Mega-Sized USA Fair Food!! Minnesota State Fair Food Factories!!

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oh my god is that for french fries that bucket that's 88 ounces the size of this bucket is unimaginable once a year for just 12 days over 2 million folks gather on 322 acres [Music] some come for the rides others come to see exotic animals i came for the food yes bingo it's all here food on the stick oh god oh oh fried crunchy stuff and even bizarre food combinations this is so bizarre today i'm after this bear's mega food factory we did about 460 000 pounds of potatoes iconic vendors who put out thousands of pounds of tasty treats each year we can make about 44 000 cookies in 12 minutes and it all starts here sir yeah put her there this is our first stop first day there are hundreds of vendors here but we're looking for the vendors who are putting out thousands and thousands of pounds of food and i notice you guys are doing just that [Music] welcome to fresh french fries founded in 1973 they slowly grew from a small stand to the french fry factory you see today leading this massive operation bill wozniak tell me about what you're serving here this is our chipper potatoes chipper potato chippers a potato that has an ideal mix of starch and sugar that according to this stand make a perfect french fry how much product you're putting out in a good year good year for us which 2019 was a wonderful year we did about 460 000 pounds of potatoes 460 000 pounds that's more than like a shipping container oh yeah yeah typically we're selling around about 100 000 units in the whole bear yeah or more first a sack of potatoes is dumped into a receptacle what is that this machine behind me then they're conveyor belted up until they plop into the peeler it's a belt fed conveyor system that has a very particular amount of potatoes that it feeds for our drum peeler behind you the peeler is lined with sandpaper a powerful stream of water tumbles the potatoes about until the skins are all removed does it turn them into fries too yeah right here now they're manually moved to the cutter what is the perfect width for a french fryer taking this big bulbous beauty and instantly smashing it into uniform starch rods we're looking for a crispier exterior and kind of a baked potato inside so we're kind of looking for that centimeter fish range centimeter very european the raw fries are loaded into the frying basket first they get fried in hot oil that cooks them through evenly then they're moved to even hotter oil which gives the fries a crispy crunchy exterior finally the hottest oil of them all ensures the crunch lasts as long as possible we end up having them drained and then they're dumped right behind you and then lightly dusted with salt or vinegar or ketchup amazingly these chippers go from a whole potato to salty crunchy french fries in just a few minutes all right so the fair it's bustling it's wild it's crazy the best part about the fair is there are hundreds of food locations and everybody is taking turns going to this doll and that stall you don't want to blow your whole empty stomach at one place now even though i've said that i have purchased the largest french fry that you can get here at this particular vendor this behemoth of a bucket right here costs 14 good thing i memorized that earlier they're hot they're steamy it's like i have a nebulox they're full of french fry scent hold on pull up a picture of a nebulizer no not that one pull up a nebulizer on a horse yes like that i feel like a horse with a nebulizer that's full of french fry scent it's very specific i know the moment of truth beautiful french rhyme it's greasy it's hot it's burning my fingers a little bit let's try it out oh that's very satisfying so just a little bit of crunch on the outside there's just a little bit of salt on there and it's just so much different from like a mcdonald's french fry that would be much thinner more crunchy but it wouldn't have this really satisfying mashy steamy starchy center like this has i gotta try some ketchup i'm gonna get a triple fry it's more surface area it's gonna really grab onto this ketchup look at that it's like a torch in the night let's try it out [Music] no i would recommend don't start with a ketchup because then you're going to be giving your palate a little too much razzle dazzle start plain just the potato just the salt and then when your padlet grows weary you can add some ketchup this today is my breakfast we're just getting started we have a lot more to see let's keep moving every year just 300 food vendors feed millions of state fair attendees with a total of 500 carefully curated menu items all approved by the fair board competition to get into the fair is fierce potential vendors know that in just 12 days here you could make a small fortune next up we're meeting a state fair food boss with a menu item so outrageous it took five years to be approved brand give me a handshake i'm very excited this interview is gonna be ready to see because it's about to get chornographic are you into cornography [Music] brad riebart who up with the minnesota state fair where his family ran a sanitation business for over 68 years brad got the idea for selling corn from another fair in nearby wisconsin i tried it for the first time i've never seen roasted corn in my life i took a bite turn around bought another one so good but before we could turn this idea into a dream business he had a lot of convincing to do everybody told me nobody's gonna buy sweet corn it won't sell but it took five years for the fair to approve the idea wow to approve corn they're like listen guys this guy has a radical idea corn and that took five years to approve there are 12 000 different species of corn in the world and that's not counting deep sea underwater corn but minnesota is well known for its sweet corn very tender very sweet this seed actually comes from japan oh really yeah although the seeds flew in from japan this corn was grown here in minnesota specifically for this event i'm curious how much you sell in a good year you can measure it however you want like bathtub pools is what i usually use for measurements you want to put it that way we're probably doing 600 bathtubs a night wow that's a lot of bathtubs of course [Music] first they take the refrigerated sweet corn and slide it down to the soaking tub try to keep the corn refrigerated first to keep the starch from building up here it soaks for 10 to 15 minutes before it moves to the grill we get real busy it might not hit the water very long this custom-made gas grill was built specifically for this operation ensuring a nice even heat and pinpoint caramelization i don't think i've ever had a well-roasted really like caramelized piece of sweet corn so i definitely want to try that today add water to steam the corn or maybe they're just doing that for the cameras i'm not sure once cooked husk it and dip it in a vat of melted butter is it salted or unsalted salted butter salted butter the seasoning is up to you brett thank you so much i'm so pumped to tried your corn i've tried a lot of different corn but i've never had this type of sweet corn in minnesota from japan okay let's see enough the interview enough of the story i finally have this big thick piece of corn in my hands right now on one side it's kind of rare on the other side it's a more medium well so you have a variety of textures and flavors here and he said it actually caramelizes the sugars inside so that should create a really new unique type of taste i'm gonna go for it i don't where do you start do you start corn in the middle on the side do you eat it like this i don't think she's giving me the right advice all right let's give it a shot oh that's some good corn it's so delicious it's salty it's peppery and it's just buttery enough the thing with sweet corn is it has a lot of flavor already you don't want to overdo the butter i've seen people who have destroyed their palates through years of junk food abuse it needs to be literally half butter for them to enjoy it but here they just give it a little bit of a dip not a lot a bit of a dip just a little bit of a dip brad not bradley inside he told me i was going to have a corn orgasm and i think he's right this video is now demonetized [Laughter] [Music] the minnesota state fair started in 1854 with a mission to promote the state's agriculture at first the fair's location changed every year but in 1885 it found its permanent location right here where we are today it wasn't until 1989 when the fair got its first giant bird leg vendor meet cheryl cheryl can i have a handshake cheryl and her husband have sold turkey legs all over the usa we do this fair we do the south carolina state fair the florida state fair and the florida strawberry that's a lot of traveling but in order to roast up this beautiful turkey leg bounty they had to go mobile this turkey mobile drives from here to florida when it's parked up and ready this roaming rotisserie can roast up to 700 legs at once that's my kind of food truck how much does it cost for one costs 15 that seems very reasonable it's huge it's protein packed it's a lot of food do you see people trying to go at this by themselves are they sharing it among a small community of people a lot of times a family will come up with five and they might order three to five if you look at them out there there's nothing left on the bone usually the only time you'll see a turkey leg whole is thanksgiving how many of these are you selling during the whole minnesota state fair and in that case you gotta share it with your already buzzed-up uncle sonny we usually bring a semi-load in what is it mike eight or nine hundred here it's just you and this flintstone sized bird leg a fair snack that became popular at disney we use the same turkey leg that disney world does so this is the exact same turkey leg from the exact same company in tampa florida so it's already cooked when you get it exactly why do you choose to do it that way and have you always done it that way i've just not found that the raw turkey leg is as good of a tasty turkey you're talking about eating a turkey leg raw the process starts with their pre-smoked turkey legs these plus-sized thighs roast in the turkey trailer for one to two hours you go through 200 cases in a day you don't have time to cook from raw then they're moved to the grill to crisp up the skin and the raw does not taste like ham these taste more like hands finally wrap it in tin foil to keep it hot and served today i've basically been eating like a vegetarian french fries corn but now it's time for some meat here look at this a big beautiful turkey leg all nestled up in swaddling clothes like the baby turkey jesus i think they put tin foil on there to help preserve the keep we're going to totally peel that back like a beautiful meaty banana yes this is a giant leg this must have been one beast of a bird it smells good it's both smoky fatty greasy let's go for it [Music] it's so hot it's so juicy it just slides right down it's oily it's fatty but it actually has more of a hammy taste to it than a turkey taste i'm not sure why a hammy flavor is so desired but i think that's what happens when you smoke the meat it just gives it more of a cured kind of flavor to it oh yes now this is just a pure skin shot right here i'm going to pop that back [Music] it's just a whole different texture a whole different flavor very desirable that's what you want all right so right here guys this part of the turkey leg is like a release valve i'm going to pull that back yes bingo look at the inside of this that looks so good i feel like i've been eating for 10 minutes now and i'm not even halfway done with it this is a great value and to imagine they're selling a literal truckload of this every year here at the state fair incredible [Music] every new vendor at this fair hopes to become the next martha a minnesota state fair icon who turned a simple recipe into a million dollar business just by selling cookies [Music] martha yes put her there okay meet the queen of this cookie dough kingdom sweet martha she and her business partners started with a tiny cookie stand over 40 years she built it into a cookie empire it's all just one thing on the menu right that's right and that's genius about what you do here because a lot of people might think oh i should have six or seven really good things or you take one thing and really perfect it and make a lot of it absolutely so for you in a really good year like 2019 do you know about how many cookies you sold in 2019 we probably sold at least about three million cookies a day their super secret cookie recipe is an amalgam of several mother's recipes they've got the same great taste from day one but over time small adjustments were made to the recipe so it's better suited to cooking at such a large scale let's talk about the recipe can you write it down exactly for me well i would not do that no okay that's fine [Music] martha's cookies start with their secret dry mix what is more secret the ingredients or the ratio then add shortening and water probably both probably both okay i'm going to guess when the mixture is combined it's time for the chocolate chips flour yeah there's flour pickle juice no i don't think i'm already messing it up all this goes into a dolloping machine which portions this giant glob of cookie dough into perfect cookie sized chunks and spreads them on a baking tray the chunks are manually spread out to create enough space for each cookie when the tray is ready it's placed on a cooking rack [Music] this whole rack goes into the oven for 10 to 12 minutes depending on the weather basically we have all open windows around here so we're sort of working outside so the humidity could affect the cooking exactly [Music] when the cookies come out of the oven they're still too gooey to eat they need a quick rest before they're served in a cone or a bucket is it still going to be warm when i bite into it yes that's what we time piled high and served to eager crowds who might only get to try this treat once a year all over the fair you can see people walking around with these buckets and alas it is my turn to try it out martha thank you so much so nice to talk to you our final meal of the day you have to end with something sweet even though you eat a bunch of savory rich foods you always have room for dessert this is a lot of dessert this whole thing is four dozen cookies and you're like cool thanks for the math problem so that's approximately four forty eight boom nailed it take that mr johnson they're so nice when you grab on to it you can feel that the edges are just more crispy they've bubbled up more and it's doughy in the middle oh the edge the edge is gonna be crispy oh it's so satisfying great texture great crunchiness on the outside then as you get to the inside doughy sharp and the middle just melts on your tongue the only thing i'm missing right now is some milk let me get some milk hi now i have milk take the cookie give it a little bit of a dip oh my god santa claus would murder a child for this it's that good i love it that is just our first day here at the minnesota state fair today was all about food on a huge massive scale and somehow at the end of the day we kind of just ate a whole meal we had a turkey leg a side of fries and a cider corn and some cookies for dessert i liked every food i liked every story today but man that turkey leg was a huge standout for me it was so big and delicious and satisfying and then camping it all off with some nice gooey gooey soft cookies there's nothing better than that i think i need a couple more cookies and a glass of milk and i'm ready for some sleep next time we come back we're going to be looking at the minnesota state's fair's most bizarre foods stay tuned for that best ever food review show is a small team of independent creators and everything we do here works because of you guys click the link in our description to join our patreon and receive exclusive benefits apiece how do you eat corn do you eat it this way or this way or this way that way this way oh that way i thought so someone else told me something different oh my god is that for french fries that bucket yeah it's 88 ounces this is what you used to be able to get at mcdonald's before that stupid super seismic movie came out it ruined it for everybody we are here to see people who are cooking scoop i can do this people who are oh you're so encouraging you're like uh-huh you can do it dear these are like the size of arnold schwarzenegger's calves in the 1970s have you had this corn before yes and what do you think i'm not thinking that corn but but you had a piece of corn good that's a unique experience [Music] that is the end of this video thank you so much for watching i will see you next time oh peace you know this is when i need a fan because they can say a piece of me i'll give it five seconds really really
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 1,647,004
Rating: 4.9308991 out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, minnesota, usa, america, american food, minneapolis, one bite challenge, burger, food in america, BURGER KING, fair food, minnesota state fair, BestEverUSATour, FRESH FRENCH FRIES, Mega food factory, food factory, fair food factory, SWEET MARTHA'S COOKIE JAR, CORN ROAST, CAROUSEL BBQ, TURKEY LEG
Id: lPEin8D3vdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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