Men On Reddit Share The Best Compliment They've Received!

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men of redic what is that one compliment you got that you'll never forget I've been walking the same route for over a year for exercise trying to lose weight I had lost about 120 pounds by this time when I heard a woman's voice I did not know call out to me from her backyard I'm proud of you you have listed a lot of weight I haven't seen her since but to me that helped me stay motivated hearing that good for you bud I hope you managed to achieve your goals it's so motivating when people notice your weight loss and throw a compliment your way definitely helps keep me on track some little girl in a cart in a grocery store once said he's pretty about me to her mother I could hear her mother telling her that's not what we say to boys I didn't bother to say anything but I would have told her that it's okay to call anyone pretty considering children are notoriously brutally honest you must be gorgeous or the kid needed glasses delivered a pizza to two drunk chicks as I was walking away they yelled that I should turn the AC on in my car I turned around just as one yelled cause you're looking pretty hot as she slammed the door that was a good day huh weird I don't feel sweaty is she into you well you can't really be sure because I really liked your speech pattern one of my old co-workers you have a voice that is calming you should read stories to children your voice is very soothing like an NPR commentator you should do voiceovers for TV on a night out I had a girl tell me I looked like Waldo then proceeded to flirt with me 11 tenths the funniest compliment I've ever received I once won a costume contest by telling everyone I was coming as Waldo and then not showing up it was awesome maddest latticed was working in a restaurant and told the guests that I would have the bartender make them a really annoying off-menu cocktail put in the order walk to the bar to beg her to make this cocktail that I know she hates dealing with she looks at me in sighs and says that Grinch should be illegal and proceeds to make the cocktail still makes me smile to myself grin and tonic the last words my grandma said to me oh look you're so handsome my grandpa the last day I saw him oh I'm so glad you're here this is the best day of my life I'm a little self-conscious of my laughs because it literally sounds like a dying hyena and I've had a couple girls tell me oMG I love your laughing you have the best laugh that always puts a smile on my face thinking about that also I met one other person in my life who has the same laugh as me and we actually met in school and we would sometimes sit on opposite sides of the classroom and then when one of us would laugh the other one would laugh and then it sounded like an echo chamber or a zoo or something it was really funny edit this is now my most uploaded comment of all time and I can't stop blushing at all the nice comments everyone is leaving me nice I was talking to my ex sent a few of his friends about this girl I knew in high school Cicely I said she's the kind of person that makes you feel like you're the only person in the world when you're talking to her she engages so deeply and always seems really interested in what you're saying to her one of his friends said downvote I love them I think you were one of those people and everyone else in the car voiced their agreement it was the coolest thing that ever happened to me I'll never forget that once a blind girl that I helped to arrive at her place she told me that she could feel my very good vibes and she was comfortable walking with me because that I won't forget that I might not be able to see my surroundings but I can see you're a good person I may be blind but even I can see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch holds up box of Froot Loops upside down a girl I worked with once asked if I could give her a ride home because her ride wasn't able to pick her up I did and asked her out to dinner which she agreed to while we were at dinner she confessed I didn't actually need a ride home I just wanted a ride from a cute guy I was riding that compliment for months let's hope that's not all the writing that transpired well done on both ends here when I got my MA a professor of mine came over to congratulate me after the ceremony she said you didn't speak much in my classes but when you did I always listened because I knew what you said would matter it was a really simple statement at the time but I think about it often I was at a funeral and my old school bus drivers wife who I had never met looked at me and said you must be one of those my last name I said yes she said I knew it when I saw your eyes it made sense to me it's happened my whole life my whole family has large brown eyes and I'm always recognized for that so I said yeah we all have big brown eyes she said that's not exactly it you will have kind eyes you can tell by looking at a my last name they are genuine and good people probably the most sincere compliment I've gotten this is gonna sound weird but I would really like to see your eyes I've been very depressed lately I've never felt a low like this before my roommate noticed because I stopped doing the dishes on my designated days which is unlike me I just couldn't find the energy or motivation I told her and she started writing encouraging notes on our shared bathroom mirror with dry erase markers yesterday she wrote five things that make colorful functor awesome and today she wrote I am a better person because of you colorful functor I think she literally saved my life I'm still struggling but I'm so lucky to have her I lost my virginity to this girl and she looked at me after it was all said and done and goes you're beautiful not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing but I'm never gonna forget that one definitely not bad I was grocery shopping with my wife and this adorable little old lady stopped me and said you are so handsome you should be a movie star I looked over my shoulder to make sure she was talking to me then watched my wife I roll her so hard anyway very sweet and totally made my day was at Starbucks and the attractive burries test for my name to put on the cup I told her but when I got my cup it said handsome guy made my week ha [ __ ] I forgot that guy's name well she was writing while I was saying my name my uncle was a world-renowned chef cooked for kings queens and every US president from Nixon to Clinton I grilled him a venison steak once and he said wow this is really good I will wear that as a badge of honor for for the rest of my days is your uncle from Cory in the house that's like my favorite anime I feel safe when I am with you I had this once I was in high school and dating a girl a few years older than me who I thought was absolutely out of my league we were laying in her bed with her head on my chest and she just said you make me feel really safe it blew me away a man came up to me and asked me if I would be available for a date I said I wasn't wasn't in a relationship but also wasn't homosexual and afterwards said I appreciated the offer ah that's okay buddy I'm sure you'll make some girl very happy one day that man was very good with rejection I think hi I went to a gay bar with some friends many years ago bouncer was collecting cover charge he looked at me and said no charge for you that was nice little did he know I'm not gay I dated this girl for a few months about a year and a half ago everything was going well but then she just goes to me and I didn't hear from her for eight months I didn't think much of it but then she got into contact with me and explained that she had went back to her home country because there was an emergency with her family we reconciled but I had just started dating another girl and told her I didn't wanted to get back together with her because of that anyway about a week later I heard from a mutual friend that had been out with her that if she said if I had known I would have never let him go no other guy has treated me anywhere near as good as he did so yeah that's a pretty memorable compliment you seem only like 6% autistic my fiancee the night we met I'm gonna start using this as a pickup line six percent of the time it works every time some years back when Kido was an infant I was grocery shopping with Kido in the cart I noticed a cute woman in the veggie section as I was getting stuff a couple minutes later I helped an older woman who was in a motorized wheelchair I was in no rush that day so I went with her and got stuff from shelves there were folks who had helped my grandmother with stuff like that so I was trying to pay it forward also Kido was really charmed by her so they flirted and it was really cute I get her to the front then go back to my shopping a minute after that I'm grabbing a couple frozen things and the cute woman comes up she says something along the lines of I see your ring and I swear I'm not trying to hit on you but you're very cute and then I saw you being nice to that lady and playing with her baby and now you're super cute and your wife is really lucky there were some sand stammers in there and she blushed as I thanked her and then raced off but damn you all that was some top-notch complimenting and I damn near strutted out of that store a girl once complimented my hair and I'm still annoyed to this day that at the time I didn't respond with thanks I grow it myself a lot of people compliment my name since it is quite unique I usually rebound with thanks I got it for my birthday I was shopping for clothes with my wife and kid about a year ago and I went to pay while they'd wait outside as I approached the cashier she put down whatever she was doing and turned to greet me and that's when she made a genuinely confused / embarrassed face she noticed that she confused me with that reaction and apologized completely saying that she was a bit blown away when she saw my face she wasn't expecting to see someone so good-looking and it startled her I guess it was a nice ego boost at the time since she was quite attractive actually and I was probably at my fattest but I guess I had a good beard and hair day Lowell edit holy [ __ ] I didn't expect this to blow up so much so happy to see guys talking about their positive experiences and creating a very positive vibe keep the comments coming my apostrophe and I may try to read every single one of them today so far it's been such a great mix of wholesomeness sexiness weirdness and awesomeness the first time I met my ex-wife she told me I'd duck you because of your eyes in hindsight it's no wonder we didn't last long you have the perfect penis as the absolute best compliment I've ever received it's just incredibly satisfying in the most carnal way that no matter how much I duck up in life at least that area is covered I've heard that one too serious ego boost until you realize perfect for one person doesn't mean perfect for almost anyone else II and that a perfect penis isn't a great foundation for a relationship I was at a gay bar in New Orleans with a group of friends a few years back we were all having a good time and I was at the bar about to buy myself a drink this handsome looking guy maybe in his early 40s comes up tells me somehow politely I have a nice ass and offers to buy me a drink I smile and tell him that although I'm here I'm straight he said drink was on him anyways we tucked for a few minutes and he went back to his group when I went back to my friends honestly it was the first and only time I've ever had a stranger in a bar come up and compliment me much less than buy me a drink even a straight guy could admire the fact that this was a really good-looking man and way out of my league if I were gay I'm sure done kind of look like a hobbit but with a short bit that compliment will always stick with me my fiance complements me all the time and it feels great but that compliment was so out of left field that it's something I'll remember you're really funny you should talk to people more I have social anxiety and that was the nicest thing anyone ever said to me emo I've never considered myself very attractive one day I went into the restaurant slash bar I work at before heading off to a music festival to grab some food shout out to 50% discounts and I tend to go all out when it comes to dressing up for festivals I work with a lot of very attractive women who I consider way out of my league as soon as they see me they're just firing off the compliments about how good I look or how cute I look one of them even said damn you look hot and I have never been on a bigger higher than that moment an attractive girl told me I had really nice eyes I think she was on ecstasy pills when I was young a girl told me something similar in a different way she told me I was ugly a loser and nothing was normal about me but my eyes she said my eyes were nice but that's it I guess I've got that going for me I had moved out of state and been gone for several years I returned to visit my old friends and they told me that I had been the leader of the group and they all kind of felt a bit lost when I moved it hurt a lot to here but it was also something I really took to heart they all cared about me and looked up to me even though we were the same age / grade it's really admirable how you don't seem to care what others think of you 10 years ago still not sure if that was genuine or a sly insult 10 tense execution on that one take the win on that one and don't overthink it bro two good ones a female friend once told me you're such a good guy you're gonna be the type of dad that braids his daughter's hair and a hot girl I kinda know once told me those jeans really make your butt look nice guess this means the squats are working late night I was walking into a kiosk at the Central Station with my GF when a scuffed up homeless man approached us he just told her out of the blue hold on to him you will never get something that good again in your lifetime while being a bit creeped out I still felt quite a bit flattered as a school therapy counselor the vast majority of students I regularly work with a major family issues some of them hang in the compartment right next to my office after school to avoid going home if I have nothing to do for the rest of the day I'll chat them up for a few hours well I've been talking to this one boy for nearly two years and he told me that I felt like home that's so sweet and also kind of heartbreaking you're cute I may suck at everything but I've got this to keep me going through the tough times I don't know if you remember me but you got got me home from a female NCO who looked me up two years after I reach applaud I was just doing my job when I worked retail I had a woman call into the store after she left asking for me I wasn't able to answer since I was helping other people at the time and asked to just take a message I assumed they were angry or something so I went and asked what they needed they said oh she just wanted to tell you how beautiful you are and rambled on for a few minutes about that ha she didn't know my name and basically described who I was with descriptions ending with beautiful tall and so on so that was really nice TL DR customer called into the store after they left to tell me I was beautiful I'm a heterosexual white guy and was once told you dance like a gay black guy practice more and you could dance like a gay Latino your [ __ ] tastes like a premium Belgian beer I've never felt so accomplished before it still brings a tear to my eye on the one hand nice on the other maybe lay off the booze for a while it's premium booze no I had made a joke where I implied that no one thought I was cool until I got tattooed my ex dropped the most sincere I have always thought you were cool sounds a little lame but the way she said it lit me up my dentist recently asked if I lost weight I don't pay attention to weight don't own a scale so I just said I didn't know if I had or not she replied oh well you're looking good it's the first genuine compliment that I've gotten in years your dentist might be into you get into a relationship she probably has bathroom scale money was in line at the bank and this baby kept staring and smiling at me older lady behind me said babies can tell if a person has a good soul and that I must have one was a nice gesture also was told I had a nice job from a co-worker felt like a strange thing to notice thanks for listening to another episode of Rhett attacks subscribe and activate the notification bell so you won't miss any stories feel free to share your own stories below in the comments have a good day
Channel: Reddit X
Views: 5,055
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Best Compliment, Best Compliment reddit, AskReddit Best Compliment, askreddit, askreddit stories
Id: PetWYOpjg3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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