Mega Man 11| The Completionist

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Beatlejwol 📅︎︎ Oct 08 2018 🗫︎ replies
products provided by Capcom eight years it's been eight years since we last saw a brand new original mainline Megaman title and the general populace believed that we would not see make a man ever again we all fought mighty number 9 was going to be a true revival of the franchise but we all know better by now I can't believe I'm saying this but after years of cancelled games tons of controversies and theories and lots of passionate and angry fans Capcom has released a brand new Mega Man game one that promises to bring the Blue Bomber back to his roots and also innovate with a brand new 2.5 D visual style and the introduction of the double gear system but the ultimate question on everyone's mind is Megaman back did they do it is this a great Megaman game clickbait BS aside we're gonna find out the day as I complete Megaman 11 everyone and welcome back to a brand new episode of the completionist here we are Megaman 11 is finally here a pipe dream up a bird dream a dream the less it's here and I've been playing it for like the past 3 or 4 weeks so I am finally ready to admit that I have completed Megaman 11 let's begin yes [Music] December 2017 I received an email from Capcom asking me to fly off to a special birthday stream for Megaman which by the way holy crap that's a really cool honor at the last minute I had to bail and man am i bummed I did because at that special birthday livestream not only did we get the Legacy Collection on switch but we also got the Mega Man X collection on all major platforms and we got a new trailer for an awesome brand-new Megaman game Megaman 11 initial impressions got me so excited but I was a little worried about the animation cycles for Megaman but then I took a step back and had to learn to remove my cynicism fast-forward to May of this year and I flew off to San Francisco to play Megaman 11 before anyone else and my worries were quickly put to rest I knew I was going to be very excited to complete Megaman 11 shortly after that we were given a release date and here we are a new Megaman game named announced and released in less than a year great job Capcom but the hard work needs to pay off and Capcom knows that for example there have been rumors of an upcoming Megaman X 9 game but according to Capcom reps in order for X 9 to be a reality xi needs to be a success so here's to hoping they figured it out let's be real for a second Megaman 9 and 10 while both great games artistically went back to its roots of the 8-bit Megaman 11 is the first Megaman game to bridge the gap between 2d sprites and 3d models and while many are excited many are also skeptical and thus my friends is the cycle of game development in today's climate and when it comes to completing games in today's climate Megaman 11 has adapted in all of those difficult ways the first thing I'll have to do is beat the game but upon booting up the game I noticed there were multiple difficulties including superhero difficulty looking at these trophies I can definitely tell I'm going to have to beat the main campaign no less than three times and just to make it easier for me later on my first playthrough is going to be on the super hero difficulty mode so I can experience the scary and the impossible from the beginning on top of that within each playthrough I'll also to be sticking to my place tiles per run as there are a lot of trophies that requires certain behavioral accomplishments on one hand I'll have to do a run that involves me purchasing all the items to upgrade Megaman from the shop whereas on the other I'll have to do a run right don't buy anything at the end of all these playthroughs one thing will be clear I will be the master of this game whether I like it or not and finally the big scary unknown within Megaman 11 is all of the challenges there is a separate mode that will have you doing different various challenges each with their own ranking systems of bronze silver and gold meaning I'll have to get gold on all of the challenges in the game I have a feeling this is going to be a bit more insane than playing the original portion of the game which is something I am NOT looking forward to doing but personally I am ready to take this beast on the history of Megaman is in my blood at this point between New Game+ the original episodes and all of the X Games I have never been more ready to tackle this bad boy but there's one thing I've always wanted in a mainline Megaman game I want to play his role she's so freaking cute and that's no exception in this game and I'm convinced that role could with Mega Man's but any day give me a roll game let's go [Music] Mega Man 11 is a great reboot to the franchise that we've all been waiting for all these years that's not to say that the game is absolutely perfect there were a few missteps along the way some bad and a few that were weird narratively Mega Man 11 does something that most games of the franchise has passed have failed to achieve tell a story that seems harsher than I intend to say but what I'm getting adds at the moment you boot up the game we are displayed a cutscene between a young dr. light and dr. wily debating about the ethics of super powering robots in this scene dr. wily tries to get the board of directors at robot University to fund him and allow him to work on the double gear system a system that fundamentally will turn robots into superheroes being able to save people without a hitch dr. light however implores the board to fund his research instead which is to make robots have their own systems to think for themselves dr. lights argument wins and dr. wily has denied his grant which ultimately shifted the careers for both doctors and ruined their friendship immediately waking up from this nightmare dr. Wily's now reminded of the double gear system and thus his quest for world domination is back on track for the 11th time in the series dr. wily storms into dr. lights lab captures all the doctors creations and storms out in order to overcome the superpower double geared robots dr. light must install Mega Man with the same technology and thus Mega Man comes back into the fray and must stop wily once again all while capturing his brother robots and restoring them as they once were honestly this may be the most human plot ever to happen in the history of Mega Man finally we have a connecting plot to care about the long-standing tensions between dr. light and dr. wily it also paints a little bit of a gray area with regards to dr. light he's not as high and mighty as we all once thoughts overall a great direction for our characters and story no one really knew what to expect when it came to the visuals and with this game I'm happy to say that things looked polished and clean the 2.5 D models all look great the voice acting is really fun and way more OnPoint than anything that come from Mega Man 8 that's a good question we may be able to locate another energy emission from the radar room when we find that media we'll find dr. wowie although I do miss dr. White's drunkenness my favorite part to come out of the game's aesthetics are the backgrounds frigging look at that happy ass pyramid ass lookin [ __ ] dude he is so happy I wanted to go wherever he is and just hug him every stage has a very unique feel that is really cool last man stage is super sick it's a theme park that's actively falling apart as you go on it's clear the developers were really thinking specifically about what they wanted from stage to stage boss the boss and so on although I don't see why they added bounce man into this mix because he's just clown man stages almost again I I don't get the most recent fascination with the weird quirky pink stage toy thing however I will say I am incredibly disappointed with the game sound design I know people will be pretty upset with me for taking a stand like this but I can't really get behind it it's not that I expect every Mega Man game ever to have all the sounds I've grown to know and love over the years with the Mega Man franchise in fact I would encourage them to go outside of the box and really try and hone in on newer sounds that could be the staples going forward but when it comes to the actual sound effects what you end up getting sounds very generic it sounds like someone downloaded a pre-loaded sound effects library kit for robot sounds that you pay 50 bucks for to have license free sounds the charge sound the item pickups jumpin getting hits almost everything results in bland sound design but there are some nostalgic sounds and chimes that I do like such as the robot master select music the dying noises and the defeating of a robot master like I said the sound design doesn't need to be true nostalgia beats but I'd rather would have gone with that that's something that sounds this boring after playing the game for hours on end I finally came to a striking conclusion for myself it's not that I don't like the music it's the exact opposite I love the music I just wish I could hear it the sound mixing between the sound effects and the music is very bizarre so much so that I went into the settings and I lowered the sound effects so I can hear the music better something I shouldn't have to do but at least I could do it with the evolution of the franchise on the line here one of the most subtle but an ambitious artistic choices was the transformation process of what Mega Man looks like when he's defeated a Robot Master may seem weird but it's actually pretty cool that may actual head and arms changed to match that of his enemies instead of just a regular pallet swamp it's a change that I can't honestly believe it took ten games to really hone in on while most of the robot master designs are really cool overall designs tend to fall in pretty familiar territory but at the very least the weapons for the first time in a long while feels so important and not just for defeating the robot masters enemies and environments in the levels you are in tend to match the weakness of the robot master you're about to battle well I applaud Megaman 11 for really embracing its narrative it's visual and artistic design in a cool new direction that the sound design leaves me feeling a bit disappointed I kind of wish there was a sound pack or download DLC pack that would change the sounds to be a one-for-one mirror matching of the 8-bit sound library we've all known to love I feel like it would be way more effective than just a generic science sound pack but then again that could just be my nostalgia talking here to me it ends up not feeling purposefully focused but don't let my words fool you Megaman 11 is very impressive [Music] after throwing myself at it for hours and hours on end Megaman 11 feels right at home with the rest of the series everything you've known and loved about Megaman is here in eleven and for the most part it's all welcomed eight levels with eight fun yet difficult boss fights or wily stages familiar characters like roll otto and dr. light all there to help upgrade Megaman to the best of their abilities the use of rush with rush coil and rush jet which have now been relegated to a specific button thank God while the series staples of tight controls and unique level designs are obviously here the use of the double gear system is a welcome to change that going forward I hope continues to help innovate the franchise so what exactly is the double gear system most of the common complaints from newer gamers to the Mega Man franchise is that the games are purposely designed to be difficult and Nega man 11 is no stranger to this in fact not only our level designs more specific and challenging they're also longer Megaman 11 is the type of game that will barrage you with difficult sections time and time again and only through the glorious repetition of live die repeat will you ever get good at conquering these stages with the release of the Legacy Collection Capcom added a rewind function to the classic games which to me may be a little bit excessive but in the case of Megaman 11 we've got the double gear system instead with the click of a toggle you can either powerup Megaman to do massive damage via speed shots or supercharge shots you can even use alternate supercharged shots of the robot masters weapons a little powered ability from Mega Man's later model Megaman X or you can slow down time allowing for more controlled movements for those moments when you are struggling to jump through a certain area or maybe you're avoiding bullets or enemies you do have a meter so if you leave these toggles on for too long you will burn out Megaman causing a longer cooldown period between using your gears now one of the gears coolest functions is that if you're about to die you can pop both gears at the same time for a do-or-die moment in this mode you can charge up your shot to control the speed around you honestly one of the most hype moments to come from my playthroughs was when I was hanging on by a thread and came back to win at the last second because gear system but buyer beware if you don't take care of your problem then you are in the ultimate cooldown mode where it takes longer to recover and you can't charge your buster during this period so you really leave yourself open risk versus reward now most megaman purists out there will probably shun these functions but the fact of the matter is one you don't have to use them and two a lot of the game is designed to be using the gears accordingly me personally I find myself loving the gear system I think it makes sense and it doesn't make the game any easier but it changes my perspective on how I would otherwise traverse through the stages I love each of these level designs wholeheartedly the madatha speaking levels like torch man have you invading the forest where apparently like a Boy Scout camp group of Metz or gathering that's really funny and cute every stage is filled with tons of spikes trenches enemies and death based machines that will one-hit kill you I guess it's not something to be the most excited about what I'm getting at is each stage is very memorable and focused crafted to perfection to ensure that you take what you've learned or what you know about Megaman and apply it here to the best of your abilities but let's be real here most of these designs are brutal so brutal that you're going to get mad a lot you'll be saying to yourself these controls aren't tight they're all floaty and unforgiving compared to previous games well I kind of agree to that at first but after putting a lot of time into the game you'll unlock a lot of upgrades and items that actually improve Megaman overall carrying on the tradition from the more recent Mega Man titles when you defeat an enemy they will sometimes drop screws or bolts this is your currency that you can use to bind lives e tanks W tanks refills for beat and Eddy and more but in the case of Megaman 11 they added a lot more upgrades than usual these upgrades range from auto charging your Buster to being able to react to damage done faster the craziest part each upgrade actually requires something for you to do in order to unlock it so you can purchase it let's say you want to unlock the item that lets you get more health items from more frequent drops now requires you to get 10 game overs if you want to unlock the item that lets you replenish your weapon you need to deplete your weapon bars 30 times these for sure are really interesting but then they get even weirder the bolt collector you can only unlock it if you're playing on a Saturday why a Saturday I have no [ __ ] idea but you better be playing Megaman on a Saturday to get it none of these drops matter if you're playing on Super Hero Mode because in that mode only bolts and screws drop no health items no weapon items no gear refreshers nothing Super Hero Mode is no joke you'll die a lot in that mode and it will require you to really save up and farm for bolts if you want to make some progress there's even an achievement for accomplishing such a feat but even Megaman veterans will have a rough time with this mode one of the most genius additions to Megaman 11 has got to be the way that you can select your weapons in traditional fashion to come from Megaman X using your L or R buttons or in this case L ones and R ones or whatever buttons you chose for that kind of aspect go ahead and quickly select what weapon you'd like to use based on the list in the menu or you can take advantage of a brand new feature using the right analog stick you can quickly pick any of the a boss weapons right away and there's little pictures to show you where the weapons are so if you walk into a boss room and you have to change to the acid shield weapon you can confidently flick up on the right analog stick and you're ready to go I know make it that big deal about this but trust me it's totally worth it for the first time what it feels like forever all of the boss stages and their bosses feel important and essential to the progress of Megaman as a character this is a weird thing to say but each boss fight kind of feels like a fighting game like Street Fighter or something even if you have their weaknesses to nuke them down quickly the bosses also have access to their own double gear maneuvers making the fights change dramatically especially since some of these bosses have second forms it's really sick and like most Megaman games the better you get the more like a speed runner you'll become although I am a big fan of the classic Mega Man games there's one boss that while it may make some Mega Man fans happy to see to me I'm just kind of burned out on it are you ready are you ready for a boss fight it's supposed to be a secret kind of but not really because of the legacy of Megaman seriously think about it smash it out of your brain from an ultimate perspective who do you think would be in Megaman that I'd be printout on giving you enough clues at this point it's the one the only demo at this point I really hate the yellow devil and not even for the fact that he's difficult in fact in this game he may be the most easiest form he's ever existed in I think what bums me out is that there could have been that anyone else involved would have loved like a proto man kind of thing maybe a bass and treble fight he'll throw in zero just to make fans go crazy instead we get yet another yellow devil fight and threw all of Megaman history we fought this dude or a variation of him like no joke eight nine maybe even 10 times once you've beaten the game or if you want to try your luck straight out from the beginning you can access the extra modes menu which features a gallery uploading your saves or scores to the cloud and it's the challenge mode the challenge mode is one of the most difficult things to endure when it comes to this game holy crap get ready to tear your hair out folks I would argue that the challenge mode in its entirety is more difficult than the entire game on the superhero setting I've had this game for about three weeks now and I barely finished them before this video there are several types of challenges in this mode that at the core of it seem like a ton of fun time attack is a Time Trial mode jump saver and Buster breakdown has you jumping and shooting less than required total for a level score attack has you calm booming enemies for multipliers to get the highest score full moon rush has you getting all the blue balloons under a time limits with red ones penalizing you and the metal collector which is just medals with characters faces on them scattered throughout the levels in a time limit there's also playground mode which are many challenges based on mini bosses and fun little character situations all of these challenges required getting that gold medal which is not too bad except when it comes to Time Attack jump saver Buster breakdown score attack balloon rush and metal collector challenges because you have to play every single level including two wily stages in each of these categories and yeah of course there's a boss rush but at the end of all of this is dr. lights trial which you have to overcome 30 different challenge rooms the doctor light trials maybe the worst thing ever created starting with one life you need to fight your way through 30 very difficult and awful rooms every 10 rooms you have to fight the yellow devil followed by this purple sphere dude followed by dr. Wily's final fight of first and second forms every 11th room you do get a break room which gives you one life and some refillables but that is not going to save you for the next thing because getting gold ranking means conquering the mode and beating it under the required time and doing that unlocks the most difficult challenge in the game dr. light trials endless and to get gold on that mode you need to conquer 60 rooms you essentially need to beat the challenge twice and those resources they don't come back once you've taken them they are gone forever I hate this so much now you all may be wondering hey Gerard why do you look so tired and old well first off its age and second it's because I have been playing this endless mode for literally three days straight I haven't slept maybe one hour maybe two nobody knows but this endless mode is the worst thing ever I'm not exaggerating it sucks it's a challenge but in this space it sucks you do it it's not fun it wears on you ready for bed honestly this is way too much there's padding out your game and then there's this granted I understand you're not supposed to play the game the way that I do which involved completing the game in this weird vacuum that I created for myself known as the completionist but you really have to like Megaman 11 to enjoy this process but at least the trophies are too difficult most of them are combat related trophies you know kill certain enemies this way and so on each stage has a few tasks related trophies involving mini bosses or not taking damage the hardest out of all the trophies in the game requires you to speedrun the game under an hour without a game over which isn't that bad once you've mastered the game Megaman eleven a lot of great things that I hope Capcom is proud of its level designs aesthetics the introduction the double gear system and the many challenges inside of the game we'll give you plenty of things to do for hours on end casual players and veterans to Megaman 11 we'll see a lot of its ugly and beautiful sides if they decide to go on that quest for completing this bad boy as of right now I am torn of where I land because of the insane challenges of conquering all of the gold metal challenges but one thing is for sure it's great to have you back makeup [Music] at the very least if you're the kind of person that likes to play a game for its robust content Megaman 11 will keep you very entertained for hours on end as much as you are willing to put into it Megaman games are about repetition memorization and growth and Megaman eleven nails each one of these out of the park especially if you want the feeling of being overpowered on any of your playthroughs reading the game gives you access to using an unlimited cool system upgrade so Megaman will always have his gears without a cooldown meter fun for people who just want to mess around there's no new game plus mode per se but you can play any stage you'd like and the robot masters are returned to their normal state and if you enjoy speedrunning the upload and replay system via the leaderboards could potentially get you to try your best however I tried I really tried I thought that completing this game would really be a super rewarding time that you know maybe would solidify this as one of the best Megaman games in my book considering the big tasks of doing all these damned trophies and gold medal challenges but I was wrong I was so wrong I am super sad to report that by getting all the trophies unlocking every item in part 4 Megaman getting gold ranking on every challenge including the doctor like endless trials and beating the game on the hardest setting gets you absolutely nothing this is severely disappointing because the game clearly displays what's in front of you in terms of a completionist journey and it spits in your face right towards the end but then again that's what the originals were kinda like if this were a Mega Man X game I'd flip a table I want to be able to get zangief's pile jar but I'm I'm done playing this game in my playthrough a Mega Man 11 there were three full campaign playthroughs with a casual buster only run a normal under one hour speed run and a beefy superhero run which will put some white hair on your chest eighty-six gold challenge medals conquered including that awful dr. light endless challenge mode just huh 51 trophies unlocked 74 hours of total playtime and no playable role in this game sorry Erica but hey you did an amazing job as roll Megaman eleven reminds us all of the nostalgic greatness of the Blue Bombers Hayden and that will make us happy while also proudly moving forward a franchise that's been struggling for quite some time unfortunately completionists out there will be disappointed putting their heart and soul into completing this game like I did in all honesty this episode was one of the hardest episodes I have ever had to make and while I am slightly disappointed with certain aspects of the game I am stoked to see Megaman 11 a new Megaman game today for 30 bucks the Blue Bomber is back in Mega Man 11 and I absolutely love it for casual players this is a great Megaman game to enjoy for newcomers a great Megaman game to enjoy for the hardcore a great Megaman game to enjoy for completionists heart pass don't don't put yourself through the ringer like I did enjoy your life cancer should be another go for a walk don't do what I did and stay up to literally like 8:00 in the morning hours before this video goes live to make this to complete the game don't do that don't so with that in my guys I give this game my completionist rating of finish it that's all time here today guys so please as always let me know we could have a taste episode somewhere on the internet if you have new here you'll like the show do me if you ever liked this video comment on it what games you want to see here in the upcoming holiday season right here on the completionist and hey uh do me a favor hit that subscribe button you can click or tap that bad boy right here it lets you know when we do videos sometimes so click that Bell to get our notifications all the time we do videos on Wednesday it's in Saturdays we just have one dead space you can click or tap that Bell right here bad boy right here guys I'm Gerard I need sleep and I'll complete it again next week trademarks the phrase completed again that's a good one that's a good one it's a keeper it's a kid to get to keeper
Channel: The Completionist
Views: 504,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mega man 11, mega man, mega man 11 gameplay, megaman, megaman 11, mega man 11 switch, mega man 11 review, capcom, nitendo switch, mega man 11 ps4, gameplay, mega man 11 walkthrough, walkthrough, mega man boss battle, mega man 11 demo, mega man 11 nintendo switch, mega man review, megaman 11 review, mega man boss rush, the completionist
Id: EavWo6C_8S4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 58sec (1618 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 06 2018
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