ABANDONED Kurt Cobain Hollywood Hills Home - Nirvana (In Utero)

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is for today's grim adventure we're starting off on hightower drive here in the hollywood heights section of well hollywood if i turn the camera this way you're going to see this giant tower at the end of the alleyway towering over us our adventure today is going to take us to the top of that tower to a house that has quite a bit of history in music than utero house from nirvana there's an old photo i found online taken from right about here honestly i don't know what date it's from but it's old i'm really loving the car in the shot it is a working elevator and it's been seen in all kinds of different movies and you know what i wish we could take the elevator going up but it is for residents only so we're going to have to walk the steps take the long way to get to kurt cobain and courtney love's house but if we had a key this is how we would get in man do i love the gates in the entrances here in hollywood that tower that's looming sadly jessica is not going to be able to join us today we are going to be doing a little bit of hiking and notice i said we because we have a special guest all the way from toronto canada is our buddy scott on tape how's it going everyone good to see you you've been you've been to hollywood quite a bit yes uh la hollywood's uh not my second home but i like to consider it my second home i come out here quite a bit to film for my channel and this is the first time doing this house first time i've done the spalding apartment now that's off of fairfax it's in a different area i've done that and uh that was an interesting experience this is a hike to get to i've always wanted to i'm staying right around the corner like you can see my hotel almost from here and i've always wanted to come here the spalding department is great but this he wrote a couple of now i don't want to jump ahead but he did write a lot of the in utero material at the house uh the apartment on spalding then he left on to go on a short tour his guitars his writing all got he left it in the bathtub which i always found interesting yeah that's what that was his safe the bathtub yeah and we're talking about kurt cobain by the way right so we mentioned that yeah he left it in the i think we did he left it in the back in the bathtub flooded all ruined so he basically just i start over with the album and it's up here somewhere is where he started over way up beyond that tower you're right scott's right this place what we're doing today is a little bit of a hike we're not going to show much of the transition up the steps a lot of people have done that but we really want to see this house we have no idea if we can get inside it but just seeing it 10 years i've been trying i've been saying i'm going to come up here 10 years and now we're doing it fingers and bones crossed we get really close i promise you we're not going to be filming this entire walk up these steps but just look how amazing this is pretty much everywhere you look there are steps that go down up this way or that way kind of reminds me of the movie labyrinth but scott and i have done our homework and all signs point up i'm gonna be out of breath all this exercising scott man this is nuts you guys know how i feel about the views hiking here in los angeles this is why i do it every day this is what i get to look at and it is breathtaking there's scott over there doing his video it's kind of interesting to be on this end watching people all right scott yeah i was spying on you we were spying on you the grim life was spying on you oh would you look at that it's my only correct uh tattoo so far so far what were you telling your viewers about a certain movie oh the long goodbye from the philip marlow detective series is filmed right here and you know who else lived in these in these houses up here who's that someone you love i know you love this man i know you probably worship this man i know you probably want to be this man the one the only poof david copperfield i don't know that yep interesting the house he that he lived in though has disappeared it's true it's true one day it was just gone he's david copperfield that's what he does wouldn't expect anything less yeah there's the house just in the background michael i'd like to say one thing right now this yeah out of all the videos you and i and reasonably down in this house this wasn't as bad of a walk as i thought it was going to be i feel like we cheated a little bit did we i feel like we did like i've watched a whole bunch of videos on how to get here and everybody else took the long route and we were smart about it we did our research and i thought we took i thought we just took the lava too i don't know what but this is it this is this is it cobain's house this is the neutral house right here your mind is nuts my knees always shake whenever i come up on places like this that's how much i love visiting it's uh look at your face it's awesome right this is cool this is this is music history right here wow and come over this way 6881 was the address and there it is i don't know when this place was left abandoned but it is definitely in need of some tender loving care but this is it this is where kurt cobain and courtney love and francis bean lived and ultimately this is where francis bean was taken away from them because of an interview or an article that came out in vanity fair wild standing a little further down the walkway and looking up at the house you can see those two windows and what would be the second floor there's one on the left hand side and there's one on the right hand side they have that kind of neat wood framing where it's like sectioned off glass there's a photo a couple different photos of curt sitting on a couch in front of those windows i don't think it's this one here on the left hand side because if you look closely in the window you can see a wall there's not that much room it's a small room so i'm guessing that the one over here towards the back of the house i'm going to point to it right there that's the window that provided the backdrop to those photos [Music] but it's really neat to see that those are still there it's surprising to see that this house actually is still standing unbelievable that it hasn't been because it was a mess when they left it was a ma and it hasn't been inhabited since it's weird that they haven't i was thinking they were saying online like why hasn't been torn down can you imagine getting excavation trucks and stuff up to up to here to tear a house down that's a huge project this is the fixer-upper yeah definitely it's a fixer-upper but it's still valued at about 2.5 million yeah you know right it's that's because of the land that it's on i mean you can't see it from here but if we were to clear away all these bushes and all these trees in the backyard we can kind of see right about here is a parking lot this is this was the back porch and right there is the back porch now if curt was up here standing on the back porch smoking a cigarette looking over the hillside you know what's over there the hollywood bowl he has basically well he had basically front row seats eagle eye seats i guess you'd say you should say to pretty much any concert that would have been playing there at the time bit of a section but still nosebleed right yeah that's that's awesome and another thing i heard is that the reason why this was chosen the manager kurt cobain's managers nirvana's managers chose this because it was so isolated and they wanted to remove him from the party scene now he had the party scene in seattle and the party scene here in la but that spalding apartment was just it was people in and out so this is a very difficult location to get to friends coming to you know you've got to walk up and it's far so apparently that's why they chose it for him he didn't pick this out guys can you imagine kurt first of all i can't imagine kurt even driving a car it's a weird as a critical bay van this is a weird thing to curt driving a car but he did used to drive the melvin for the melvins it wasn't the road anybody just drove them around but you imagine walking doing this walk i mean the guy the man you know i don't remember where i read it but i remember reading something pertaining to this that him and courtney would often forget their keys and they would have to walk up here yeah and with that too they could get the keys to the elevator right right yeah so it's just they have to take the long way and it's just it's just neat to be standing in history to be walking in history this is it man this is kurt and courtney and i'm a huge courtney love fan too i love courtney love i mean that made sacrilegious for nirvana fans some people when i say that but i do you think that she was in here lived through her you know mm-hmm she was writing that in here was kurt helping her i don't know but patti schamel they say one of the best female drummers no no no it's one of the best drummers they say she's one of the best grunge drummers she's one of the best drummers that's one step you know patty was very nearly in nirvana kurt didn't give a lot away in interviews but the the drummer the drummer role for who was going to be in nirvana was dave grohl um about third j mask is for some reason he was obsessed with him and he loved this band sybil that patty was in and so i was like i want her he said i want her and i said why don't we split her so six months six months lived with them in this house on hightower i lived in the guest room and there was like a bathroom separating us and there was this closet and that's where kurt wrote i think pretty much all of in utero in that closet he would just sit in there and play a guitar and sit on like a fender twin reverb paddy made her happy didn't have any friends i just think that um pat and him had a very special relationship and you know she was probably more nirvana than i was i've read that kurt would often lock himself in the closet in the bedroom and that's where he would do a lot of his writing not all of the songs for the the album in utero were written here even though this is considered the in utero house at least four of them were written a couple years before that it's just this was a part of his life where everything just kind of came together and it was only a short amount of time spent here our suspicions were correct this is the window right here that photo of kurt cobain sitting on the couch right in front of this window look at that obviously the refrigerator wasn't there the photo of kurt cobain with the bookcase behind him was taken from about this angle that is nuts obviously the place is abandoned but there's all kinds of different scribbles and graffiti of sorts right there that's in our bottles oh yeah serve the happy face servants scott's already upstairs but let's go check out kurt and courtney's bedroom all right this one right here this is patty's room so i had it wrong yeah i just corrected myself too so this was patty's room because i was wondering i walked in here and this uh this doesn't look like it'd be where you know curt would have sat i've seen pictures of it you can tell in this room you can tell that it would be kurt recordings room let's go take a look due to the size and the huge walk-in closet i think two people in france are gonna be yeah so there's another photo right here between these two doors is where they had their bed it was like this wrought iron bed the headboard was facing that so it was facing us so if they were laying in bed their feet would be right where we're standing right now [Music] so it's facing that so it was facing us so if they were laying in bed their feet would be where we're standing right now and then this is the closet where kurt cobain would lock himself in with his guitar and a little amp and he would write some of the songs for the utero album in this very closet isn't that crazy right it's insane that this house is still here and to think that someone i love is someone you love i think just to know that he recorded i mean so i rode and played right in this little room i can't say it's crazy it's wild enough i can't say it enough that i'm standing in this closet wow and now i'm coming out of the closet hello hello world isn't that wild what do you think michael this is cool i'm glad we did this yeah now i want to go see the uh nirvana bathroom obviously it didn't look like this whenever they were here i wouldn't say it's too far off probably though right they were living rough for a while so i wonder if at any given time he would put his musical instruments in this bathtub he'd like to use bathtubs and safes right it's possible the shower it's funny when i see it at kurt cobain's house in olympia people make fun of me for recording the shower they said oh what's the big interesting record in the shower i'm like i don't know it's a shower curtain was here someday this shower may not be here exactly we're documenting it this is definitely really cool one of the reasons why i love doing these videos is walking through a history like this i'm gonna walk to the center of kurt cobain and courtney loves room and just kind of do a 360. right insane history happened here we find ourselves back over at the window where the couch was and i just want to get a look at the view that they would have had walking out on the balcony look at that insane right let's take a look over this side of the house it looks like it was probably at one point a sunroom oh check that out that is neat a little sunroom over here i said it before and i'll say it again i'm so amazed that this place is still standing well this would have been the kitchen completely gutted it's so quiet i don't know is it great for pond it is not it looks like hunts oh it's it's it's a it's a it's a ralph's it's a realms no thank you just in case no rock and roll ralph is
Channel: grimmlifecollective
Views: 1,187,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kurt Cobain, Kurt Cobain Interview, Kurt Cobain Stop Assault, Kurt Cobain Dress, Kurt Cobain Death News Report, Kurt Cobain Documentary, Kurt Cobain Montage of Heck, Kurt Cobain And I Love Her, Kurt Cobain Live, Kurt Cobain Suicide, Kurt Cobain Songs, Kurt Cobain Guitar, Kurt Cobain Smells Like Teen Spirit, Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love, Kurt Cobain Acoustic, Nirvana, Nirvana Unplugged, Kurt Cobain Abandoned, Kurt Cobain Death, Kurt Cobain Heart Shaped Box, Kurt Cobain House
Id: lpgm7SVRws0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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