Mega Man 1, 2, & 3 | The Completionist | New Game Plus

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lost my shit at "200 and"


👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Beatlejwol 📅︎︎ May 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

Why is the 2004 collection used and not the 2015 collection?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/skyscoutsuav 📅︎︎ May 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

I was really hoping he'd do wiley wars for this redo

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ingibingi 📅︎︎ May 09 2018 🗫︎ replies
megaman has remained in the video game zeitgeist after all of these years and there must be a reason here even with Capcom putting the franchise in the back city of their priorities the gaming community continues to Pine over reference and fanboy out over the adorable blue bomber whatever it may be if you game then you know of it have probably played at least one Megaman game and that's primarily because the series started with the firm foundation they were simpler then but the original three Megaman games establish a unique outline that would keep this series at the forefront of our minds for the decades to come it may be a surprise to hear that the original Megaman sold so poorly that the series could have ended right then and there but there was something so different about the game its visual style and gameplay set the bar for what the NES could do in its early days so Capcom knew they were onto something great and with mega may being here I want to take a second trip down memory lane right to where the fuse of this video game phenomena was lit it's time for me to recompete Mega Man 1 Mega Man 2 and Mega Man 3 from the Xbox Mega Man Anniversary Collection hey everyone and welcome back to another brand new episode of the completionist new game plus a show which I am recomputing the first 120 episodes from the original completionist lineup for more on that click the links down in the description before we start today's episode a quick announcement we have another limited run merch we have one shirt rather two shirts with the same logo it's the completionist baseball t-shirt if you ever want to feel like you're on a team team completionist this is the shirt for you to wear we have these cool variants right here on the screen I prefer the black and the red but that's just me as well as we have brand new twitch emotes stickers so if you're watching me do these games on new game+ and you subscribe to the channel you get access to these emotes and these emotes are now stickers for you to put anywhere you want put on your journal put on your laptop all kinds of fun stuff so if you guys want to get that stuff head over to the yeti comm slash the completionist and pick it up again they're only good for the next 30 days the completionist merch run the yeh calm slash the completionist enjoy thank you for supporting the show I love you I don't know why I'm doing this now what do you guys know I love Megaman specifically have more of a Mega Man X fan but everyone loves the classics I love the classics and back in the day when I played here on the show I played it in chunks I didn't Mega Man 1 2 & 3 then I did 4 5 & 6 then 7 and then 8 I did it this way because 1 2 & 3 & 4 5 & 6 felt contained in their own ways it's hard to describe what happens in those games because if virtually at the end of the day they're all kind of the same so with new game+ we're gonna take a look at the Mega Man Anniversary Collection on the Xbox with Mega Man 1 Mega Man 2 and Mega Man 3 let's begin [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the early 80s home consoles were in danger of becoming a passing fad prepped to be left behind like pet rocks hair metal and Haley Joel Osment expensive consoles and a total lack of quality control had hobbled the industry and turned families away Nintendo looked to change that the NES in America was advertised as an entertainment system to distance itself even changing its model to represent more of a VCR so it fed to the average TV set up at home and asked for quality control the games had to have a Nintendo seal of approval and lesser-known developers were only allowed to produce five games per year originally Capcom was simply porting their original arcade games to the NES then they wanted to try their hand at a console exclusive and Mega Man was that game since it was seen as a low-risk venture they decided to bring in Keiji Inafune a and five other young tech heads in to develop the first game that game was Mega Man and one of my favorite series had then been born the original Mega Man actually sold pretty poorly but since the development team was so small and Capcom saw the potential in getting a mascot out there early on Megaman to hit the market the very next year to a much warmer reception so by the time number three had hit Mega Man had become Capcom's main man you're my boy blue smash cut to 2006 and Capcom saw an opportunity to celebrate Mega Man's 20th birthday while at the same time reintroduce the classics to a new crowd in the form of the Mega Man Anniversary Collection for the Gamecube Xbox and PlayStation 2 it showcased all the first six games in one easy location with remixed music and additional controls to be real Mega Man's 1 2 & 3 remind me of well stress not a bad stress there was just a lot going on at the time when I originally completed these three games this was at the point where the completionist was firing on all cylinders it had been almost three years since I started and the channel had grown bigger than I possibly could have imagined and realtalk Mega Man's 1 2 & 3 may had an Android wolf in electric sheep's clothing I figured it was a retro game in pretty short so you know no big deal right wrong I was so accustomed to the abilities of X in Megaman X that down scaling my option and upping the platforming challenge really tested my fortitude number one was relentlessly unforgiving and although numbers two and three get easier it was more like sitting in a 100 agree room and turning the air down to a breezy 94 this was really when I had to figure out the system I have come to use to this day in that system stop sleeping and very little has changed since then but it's fine sleep is for them hmm hmm sleep is thank God for that shot-caller whoa ooh the completion process for the first three megaman games are just like every other main series with x and base and all the other spin-offs it starts off with you working your way through the eight bosses well 6 in the original Mega Man buried in the back of their stages behind hallways of devious platforming and constant enemy harassment only to summon all of my Mega Buster proficiencies since the gun does not have the charge but I will have the help of the turbo fire ability to shoot my lemons at breakneck and speed after bodying the bosses and ransacking their hometowns it's off to fight dr. wily at his skull base this is where the game gets linear and spikes and difficulty as resource management becomes more important this particular areas cannot be surpassed without certain mods each of Wylie's levels comes with their own bosses and arguably the best bosses in the series and again they prove to be most soul spiking from there it's off to wily and his unsettling but somehow seductive eyebrow hypnosis do that three times and that's it since it was my first true time completing these games back to back it's safe to say that I wasn't exactly the wizard at the time I would reference something younger like whoever the main character of ready player one was but I haven't seen it yet because I'm old and I have no time I did enjoy the games I found them incredibly challenging but never to the point of controller smashing when I first finished the game I was rather impressed with both the design and difficulty but disappointed with some of the shoehorn additional challenges today though my love for the retro platformer genre has all grown more I got a callus on my soul I am unbreakable I had the sixth sense I am the happening that there's an awful awful film in 2008 and in 2010 Mega Man 9 and 10 were released as return visits to the simpler times the original Mega Man series 1 2 & 3 particularly particularly three and that's for good reason there's very little you need to take away from these games very little that needs upgrading in fact I still love the music the controls are tight and predictable the look is still charming and the choose-your-own-adventure level system is as fresh today as it was 20 years ago immediately the early Megaman games sit out to the forefront of 8-bit gaming it seemed the developers melt every single color sound and bit of gameplay programming possibility the NES could offer and after the first they somehow found more to enhance and exploit Megaman revolves around a simple premise that they stuck to pretty much throughout the first six games in the first one it is the year 2000 mm so technically we are at least nine years after the events were supposed to have happened like Back to the Future 2 riders may have been a little optimistic about the rapid progress of technology damn scientists where's my robot dog and my ceiling dome it turns little pizzas into big pizzas whatever in 2010 dr. Lai had designed a line of robots to help with everyday life like guts man whose mighty strength was intended for construction and land reclamation all was going well until the robots started acting all kinds of strange and by strange I mean murder II it turns out the culprit is dr. wily dr. lights former partner and winner of 2010 England's creepiest eyebrow motion award it's up to dr. lights robot rock or for us in the States Megaman and his sister role to return the world to its former peace for games 2 & 3 you can essentially rewind this video and listen to that plot over and over again because it's practically the same in Mega Man 2 while he creates his own army of bots and pretends that he is mainly and I once dressed up as an alien to get out of the College final still ended up getting an A+ in in costume design when I'm wait a minute and number three is the same once again but with the added storyline of the mysterious break man who turns out to be proto man dr. light and dr. Wily's first creation and mega man's brother but hey it gave you a robopup but the plot doesn't really matter much since all the emotional punch of the game comes from the soundtrack and difficulty the original Mega Man games open to a simple and silent title screen and if you only knew the game by the Box are you'd assume the game was about a 45 year old man trying to blow up Tomorrowland while trying to hide the he pooed his pants luckily it was just a kick-ass platformer with a charming little asteroid boy type character the opening of Mega Man 2 though feels epic it is just a simple pan up from the ground to the rooftops of Monstropolis and then this kicks in hell yeah this is the bomb if you have been interested in the retro gaming world for even just a few months chances are you've heard about how great the soundtracks are for these games the tracks are all about one feeling drive from the obvious air man track in number two and cut men in the first game all the way to the underappreciated Mega Man 3 soundtrack these songs were all designed to propel the player forward the story didn't need to give you a sense of duty because it was all in the rapid in trouble mix and catchy chip tunes to get you into the flow and feeling of being a hero I still listen to the wily stage music from Mega Man 2 all the time to get pumped from really doing anything like art underwater basket-weaving collecting pogs it's the nineties right oh and you know I chose to have only the original chip tunes while playing this game in the Mega Man Anniversary Collection you can opt in for remastered versions of most of the songs for the entire franchise I give them an A for effort but they just don't fit all the way the updated fake guitar and drum tracks don't match the rest of the 8-bit style of the game it's kind of like if you took Charlie Chaplin movies and instead of instrumentals it was cardi B katia body and robotics dummies all over my body swimming all over my buddy Cory got super soul night yeah no thanks I like my epic games away like my cereal it snaps crackles and pops although doesn't elect man stage music sound like the happy version of the dragon heart theme [Music] the look of the games themselves pretty much hold up over all these years Mega Man 1 not as much but all the way back in 1987 he was a standout most games at the time just couldn't find the way to make colour-pop like Mega Man in a few a and the gang found the right color combos and background cells to give a depth to the visuals and check this out now compare it to Super Mario Brothers released the same year of course our Italian pipe diver looks good but Mega Man just warms the eyes I think there's one primary reason for this but it's a little odd so hear me out character outlines yeah that's all they gave Mega Man an outline to divide his sprite from the background it doesn't sound like that big of a deal but if you look at most of the games in that era their characters look flat against the background and if you check out Mega Man or contra your gun boys seemed to lift forward from the background add in some shading on your environment cells and congratulations you look better to me than 90% of most early NES games and Mega Man's 2 & 3 improved from there unfortunately the Anniversary Collection does yet another transgression against the feel of the game with a HUD change that once again just does not fit now it's not just cardi B in the score it's like you tried to superimpose Buzz Lightyear into the background so I changed that back for sure the anniversary edition was rad in the way that it allowed me to have a load of classic games in one place it just doesn't really do much to improve anything the visuals are a little more crisp I guess that's probably because the last time I played the Mega Man cartridge was in the late 90s and a TV from the early 90s luckily the Mega Man games still look and sound awesome enough to get me to overlook the fact that there isn't much else to this anniversary edition the narrative is basic but I like to think that they weren't trying to really reinvent the wheel rather they were trying to just establish one I have to admit I am not the hugest fan of the original Mega Man games as I said before I never really dove into Monstropolis until Mega Man X and now that I understand both games I kind of see it like this Megaman X is a breed of supreme all the wonderful fixins in one tight package the original Mega Man games are street tacos very basic but still very damn good the core mechanics remain the same for the uninitiated Mega Man is one of the og multi path games allowing you to choose whichever the levels you want to start first now this blew me away when I first encountered this premise you mean I can go wherever I want if you couldn't tell from all the clips from the game you just watched this game is mostly jumping and shooting sometimes with pinpoint accuracy everytime Mega Man jumps his mouth opens up sometimes I like to edit in a little yell when Mega Man jumps because it makes me laugh once you jump and shoot your way through a level you'll get all the way to the boss wreck him up and take their power each boss and douse it with their special ability iseman we'll give you the ice slasher flashbang gives you the ability to freeze time snake man gives you a little snake bombs to drag along the floor and much much more many of the powers not only work as weapons especially effective against one type of boss some can also be used to completely surpass certain parts of levels this was always the coolest thing to me it's such a badass concept to defeat an opponent and then take his weapon and master it even if it's just the ability to summon leaves so the last time I reviewed these games I was a little put off by the pickup economy needed in the later levels but on this playthrough I never really ran into many times where I was desperate for charges or any of the necessary tools maybe I can take this chance to pat myself on the back and recognize that I have personally grown to be better at games my therapist tells me I need to empower myself so I challenged him to a fight assuming I would steal his intelligence maybe I've been playing too much Mega Man because that did not work out the bosses themselves are actually a little bit easier than I remembered in Mega Man 1 compared to the rest of the game the bosses are pretty simple to read they mostly boil down to one type of movement and one type of attack find the sweet spot and they become a spray of glowing death balls over two and three the development team had gotten the swing of things and the boss became much more unique and had several cycles involved in their AI they still are pretty effortless to dominate particularly when you figure out what your weapons Bob some of the hard except for heat man look at this guy I have no [ __ ] clue how to avoid those bastards it's when the games get to the wylie special bosses that my interest is piqued early on it's not exactly a mystery as to which ability takes out which boss however one odd thing about both Mega Man 2 and 3 though is that there are certain weapons that just outweigh the effectiveness of all of the rest in Mega Man 2 it's the metal cutter it isn't effective against just one boss but furry and it's incredibly effective again against every other robot with Megaman two and three additional gadgets are added to mega man's arsenal with two you get the creatively named tools one two and three these aren't weapons as much as they are additional platforms to aid you in getting through some of the obstacles and they are especially necessary in the additional wily fortress levels you go through after each of the main machine worlds are overcome in Mega Man 3 they did a nifty thing and the mobility mods come in the form of rush the robot dog he's such a good boy my useless dog won't let me use him as a springboard at all what was an unexpectedly groundbreaking ability in number three was the slide he wouldn't expect such a simple addition to alter the gameplay so much and maybe it's simply in comparison to the previous two but the slide added an entirely new realm of possibilities and hey it was still the infancy of console gaming adding much of anything would feel like a giant move remember when cell phones got cameras yeah back then it was crazy nowadays it's like yeah of course my phone has a camera but yo check out this app that makes me look like a dog overall that's a lot of capabilities to use and originally this had to be switched in the pause menu every time it was needed this is the one thing the anniversary edition actually improves upon you can use the extra inputs to quick switch in between each thing thus really streamlining the process it's a small thing but I want to at least throw developer atomic planet entertainment a little bone here just a little one the game would be nothing without its classic unforgiving levels to make sure you weren't just faced tanking every shot in the game and cruising through that way the Megaman levels are chock-full of difficult platforming sections that will make you wonder if Keiji Inafune a is some sort of sadist in levels like Iceman's you'll find yourself commercially moving platforms then not only move but also shoot at you one hit and you'll find yourself falling into the off-screen abyss and back to you to the checkpoint or more hard crushingly game overing to the continue screen and back to the top of the level now if I hadn't been playing video games non-stop for the past seven years I may have found this infuriating and unfair but now I kind of get a thrill that only a retro game like this can give you the threat of these consequences instilled a white-knuckle focus on each leaf and perfectly timed shots plus the hard slap on the wrist method of teaching and megaman trained me to practically speedrun the early parts of each stage up until the next unexpected dubiousness except for the disappearing block platform's those things can still just go [ __ ] right off I still hear those noises and my nightmares no peace blocks the only stages I didn't really enjoy were the extra levels right before the wily stages in Mega Man 3 they just seem like arbitrary difficulties put in to pad the game's length but for better or for worse there is an additional save feature in the Anniversary Collection to make things a little bit more bearable although I am proud to say that I didn't really have to rely on it much at all another pad of my completionist back even without any real enhancements Mega Man 1 2 & 3 are undeniable classics they may be much more bare-bones in the later games but their use of limited tools to create vivid environments sprites and soundtracks still keep them in the top tiers of retro and throwback games the gameplay remains tight and responsive plus the innovative choice and power systems keeps these action platformers fun to play even as you are beat up by the struggle to perfect each series of hurdles laid in front of you they're still exciting they still keep you inning in eyelids peeled clutching the controller the adrenaline coursing through your veins [Music] the Mega Man Anniversary Collection does give you some extra unlockables for your troubles albeit they aren't much to write home about first for beating elec man you unlock the credits for the developers I never really understood this why would the option to watch the credits ever be considered an award oh you know what I would love to play Mega Man right now but uh oh what's this I can watch the tech scroll for ages count me in fortunately that's not all taking out Metal Men will open up some extra art to check out beating Mega Man 3 scores the biggest unlockable of the trio the Mega Man power battle arcade game if you ever wanted to have a go at the bosses from the series but this time with a pal and co-op this is your chance it stays true to the Mega Man formula of choose boss beat boss eath is knowledge except it leaves out the platforming sections so is 100 percent completing this trilogy worth it well you kind of do just by playing the game there aren't any optional items or skills to get and the extra prize is given are far from satisfying that being said these three are some of the best 8 big games of all time the way it treats you going through the process of thinking you couldn't possibly overcome something to becoming a bot of ultimate proficiency is a huge emotional premium therefore I say go for it play all three of them in hell don't even check a guy the music will get you going the platforming is awe-inspiring the combat is exhilarating to this day even though it might be harder than training a fish to speak Icelandic while I read completed Megaman one two and three there were 22 powers acquired from robot masters for battles against the proto man two instances in which I conquer the yellow devil that yellow devil 10 hours of total playtime three games completed and no sleep for me because I don't need sleep I'm just the guys trying to get by put the playing game thinking about sleep the Mega Man Anniversary Collection celebrates 15 years of Mega Man and his legacy however it's the best way to play these games is the more recent Mega Man Legacy Collection which is currently available on every major platform I would recommend doing this because the 50th anniversary collection is actually expensive on its own what's even more expensive is owning the physical cartridges of each of the original NES games I highly recommend playing the Legacy Collection for your wallet Mega Man 1 2 and 3 are still as fun and as difficult as I remember they still haven't surpassed my favorites of the Mega Man franchise and they definitely put me on the threshold of frustration at times even then I was still glad to go back and experience the touchstone of gaming history than our Mega Man 1 Mega Man 2 and Mega Man 3 mega man 1 Mega Man 2 and Mega Man 3 are just as hard at games I remember from my childhood let alone from just a few years ago when it comes to the Anniversary Collection not that much has changed at all if any aside from a couple of bonus things these games virtually are the same yes there's a turbo feature but again an added bonus that does not necessarily impact the gameplay for these games in 2018 yes they are difficult but you have to remember that these games were designed in an era where they were meant to eat your corners they were meant to be rented out they were meant to be experienced in that short burst for their difficulty so but that of my guys I still give this game my completionist rating of finish it [Music] that's all Tommy every today guy so please as always let me know what you thought about today's episode somewhere on the internet if you liked what you saw hit a like right there for us and leave a comment down below what games do you want to see next here on the completionist new game+ also if you missed our last new game+ on Secret of Mana you can have a click or tap that right here and I'll see you guys next week for another brand new episode of the completionist they could easy
Channel: The Completionist
Views: 325,506
Rating: 4.92031 out of 5
Keywords: mega man, mega man review, capcom, megaman, megaman review, megaman legacy collection, mega man 1, mega man 2, mega man 3, mega man anniversary, megaman 2, jirard, the completionist, new game plus, mega man series, mega man legacy collection 2, rock man, projared, mega man legacy collection gameplay, mega man (Video Game), review, game reviews, mega man anniversary collection, Mega Man Anniversary Collection, megaman anniversary collection, mega man 30th anniversary
Id: gtK4BLsMAi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 23sec (1523 seconds)
Published: Tue May 08 2018
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