Men Try Strange Hawaiian Food for the First Time

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today we are going on a tropical trip to Paris yeah we're gonna be trying some Hawaiian treats oh and dishes Sam and we're gonna get laid this is a PG show oh no they prostitutes [Music] oh so this food box was sent from Kari Matsushima from Oahu Hawaii now that doesn't sound like a Hawaiian name I'm just gonna say that right now you are correct oh yeah was born and raised in Hawaii but she is not Hawaiian she is Japanese oh so she is culturally Hawaiian she says it's just kind of a thing here you're not Hawaiian but you're more Hawaiian than someone from somewhere else got you thank you so much for your care package seriously I saw a little tiny glimpse of it and there's a lot of stuff that's why you keep looking over there's nothing over there I keep okay keep looking for your starter than eating this delicious food we got some fun facts for Hawaii Hawaii grows by roughly 42 acres each year this is due to volcanic activity Hawaii is part of the US she says one of the popular languages they speak is pidgin which is Hawaiian Creole English it was created by immigrant workers who traveled to work in their state they developed this language to communicate with one another Wow so throughout these explanations she may slip in a little pigeon know that you know what it means Hawaii has lost more wildlife species than any other state around 70% of the state's native birds are extinct and the rest are listed as being in danger of becoming it oh my gosh hi you know I also heard isn't it the island doesn't have like spiders or snakes I'm going to Hawaii he's never coming back it's considered rude to refuse to wear a lei flower if someone offers it see I'm down this first item I was hungry that's called poi poi she could not send the real kind so she had to send the powdered kind you just mix water in it and then grind them which means eat up boy is made from the taro plant which is part of the yam and potato family do that straight up tastes like mushy cardboard oh I'm sorry but that is not good what is the point great for all ages lies easy to digest he's like sawdust in jelly get it off the table there's no place for you here oh I'm not exists looks yummy err that's look like a potato smells good it smells yummy okay there's like a bacon we're back on ground zero a chewy or like bouncier texture we got choice we're about a force on you hylian for science I don't like trapeze stop so you like trapeze trapeze I hate being sticky I like these pancakes there's a normal pancake but they're more fluffy and airy they're good bounce man you see it absorbed it would you rather fall onto a mattress or a pile of these pancakes pile of Pancakes I have hands down cuz then while you're stuck there you just can eat them free yourself so this is called butter mochi mix she says oh god I love but a mochi the pigeon buy mochi is da bomb she says you cannot just have one mini knee piece which means small T's oh you eat plenty of this stuff and it's gonna make you fat trust me it's a buttery and sticky dessert very soft and chewy it's Hawaii's favorite Island dessert but a mochi I saw that whole pan upstairs okay place it down on the plate [Music] step away Wow it's got them bounced again it's got a nice crisp crust on the top they're a little bit on the bottom but then the inside is just like squishy it's almost like someone took the pancake made it a little more almost gel it you ever have those jelly candies they look like fruit wedges and you know like when you bite into them they're kind of like hard on the outside but gooey in the middle views it has that texture but it tastes kind of like cornbread think of those candies and they're like the texture nailed it right mm-hmm yummy weird I like it okay oh that sounds great okay I am a huge fan of pineapples and that is one reason why I'm so excited to when they go to Hawaii hopefully next year it's really yeah we should go together yeah that's freakin good what are we smokes doing up here with our strawberry and grape where's a freaking papaya pineapple that very first bite Osprey has a really strong honey taste and then like the little bit of papaya and pineapple kind of like just dances it's not overpowering it's very light perfect before we move on to the next item I'm gonna take a quick moment and say if you're not already please subscribe below help us get to our next goal of 500,000 tribe members please join this tribe hit that subscribe get us to our next milestone let's do it and on to the next piece of food soft cuttlefish gross you know we agree brothers she called us brother you get all those brothers and toes the cuttlefish she says cuttlefish is squid and yes us Hawaiians like to dry all kinds of stuff my insides are screaming I know why you smell that I open it maybe it shot me in the face that smells like an aquarium all right Branagh hold up I can taste the fishiness all right brother I get you not nearly as bad as I anticipated it's actually not bad it's even got a good texture to it it's like a beef jerky it's thinner so it's easier to chew than jerky it's like if you took beef jerky and pulled it into strips yeah you know if someone didn't tell me that that was squid I'd probably eat that entire bag Hawaiian hurricane popcorn oh she says popcorn it tastes so good gonna broke your mouth go broke a mouth which means it's super delicious it has a robbery which are like crunchy wafers and the kids really love those nori which is seaweed and popcorn those are nice so here are the train don't hang me for this my mouth ain't broke my mouth ain't broke either nice all right I feel like it's missing something I don't really know what but I feel like anything would help like it's a very simplistic flavor I mean it's okay I'm sorry brother my mouth vein broke the combo is better anything complement each other really nice and it gives it that pop with the like soft nests of the popcorn sir would actually do really well with that see now that would be good I think it's not it's missing a little bit of caramel or even cheddar see the cheddar is what it's missing cuz it's almost like he's trying to be popcorn and pretzels but there's no cheddar so mix I've actually heard of this I'm kind of excited to try really yeah it's just like it's like sushi so she says so for spam the locals do not eat it straight out of the can okay make it with all kinds of different foods but one of their favorites is spam musubi it's what all the soccer moms and sports fans make when they have a big part of your game it's great to eat when they go holo holo which means to have fun at Beach easy to carry any is that when you do this hello hello how do you do you eat it with a fork I'm assuming you either like a sandwich because they say it's easy to carry and eat no come on yeah close your eyes or something I can't get into your hands of the like oh oh yes mmm you ruined it bad I made a mess I love this spam is salty it doesn't taste like sushi just tastes like rice and spam that's not bad I mean if I was on a beach again throw me one of those icky that the seaweed and the rice are very plain the spam yeah this is disgusting also made of taro I could tell this is Hawaiian instant cavolo its luau taro pudding she says don't be fooled by it saying pudding it's not like the kind of pudding you eat up in the mainland this is kilo low which is like a sticky and squishy blob it's very hard to describe at least you can microwave them this looks like liver pate I don't feel like anyone gets excited looking at this why eat it it's cuz no one does why not as bad as crap wait at the beginning yeah way better it's sugary sticks to your mouth not easy to get through the texture is not like caramel but it's similar to caramel in that like if you chew it it's all of it yeah yeah yeah okay whatever planet is used to make all this stuff just burn them all so main export man you can't it's exported to where nobody's buying this I'm like this taro plant leave that you can't even clean it off your fork nor do you want to I mean can't you dress it up a little bit make it prettier blue again look at those perfect cubes let me sit wow that looks like it came straight out of Minecraft that came straight out of geometry textbook this is Hawaiian haupia it's a coconutty dessert that a lot of the auntie's for big parties it's always served cold and is almost more like a thick jello than a pudding turns like coconut milk I didn't get the coconut flavor till well after wow you're eating it it just tastes like a cold tastes like cold yeah it's actually not bad he's really no flavor until the after flaked Oh like the end tastes cold and then there's coconut but it's like a soft velvety cold kind of like a hi hello hey I'm cold I mean you're like hi cold can I buy you and then she's like POW coconut cookie baba magnet oh yeah we're talking she says baba is the most popular sweet and tangy and Joey here's the funny thing I've never had straight swap I don't even know what guava tastes like I just know that it's exotic and I love it in my passion fruity drink what does what the heck does guava look like smells delightful the same consistency as those like Nilla wafers oh that's good that's nuts [Music] are you quite in your mouth Wow these are good really good yeah that's soft chocolatey outer shell that you'd find on like a raisin X so take a raisinet replace it with a really soft macadamia nut exactly take a res net and replace the crap something good you look like a raisin s bollocks raisins and isn't a tea this guy down in the comments shows who's not a tea and loves macadamia nut they're raisins last thing is sweet li hing Mui li hing powder cherry says she doesn't like these too much it's just not her taste but it's something you have to try when you visit Hawaii leaking Mui is a type of plum that they dry people like it because it does not taste like anything else some people say it's too salty or sweet don't eat the seeds spit them out once you chew on the fruit and ask for the powder you can eat it just like powder some people will get their fingers in it or you can mix it with a bunch of candy or fruit smells all right it smells like those fruit roll-ups they're like all-natural that smells like fruit roll-up those under the couch this thing's all seed i can't chew it ah I think it's having an identity crisis and doesn't know what it is it's sour why is it sour don't get me wrong it doesn't taste bad but it is sour doesn't taste good either freak are you that is a unique nose out of your system it's causing it why do I get the weird taste of pork rotten brown sugar as weird why it tastes like honey baked ham dehydrated and crushed honey baked ham yeah Harry says Mahalo thank you for all of your hard work from the videos and aloha well Kerry Mahalo and aloha thank you so much for seriously sending this care package this was fun and unique I have never heard of or seen or tried any of this stuff any of it I've actually never even had spam really yeah that prepped us for what we're about to experience next year know why yeah thank you for sending that as you guys have seen we've done many different food taste tests Australia UK and Ireland Cheil a canada check it out guys we have all different types of food taste test so we need to know what else would you guys like to see us try down in the comments let us know but until then Aloha and goodbye oh we ate all the chocolate-covered macadamia nut sorry man yeah I'll make it up to you don't you dare hand me something made of tar oh no yeah yeah I don't get how they're 90% seed hey guys at this point you gotta see that
Channel: Men Try Videos
Views: 175,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: men try videos, men try, try, guys try, hawaii, hawaiian, food, taste test, squid, octopus, taro, pudding, taro pancakes, pancakes, taro pudding, americans try, american, seafood, dessert, snacks, foods, mukbang
Id: HEQULEga5og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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