it genius at the moment depending it you know if day of riots - motorcycle again and says hey you got to have four on the outsides initially it was rich Froning and Matt Hewitt switching off on the back but Brewer we said when we started this litter that lead had to stay on that stretcher the litter the military term but she could switch off as long as he had a for athletes with a hand on the litter you can rotate throughout these three hundred meters so increments down the bottom of your screen to see how beat these athletes are was a bet so far three three minutes into the event they just look exhausted I should be oc3 on the left side now let's look at the sleeve you see may have all the right behind though that's the second-place team there on the left and they are just gonna make a right turn he may be able to see way back in the distance look at that gap rule they have the street is all theirs right now that is what you want to have right there it's a fight for second the last thing I'm going to do is brace the team break their meters side by side finishing he can still collect a lot of points a second-place finish still pretty solid for day number one it gave me a lot of events not gonna wrap it up till Sunday Kara's rich Froning tell Linda barber just through the handoff really like the constant rotation that mayhem is doing just giving someone a break about every 10 to 15 seconds to snow once overloaded at one point in time the keyboard James Hobart up front that is Matt Hewitt like the barber on the back throne and getting the rest right now and wrap it all in this I don't know if you saw that but there was some form of communication as like who's next who's gonna come off next and you saw James the Hobart's hand go up and I'm not sure exactly what they're saying between them but that is very methodical how they're switching it out based on how people are fatigued well good as they're always chatting there's there's chatter constantly whether it's just seeing how people are doing you know I'm gonna go on the laughter it's your turn next to be on the litter if that's what you see from not just the best teams but champions is that constant communication there you see on the right mayhem and on the luck you see what's still going on in the soccer stadium and I would say a good twenty five to thirty teams still in the soccer stadium now here's a nice battle twelve waivers is pulled back ahead of oc3 Labor's in the front there and until shorts in the back that is OC three and you got a team you can see their feet way back there creep it in maybe they'll try to get a top three eighteen hundred meters a long way to carry one of your teammates on this litter I'm interested to see as mayhem gets to one of those checkpoints if any of the other teams are able to get it glues this method of rotating through good if anybody else will actually start to do that as well as we've yet to see another team really have that same strategy from the leader by a long shot on the right side your screen crosses am and they have OC three and twelve Labour's one two and three but the pack is starting to catch up to OC three and twelve Labour's good decent jockeying for position there should not be any jockey for position for the event leader man and after all of this forty six minutes of competition we still need to keep telling people's they're still wearing best weight vests 20-pound vests for the men 14 pound weight vest for the women so all the things that they've done so far has still I mean just trying to do this without them it's so compressive as after this amount of time as well of just your breathing and you just feel I know this seems obvious but you feel weighted down you feel like you're being you're pushing down into the ground the entire time here is mayhem another checkpoint here to put the stretcher down the flitter and they'll switch up Wendy barber back gone now see you've got mayhem flavors oc3 and maybe move back of the pack CrossFit Yas they are out of the United Arab Emirates this head of Abu Dhabi second in the Meridian they were number one of the hope and Jamie green who was on their team won the open for the women it's the games debut for the team they qualified a year ago and had that athlete I believe come in late they were DQ'd from coming to the game so a lot to prove for that team out of Meridian this year well how about that commitment to being a teammate that next year yeah let's do it again next year and then you went in won the open for her to come back and do team again I mean that speaks volumes to how much how dedicated that group is talked to doing well this year I'm curious to see across it justice here comes OC 3 they're the top three trying to hang on to a top three of Yas doesn't close the gap there's still a lot left 12 labors on the right and your leaders on the left that is CrossFit mayhem the defending affiliate champion entry like you said they're on the turnaround and if I was another team watching this team woke my blood on this run because mayhem has figured out the best way to carry it I'm changing instantly to try to put two people in the middle and have two people just kind of making sure their hand is touching the litter it was 16 mates that's difficult to do so your team has to be very trusting of that person on the team that's like hey everybody do this now and they all have to basically just be quiet let your thoughts go down and just do whatever it is that that person has told the team or led the team next well this is what I love about that strategy if you put one in the front one in the back right in the middle and two you know therefore people have to have their hands on the letter that's the rule you're not wobbling as much so it's easier for the athletes to do it's a direct line of running so what the problem is when you're side-by-side is you're not just running straight you're wobbling side to side that's very hard to do in May this people who are best instead of one person resting up before there's actually three people resting because the other two just kind of have their hand on there just to make sure that they're following into this and we just saw the pass now so here on the left-hand side of your screen that's mayham many other teams are going in the opposite direction and it's interesting to see are they going to make a switch here and if you look up to the left fate wait I guess we've got both of those athletes on alternate side so nobody has quite picked up on that yet sure you made a good point there you talk about the only team going in the opposite direction it's mayhem it kind of harkens back to a year ago Sam Briggs giving everyone a high five she's the only one of the run coming back at that point had such a big lead here as dynamics now in third so they make a move trying to get a top three here in the first night note we want to tell you about now on the second litter carry we all started back to the track but they will finish coming back into the soccer stage and dynamically has three teammates on that litter right now so not sure if the judge is just not clear that it has to be those four or what's going on there but that is an easier way to carry it with just three well yeah that's if you break the rules if you break the rules is to make it easier so there you go that judge told him make sure all four are on there in dynamics second time at the games they've won the East and again kind of going against the grain of the well-rounded overall team they decided to put this team together and get six specials see out more down it's working out pretty well so far there the game I love hearing the chatter of the communication of the teams to turn around there they will make their way back down before they go back into the senator Stadium and that's where the finish will be inside the soccer stadium that's where the event began nearly 51 minutes ago as mayhem on the left side of your screen huge huge lead I took that lead in the in the pool room I can't say that I'm surprised to see this from mayhem because I'm not but it is just interesting to see how far they have pushed themselves ahead of the rest of the field and if I'm the rest of the field that that's not just defeating on the leader board because it really is a difference of six points between first and second but what that does to my team is like man we gave it everything we had and we just got beat by it just what that does to teens going into the weekend this is a good thing for mayhem to set themselves it's a good mental mental thing we talked about that in aspects of fitness and rich Froning said in one of the videos on HQ about there ought to be an 11 the mental game then you put you the pain there they're still pushing it up to a jog at time to disk they know they're the favorite everyone wants to know for what a way to crush everyone's spirit as you mentioned with buy a half a vial and say alright come and get us you have to wonder if the course was designed that way on purpose because in any type of an endurance event if somebody passes you or you see the head of you it becomes you you almost have less energy it takes the wind out of you as you're moving in in they're doing that to every team they walk by in the opposite direction every time they walk by and then the next team does it and then the next teeth does it [Music] as well labor she just Sonia right here comes BAE ham that are back in the shadows of the stadiums son continues to set here in Carson California this is event number one team in just an absolute consistent rotation on that litter I would say not more than ten seconds that's the same configuration of athletes been moving that link so they are the last stretch here this literary before they can put it down come back on the soccer stadium and they will make their way down the field of play and finish in the endzone that's where this event will end and will end fairly soon relatively soon for mayhem compared to the rest of the field save soon for them not for others as they are coming back you see teams just now heading out we saw some teams doing their hundred squats on the on the soccer field you talked about crushing your soul what if you're one of these teams and you turn around and Chloe saw it with what Briggs and Goodman some last year you're still doing your air school Heights and they're running back with the stadium 53 minutes into number one what were we kind of guessing earlier today what was your guess of what the fastest time would be and they're gonna they're gonna be what you thought of believe I always say the fastest team will break an hour okay the average of this pack behind [Music] you know this is this is crushing that it just sounds better to say break it down they have a cross that time force in front of the firm which we saw utilized in the Masters competition already masters and teams will wrap it up tomorrow I love this right here at the end of the races that are going they don't have to be grouped up this tightly but well they went ahead and they grouped themselves up tight to go ahead and finish together to have that team spirit going into the rest of the events fans clamoring up to get a view of the athletes you can get up close to over here at the stuff up as they make that turn down the stairs and down the field of to the end zone 56 minutes before it's all said and done now this is something rich does he didn't master the finale he makes sure his team finishes first and he brings up the rear he encourages the group the cod the rich floating effect it's real it's not just him as an individual but what he brings to the team the way he pushes him the way they train together and for them to this kind of it's almost like we're watching the victory lap on the first day of competition listen to the crowd as they will come into the end zone they are 55 20 unofficially I got chills from that as they were true Southern gentleman assuring or rather hey the men are running behind you you better get forward in the big smiles of the female faces right there that is a big boost going in for potentially a repeat here and how big of a lead is it it's not another team in the stadium coming off of literature and there's still a few teams getting on the run one team still trying to get worm squad in here comes the second-place team this is the size lead the defending champion has mayhem because that is your second-place team right there 56 minutes it's like twelve flavors I tell you what I'm very impressed that they've held on because the way those squats were finishing for 12 labors I was getting a little worried I mean you put the worm down and then you lay down next a little cuddle a little spoon action with that worm as you rest on the floor but if for their ability to hang on to this I thought it was going to be a demoralizing event one for them but the Commons second to the best team in the world is a pretty good way to start your weekend so amazing flavors that is a great start for them so I'm impressing they held on they're still teams leaving landers comes in light salt labor stain and second off the first lunar run they were first off be warm push presses just ahead of mayhem well they went ahead pretty well off the pole operator then mayhem took the lead in the worm squads 12 labors was served they made up some ground to get back to second here his third-place battle last check was oc3 in yards battling for third place this dumped him she didn't care she did not care dynamic in that down right there there we go for second place Roble burns down the stairs they'll be on the way to the final run to the end zone Jen mayhem got in and unofficially right around 55:20 back looks like 5818 was the official time 55:18 for CrossFit mayhem here comes 12 labors what a way to finish your event I mean coming through this field it really does give you chills having the team's run down like this look I left them for dead during the squats looked like they were dead but I mean what it turn around here we go battle for third yes spread now you've got to get all six athletes across 20 members like you're just gonna all follow me come on see you later damn it's one of these teams [Applause] then again you got to look at the athletes in the back those your final athletes it's going to be close because the one in the back athletes with like dynamics raises their hand in the dark blue pants yas was in there and dynamics just edges yawns 58 33 37 Yas 58 33 seconds what he finished further if you look in the middle of their vests if you're looking to see who these teams are the red plate across the weight vest is what's gonna have the name of the team on there you can see this team coming through Rockwell one of their members went down the wrong stairs and they had to pull him back up to come around but they don't have anywhere but he even near them like Fort Vancouver now coming in this is a team that was stir in the last eight consecutive trip the 2010 affiliate Cup champions and they're very proud they talk about of their team culture their athletes are good enough if they wanted to make a run as individuals to probably get some individuals in the games in that top 40 they just they just like team competition and it has worked out very well for that team competition has evolved so much especially and if you look back over the last eight years but what it is now with these athletes you know moving from individual to team it's a real deal this is just as much of a battle of athletes as it is on the individual side that right there check out that's true true teamwork right there hey you're gonna go you don't have a choice you're gonna go and if you've ever had that done to you before that is really really difficult to keep up with and that was pretty amazing because we were the first two and we had four other people that were 20 yards behind me I'm like why are you pushing me she's the one ox away needed it 21 seconds our 21 seconds for CrossFit Fort Vancouver who comes in fifth here comes six and seven behind so your top five a.m. 12 labors dynamics Yas and Fort Vancouver and it doesn't matter what place are coming in first 6/10 it is electrifying watching them come over this finish line with their fans right on the other end just screaming for every team that comes down that's your California champ Diablo CrossFit their six-game same roster from a year ago they're lucky to make a 1 a 6th place finish [Applause] there is oc3 they really fell off the a torte base they had for a while but it's only seven policemen it's not [Applause] and this is just the first event the first test for these teams from the affiliate company I love seeing the solo runner come on through and their team is nowhere around them I'll go down to finish and cheer for you guys I need to get on for this event I think she just really wants to take the best piano right I'm done with this best 62 minutes in [Music] so the biggest cheer we just heard wasn't from the solo female sprinter coming from that team but it's the team that just finished the hundred squats we're at our two minutes in we've had 10 teams finished they're just leaving for their last run and we don't know exactly what happened out there they struggled a bit on the push press and they struggle a bit on the squats themselves not exactly sure why less than 30 minutes sitting out there that little carry [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thanks for the top ten [Music] and assembling groupings Invictus is it now a former champion any more distance and they would have taken over that other team Invictus sports out of the California Rachel eight consecutive games one of only two teams with eight appearances near the 24 teen affiliate income champions Newt Acosta first time not only Invictus team out here at the games competed as an individual at the california regional this year and decide the individuals that snore dress right there you see the tall takes whether it's a tenor a lot of the morning in the evening here just past eight o'clock here in Carson California regardless of the time of day Murph works going to get to counterfeit Smurfs but at least they got to go yeah doing that is sitting out there letting that canvas just sweat on Kasich in that as door to got a stock home sweet and you just made it in they won the Meridian over yon going to see more and more teams make their way in he might have been crusted so yeah and then was Nordic officially your standings down if you put the one down to the top 10 we have mayhem 12 labors dynamics yachts Fort Vancouver Diablo Rockwell OC 3 Marysville and Boise CrossFit officially your top 10 out of birth Back Bay is now in behind Seoul they have wrapped it up solid coming in yet solid is it posted solid out of Stockholm Sweden fifth in the Meridian the game fifth game's couple of it wins a year ago they struggle a little bit it regionally it's an illness and I believe an injury but they did get themselves back to the games and healthy but it's just so much different you know we say all the time what happens at Regionals is not the same thing what happens at the games and I think that's the first time we've actually seen a purposeful use for the litter because what these athletes look like a little laying on it just look absolutely destroyed that is the last team out of the stadium right there and they have a you see you see what even team ref does to you that is not the first station to change the athlete they just had to sit the thing down again that country is coming across gotta love that Kevin the athlete on there pushing again the female forward I hadn't recommend people won't try that with a friend it's really really difficult when you have somebody pushing you to get you to that finish line I already work it out some cramps tears Emily Tara berry she's on the team and a 40-minute individual here at the game easy to spot her always growing up my black easy to spot her she was one of my first athletes at the affiliate that I had in Denver Colorado got a lot of love for you Emily parallax in at an hour five minutes twenty backcountry an hour five minutes 36 seconds CrossFit athletic now in and 26th place in our five minutes 56 seconds so that gives us 14 teams still out there and now the wind is going to come across [Music] for one seven out of the central one of those teams is kind of looking for redemption from last year there were some rumblings afterwards is that you know there was a lot of hype for them because they were you know quote-unquote one of those super teams and to me you can't put a super next to your name and Tigger actually good but they're one of those teams that you know kind of recruited a little bit so holiday back to the team but four one seven is a good team I think they're a very good team and a posse one that could push for some of those top five it's not a pudding spot and speaking team density force was the team we saw in the south of the region or CrossFit overtakes screen Texas they're a good team they're a regional champion but as you mentioned all games rookies let's go back out to the course there's Lane five and athletics we're in the front of your screen and he's panicking coming into yet they're out of the Pacific Regional ten teams the latest that have come across for when seven and twenty seventh place in our six minute 41 three kings black CrossFit dura toosh and pull spit Davis so thirty teams in waiting for the final ten to come in waiting for the final nine to make their way in no time cap for this event so all teams need to suffer through as a team and get the work done and get through that stadium so there is absolutely no hope that the clock will just run out that's your 40th team right there it really started a little squats boys just taking it out of them CrossFit XY is the latest team in in 31st place our 7 minutes 53 seconds and they all look a bit work so you know be curious to hear what's going on it's not that they had one athlete maybe who is falling behind or an injury they all look a little bit uh worked here I'll tell you I'm really surprised because this is Schwartz cross at Melbourne this is a team that has a lot of experience here at the games with the worm you know one of those teams that have pushed up in this top spot so that have them be the last team to finish is very surprising to me they were 21st a year ago there were third games they've had an individual and or a team in Carson or at the game they go back to aromas since 2009 CrossFit overtake now in an hour 9 minutes 13 seconds they finished 32nd overall and that is Mel Bourne your last place team there's no cat they have got to finish the work just in the thing with endurance events like this and we're talking we're going up into the 70 minutes that rest doesn't helping you've got to learn how to sort of just put your head down and just keep working and and you might need to work slower and you might need to go at some sort of a rhythm but legitimately that rest is doing nothing to get you to and that may seem obvious but you aren't going to have a burst of energy at that point believe that's the CrossFit squad out of West Palm Beach Florida v in the Atlantic make either way down the steps just their second regional appearance this year they didn't have an athlete Monique Williams the track and field team at South Florida two-time All Big East you didn't run track she was a jumper for us it looks like that should be cross the CrossFit squad set down to my car said oh he is on the field hi guys here we are with CrossFit mayhem what a way to defend your title a thoroughly dominating performance here on event number one he finished over 15 minutes ago you guys seem to have caught your breath but what was the worst part of Team Earth I'd say that opening carry and the whole thing other than that it was easy now the warm squats seemed very difficult for many teams that's where you guys made up your ground over 12 labors how important is the chemistry and the communication in that portion of the event I think it's extremely important James did an awesome job calling that first set and originally we kind of had this idea that we were gonna go unbroken and we quickly change that up plan so you know after 20 it was just like all right drop it everybody step up and we just just kind of rotated through we always knew the last person in the would call and then everybody just kind of followed in and everybody's so comfortable with working with each other that it just it just works always and one last question I saw you grab your daughter Lakeland there after you guys finished who's heavier lakelyn or the weighted vest Lakeland's actually probably maybe three or four pounds heavier but she feels a whole lot better than that weighted vest for sure great performance here on team event number one my CrossFit may have thank you very much buying some other teams have now made their way in following the CrossFit squad it was Lane 5 athletics in 34th place in an hour in 10 minutes 49 seconds Zacks pack East Amegy and 35th in an hour and 11 followed by pillar CrossFit they are 36th place at an hour and 11 minutes so now you've got about four teams remaining to finish up team Murph and you talked Mike just talked to mayhem 55 18:05 their official time followed by 12 labors 57 58 and then dynamics was third at 58 33 I'll say for a team that is full of quote-unquote specialists yeah pretty good first event 13 dynamics it's like loaded 14 still remaining and it looks like we have out of the Pacific it is CrossFit floating in a wood cloth Australia forward to the Pacific all games rookies they've been training together for a while they made their way to the game as they will come across in just under 73 minutes one 1248 the official time three teams remaining across Victorian warts Cross Fit Melbourne Jack Doric so red that's the only Canadian team and in that team features a former individual and a member of our broadcast crew a couple years ago in the regional Zaza de Boer mine is on that team under team making their wage for the stadium so Reebok CrossFit East Woodbridge they were jacked Rx in the regionals but they are on a Reebok CrossFit East Woodbridge in an Ontario and that's them right there I can only imagine that everything just sort of tightens up as you play on that stretcher and it actually works as you get off of it and have to start yourself moving again that is aza Tibor bond right now she is the athlete in there is CrossFit know born they just got to the turn around and they still going to come all the way back and then get into the soccer stadium but this force which we haven't mentioned it yet when you're going that direction not to start you can't really tell watching or maybe even if you're just out for casual walk if you've ever run this course the part they're all now has a bit of an incline that's not a big deal if you're out walking around the grounds you carrying somebody and nearly 75 minutes into an event seems pretty steep super fun when you have a litter and you've already done 74 minutes work that maybe Torian coming in I believe it is because Woodbridge was still out there on the winners that should be Torian coming in they are out of Bowen Hills Australian other team out of the Pacific they made the games on their very first try hey let's let's try this year we made regionals that's great hey we're in the games that's so fun Torian 115 and so you get Woodbridge and no more remaining that should be Woodbridge right they're getting ready to put that litter down and get back into the soccer stadium now I don't know if the teams were told that there is no time cap or if they were told that there was a time cap but if you were told there was a time cap and you're now coming across that's 75 minutes they're like oh oh there's no time cap we just get to keep moving and finish this that can be an additional little deflate button or kick in the nuts well let's go down to the field with my car said Oh guys here's a quick update on CrossFit East Woodbridge Chris crostini one of their bigger stronger guys hurt his ankle looks like he rolled it on the warm swats so as they left the stadium they actually had to almost carry him up the stairs and toward the litter they're a little bit nervous this is the first time at the games they've never encountered a warm before so what they actually did is took six punching bags link them together and use that as practice for the warm unfortunately with that injury to Chris crostini their practice didn't really make perfect here in event number one Chris crostini and the affiliate owner at Reebok CrossFit nation Woodbridge a former Canadian throw in would tie in that that type of an injury of ruled ankle that could happen to anybody at any moment in an event like this is East Woodbridge making their way across the Concours down coming up with a seventy seven minute mark no time cap maybe we'll get 39th place and then it'll just be Mel board and back out finishing out the litter carry if they'll make their way down the steps in the top five in this event number one timur mayhem ran away with it 12 labors team dynamics fourth and fifth which jazz in fort vancouver - here comes Reebok CrossFit Eastwick rich little history not only the first time two teams have been under the lights on a Wednesday night it's also the first [Music] nighttime event on a Wednesday in a soccer stadium compared to a lot of times last year we went back to the sandbag here but other events on Wednesday nights over the tennis team at what laughs we'll explain no they're about that particular event there is the last team that is Mel born shut up - uh - their judge right there all the way from China to judge at the events he's he's from Shanghai he's on our seminar staff so pretty cool that you get trainers from all over the world coming to be a part of this event and help out all of these teams all these individuals all these masters all these teens and so a shout out to all those volunteers out there across fit Melbourne's the team you're watching there that's the only team remaining finishing up the 1800 meters there past the halfway mark making their way see how far they have to go away down there and make that left-hand turn stuffin not but halfway across the back of the stadium before you can finally get rid of that litter I'm glad they can't hear you all the way down here good this is you know the saying goes put your head down and grind and when you look down the road just put your head down and take it one step at a time when it hurts pick your head back up and keep grinding but the best thing when we talk about this every year if you're in CrossFit you know it you know where I'm going with this the last fleet in the box the last team is gonna get the biggest round of applause they're gonna come to the soccer stadium place is gonna erupt oh yeah just cuz everybody's excited and they get to go home maybe a little cramping there we've seen Chris Peter do this back at a Pendleton and in the the triathlon turn around walk back or to get a little cramping in the quads there you have been watching you or CrossFit history they're kind of a gamester frakked-up that uh way way back and in 2012 Camp Pendleton know the right man for the job it's a little perspective how much they have remaining well I think driving the golfcart in front of them is also kind of a little that's not the carrot that you want it's like hey how bad do you want to actually be on this thing at the moment and not carry this another six hundred meters like telling your buddy to get the car and every time it gets close yeah cool what about TV without a Schwarz CrossFit Nell born out of the Pacific and again they were gonna be one of the look this is just the first event the first test they were if you look at seating theoretically the feel of the cross regional it appears to number eleven overall they could still make up some ground on a 40th place finish that gonna be a long hill to climb right here and in the competition but to your point is this is event one right it's only one event there is it it's this is the first time we're competing for five straight days at the CrossFit Games they just announced what the event shoes going to be an event that they're naturally good at to begin with right so okay yeah you got your kick t pin on event number one but your event is coming up tomorrow so just make sure that this isn't going to bury you so much to not take advantage of the water which is what most of these Australian teams are very very successful at well why don't we see today up in aromas and we could have predicted it Sam to answer the estimate 7 K trail run came back and he's first-place finish in the devil yeah you did that last and get a first place that puts you right in the middle attack I gotta do stroke he was 12 52 events that he got dead last first night 6:15 and I don't know if you got a chance to watch it on Facebook line and by the way that the media crew at HQ they had Eppley over 36,000 watching that Facebook live from aromas today I mean he's going over 500 pounds and it still looks like let me just let me get a little warm up I saw the guy in the middle of 6:15 is I've never seen anything like what was it the year they did it the first year was the top was like 505 wasn't it the top yeah so there's a hundred pounds total heavier than them with the right first time making the turf before they we saw someone dumped out of the litter earlier we'll see what it looks like here and again that is CrossFit Melbourne they were second in the Pacific out of Victoria Australia and again they've had an individual and or 18 since 2009 and what a relief it is to be off of that litter carry what a taxing horrible thing to have to do for such a long distance you're making their way into the stadiums they will come in and run across that time for support coming back down the stairs near the crowd [Music] [Applause] can't see the crowd but you can hear the crowd there they are of the stadium that good crowds for masters and teams that competition will wrap up tomorrow running as the team together you'd like to see that at the end there you know this is the spirit of what we do and we're not just talking about the games or regional or early to athletes and you guys are coaches in your box you see that that person struggles might finish last they keep going that's the spirit you finish the workout whether it comes up against the time cap whether it comes up and it it is his work you finish it out and here they come and look out and put forth that effort down the soccer field the energy Rises and they have it within them to sprint across the field there they are boss wit Mel board is in and finish up in an hour 23 minutes and 53 seconds team Murph take a look here your third-place team dynamics well they came out of the gates hot and we talked about that he's like yeah you jockey for position you get that first litter but you know dynamics is a team that it has professed us of is like we purposely knock these athletes together and they're specialists to compete at the games and taking that top three position to start the week enough that's pretty good take a look at the second-place team 12 labors they did it in just under 58 minutes I loved how they came out on the push press we talked about they had the fastest split at this point in time at the problem of going fast as it also takes away a lot of energy maybe is faster on the pull-ups they open up in not a second lead but this this hundred squats ate them alive in fact I'm not even sure that guy's alive on the litter at this point in time but they were neck-and-neck at the start with cross it guys but they were able to hold them off towards the end and for 12 laborers who look like they're just getting beamed down 100 squats how quickly that can turn around with the second-place finish with a fennec champ and the winner of m1 cross at bay ham 55:18 a set of before is that I wasn't surprised about their finish but I was so impressed of their ability to this weather the storm in the middle slowly get up into that top three position and then when it comes to the squats this is this is classic frosted mayhem other than is getting a first-place finish but just the communication you saw on the run the switching bit the ingenuity to change the way you carry that it was just genius I love seeing that type of mental just awareness during an event and to jog across the smiles playing in the first men at second we might see a lot of this all weekend with mayhem in first we still had daylight when they finished it's now under the lights you see the remaining top ten and eight plates oc3 black they were making and run to the top three early in the event fell off the pace diablo and six made up a lot of ground lettuce how they stack up in your top ten in event number one don't forget tomorrow go to for individual events for ocean swim coverage then friday join us at 11:00 Eastern 8:00 Pacific for live coverage of into the five Merc can watch it on WatchESPN like team our Wednesday night is in the buttons on our broadcast partners weekend man chase Ingram I'm chef fry well thanks for joining us from Carson California in the Reebok CrossFit Games [Music]
Channel: CrossFit Games
Views: 191,765
Rating: 4.8386831 out of 5
Keywords: Functional Fitness, Fitness, Functional, CrossFit, The CrossFit Games, The Sport of Fitness, Forging Elite Fitness, Team Murph - 2016 Reebok CrossFit Games, Hero Workouts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 9sec (5469 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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