Best Breakfast in Delhi, India! STUPID Good Indian Street Food Tour in Old Delhi (and New Delhi)

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just straight-up oil today we are in India on it today today no you're good you're good today we're in India going on another fun foot adventure right now in Old Delhi where we are looking for the most classic and unique dishes that we can find here on the street let's do it are you ready are you doing oh I thought you were pedaling row you have a motor and pedals I love your bike today it's all about mouth-watering Indian food in Delhi we'll be exploring some classic staples of Indian Street food one with everything please we're gonna break into some kitchens and steal their recipe it's almost disconcerting the bubbling it's like it's it's like an alien also there will be monkeys I don't want to look but it's Jumanji up in here but now it's time for breakfast this is a pretty common breakfast here in Delhi forget your cornflakes forget your Cheerios today we're doing breakfast how it should be done well good morning everybody its morning time in India and we're gonna get breakfast here at home corner where they are making chole oh do they well what is that besides bad pronunciation we have a delicious bread that's made in oil but we also have a chickpea with a top secret family recipe we're gonna order in just a second from this counter but I keep seeing about every two minutes someone walking down these stairs with a big delicious stainless steel bowl of bread so I'm gonna find the source of that right now let's go right now we're headed upstairs they've had to renovate their kitchen a little bit this is a temporary space so here in the living room we basically have the food prep going on chickpeas potatoes right here a bunch of food prep is happening in this room and then right over here they're making that bread this is where the process begins you've got this huge bowl of dough so they take a little piece of dough then they get a thumb full of this lentil butter then they wrap it inside of the hole bigger dough ball and I think that's what helps it expand what's really unique about this bread is that it bubbles up and becomes Hollow after they've created this dough ball a man here takes it he does a little slappy slaps spanks it a bit and then he tucks it into this giant fryer here within about a minute please go from flat to bubbling up beautifully oh is it time to take another load down oh so it is a non-stop assembly line going from basically flour over here to making the dough throwing it in the fryer and then delivering it downstairs to the hungry customers so they're constantly making this fresh bread always back for more right now I'm here with Amon Choo yeah thank you so much for having us today thank you I've been working here with las semillas but our business is 6 years old my grandfather started 60 years back and what would you say it makes this place so special it's a recipe that makes it very special my grandfather had made it himself we use special masalas in our chickpeas and a masala mythologist refers to a certain blend of spices they know faces you have your own like secret proprietary blend of spices only no secret spice could you write it down for me now I notice your dining room there's no chairs so it's kind of like some kind of Indian fast-food almost if it does take five minutes for you to come in they go to eat and just leave so this can be a breakfast it can be lunch it can be dinner not exactly they know because it's quite heavy for dinner maybe a pre-dinner kind of a thing when the owner tells you the food is heavy it is no joke even aside from the fried bread this is how they assemble the chana masala wowzer and sabore potato masala oh that's just water huh and this is ghee oh wow that was hot oil just straight-up oil and then some green chillies Olivia hey chole for today my order will start with a heaping scoop of chana masala then some pickled vegetable and fresh bread Oh are these both fun are all three of these mine just take one take one I go this one's mine let's go eat to drink I went next door to grab a fresh lassi a blend of yogurt water and sugar and the perfect companion to this heavy breakfast oh it's so frothy we'll try it out from my giant chalice oh that is delicious and that is a great balance to what we're about to eat because it is heavy I'm gonna try some of this just alone [Music] oh that's delicious full of spices just pops in your mouth and then a nice kind of mushy bean texture to it let's rip this bad boy open I mean what a work of art this is you don't really need a spoon you just use this it's got some potato on there I always get way too big of a bite I can't help it I'm hungry let's go for it mmm that is tremendous the bread itself has some great texture it's like crunchy and soft at the same time I could eat a thousand of these bread bubbles it just tastes like some perfectly toasted bread with some light butter on top it is not just bread it is an eating utensil and we're using it to scoop up these beans right here we also have a chili right Aaron but this is great this is just a superb quick easy meal in the morning by the way all this is under 30 cents but yeah mmm but the chop and don't forget to wash it down with some of this the end welcome to old deli I hitched a ride here we're headed right now to paratha Lane a place where they're making this beautifully stuffed bread they have all kinds of different fillings and we're gonna go check out some of those right now as long as I don't capsize hopefully I won't tip over you guys are doing great keep it up so we're going there right now to check it out and is that a monkey hold on the set of monkey I don't want to look but it's Jumanji up in here there's some monkeys crawling above me it's not cute there's stories of like monkeys like we'll steal your phone you steal your keys and there's like a baby one trying to eat this wire over here - there's one two three four five six seven maybe they just snatched some food like maybe there's grab like some vegetables from down here and then they just run away I don't know we should ask this guy do they steal your please take care of food really he said the monkeys take the food this is a serious issue he just threw a beef it is still being to the mob duh it's it's like the last thing I should be doing yeah I know go go yeah you're good okay monkeys are fed time for me to eat enough with the monkeys we're focusing on the bread we're going to this shop right here a tradition of six generations this Perron toast and we're gonna go inside and see what kind of feelings they have burrata is kind of stuffed flatbread here they have all the different fillings the most common is potato pulse I don't even what's pulse Oh a lentil someone told me it's a lentil I mean I just remember that oh cheese mint mint seems like an after-dinner paratha banana I think that's perfect we'll get one cheese for dinner and one banana for dessert I'll go buy like cheese like banana so he's hollowed out the dough and he's shoving this beautiful cheese inside and he's putting some masala on top that looks tasty already it looks like a giant cheese ball and then he's gonna douse some flour on there and flatten that sucker out so that is full of cheese and then next is banana so he is chopping up our bananas to put inside and he also put in some condensed milk with dry fruits this is looking more like a empanada or a samosa or something he just put our cheese into the fryer hi you're on my show I don't know sorry there we go one of these is stuffed with cheese I know that for sure the banana one is easy to pick out but that's coming up next he's like why are you so loud it's so early right now oh this one is the cheese one the bananas going in that's gonna be delicious and look at this a bananas already turned dark brown full of deliciousness potato vegetable mashed pumpkin curry some potato and pea curry and a sweet sauce with banana slices we're gonna start with the cheese of course because that is dinner I'm gonna rip it here in front of you so you can see okay it's not gooey it's more like a cottage cheese try chunk of that now mmm so you can taste the masala in there actually it's a lot of cinnamon which I didn't expect so we're gonna take this hey we're just making a food show real quick is that okay thanks there's some sauce on there you like that let's take a big bite Oh tremendous spicy curry explosion potato bread some cheese it's very exciting mmm yummy and then you can dip it in here oh I'm bored of that one I'll put it in here nice and tangy saltine and I'm gonna just jump right into dessert it's called a banana prata it's almost like a little empanada we're gonna put it in that sauce it's just dripping with sugary syrupy sweetness bananas all sweet and machine look at that look at that dip shot you guys like that are you getting hungry are you hitting the like button Oh keep hitting the like button for them oh hi another bite mmm actually one of my favorite things I've had so far it's sweet its creamy its chewy its flaky on the outside it's everything you want in a food buy them buddy up buddy yeah thank you I'm gonna walk off into the sunset with it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome to Raj in der da ba here was that pretty good pronunciation on fleek we've come here to basically a meat paradise they have every different type of meat and we're about to see that now this place is kind of like the Indian Sonic people are coming here ordering food and they're eating on their motorbikes so the motorbike seat becomes the table as they all kind of join around have a little snack have a little feast with their friends we're gonna check out the food get something to eat and maybe join some people out here to also eat follow me into the kitchen I mean there's several kitchens here but this is where a lot of the meat preparation is going on here we have a couple of these gigantic tandoor oven spam giant meat skewers what do you want chicken fish more chicken that's going in this gigantic commercial size to endure' oven making this beautiful tandoori chicken all right guys welcome to the bread room there are a million types of bread in India I knew for sure of naan and butter naan and garlic butter naan and garlic butter cheese naan those were the ones I knew but here we have roll Mali roti the thinnest bread in India Romani means handkerchief because this bread is as thin as a handkerchief my man is busy at work you're gonna see this beautiful artistry in a second but it starts here with the dome they take it out of here put it in a ball and then from the balm he's gonna flatten it out and he does this amazing move and he throws it on this crazy hot upside-down wok over here that roasts for about like 5 10 seconds each side and then that's it it's ridiculously fast and what's more impressive here is how he goes from a ball to this super thin bread that has a perfect consistency throughout it's all completely the same thinness all the way through no holes no tearing even though it's completely thin it's almost disconcerting the bubbling it's like it's it's like an alien your bread game is strong we've entered the meat room what meat room number seven right here we have the colotti kebab gently searing this beautiful mutton masterpiece finely minced and pounded Montana I've been told they pounded the heck out of this particular mutton sorry about that it's just in a nice little pond of ghee and it looks great there's so much intense spiciness going on in here like that air is spicy if you breathe in too quick like it's gonna burn your nose so once it's done he's gonna scoot it to the edge and then we're gonna mix that with our bread that you just saw and I'm gonna go outside to find someone to eat this with oh do I still have what's your name by the way I'm good have you been here before yeah it's great for meat I got a lot of meat I'm gonna try some of this mutton oh that's delicious but it needs a bread it's so fine it's like a hat aim of mutton with but with all the Indians spices look at that that's awesome so is this like something you'll do on a weekend you'll come out hang out yeah anything business did one of you drive here and this point to this place yes it's like a table here we are just keeping the food are you eating it why don't they just put actual tables here just to make it somewhat a different from other things I like it's romantic I mean charming I meant charming this is delicious row team yeah it's just obviously super thin and like kind of chewy all right well thanks for letting me know can you pretend to eat more here pretend to eat that well thanks for hanging out with me and returning to eat so we can do this scene it was a lot of fun for me and there's a lot of fun for the people watching yeah they're having so much fun right now they're like they can't subscribe fast enough and they're hitting the like button and they're leaving a lot of positive comments and no upside-down like buttons guys this video was made possible by one trip Vietnam one trip is a company putting on tours in Vietnam right now they're in Saigon Da Nang and Hoi An but they've got so many more cities to come they are doing adventure tours food tours the Mekong Delta tour so many ways to see an experience and taste the real Vietnam for more nation on one trip check out the links in the description down below I will see you next week a pizza good [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 7,194,053
Rating: 4.8794532 out of 5
Keywords: indian breakfast, indian street food, street food india, delhi street food, delhi breakfast, where to eat delhi, street food tour, best ever food review show, sonny side, chole bhature, om corner, paratha, paratha alley, india street food tour
Id: 2KDai2DuRd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Wed May 23 2018
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