Men Try Tasting Weird Norwegian Food and Snacks - Taste Test

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Norwegian food let's try that oh yeah you see I have my sweet little flags up here we got a package Leah and her family we ended things they sent us a bunch of goodies that we could try out as well as Oh little tidbits about Norway Norway has a royal family I actually had no idea either they're negative people are called the Sami or Sami I'm probably reading it wrong they wear cool costumes called the Vinod beautiful medieval churches Richard Oh super known for trolls trolls trolls trolls remember that book that you love and hate comb three Billy Goats Gruff yes love that it was written in Norway ah yeah and then don't forget Vikings you see Mike Dossett Vikings how old uh where are you going wait what are you doing just the fjord or should I call you Ragnar Lodbrok is that a name it is yes my name is Ragnar how do you know it all over your face let's eat some Norwegian food you heard the man let's get this going what's first first thing Millikan's oh look I said yeah milkis Joe colada milk chocolate and she says it's the best chocolate in the whole world okay then let's yeah let's get on this it's got my castle on it do you promise you'll try it oh you already did how do you get in your mouth so fast I'm just real good with chocolate oh yeah Mike it says here Det bar and Gong in Princess Alice Oh are they the drunk ol minge crowns I'm liking this stuff let's keep his Norwegian from coming Fox citron I'm a guessing it's something citrus whoa lemon flavoured taffy kind of like a lemon starters Oh dink it bump it and dump it how that bumpin and jumper dope and delicious we should make that into a t-shirt I think we will around something my biking friend has like super cute I liked it I see it this is still there I'm not touching it the oh there it is there it is unstuck oranges we have those here oh well then how about Greek this word big balloons quick lunch a very popular chocolate in Norway I can see that when Norwegians are out nature they almost always have a big moon and an otters Clementine with them with us snacks oh it's almost exactly like a KitKat ah but they're very bit way they count that as lunch people look down on me about you Kit Kats for lunch what's all the writing on these box they're probably telling you this yes there's like nine steps to eating this put it in the mouth and chew then what you better catch up to lose the licorice really what did you do first bite this then this sucked on a little bit of that do a little bit of this hmm it reminded me of those little oranges you smack it Christmas time I just do orange juice everywhere Tintin doesn't spread me you're a mess this is a mess no your honor now that we've got our quick lunch nothing old bread chocolate-covered marzipan this has been around in Norway since 1915 man marzipan what is Mars that nobody it looks like a little it's like a chocolate loaf now go okay the inside looks like a cloud they learned how to track clouds inside chocolate I can't tell if I liked it it's weird what is marzipan what is that aftertaste I don't know strawberry and raspberry mixed together artificial strawberry liquefied bread and some chocolate oh that this one's gonna take a little bit of work we got a little bit of a little bit of bag yet Bugatti something Bugatti but chocolate hazelnut spread just like Nutella Norwegians eat it spread on bread oh this sounds great yeah poop man it's like a little turd max it looks really good it come out looks good comes out it looks like not like a little turd mmm yummy the chewiness of the bread is accentuated by the chocolate eNOS of the hazelnut spread ya know how they say yes and no way yeah is that a thing no sure I got like tight you went Australian on that one just a high no raspberry jelly marzipan and truffle covered in dark chocolate marzipan yeah I don't know I just thought jelly fallout no it tastes like what those raspberry sticks you get at Christmastime why does all our Christmas food taste like Norwegian food cuz they just rock Christmas 24/7 I mean they do raise reindeer those Sami people what in a real earlier is just the North Pole in disguise I mean you're on whatever biking is just Santa Claus I mean he is breaking into people's houses all the time that's what I'm saying we got them stuck on reason crap this is porridge you mix it with milk and cook it until it's the consistency of oatmeal you serve it in both of the spoonful of butter in the middle of the porridge and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar this is what we my shifts or give me some pole reach so I think oh what's that awful I don't know it's probably like what is it I'm a poor kid these sausages am only shut up and drink your gin actually no but what is it it's part but what does porridge Rita that's a really tasty hey it's got four point six grams of protein and point three grams of salt bro let's get buzzer in English it has the consistency of oatmeal mm-hmm but it's tastier not as dry mm-hmm like more wet Nero la Chris Joe College she says Norwegians have a thing for licorice this is a licorice great flavor gel covered in chocolate there you go first why I don't know it doesn't break the weight it's like black tar looks like sorry I don't like licorice oh it's gross you like licorice look like we're gonna notice black licorice licorice at all this equation all especially black licorice that's just racist no now we have Fisherman's Friend these are throat lozenges with a special licorice flavor ah yes it's gonna be a salty it looks like the worst flavor of bottle cap that is not what I was expecting but it smell like burnt toast no that really does smell like something burnt pop-tart I can see that all my immediately regretted you did not even get them menthol this is the beginning of the end my friends beginning at the end I couldn't do it anymore Oh God burning my fingers oh it just makes me angry it tasted super sour salty bitter mentally garbage hot guard it's like something you would pull peel off the bottom of your shoe that's my friend fresh nope smells as bad as it tastes next little is this is where we'd start going downhill Turkish pepper salty licorice with ammonium chloride good luck these are not words no maybe and out we're bagging retreat we'll eat these for treats this isn't a bad as the fisherman's thing you know a fisherman thing is way bad fisherman's right find that I taste a slightly little prick little Piketty haze on ya just a tiny grow tiny rickety break what is it with you guys in kneading salt it's also super salt this is called a hockey powder salty liquorice sugar ammonium chloride and licorice flavor why some licorice stop with the freaking licorice okay okay okay so this salt just saw there it is it's gonna be super so like salt okay you want to do a page you're gonna do a line I like my question if one tilde that's really weird I'm gonna rename you what Vick Vick Vick the Viking Vick and the Viking it's like a next to pixie stick it wasn't near as bad as I thought that would be even almost it was always like it dry out my tongue though yeah get out of here close it all the way trying to seal it up forever that moment the moment when the fish comes into play the stabber mackeral mackeral and tomato Norwegians eat this spread out on bread wait is what mackerel and tomato let's mackerel it's a fish you're not [ __ ] I also have the IQ of a viking vikings don't have a fish doesn't mean we no other name oh look it doesn't look that bad train for your after-school snack no mom I don't want any macro tomato [ __ ] you stupid I hate all of you may know if you want to grow a big luscious beard you gotta get the mackerel in there Diane II have a big luscious beard of a 12 eat your food BX don't slow it actually smells good Oh smells like tune in to me do it let's do the stairs do something about that stuff it already taste the fish breath are you Wow your beard coming in this isn't bad at all it tastes like tuna and tomato it's like dipping a tuna sandwich and tomato soup what else could we have oh I don't know how about caviar and a tube as we brush our teeth with it I like how you said tube so that's exactly what it is we are spread that Norwegian see okay that is plenty kiss stop stop that one's your I'm not eating there you're sad not eating that I was trying to help you grow big and strong like me I don't want to be big and strong if this is what it takes that's really good just like beef does she like big guys tastes like beef mmm now it's getting gross I don't like it anymore Oh a saltiness is kicking in a super salty if you were to take all the powder from the bottom of like a beef jerky bag and just dump it in your mouth definitely don't do as much as I did why is everything that they eat there either chocolate or bread and fish don't bring a licorice this is actually liver pate Norwegians even spread on a piece of bread I take that back fish liver pate why is what is this there's no way this kids that happy about liver no way that looks like spam it smells like tuna and [Applause] it looks like clay hey don't look I bet the cats dig this give me the cool cats or the feral ones outside the heroin [Applause] [Music] tastes like a coin pouch the more I eat it the less I like it the more I eat it the more I think of what it is which makes it gross push this away I'm gonna distract top qualty thank you thank you comes back to earth I will not burn all day today well Norway there's one thing I've learned about you today instead when I travel there I'm going to bring all my own food okay it started out great got weird and then just kept getting weird although I will say I'm in agreeance with you that I think the fishermen's friend thing was by far though were by far the worst by far you guys do come bang your chocolate though yeah I will definitely enjoy some chocolate while I'm there mm-hmm this is delicious fantastic what food from what country would you like to see us try next leave it down in the comments below I heard good ass up 70 some of the tribe will try it leave us out life hit that subscribe to join this tribe and we'll see you next time don't forget you better listen to big the Viking he's pretty vegetable do it all villager village having rules tell my rose commenting they will not be opposed a rose that's a great song
Channel: Men Try Videos
Views: 581,059
Rating: 4.7356997 out of 5
Keywords: men try videos, men try, norwegian food, norwegian food taste test, taste test, norweigian food, norway food, food from around the world, treats, snacks, candies, gross, weird food, men try eating, men try tasting, try guys, guys try, taste testing, mukbang, gross food, disgusting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 19 2018
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