Event 5 - Ranch Loop - 2020 CrossFit Games

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the 2020 reebok crossfit games is brought to you by reebok visit reebok.com to shop the official 2020 crossfit games collection buy fit aid the number one post workout recovery drink in america visit drinkfita.com for your special trial offer and by romwod unleash your calm now available on google play and app store meanwhile back at the ranch we are set to close out day one of the 2020 reebok crossfit games event five is up next thanks for being with us here everybody shawn woodland and chase ingram nikki brazier and bill grundler will be joining us as well let's take a look at where we stand after four events on the men's side it's matt fraser with a 175 point lead over samuel quant remember you can make up as many as 85 points in just one event so that is a big lead but certainly not safe on the women's side tia claire toomey is your leader but look at spots two through five separated by just 60 points and just 15 points separate haley adams from brooke wells and chase we talked at the beginning of the day about haley adams and we were told that this is the type of stuff that she's really good at and so far that has been proven correct absolutely proven it and we looked at haley adams coming in just 19 years old maybe amateur with experience but veteran with the way she's been competing with the other women in this field adams has looked solid so far and she started off the day on that 2007 reloaded and just didn't look phased by this big of a stage you couldn't have said it better sean unfazed just the same attitude the same facial expressions and the same calm cool demeanor from start to finish from event one to event two now she had a little bit of a stumble towards the end of the sprint losing her bag but her performance on the crossfit total that she needed to hit a big lift in the press and more importantly her very last deadlift determined whether she was going to get that fifth or fourth place position she ended up getting it and so that was a big lift for her but the big one was is her handstand walk performance against the other women that was a good one for her to end on going into the last one and she will face as will the rest of the athletes a very grueling test here to close out day number one it is the ranch loop it's approximately a three mile loop through the terrain there at the ranch in aromas in california there are elevation changes there's treacherous footing we've seen some people test this i mean it is not fun mountain lions lions tigers and bears oh my and that's what the ranch trail run is going to be today we got to see this tested the day before and it is just an assault on your senses physically emotionally because there's false summits steep downhills dust leaves you saw people slipping and sliding all over the place this is one of the best trail run courses i have ever seen at the crossfit games and for the first time here at the crossfit games the men and women will be competing together although they will be scored separately so tia toomey comes in as your overall leader for the women and matt fraser your overall leader for the men all ten athletes who are here for stage two of the 2020 reebok crossing games the in-person stage will be on the field at the same time so haley adams and justin medeiros the two youngest competitors in the field starting right next to each other but it's been fun is to see their competitive spirit not just for fun but for actual placing on the leaderboard when you're talking trying to get at least a second place position we know matt and t are doing their thing currently but i really like to see is their maturity as competitors as opposed to just being big-eyed amateurs event five the rash loop is underway approximately a three mile loop through the hills and over the train at the ranch in aromas california this will feature some of the same uh pathways i guess if you will from 2016 and from uh the last time that they did this in 2009 and also 2007 but there there are some new pathways here as well that david castro was talking there's a lot of unknown but as i say to any athlete approaching on an unknown distance five to six k run is always start as fast as you can for the first quarter mile i'm just kidding pace your weight strategy let's see if it pays off start steady because again they don't know exactly how far they're going they don't know the turns the elevation changes there are five or six different type of apexes throughout the course of this trail let alone the things that are in the way so starting steady and kind of letting the course come to you for at least the first two or three minutes we know this is going to take some time it's not going to be one in the first 150 meters of the race so let the course come to you stay with the pack unless the pack's making horrible decisions and then run your own race at least to start early on it's justin medeiros and matt fraser who looks like they're leading the way here let's bring in the third member of our broadcast booth here and that is bill grundler well hello guys how you doing man good to have you here fantastic matt fraser and toomey now uh out front to release the women fraser for the men if you're a guy that's done a lot of this this kind of stuff mentally when you're out here you're just running a trail there's no crowd there's no music you don't have any headphones just it's just you and your thoughts all by yourself what's that like uh it is a can be a really liberating feeling it can be a very detrimental feeling depending on how you're used to listening to that voice that's in your head now we see matt fraser out in the front this is where he's used to being and i think all of the athletes same thing with tiatumi all of the athletes beneath them on the leaderboard are all feeling okay those guys are supposed to win so what's really what i'm really interested to see in this race we know there's going to be some distance on it but who is going to push them who's going to try to chase them down is there going to be a little bit of cat and mousing that happens that's really what i want to see who's got that grip the ranch loop is brought to you by the us army chase what are your keys for this one well when an unknown distance event you have to rely on your fitness but when you see a trail run like this it gets outside of those fitness boundaries and i'm not just talking about inside the walls of your gym outside is that there's an element that can't be tested with barbells jump ropes or rowers this is grit what type of grit are you going to have in this unknown area because they're all going to hit that point to where they have to rely on something beyond the walls of their fitness then we talk about the cat and mouse game you're playing with the feel that is surrounding you and they should be next to you so if you're a great runner sometimes it pays to either you know play we talked about this yesterday bills that cat and mouse game maybe i'll run a little faster here and suck everybody in or maybe i'll just hang back and chill if i can notice other people are getting tired and then save something for what the end may be it'll be really interesting to see someone young a young rookie like justin madeiro's will he go out and try to push that and is matt fraser going to try to hold on to it or is matt going to try to lead them out just to see if he can smoke those guys smoke their jets a little bit so that they get crushed towards the end part of this race brook wells and carrie pierce bringing up the rear there of that pack of 10 athletes again the men and the women going at the same time they're not competing against each other they are scored separately this is the crossfit games there is a twist awaiting the athletes in this event that is all we can say about this you at home will find out about it at the same time that the athletes do so just keep that in mind as we go through this run look how fast and how pinwheely they're already coming down this slope these guys are already kind of letting the wheels go arms are swinging legs are swinging almost cartoon like as they go down this is the very beginning this is four minutes you know they said how long the race was they said it was about a three-ish mile sort of race we're five minutes in and we're already throwing pinwheels it's so cool to see these angles of really getting a better idea of the treacherous of the trail but as well as the elevation changes because it's really hard to see how hard it is and look look how delicate they have to be on their way catching almost went down well i'm and now it's just cursed again sorry but it's really good to see how challenging this is going to be and sean exactly to what you said this is the crossfit games as days affectionately always says and there is something waiting in the wing so if you guys are watching you don't need to go anywhere and if your friends aren't watching start texting some people because this is going to be a brutal brutal test when it's all said and done we talked a lot about the elevation this is the 55 percent grade that matt fraser is on remember the last time we were at the ranch 2016 matt fraser won this event it was the only event he won that year in route to winning the crossfit games the best way to explain it is one look at athletes crawling on their hands and feet think about a parking garage the great if you were to run up the middle it's steeper than that would be that's the type of grade these athletes are working with on this hill yeah the shot really doesn't give it doesn't do it justice if you see an athlete as is strong and as capable as these athletes are and they are walking with their hands on their knees or they are hands on the ground crawling you can't just say oh they're going down and taking these these guys are literally crawling up a ladder as they're moving up that slope matt fraser is way out in front as he is pushing the pace for the men that's sam quant and jeff adler behind them is noah olsen so a lot of heavy breathing already six minutes in and here comes tia tumi then again the other thing we have to take into consideration not just the slopes up and down not just the heavy breathing that you're all gonna have anyway but now you're sucking in that dust i mean i've worked on fire crews for a lot of years and that's smoke and dust and so i know what that feels like when you're breathing it in if these athletes haven't had that opportunity to breathe heavy with not just a purist of air coming into your lungs that you have in your gym then that's also going to affect you so this goes into what you're saying uh chase about the grit can you deal with elements that are out of your control and still be able to maneuver around that and still perform here comes haley adams working her way up that 55 grade it's like she's trying to chase down carrie pierce in the opening stages of this approximately three mile loop seven minutes in this is basically what they're seeing as they navigate this portion of the course there are going to be a couple of blind spots here and we have spotters on the course so we'll be able to keep you updated what's going on we may not be able to see the athletes but it gives you an idea and you talked about the the incline the dust but there's a lot of unsure footing out there as well this is not you know level ground that is almost as that's about as raw as you can get it if you just drop someone off in the middle of a of a hillside somewhere and said find your way home it's almost that raw it's a slight trail barely i think some of the things that are overlooked is we talk about footing steepness of the incline treacherousness of the decline but look at the slope on the trail itself is that you're not running on a flat level surface so if you guys have ever done a trail running one leg one side is getting pounded for the first half of this because you have that slope so that is one of those things that's often overlooked even when you do a normal trail run if it's somewhat flat when you run on but that little slope on the trail itself makes a massive difference well same thing look what's on that trail you have a bunch of leaves a bunch of brush a bunch of other dirt so it's not a nice hard flat surface either so to your point chase it's not just the angle but it's what's on that angle as you're running it chandler smith is on the demo team and he went through this event yesterday and he is with nikki brazier january you had a chance to experience this first hand i mean first just tell us a little bit about like the brush and the leaves and the rock the terrain out here it does not look forgiving yeah it definitely makes it to where you're having to spend a lot more mental energy than what you'd normally spend on a run because if you aren't calculated with your steps and you're not thinking one or two steps ahead then um you might take a tumble down the hill i won't say if any anybody did that when we were doing the run but someone may have and they may have gotten scratched up and they were like uh i'm gonna learn from this lesson and be a little bit more calculated because there's you have a bunch of leaves you've got some really dusty dirty parts you got some muddy parts um and they didn't learn their lesson the person was me unfortunately so hopefully none of these happen in the same place but yeah it's a it's definitely a challenging course when you haven't had a chance to practice and all of those things are sort of at play you know you do fall you do you know get muddy you do get see leaves and rocks and tumble i mean there's only so much you can do to prepare your fitness for the real world and real type of terrain how do you try to prepare i think when uh when the physical uh when there exists physical unknowns it's about having um confidence and like knowns within your mental preparation so just knowing that no matter what the situation is if you if you lose a shoe if your shoelace comes undone like being prepared for for that type of stuff is what's going to give you the advantage here because this is as unknown and unknowable as it gets for these athletes right there's um just a lot of stuff that you wouldn't normally see on a run course if you're just running on an asphalt out and back type deal and um if you're if your mental game is tight then you're going to be able to do well yeah as difficult as it seems i think it still feels pretty special to be here at the ranch to be where it all started to be sort of at the mecca of crossfit the home of crossfit do you get those vibes here as well absolutely this has been uh super cool for me for me to even be out here with the demo team helping out because um i grew up watching the uh the old school games i had the every second counts dvd i've seen everything go on for the like i think the five times that they've been visited out here and uh being a part of that and like being a part of the history in some way is a super cool opportunity and these uh these hills out here have been like the the proving grounds for gener i guess multiple generations across the athletes um and have an opportunity to kind of share the state the same stage that some of the people you grew up watching on is really special so hopefully in between uh deep sucking breaths these athletes are able to appreciate that as well absolutely thank you so much for your insight channel hey i appreciate it thanks for having me big thanks to chandler smith for taking the time to do that we saw the men's leader matt fraser he's ahead of justin medeiros and now tia toomey is your women's leader and she has passed sam quant who is in fifth place for the man haley adams is behind him and carrie pierce is in third place for the women to get get an idea of where these athletes are at is we're kind of we're looking at the map here's you saw that hand over hand crawling up the hill well they had a slight downhill for maybe a quarter mile at that point where you see look up there that is a 800 to 9000 meter straight uphill climb to what we heard is basically a false summit so they're gonna get to the top there think they've made it and it just goes a little bit further which is i think really amazing that's the game of especially with trail running is you think you're you think you're gonna push to the top and then you have that switch of ah crap i'm not done yet i have to keep on going how many of those athletes are they able to handle that how does that affect them especially when you have a thousand foot climb like this matt fraser working his way to the first summit on this climb and there's a look at the elevation and the grade information for this trail run 770 feet the highest elevation the lowest is 230 and that 55 is the steepest grade and that is that is a legit grade when you're talking about elevation the distance at which they have to go and the angle of which they're going out i mean that is no joke what they're having to do on this trail tia toomey making her way up she still leads for the women haley adams was in second followed by kerry pierce and adams has gotten closer to tiatumi on this portion of the screen she's wasn't the bottom left screen katherine david's out here you can see her in the background now she's starting to make up some ground but for the men it's fraser and then justin medeiros and then jeff adler was in third noah olsen and sam juan i was really curious to see what haley was going to do on this net we know that like the endurance element is her forte so how is she able to push is she able to push tia or is she just gonna go be like a hey come everybody and watch me work that's what i was really waiting to see the other thing was to see how matt was going to work and how the other guys would follow him so we saw that matt had his hands on his knees as he was moving justin madeira was doing the same thing so i want to know if he as the young rookie is watching matt and just trying to shadow him a little bit follow the movements that he does follow the way he's moving up not trying to pass him but just trying to match him justin medeiros trying to pick up the pace there a little bit now going back to hands on the take a look back over his shoulder to see where his fellow competitors were and he has a pretty solid hold on second place in this event right now mederos in fourth place overall coming into this event but just five points back and jeffrey adler for third 20 points back to sam quad for second and you see some of the volunteers out there they're just pointing in one direction it's a scarecrow from wizard of oz they're not telling you how far to go how much longer there is to be there's like just go that way there's someone over there somewhere that will tell you where to go next noah olsen and jeff adler so olson has now moved himself into third ahead of adler adler sits in fourth sam flats till the fifth plot is in the middle of your screen now tiatumi leads for the women followed by haley out of the one is there now matt fraser barreling down the other side of that hill and this is when you look at it's like oh they're going downhill thank goodness for me personally i would rather even though it's tougher go uphill than fly downhill it's rough on the knees ankles that the risk of injury is far greater and i'm talking about if you're just running downhill a nice paved till with what this is like athletes need to be very very cautious on the downhills now justin medeiros is making his way down as he saw haley adams catching up with tia toomey the two of them about dead even for the lead for the women and matt fraser trying to put some more distance between himself and justin medeiros now remember there is a twist to this event the athletes like everybody find out about that and you will find out about it when they do just keep that in mind as these ten athletes make their way through event number five here of stage two of the 2020 reebok crossfit games the final event of day one about a three mile loop at the ranch and aromas look like medeiros is doing his best josh everett impression from 2008. look up the video kids yeah so i can another decline but matt fraser is still way out in front past the 16 minute mark so those two have separated themselves from the rest of the pack is noah olsen when we last saw him he was in third followed by jeff adler and then sam quant and it was neck and neck for the women for first place between tia toomey and haley adams there's brook wells and carrie pierce they're just getting to the top of that major incline olson and adler olsen leads adler by it looks like about 10 feet maybe so how they're able to make a ground is he was in third place otherwise we're caring for the beginning portion of this run with two of them basically even at this point now here come the women again you got to be very careful on the scent you see hayley adams just behind tia toomey i think one thing people forget about haley adams they know haley's taking a spill there you hear gymnast a lot but you know she had a some cross-country background in high school so this isn't unfamiliar territory for haley sam quant he's in fifth place for the men he's behind haley adams in the middle there no shirt and then it's katrin dave's outer and carrie pierce brook wells i think i miss identified her earlier was captain graviton brook wells now who went the wrong way is now back in fifth that's that's a huge misstep for brook wells fourth place overall for wells 205 total points but only 15 back of pierce and atoms the two of them tied for second again you make that up in one event exactly when you look at the point scale it's 175 55 35 15. so after the 100 mark it's a 20 point difference and when brooke's only 15 out especially how she started the day she was on a trajectory of a second and first here at the sports center i had to stop there for a second to sort of gather herself well that's that mental part that we talk about you know with those things that pop up are you able to come back and that was tough now justin medeiros has overtaken matt fraser so mederos out front but not by much they have one more ascent coming up before they have a downhill portion back to the start this is the thing i love about justin it's that wrestler mentality he wants to go head to head he wants to throw punches it's not a matter of i mean obviously we all want to win but it's not him he's not afraid to go after it with matt and that's what i love we need people like that to really try to take their shots at them try it you want to knock the guy off the top right now majeros is in front and think back to 2016 and the trail run there matt fraser i think the only time he was ever looking at someone's back was at the beginning unfamiliar territory for fraser he's going to swing out wide and this is that last ascent so we have about half a mile to maybe a thousand meters before we get back to that starting point but this will be their last climb nice little downhill hill portion but this will be the one that uh again we know that is the last climb for them they don't know how many other ascents that they may have along the trail and look how hard they're pushing each other i really like the fact that they are really racing look at the distance they have between the rest of the field i think that's real important they are battling right now and i don't think any of the other people on the rest of the course like i feel like they're just kind of hanging on even tia t is out in front even though haley's right behind her but it just seems like they're kind of moving through this where these two guys are going head-to-head darrow's and fraser right next to each other they are way out in front of everybody else now here's what's important for mederos as this is the last event of the day he's 20 points out of second everybody's a light year away from first place with matt fraser but samuel quant is sitting in second overall with 200 points either behind him that 185 and then mederos is tied with olson at 180. the men's race is separated by 20 points from second to fifth if mederos can get stay just stay where he's at he's going to jump all the way up to second place from these other athletes so this is a he doesn't have to win this to get into that top second position on the other athletes and he just looks good i love the fact that he's getting after it and even with matt matt's playing it smart i love that they're just kind of hanging out on each other just sort of driving each other and this is you know with all the hype that justin has we keep hearing this is kind of like how matt was when he was coming in the same kind of hype and here they are you got the old and the new just going head to head toe to toe so for a two-person battle for the lead for the men but chase you mentioned you know how close it is on the men's side the races behind them really matter as well because just 20 points separating second from fifth i mean that's a matter of one place in the event standings so this leaderboard could look a lot different after this event i mean we've seen that happen all day with these point swings with only five athletes that's been an exciting element for this competition just in front of matt fraser as the two of them working their way up another incline and this final scent has two different inclines it's going to go up level out for about a hundred meters and then go up one more time before they'll be able to make it back down the back side of this hill and again we know the course layout they don't they know approximately how long it is but they just have people pointing them in a direction they don't know what's coming up next it's really easy to tell them but as far as you know for us like yeah this is totally what's happening next what was the problem why'd you go so fast i almost wish i couldn't hear the helicopter because i would love to hear if there was a shadow going on between these guys there was stuff like that back in pendleton where some of the athletes talked to each other as we were really working and they're you know they're not going super fast they're just trying to push their way up so is there camaraderie is there a little kind of head game work i wonder what's happening over there fraser and medeiros way out in front of everybody else as we get close to the 23-minute mark here of the fifth event of day number one matt fraser has been impressive so far as has the youngster justin bederos [Music] tiatumi is your leader for the women when we last checked in with her things looked like they had tightened up a bit but now to be back out in front ahead of hayley adams but as you said we saw haley have that little still on that big downhill on the midpoint of this event i thought maybe she had a little hitch and a step as she was coming down looked like an angle or something but right here on her on her run but she's opening up looks okay so good to see that there wasn't an issue there because we want to see these guys going head-to-head we want to see her be able to perform to her level so both the men's side and the women's side have similar scenarios playing out you have the defending champion and then the youngest competitor in the field on their heels third and fourth place for the men are in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen jeff adler sits in third noah olson is in fourth two of them have been trading that spot throughout this run and if everything finished the way it is now on the men's side you'd still have fraser and one but monderos would jump all the way up to second place haley adams pulling even with tia toomey [Music] jeff adler trying to hold off noah olsen third place and now adams for the first time leads tia toomey well here's what's big for adam she's second overall but she is tied in points with pierce at only 15 ahead of wells but i mean wells has literally fallen off the map so to speak on the women's side but it's not just the points for today but when you give a young hungry athlete like this a shot of adrenaline with going toe-to-toe with one of with the best crossfitter in the sport yeah what is that going to set you up for the next day and the day after that darrell's and fraser now back to running as they hit a decline and fraser looks like he's trying to push the pace a little bit on moderos now this is where it gets a little sketchy because this backside on the hill is basically all dust and sand this is a very i say a slippery slope but it literally is a slippery slope now fraser has passed mederos now remember there is a twist to this event the athletes don't know about it and they're going to find out the same time you will at home so frazier making the turn mederos making the turn and now a sprint to the finish you're gonna start losing run the whole course in reverse keep moving i'm dead serious about the entire course backwards now and there you have it they're not done they just reached the halfway point matt didn't believe him at all he did not he didn't believe david of course i wouldn't either i wouldn't how how would you think that i would say that's funny give me my water exactly but what i liked was madeira's didn't even he just was like okay and just went and that's one of the things about youth i think is you can just be coached and directed and be like go here use your awesome fitness and go that way it's like all right well not just not just youth but inexperienced with his interactions with dave castro because all dave really does a lot of his athletes just screw with him on a constant basis so that's probably what matt was thinking about like yes sir you know i've never met you before right totally now this is what's interesting father yesterday when the athletes were testing this danielle brandon saxon panchik and chandler smith were running this smith and pat and panchik got in first danielle brandon saw them running back up the hill and said she thought they were coming to cheer her on and then found out that she had to go back and do it again well the best part is they didn't tell her they didn't like hey let me do you a favor well i don't think they did right there too either we saw jeff asks he's like hey are you guys done he's looking back to see what's happening matt and justin's head didn't even move i'd say yes that just beat me as a competitor adler seems to be relatively unfazed and he's going to make his way back up and now here comes noah olsen tia to me and hayley adams they're going to figure out something's going on so now the gamesmanship oh they didn't even look didn't even look so here's the thing the the people that really got the slap in the face is going to be justin and matt they were the first shot on that they were so far ahead of the rest of the field so even though everyone else is still getting that oh crap feeling it's like they almost had they had the moment to go oh crap something's up so they had that chance to kind of adjust uh pays to be a winner you get to be out in the front you you are doing your thing you're doing your thing you're getting after it but they also were able to handle that that's what the whole test is toby not even slowing down making the turn and heading right back up when we watched the demo team do this yesterday saxon panchik knew what was coming and he i don't want to say sandbag the event but you could tell he was not going 100 on the first half and when you look at his splits they were basically about even chandler smith was the first demo athlete to cross the finish line and when he was told to turn around he was correct his second loop was significantly longer than his first one [Music] just brutal and the hard part is is that you see fraser medeiros selling out to win an event only to get told you have to go back and we talked earlier it's like it pays to be a winner most the time and it still might because you are ahead of the field and you kind of got the edge but part of that too is like if i was in third and i was just in third i would just okay i'm just gonna park it here i'm not gonna catch them i'm not gonna get caught by these people so i'm gonna jog in you actually have it is a benefit of not being those guys because they were just crushing each other on the hill but a champion's going to be able to handle whatever comes with him and i think that's what the whole twist of the of the test is supposed to be do you have the grit that when things aren't going your way and it changes that you're able to adapt and still go matt is the champion of champions that we have so that was a great test even though he was in there and yes he didn't believe what he was being told but they didn't slow down i mean same thing right in the mix and went for it so these are the best the most fittest athletes that can hand handle anything not what's written on paper but anything that gets tossed away at the same time that's what's impressive with these guys sam quad dave asked him to figure out what's going on he said [Laughter] just took his medicine and he's heading back up now a twist like this having to be kept secret for so long is is vital but at the same time is that this was teased in the redacted episodes of the behind the scenes of the crossfit games and if you guys go to go to youtube and look up redacted episode number one and at the minute 27 mark dave is specifically bringing this up to the group that was there on site and he didn't even want to but he wanted to make sure that he told enough people early that this isn't a gimmick we just didn't make this up on the fly this is the plan to test the athletes beyond the confines of fitness or grittiness but just that there's something even beyond mental fortitude when that switch goes off can you turn it back on catherine david's outer bottom left-hand part of your screen has passed tia toomey hayley adams is in the lead and david's daughter starting to reel her in so this is the effect that you were talking about chase david's daughter was pretty much where she was gonna be in this event coasted on in and now might have something left in the tank now a weird part of her training that we've seen ben bergeron and people got some odd vibes about him it's like they've been running hills and he's throwing sand on her in the middle of the trails or making her do burpees or giving her an extra round when it's not ready it's like bergeron actually does a lot of surprise things within the training and this could be one of those things that will benefit katrin as well as the position she was in coming in one of the things that a lot of coaches will do is and this is a way more simple version of this is as you're going through your workout they will no rep you even if it was a good rep and no rep you again and no rep you again just to see if you can mentally handle that that's basically what happened here is they got no reps and no rep and now they have to come around and keep on going now if catherine we know that she can handle this and i think now you know are you gonna know what the end is for sure no but now she knows she's back in the race and i think she's gonna start eating that up matt fraser is still the leader for the men and he is it looks like he's left justin medeiros pretty far behind him right now we'll have to see when maderos comes over that hill but fraser still hanging on to first place as he makes his way back through this approximately three mile loop look at the we talk about the elevation changes in the course itself when i look at it going in reverse i feel that it's a much tougher course in reverse because the back half has such steep inclines and declines when you're doing that fresh you got nice fresh legs you're excited about the event but the back end of this the last quarter of this direction is probably the most difficult part of this entire course and the other thing is you know that it's coming up that's what's bad so fraser leads justin medeiros is in the upper left-hand part of your screen it looks like he is closing the gap and now sam quan who was the last man across the finish line is making his way up the hill and brook wells is on his way down her way down pardon me now for brooke wells this is the 15 or zero platter that dave is holding out right because it's there is no cap to this as soon as you turn around there's no getting you and you either finish or you quit and is it that is it almost worth that 15 at the end well it is when you look at the leaderboard based off how close these women are but again this it's outside the confines of anything you could have prepared for before something like this after this i can't wait to see what weird ass training coaches are going to start doing for their athletes brooke wells getting set to make the turn as on the right hand part of your screen matt frazier leads to the men but justin medeiros is putting a little bit of pressure on him so moderos has cut into that lead that we saw but the last time we checked on these two but frazer still managing to hold the youngster off here comes brooke wells and she has to know what's going on at this point [Music] [Applause] i like that just yeah okay see at the finish line yep let's see over there don't go the wrong way again don't go the wrong way again well at this point the surprises i guess probably ruined for her she had time to sort of mentally prepare herself you saw you know matt fraser and justin bader was kind of selling out thinking that they were done i would have snagged the water shook my feet out put a little bit on my head after a quick massage i'm like how long is it then let's go okay can i have a flashlight please so all 10 athletes now have made the turn brookwell's the last one to to do that and she's working her way back up the hill and she just got done making her trip down and haley adams and catherine davis daughter out front david's daughter is now your leader in front of hayley adams but adam's trying to close that gap tia toomey back the last time we saw her in third place now so david's daughter comes in in fifth place overall 160 total points she can make up some serious ground here as well and put herself possibly into the top three depending on what the rest of the competitors do haley adams second place overall with 220 points you know we talked about this earlier chase is the way the events are set up it's who is the most hungry is going to have the best chance now you take out the total catherine's only going to be able to do so much but everything else if she wants it it's there for the taking it's a matter of how much you want to fight for it we didn't see catherine in the beginning of this race no they were i mean she was way in the back so the way she was the ability for her to hang in there not get worried about that and be able to kind of creep up and creep up and creep up to where she's in the front and pushing the tempo pushing the pace right now against haley who's a good runner this is what she's known at you talk to like chris henshaw chris hinshaw always talks about haley adams about what she has in that capacity so the fact that she's pushing like this is really a huge testament to what captain's doing huge i think for catherine she was probably one of the few that when this was told to her she felt like it was a gift oh yeah are you kidding me those are like crap okay she's like i have more time yep this is something i'm accustomed to in a weird sense of the word and if you were with us this morning we talked about how good catherine davis otter has gotten it pulling off comebacks and maybe she's starting another charge here again fifth place overall has two fourths a fifth and a second so far today and looking to get a victory and move herself into contention for a spot on the podium now if things were to finish out the way it is now katrin had 160 coming in and adam's at 220. tia is out of reach at least at this point in time for this event this should put her in that third place position based off the standings that the other athletes are at you can make up as many as 85 points on someone in a single event haley adams is trying to make up the distance on catherine davidson i mean they still have a long way to go and again the hardest part is yet to come they just went up their first uphill portion coming to the downhill but that the biggest ascent has yet to come it's about that halfway point of the 39 minutes gone by here in the fifth and final event on day one we talked about the demo team running this yesterday chandler smith was one of the athletes who did it and once again he is with nikki brazier talk about a twist and unfortunately you experienced it firsthand on your own i mean just tell me a little bit about what was going through your mind the moment you realized what no you're only halfway you got to do this whole thing in reverse honestly i was just so pleased with the master stroke of programming that castro had come up with um a shyamalan s twist i was just appreciating the intricacies of everything going on but uh in actuality i was very upset i had uh sold it out kind of to finish the first part of the run um and my fitness bank account is already a little lower than normal so when i overdrafted i didn't have the protection that i am used to and it made the uh the back end just a slog so i know these athletes are going through it it uh it hits like a bad breakup or spill spilling a potty chili on yourself like it's it's rough so they're going through it right now i believe it i mean as a as a competitor we talk a lot about obviously being physically fit but also having the mental capacity to be being able to take on any kind of a test but when it's so unknown and you're in the midst of it i mean how do you redevelop or refine your mental fortitude to finish um so for me personally i just uh i was like all right i have to find a way cause at least at this point you know the you know the distance so it's like how can i break this up into manageable chunks and you really have to run your own race you know like it is a race against other people um to the end but depending on how hard you went for the beginning or for the front part of the race you're gonna have to change your strategy so i said i'm gonna run the flats and downhills and walk the uphills it's a common like rocking strategy in the army and i tried to follow that as much as i could my body wasn't really listening but that was my plan and i think some of the athletes kind of taking the same approach here a little less aggressive than they were on the hills earlier now obviously effort wise i know it was way harder on the way uh back than it was on the way front but terrain wise i mean was it just as difficult uphill downhill i swear just like kind of when your parents tell you when they were going to school they had to go uphill both ways and hills felt like you remember them being 100 meters on the on the way over but then on the way back like how did this hill get three times as long so uh because the time dilation kind of occurs on the back end it changes your approach a little bit to where you just gotta be a little gentler because um you're closer to that gas tank's already pretty close to e yeah i believe it well thank you so much for your insight chandler great job doing this yesterday as well it wasn't a great job big thanks to chandler smith for taking the time to do that his effort is on the bottom left part of your screen and he was hurting when we watched him go through that meanwhile the battle for first place for the men has gotten a little tighter as justin medeiros has pulled pulled closer to matt fraser and then we saw if you're watching the women it looked like haley adams had passed katrin david's daughter for the lead but we'll have to check in with them once they get through that blind spot that is on the course but matt fraser had a pretty big lead on justin medeiros madero's has cut into that katrin davis daughter is in front of haley adams but maybe not for long as adams has pulled even with the former two-time champion and now hayley adams is in front look at the left-sided screen on the men's side the top of that hill is about one mile from the turnaround and this will be the highest point of elevation for the entire trail getting up to 770 feet they got about a 400 420 foot incline and a quarter mile worth of space so this hill doesn't look quite as bad from this angle but this will be the longest uphill part they have but the steepest and most treacherous ones are in that last quarter mile of the race and look at the way these guys are slugging up the hill their calves and legs are blown you see that they're almost flat footing this because they just don't have that drive anymore going up these hills constantly going over and over and over again and they know that they have the downhills to contend with so they're trying to conserve something for that but while still trying to move and i think it's interesting how they keep looking back they're so far away from everyone it's almost like kind of going to the chalk bucket right now gonna slow you down that's my little break as i turn around and look to see if anybody's back there well think back to the marathon row a couple years ago and how that athlete said hey look you're where you are i'm where i am you're not gonna push this right let's just settle where we are and you know matt frazier is so out of reach right now obviously you want to cut into his lead justin medeiros look 85 points looks pretty good for him right now exactly and i think 75 percent i'd look back and like uh top of the hill man wins the rest of the event gentlemen's agreement at the top the catherine davidson is back in front of hayley adams as they are starting to creep up on mederos and fraser in terms of time difference this is you're going to catch up pretty quick until you get to the bottom of the summit and you start walking up the hill see what the time increase is on the back side when last we checked in with tia toomey she was in third place remember she was the leader at the turn for the women and both adams and david's daughter were able to pass her for the men noah olsen jeff adler and sam quan are still out there as well that looks like noah olsen and sam quad and here come dave zotter and haley adams nearly 45 minutes gone now in the fifth and final event of day number one it's like haley's getting a little tight in the back you can see her arching i haven't seen any change at all in catherine she's looked solid hands on her legs doing the exact same thing all the way through not changing anything up so she's not breaking down which is impressive the tia toomey looks like she's still in third place and we saw the men once again and it was jeff adler who's in third followed by noah olsen so sam quan still in fifth place matia toomey after uh leading through the first half is now in third and now matt fraser and justin medeiros have reached the top of that diabolical incline two of them start to pick up the pace pretty long descent all the way down about a half mile they're they're right at that halfway point on the back half of this trail so once they get to the bottom that's when it starts to get pretty fun they'll be about three quarters of a mile from the finish once they get to the bottom of this hill fraser's managed to put a little distance between himself and maderos is they were essentially right next to each other on the upside of that hill tia toomey solidly in third place right now to be coming into this event with 315 points it's 95 up on haley adams and look at the difference of the way matt here's the difference between 21 year old 30 year old and granted 30 is not old and that's speaking from my relative perspective for sure but matt is being very conservative about what he's doing with his body trying to use it for the rest of the weekend whereas justin just doesn't he's not worried about that that's youth right there he's like let's go man like i'm gonna go down as fast as i can not i need to worry about my knees and i need to worry about my ankles and everything else so it's really interesting to see the difference between the two outfits as they're descending you can see him at fraser's thoughts like my knees my knees might be tight well i know my knees are saying that his might be saying that but mine definitely is like took a look over her shoulder to see if olson and or adler had crested that hill and now he's just worried about catching up to matt fraser who continues the lead on the bottom screen she is in third and that is carrie pierce in fourth place brook wells in fifth place for the women right now and wells looking like she's gonna fall down the overall league fourth place coming in to this event but 205 points just 15 back to carrie pierce and haley adams you know matt frazier has won so many of our distance events that we've had whether it's been you know murder styles and trail runs or whatever he's always performed so well but was never really pushed i love that we're looking at this long of a race where there's this much of a push all the way through noah olsen has moved into third place for the men as he has passed jeff adler leaves sam quant in fifth and catherine davis sorry that's catherine davis out of coming over and then haley adams is behind her david's out there looking to pick up her first victory of the competition 100 points would be huge for her right [Applause] now olsen and adler down that hill that we just saw matt fraser and justin bideros deal with fraser medeiros are on the right side of your screen and you mentioned it bill justin medeiros continuing to push matt fraser he is not letting him out of his sight now maderos might take his turn in front approaching the 49 minute mark here noah olsen third place right now in this event olson tied with mederos at 180 points and jeff adler just five points up on them with 185 sam quant sits in second place with 200 so only 20 points separating second through fifth on the men's side so wide open there but matt fraser is still your overall leader 375 points and that is the slog that these athletes have to deal with going up that hill and it trust me it looks terrible on tv but when you're out there actually on that terrain it is even worse and carrie pierce is starting to creep up behind tia tumi she's the second one down quan at the bottom here's what i like for catching david's daughter on the left is that it's really hard to run away from the field when you're by yourself but she has her own chasers in front of her she's got adler and noah olsen out there for her little carrot even though she's trying to run away from the rest of the field tia tubing now has just gotten it looks like to the top of that incline carry pierce behind her and that's sam quan for the men who will be the last man to the top of that hill to me is up and over here should be next [Music] here comes you can afford to be in the middle of the pack this could possibly well maybe not fifth place but definitely a fourth place that possibility is there and that's a lot of points that she's giving up back to back back she got back in the event previously so not only did we have the twist in this event of are you able to bounce back but like how many times at least in the last handful of years has tia had to deal with that she hasn't had that you know you come in you just know you're gonna win and then all of a sudden you're not and that's that's that's a tough place to be in a packed field three places if you have 40 athletes you know 18 points at worse right now you're talking you know maybe 65 that fraser has moved back in front of justin medeiros but the two of them are dead even here they're slowly approaching the steepest portion of this trail run it's not very long it might be 200 meters at most but it is one of this they have a little tiny uphill and then right at the back side of this is when it drops down it seems like the two of them are just pretty content to keep the pace that the other one is setting right now might be setting up for a great sprint of the finish if it stays this close i i honestly would be really nervous about wanting to finish at the end yeah you know is there going to be another twist who knows that phrase are doing a really nice job of navigating his way down the rises justin riveros the two of them going quickly but not recklessly what i like about matt is he's alternating sides of his lead foot i think that harkens back to his skiing pace oh yeah absolutely now here's tia toomey who is in third place right now for the women if that holds that would be 55 points for her so he said that short 200 straight down you saw how careful they had to be and then it shoots right back up from the bottom it's basically a v portion of this part and this is another 200 to 300 meters left to go there's that crawl and you know what it you would think that maybe it shows a a like you're breaking down i honestly think that would be just fine lighten your chest a little bit just get down on your hands because you're going to put your hands on your legs to push anyway lighten your body spread that weight out on that on that uh climb and just move up just moderators may have heard you because that's exactly at the top of this ridge it's a straight shot downhill about a quarter mile to the finish line it's downhill for about 250 meters and then a pretty good 100 to 150 meters straight away to the finish line it's gonna be incredible to see the bambi legs that are gonna be at the end of this sprint fraser put in a little distance between himself and justin padaro so about to see how long that lasts again moderators in fourth place overall but it is so tight behind matt frazier just 20 points separating second place from fifth place sam quant all by himself in second place right now with 200 points but he is dead last in this event so he will most likely be surrendering second place overall most likely to justify darrow's pardon pardon me matt fraser taking a look over shoulder will see where paderos is noah olsen in fifth place overall coming in this event and he was in third place but last we checked in with him i mean there you see the slide on the right side from caption and how steep that is look at the time in the upper left corner of your screen they've been doing this for nearly an hour an hour and it probably feels like three days for them i think if dave castro tells matt fraser to turn around when he gets across the finish line fraser probably gonna punch him in the face fraser leads madaros is in second still starting to run out of time in order to catch fraser because they are getting closer to the finish this is probably the biggest lead that fraser has had maybe on this return portion of the course now here comes it's about a good unofficially maybe 10-second lead for matt fraser right now this is that downhill parts light sand loose soil but it is straight downhill it's not a lot of rocks and odd terrain to kind of get in your way catherine davison is your leader in this event right now she's on the right side but she has not left haley adams behind her adams is still putting a little pressure on david's outer now matt fraser really opening it up nearly 57 minutes gone by here's the final event of the day wow look at the distance he just put between him and moderos we saw how cautious he was coming down the earlier downhills didn't even worry about it there opened it up long strides moving wow that was pretty dang incredible fraser comfortably in the lead now and that changed quickly let's see how far back justin medeiros is but he probably is not going to be able to make this deficit up because fraser is getting very close to the finish just like in 2016 matt fraser is going to win the ranch loop and here's a twist matt fraser's really fit [Laughter] i don't know if he's going to want to talk to anybody right now i would be so pissed here comes mederos looking to lock up second place and move himself into second place overall as he'll pick up 75 points catherine davis daughter still leads for the women so mederos is in second place for him that's his third second place finish of the day matt fraser meanwhile has won four of the five events and he finished second in the crossfit total the kids getting that kid when you run a whole hour battling with matt fraser the entire time like you're getting gold stars on your forehead all day long i mean like you're we you're getting all kinds of win and respect points from the best of the best of the best that's pretty cool now noah olsen will be the next man across the finish line so olson will take third place that will earn him 55 points and it's his fourth straight third place finish that's big for olson who technically sitting in for fifth place tied with mederos in points they should bump the darrell's up to and olsen into third because quant who's holding onto that second place position is last between the men now catherine davis daughter looking to pick up the victory for the women this is needed she needs this in a big way huge fifth place overall coming into the event with 160 points 45 points back at brook wells for fourth and 60 points back of carrie pierce and i really like the way she's doing it she's opening up she's not just looking back up by her shoulder to see where everyone is she wants to put that distance out because she rides off of this stuff this is where when she excels is when she rolls on that confidence in that that uh that win jeff adler he will take third third place overall coming to the event with 185 points sorry fourth after noah olsen took third [Applause] fourth place that's his third fourth place finish on the day and here comes the sled dog katrin davis daughter makes another comeback and she does it in event five at the turn she was way back in third place didn't look like she had a chance to catch tia tumi or hayley adams and now the former two-time champion is gonna lock up 100 points and take the ranch loot i tell you what it looks good do it oh man amazing wow look at that smile i mean a little thumbs up with noah but this look she could do another lap and i said it's one of those things like for the way katrin is in training and suffering in events like this which she loves already that turn around twist from dave was a gift to her that's how she received it and that's how she used it on the back half of this event haley adams in second place for the women good for 75 points for her so she's looking to cut in a little bit to tia toomey's lead to me the last time we checked in with her was in third place that means that adams would at least pick up 20 points on toomey she trailed her by 95 coming in but remember you can make up as many as 85 points in one event so to me while she numerically has a big lead that can be erased very quickly yeah that the numbers are bigger than they actually are relative to the scoring table that we're using at this crossfit games and this is huge for haley what more confidence can you gain after this first day of competition what they had to do haley adams started with a second place finish and she will end the day with a second place finish and she looks to hang onto second place overall after day one [Music] tia toomey in third place just looking to get across the finish line and only surrender 20 points to hayley adams now catcher needs is she needs tina to stay ahead of carrie pierce who's in that fourth place position at the moment team holding on to that third place if that happens i think catching will jump from fifth to third after this event tia toomey started by winning the first three events here then took fifth in the handstand sprint now looking at a third place finish here in the ranch loop sam quant is the only man left on the loop toomey pierce and wells the three women [Music] [Music] there is sam quant who at best can earn 15 points well at this point where he is especially on this whole back side i don't want to say that there's no reason to push it you can say it because that's what you should do it's like well i you're flirting with that you must you must try claws they don't want people to just blow it off that's something you have to at least watch yeah no i'm not no he doesn't need to go and crush it yes he needs to sit down and drink some water right now necessarily that shrine would be not quitting and we have been told that if the athletes are flirting with that zero points they will be warned before that penalty is actually assessed right right which is a good thing because that's i mean that's a really subjective rule you know it's like start running i'm like nah you run the team is getting close to the finish line and when you look at the five tests that we had today some of you are awaiting us on the weekend some of the stuff is still unknown this is a pretty like we said at the beginning of the day it's a burly day it's a burly day but it's a very complete day but now that we've seen the tests unfold and if you think about 2007 when there was only three tests a hopper a crossfit total and a trail run it was a very elegantly complete test and it touched all the bases when you're trying to define fitness in terms of you know the hopper the different training modalities and the 10 general physical skills if i were to take a step back and just look at this day as if it were 2007 this would be a near complete test of fitness we tested absolute strength with the total in three different lifts we tested a badass crazy trail run with a twist we did a classic crossfit event to start the day we fought it with a just pure anaerobic blast test and then a handstand walk race longer than anyone we've ever had by the way so we've we've really hit a lot of different modalities but in a way if you just took the classic sense of testing fitness if this was just the games for a day you could sit back and say yeah i would be okay with the results at the end of this day if this is the fittest on earth is in one hour six minutes nine seconds and she will take third place you know they were saying dave was saying that this was going to be the toughest day ever we we've heard that over and over and over again and by far it's probably one of the most complete days by far but the volume of what they've had to do and be put through on day one knowing that there's two more days coming up that's what's impressive so is it flashy and dashy right now not necessarily but is the volume there and correct yeah and it's it is brutal what they've had to undertake is brutal i mean when people saw the first four events they're like no i don't get what dave's talking about about the hardest games ever this changed everything yes it did and not just the distance say a six mile trail run that twist changed everything right carrie pierce is in fourth place that means brook wells will take fifth just taking a dip in the ice bath right now and you gotta wonder how they're gonna be able to recover from this and face whatever waste them on the weekend i'd be dead i would sneak into my eyes man breathe in and die the recovery part here would be pretty brutal not just even musculature but like toes ankles knees that type of thing of what you have to deal with you mean chase you did you played around with kind of with some handstand walking on this turf and how your hands were feeling the hands are trash i mean just even that alone having that not knowing if you're going to need to have the palms of your hand for the rest of the weekend you know i mean there's a lot a lot of factors out there and think about this the seed has now been planted about eggs later and when i cross the finish line am i really done yep oh yeah all faith in the rest of the events moving forward has been thrown out the window dave no longer has any friends no more friends these are the two people left on the course sam clot for the men and brooke wells on the right and she is way back and remember the last time brook wells was in aromas was 2016 and she finished towards the back yes of the trail run and then went out and won the deadlift ladder she was able to redeem herself there but not the ending that she had envisioned to her first day of competition here so she's going to have some work to do as she came into this event in fourth place overall but she most likely is going to slide into fifth because catherine davis daughter locked up 100 points and david's outer only trailed her by 45 coming into the ranch loop and she's been on both ends of the spectrum she's got fifth or she's got basically first place in the first five events bill you're talking about recovery the physical recovery is going to be one thing obviously just the the emotional toll that an event like this will take and we're not trying to overplay it this is a challenging emotionally taxing event when you think you're done you flip the switch off it's really hard to turn it back on but athletes are going to wake up tomorrow with unfamiliar soreness and fatigue that's like they're used to their quads being sore their hands torn up they're you're not being able to straighten your arms because of you know your your biceps but when you wake up tomorrow off the trail it's like my ankle bones hurt yeah or you know i don't know yeah so they're going to wake up with unfamiliar soreness tomorrow so i'm curious how they're gonna handle that and now when you look at some of the that morning event the toes to bar lunge event to start the day off that is a completely different test now that what we've seen happen today look at the the assault on those joints coming down those hills i'm going to talk about going up the hills and using the muscles talking about coming down in the joints and then now here we are hitting your knees on the ground using your knees and hip to drive up through every one of those lunges as you're kind of making your way through it's gonna be tough it's gonna be painful sam kwon is in so all five men to finish and sam juan who came into this second place overall earning 15 points yeah get some water it sounds like a good idea brookwell's the only athlete who has yet to finish there she is brook wells started off with two straight fifth place finishes and then bounced back in second place in the crossfit total then she won the handstand sprint but now another fifth place finish for her as this event comes to an end the beginning of the 2021 crossfit game season is just months away the open gets going with the announcement of 21.1 on february 18th you can go to crossfit.com to stay up to date with the latest on the 2021 season and how you can register to take part in the world wide open right around the corner let's start training everybody i'm not ready to play watching these guys i'm not ready to go out and actually start doing something like that right now it'd be a lot of fun to have the open back in in february i like people like to start the year off with that of their gyms because it's something to train for so brooke wells in stage one with in second place to get herself here and had probably outside of tier 2 the most consistent performance that we had seen from her ever yes absolutely the and we said this at i think the top of the broadcast this morning is that she did get second it's the best full competition she's ever put together in an environment that she's familiar with with events that she should be good at and it just changes when you get out here totally she's no stranger to aromas she was here in 2016 and she's no stranger to these events she's done total she's done hand sand walk she's done trail runs but it's still never the same no matter how familiar it can become and this is the beauty of the test is that you can check all your boxes but dave's got some hidden ones for you that you never even planned for as simple as they may be they have dramatic effect on the outcome of the events by the end of the day there is so much more of a mental element to this competition in this event than i think people really give it credit for i mean everyone talked about all the mental fortitude and we talked earlier about the grit and everything but that mental toughness especially you know with with dave castro and his history with being with the seals and that sort of training their training is can you handle adversity over and over and over and over again whether you're ready for it or not and when you're an athlete that can only exist in routine where you can control all the boxes and be spectacular there and then step out of that box yeah it's a completely different piece and if you don't have that ability then it shows and that i think that's what's happening like brick is obviously a great athlete she you've seen her go through some put out some amazing performances both mentally and physically but here it just seems like she's tripped up a couple times with those mental issues captain davis daughter won this event for the women as brooke wells manages to crack a smile as she comes across the finish line but let's send it to nikki brazier who is with the women's winner of event five katrin straight out of an ice bath you were right into recovery after that incredible performance i have to know what was going through your mind the moment you realized exactly what the big plot twist was here literally the thing that went through my mind was yes really let's go yeah wow there you go it could have been so defeating i came in i was like right there with karen like third or fourth and i'm a good runner i um i love twists like that it honestly um if it's hard for me it's hard for them too and i learned so much on that first one like running with karen that first one she was a savage on the downhills so literally when she was going downhill i was like just keep up just keep up this keep up and i'm good on the uphills um so especially on the way there like when i was trying to catch the girls on the uphill it's so much effort so when you catch someone you want to make it worth it i don't want to catch them just like them past me um so i was able to learn a lot on that first loop get psyched up for the second one and then um just go wow i think that mentally that is absolutely where you have to be in order to come back and not be just totally defeated you know like air out of the out of the balloon mentally how difficult was it going in not knowing you know sort of this distance not knowing that terrain not knowing anything about this course i kind of thrive on those like unknown events it's like that chaos event yeah i do like it because i know if they can do it so can i and if you kind of stick with them um it's a good little race it's a good unknown if i don't know they don't know either so we're on the same boat and it kind of like it's kind of fun yeah it's kind of the only environment where dave can never do that you know and it's only one heat too so it's awesome very cool end of day one it's been a really big day how's the body holding up um good i think i'm probably still a little high on adrenaline it was a tough day it's a big day um but there's always like some point of a weekend that i i get a workout that like fires me up and i'm so glad that that came on day one and i'm ready for a big weekend wow well congratulations thank you here are your results for the women catherine david's daughter by two minutes over hayley adams for her first event win of the competition haley adams another second place finish tia toomey will take third carrie pierce and then brook wells and then this one started out just a leisurely trail run three miles through some pretty rough terrain and then things escalated quickly well and i think everyone was getting ready for this they knew what it was going to look like maybe it was going to be dusty and up and down treacherous and all that but they weren't ready for the assault on the body of what was going to happen we saw matt do what matt does he jumped out in the front really pushed the pace justin medeiros was really hanging in there i was impressed with how he stuck with matt it didn't matter he used that youth to his ability but this was the big twist the turnaround look what happened matt was like what a nice slip-up in a quick shutdown but justin madeiro just said okay turned right around and then they started it was a battle from there and tia can we get in first we said a lot of times the challenge of gritting it out and crossing the finish line flipping the switch to off because you won and then dave throws the circuit breaker back on and as you see these athletes cross through catrin we said this was a gift she loves twists like this she just said it in her interview she made this look fantastic i'm gonna pay you later for that but the the back and forth between maderos on the whole back half and a lot of what i'd like to see was that cat and mouse game we were talking about i think towards the end that was the cat the darus was the mouse now he's just hanging back seeing what he was going to do staying with him but when it came towards the end it was all matt but catrin man what a push he had on the back half of that it got trenches towards the end but towards that last turn fraser turned it on nobody in sight he could jump across the finish line at which he was finally done for the man but catrin she really needed this to get out of that fifth place hole where tia started to break down towards the big pack now she stayed right in the middle third place overall between the women but look at the expression on katrin's face as she crosses the finish line no one crossed the finish line that no one crossed the finish line looking as happy as she did tia not the best event not the worst event i don't think there's anything wrong that happened this is exactly what you think would happen if someone had won the event and was told you're not even halfway done yet here are the results of the man it's matt fraser who holds off justin moderos he puts some significant distance between himself and maduro sarah at the end noah olsen will take third jeffrey adler and then sam quan haley adams had a great day one for the women and she is with nikki brazier we are currently in currently in recovery mode here still haley what an incredible finish to that event first of all and an incredible day one for you what what exactly happened when you got to the halfway point in this run and realized you got to go all the way back yeah i was not expecting that it was definitely mentally challenging because you're like oh my gosh like you're already hurting right you have to turn around do it all again so it was definitely very mental at that point but given the fact that you're ending day one in such a good place mentally does that set you up better now for the weekend yeah for sure i know that i know that confidence has been something you've been working on yeah and and where is that for you right now um i've been i've been trying to like tell myself that i'm long here and it's not just a fluke so just proving that to myself this weekend and having some good finishes is it really makes me you know it's hard to explain in terms of words i just know that my training is cut off yeah i mean looking ahead there's still a lot of work to do here this weekend a lot that you know a lot that you don't know but i feel like you thrive in that unknown environment i show up every day and don't know what i'm doing so how does that work in training yeah i mean it's just fun clearly clearly well congratulations on a great day one thank you haley adams a second place finish and now second place overall as she slices a little bit off of tia toomey's lead to me still in front with 370 points catherine david's otter moves into third by just five points over carrie pearson brook wells is now in fifth place overall the men's overall standings matt fraser with a 220 point lead on second place justin medeiros but remember you can make up as many as 85 points in the single event noah olsen now sits in third jeff adler is five points up on sam quant so just 40 points separating second from fifth so again numerically it looks a little more lopsided than it really is it is packed in second through fifth on the men's leaderboard here's the schedule for tomorrow this is what we know event six that is that toes to bar lunge event the snatch speed triple and then the bike repeater so we know three events for tomorrow and as you said these take on a whole different complexion no i remember seeing the toes where i was like that's too easy for these athletes i'm like i retract my statement immediately all that heavy duty pounding on the long then we get into blasting short tomorrow's gonna be in and our coverage will start at 9 55 a.m you can go to games.crossfit.com for more info and all the leaderboards five events down matt fraser leads for the men tia tumi for the women thanks for joining us today everybody for nicki fraser bill grundler chase ingram and our entire crew here in morgan hill annaromas we will see you tomorrow as the 2020 reebok crossfit games roll on [Music] [Music] here good run across [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: CrossFit Games
Views: 1,653,267
Rating: 4.858952 out of 5
Keywords: Functional Fitness, Fitness, Functional, CrossFit, The CrossFit Games, The Sport of Fitness, Forging Elite Fitness
Id: jBgi_nXDOKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 30sec (5430 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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