Memories Of The San Fernando Valley Part 29 - More Filming Locations

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all right it's that time again right now we are on our way to the beautiful San Fernando Valley uh currently sitting in early morning dead stop traffic last Valley video I did it was a little bit different I drove around the valley showing you um filming locations it was a little bit of a mashup between my filming location videos and my uh Valley videos I'd say most of the locations that I showed you were ones that I've already shown you in filming location videos but the point of that video was to show you how many filming locations there really are in the valley um so close to each other and uh a lot of you really loved it and asked me to do a part two and so that's what we're doing today uh if you did not watch the last one that I did uh part one of the filming location Valley filming locations I will put a link at the end of this video so you can check it out before we get started I want to pause here for a minute to thank my newest patreon and YouTube members okay so starting with my newest patreon supporters uh again if I pronounce your name wrong I'm really sorry I will do my best uh thank you to Bill Roberts Kelly kield Elizabeth Maloney Lucas rumfield dug tunes and Casey Chrysler thank you all so much for being uh patreon supporters and then my newest YouTube members thank you to coding monkey mind the drift Beast of Logan Danny Santos Westside media AE and Roger a thank you all so much for being patreon supporters and YouTube members all right we have got a lot of locations to try and look at today so let's go see what we can find all right we made it to the San Fernando Valley this time we are starting our journey on the far East side of the valley uh like Studio City North Hollywood area and uh let me we're about to get to our first uh our first but let me say before we get there I apologize um my window is a little dirtier than last time I had forgot that I was going to be doing this video today so I forgot to get a car wash and wash the windows so I apologize if you get some uh some dirt in the shot okay we just turned off of Tunga and we're on dilling street and a lot of you have probably already seen this location oh someone sitting in front of it right there let me let me turn around you you might have already recognized it all right I turned around so we can get a better shot there it is the Brady Bunch house uh this is probably one of the most photographed houses in the San Fernando Valley if I had to guess um you saw right when we were pulling up someone had just sat down in front of the house and their friend was across the street waiting to take their picture um so yeah this is the house that was featured in The Brady Bunch TV show of course just used for establishing shots they did not film inside of this house or in the backyard of this house now I'm sure most of you know the story about this uh a few years back I don't know what it was four or five years ago uh this house went up for sale and there was a bidding war for this house Lance Bass from in sync tried to purchase this house he was outbid and it ended up getting purchased by HGTV and they used it to do a reality show um where they were remodeling it so that the inside of the house would look like the actual Brady Bunch house and they got the cast from The Brady Bunch to be on the show they were supposedly the ones doing the work but this is it it looks like The Brady Bunch house it always did but there were a few things that had changed on the house over the years but they've now made it look exact ex actly like it did on The Brady Bunch they even permanently put a window right there uh the window that was in the TV show was a fake window that they put up to make it look like the house had a second story uh but they've now put an actual window there and I wonder how much the neighbors hate The Brady Bunch house cuz this is a pretty quiet neighborhood it's in a really nice part of town um I'm sure most of the people that live in this neighborhood are somewhat wealthy and um yeah that like I said there is constantly people outside of The Brady Bunch house okay continuing down Ventura Boulevard probably about a mile or so from The Brady Bunch house this is Radford Avenue and if you make a right on Radford you will find the CBS Radford Studios uh lot of TV shows filmed here the first one that comes to mind back in the 80s and 90s this is where they filmed my favorite TV show Roseanne and even when they did the um when they did the reboot they filmed it here uh this is where I came I got to come to one filming of Roseanne and it was funny I had never been here and I was trying to figure out where to go to park and I was pulling up right here in front of the studio and Rosanne was actually actually standing right here on the sidewalk she was wearing some like leopard print pajamas uh she was on her cell phone it looked like maybe she was waiting for someone um yeah it was really bizarre all right turning back on to Ventura Boulevard from Radford uh this Sephora right here this used to be dwars restaurant and they filmed a couple of scenes from valley girl at that dwars and then right here on the corner of Ventura Boulevard and Laurel Canyon some scenes from Earth Girls Are Easy were filmed right here uh however this was a gas station at the time and then also right here some scenes for uh Earth Girls Are Easy were also filmed right here where this Bookstar now is this is where they pull up next to the girls and the girls ask them if they went to Van eyes High van high high passing Wit It Avenue on Victory Boulevard I believe I showed this last time this used car lot right here this was the Christmas tree Lot in Lethal Weapon again I think I showed that last time I'm I'm getting confused I I pass these places all the time and I've made all these filming location videos and I'm forgetting right over there you can see the tower for Valley Plaza couple of different things have been filmed there the movie Magnolia uh the riot scenes for Straight Out of Compton and right across the way was the ice skating rink that was used in inom man all right this next one is a little oh what the hell's going on here that's the valley for you oh there's another guy over there anyways what I was about to say is this next location is definitely out of the way from the other ones it's about 10 miles from where we just were but it's definitely worth it oh this actually is not the location that I was going to but we happen to be past it this school right here this is not only uh this was not only used in the movie labomba This is the real School in real life where the plane crash happened if you remember in the beginning of the movie labomba the two planes Collide and then uh the debris falls down onto the school well this is the school that was used in the movie but this is also the real life School okay we're finally here rosindale Avenue in Pima I give you the McFly household this is where Marty lived with his brother and sister and his parents right there in the driveway that's where Biff was starting on the second coat of wax this is where doc pulls up in the DeLorean and tells Marty that they've got to go back to the future right there inside of that garage is where Marty finds his 4x4 a lot of stuff was filmed here in front of this house still very recognizable those large power stations behind the house very recognizable one of my top five favorite movies of all time Back to the Future at just a couple of blocks from the McFly house I showed this last time this is the uh 99 cent store that was used for the zodis in Blood and blood out where miklo comes to rob the zodis um I just I didn't realize how close this was to the McFly house I should have showed the McFly house in the last video but again yeah I just I don't know it didn't click I hope Marty was safe during that shootout okay we're in now a couple miles away from the McFly house we just turned off of woodman on to satco and the next location is right down here at the end of satoi this was the office Scranton PA this was the building that was used for the office not only did they film inside but they of course filmed a lot of scenes right here in the parking lot which you used to be able to get a pretty good shot of the parking lot because this gate didn't used to be blacked out so you could actually see inside of there but uh they probably got sick of people coming by and taking pictures and staring inside um what was cool was if you watched the office when they were actually filming it you could come down here and you could catch them filming uh there was quite a few times that I came down here and you would find the parking lot full of all their cars um specifically I remember seeing Dwight's car parked right there on the other side of the gate uh there was one time that I came down here there were a few people hanging out and uh Phyllis came out to wave at everyone and say hi that was really nice but yeah it was cool to come down here and uh see it all dressed up and with the cars and everything a lot of stuff was filmed out here in this parking lot up there on the roof that's where Michael uh goes up there and he pretends to that he's going to jump off the roof of course he's got a bouncy house on the other side waiting for him about 2 miles away from the office from the office on Calbert Street in Van eyes you can find Jim and Pam's house this one right here originally Jim's childhood home and then he purchases it and him and Pam start their family here this is actually the first time I've been to this location I've been to a few of the office locations but not all of them and this is my first time seeing Jim and Pam's house so we're probably if I had to guess about five miles from Jim and Pam's house and a couple of different things at this intersection Beverly Glenn and Ventura Boulevard right here is a Whole Foods and this Whole Foods is relatively new before this Whole Foods was here there was a little food place right here on the corner like a little hamburger hot dog type Place uh there was a flower shop back in the day there used to be a gas station here and that little food place that I'm talking about uh that was used in the Tom Petty freef Fallen music video and then I mentioned there used to be a gas station here that was the gas station where James Dean stopped and filled up his car shortly before crashing it and then right over here across the street Casa de Cadillac this is the Cadillac dealership where he drives the car through the window in Commando right there that's where cook would have crashed through the glass and then he makes a right turn and heads down Ventura Boulevard vou continuing down Ventura Boulevard now a HomeGoods and a Marshalls this used to be a bowling alley featured very briefly in valley girl and then if we continue a couple of blocks down Ventura Boulevard we get to havenhurst now this not really a filming location but now it technically is okay just a couple of blocks off of Ventura Boulevard this is the Jackson house this is where Michael grew up with all of his brothers and sisters and the reason why I say that I guess this is now technically a filming location is I was just here a couple of weeks ago and they had this entire Street blocked off you could not drive up and down Haven Hurst right here uh this whole block right here was full of old cars and they were filming scenes for the new Michael Jackson movie so technically this is now a filming location all right I got turned around now headed back the other direction to Ventura Boulevard and right here on the corner supposedly this Gelson's is where uh Michael and his brothers and sisters they used to walk down here I mean it makes sense it's literally just a couple of blocks from their uh from their house but they used to supposedly walk over there to get candy and you know snacks right here is where Greg BR turns off of Tampa on to Ventura Boulevard in The Brady Bunch Movie he makes a right turn and then heads down Ventura this is when they're on their way to school and their school is on Ventura Boulevard down this way about a mile or so okay so we just continued down ventur Boulevard like I said about a mile this is Ventura and WKA and this is Taft High School and this stood in as Westdale High School in The Brady Bunch Movie and this is also where Ice Cube went to high school in real life if you watch the Straight Out of Compton movie it shows that ice cube got Bust from Los Angeles into the San Fernando Valley uh they did not use Taft High School in the movie however about a mile away from Taft High School on Burbank Boulevard you'll find another school this is formerly Hughes Junior High you can actually see it still says up there Charles Evans Hughes junior high school but this was the school from Karate Kid actually Daniel would have rode down the street right here and then came into this driveway up onto the sidewalk and locked his bike up right over here you can see it still has the plaque that you see in the movie but not only is this the school from Karate Kid uh this is also the school from summer school and what I always found funny about that is this school is about one block west of shup Avenue and of course the teacher in summer school Freddy shup now this school was also used in uh Nightmare on Elm Street 2 and I'm pretty sure that there's other things that have been filmed at this school I just have to uh I have to figure out what they are we're now headed to the northern part of the valley and another spot from The Brady Bunch Movie right here next to this Jack in a box this is where uh Greg stops on their way to school this is nowhere near where they were uh this is where they're stopped at a light and the carjacker tries to get them to get out of the car we're in a shopping center on Rosco near doto this is Kasa tequila formerly Manis which was a really cool venue to play at or to see shows at like back in the '90s but what we're checking out is right next door to Manis it's that pawn shop right there this was Zed's pawn shop in Pulp Fiction there it is I wonder if Zed's here today Zed's Dead baby Zed's Dead okay we're now in the North Valley on devire between kenoga and tapanga Canyon and right over here on the left side you'll find the munchbox which is one of my all-time favorite hamburger stands and then across the street at Devonshire in Owen's mouth right here on the corner you'll find the Cowboy Palace Saloon with which is featured in the movie labomba This Is Where Richie plays when he's first starting out and this is where he plays when he's got Bob backing him up on drums also right here in this area on devire they filmed some scenes for the movie licorice pizza now I haven't actually seen that movie yet so I can't tell you uh exactly what scenes they filmed here but I do know for a fact that they filmed some scenes because I saw them filming them and as you can see the buildings right here have a very retro look which explains why they filmed in this area and of course they dressed him up to make him look even more 70s okay we're on Chatsworth approaching White Oak and just on the other side of white oak he would have been coming in the opposite direction he would have been coming towards us this is where Brad Hamilton's driving when he's supposed to be delivering the uh Captain Hooks Fish and Chips to the boys over at IBM and you see him pass by that Jack in a box you can kind of zoom in a little bit you see him pass by that Jack in a box and then right here is where he stops at the light and uh he realizes that the girl in the Corvette is laughing at him because of his uniform and then if you make a right turn onto White Oak literally just right around the corner from that scene in Fast Times you might recognize all of these trees this is where Elliot and all of his friends are riding their bikes literally right here where I'm driving this is where they're riding their bikes and then down there at the stop sign is where all of the police officers are waiting blocking the road and then Elliot and ET take off right about here and they soar up over those trees okay we're heading back down south and we're passing by the Northridge mall and this is the backside of the Northridge Mall on Shirley and it's gone now but right here used to be the parking structure that John Connor comes out of and then he's riding his motorcycle down Shirley right here is being chased by the Terminator and then if we continue down to the end of Shirley to where it dead ends at nordoff Street make a right I mean this all looks different but right over in this area basically where this uh Toyota dealership is this used to be Malibu Grand Prix and that Malibu Grand Prix was used in summer school that's where they take a field trip they're riding the go-karts right here just about two blocks away from where John Connor is running from the Terminator continuing South on Tampa coming away from the Northridge Mall uh at Tampa and Rosco all of this right here on the right side this used to be a a farm um yeah I don't know you could pass by here and see horses and all kinds of animals and this was the petting zoo I think it was right over in this area but it was this whole block was the farm and this was the petting zoo in summer school where they take another one of their field trips and I already showed you this in the last video but just to give you an idea of how close this stuff is to each other uh that petting zoo is a couple of blocks behind us and then right over here is the Karate Kid apartment building and right over there is the shaky Pizza that was uh used in license to drive so just a couple of blocks away from that petting zoo all right this next location is also just a couple of blocks away from The Karate Kid apartment building the shaky Pizza from license to drive and the uh petting zoo from summer school this is another location from the office that I've never been to and ah okay I actually did not know that this was a uh a gated community but on the other side of this gate was uh the condo Michael Scott's condo from the office where he eventually lived with j not sure which one of these it was oh well sorry didn't know that this one was inside of a little gated community I mean I guess it could have also been one of these as well same little gated community I mean they all look the same anyways right that's why Michael couldn't find his condo and I had no idea that this was here like I said I've never been there and literally right here these tow houses actually this unit right sorry I'm making it blurry but that unit right there I used to live there when I was 11 years old I don't think those condos were here at the time but uh yeah I didn't know that Michael Scott's condo was like basically right across the street from where I used to live and I was just noticing as I was driving by the the garage to my old unit is open I mean this is probably only exciting to me I just I haven't seen inside that garage since I was 11 uh I used to have a mini halfpipe inside of that garage it was my first halfpipe that I ever had and also my childhood bike my Kent BMX got stolen right out of that garage I was stupid enough to leave the garage door open with my bike um sitting right inside the door and as you can see uh we're on a Major Street all right we are back on the south side of the valley back on Ventura Boulevard about to make a right turn onto White Oak and I'm going to show you guys one more before I wrap this video up because I think it's starting to get a little long and again I still didn't get to show you everything there is just so much stuff uh I might have to do a third one I don't know um but I think even even doing a third one it still won't cover everything there's just there's so much stuff has been filmed here in the valley okay we're a couple of miles south of Ventura Boulevard uh I turned on the wrong Street this is Alonzo one street over from White Oak and right here this is Ali's house from Karate Kid Daniel's mom would have parked her station wagon right there and then right here in the middle of the street is where they have to push it to to get it started and alli's parents stand right up there watching oh the front door's open never been here when the doors open before and they put a gate around the front door because they got sick of people coming up and kicking the brick I'm guessing all right that is going to do it for this video I hope you enjoyed it as always thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: 80s Life
Views: 20,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: San Fernando Valley, 80slife, 80slife4ever, Memories, Filming Locations, Then and Now
Id: 6GaSEpc88jY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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