Jill Goldstein Collection on Letterman, 1991

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I know they and they just get it right there by my right in there just go ahead that's usually oh oh thank you very much I feel yeah maybe I should start using a little talc before I come out here could you excuse me one minute yeah what's the deal oh hey we got him in the middle of his world tour he decided to drop all may have a little dialing music please just a little dialing music plays all right let's see you haven't done this in a while I'm hoping this works okay here we go falling outside in the hallway calling out there to the page desk one of the NBC pages yeah who am I talking to hey don't hang up hey you don't day hey hey who was that who will answer that phone no a guy answered the phone a big scary guy answered the phone was of that is that kid there wearing the kite hey let's let's start over I'm gonna hang up I'm gonna hang up hang up the phone I'm gonna call you right back and yeah and I want to see you in position when we come back all right I don't even have that canary that big scary guy answered the phone he's not authorized he's out of uniform he's no Paige you had no business answering that phone I'm sorry I'm sorry you had to see them call it right back you know this is the things that got to be the way things got to be well that means oh wait a minute you know I'd dial it with what's a matter with me Wow yeah that's right Dave thing's got to be that way you got to pick the receiver up and then dial I'm not exactly trained up on this new model okay here we go let's see if this works now it's a little better yeah yeah who are you yeah hi Jill aria me Dave we're doing a show in here yeah things are going pretty well okay how long you been out there hey boy look at all that paperwork again you're gonna be here till midnight aren't good Jill listen Jill do me a favor you know that show live at 5:00 right across the hall now they're there did I say move the camera they're gonna have like a showbiz guy on no don't don't don't tell us who it is you know who I'm talking about ah okay have you seen him around all right when it comes out again ask him if he can come in here and he's supposed to be on ER like a few minutes over there there's a little surprise for the audience all right deal you all right let me tell you the story that happened to me I'm not proud of this happen to me this morning this is a true story I'm driving into town and it's thick traffic ferocious traffic whenever whenever the weather is nice here in Midtown people they pile in the car as they come from really nice rural country areas around the city into the city because it's so beautiful they want to what what is going on over there hey get out from behind that al is that you yeah come here come on what's going on just get out of there you're making too much noise I'm telling the story come here al come here so I'm driving into the city and and I and I get it oh no I can't tell my story now this was supposed to be a surprise she was supposed to bring him in is she gonna bring it in none of this is working very well everybody's standing around scared [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'd say it's really it's a big thrill and I'm sure you haven't won anything you'll be here tomorrow is this the ace award you wish all right Richard we'll see you tomorrow yeah i Richard Lowe was like funny [Music] [Applause] [Music] completely screwed up completely screwed up completely there was no aspect of that exercise that went the way it was supposed to have gone what are you gonna do spider no we're gonna do we were supposed to have Jill or Debbie bring in Richard Lewis and then there's all that confusion and Hal over there hacking how we doing on time can I get back to my story ok all right so now I'm stuck in traffic and there's a huge wad tangle snarled congested traffic in Midtown today because it's a lovely day and people from outlying areas say to themselves let's go into the city and breathe poison so so I'm late coming to work and I get behind a guy and we're moving across a we're coming across 48th Street there's a guy in a big delivery van I'm not proud of this behavior and I don't even know why it happened the guy decides he's gonna double Park with no warning to anybody he double parks boom he's no longer a traffic he's a building easy not you know he's just so I'm right behind him and now I'm wedged are you paying attention yes we've had a lot of trouble already tonight no no no I'm right with you all right so I get stuck right behind the truck and now I'm I'm stuck out in the intersection and I think Oh fine I'm grid locking I'm part of the grid lock thing here I'm gonna be in trouble don't block the box you can't block the box that's what they tell you yep so I'm really nervous and I'm frightened and I'm late and this enormous guy I'm thinking it's a partial eclipse of the Sun this enormous guy gets out of the van and I said would you move the damn truck I screamed at him and he comes over he comes right over to my car he leans down he looks in the window and he says you got a problem I swear to god this is what I said and did I did this and I said okay let's go fat-ass [Applause] so then what happened well fortunately I left oh but my heart was like a little bunny on it let's what do we do let I tell you what let's do a commercial and then we'll come back oh my god did you know who's on the program here tonight we have Mickey Mantle Sean Young Martin Amis and mr. Sanborn back here with the band we'll be right back ladies and gentlemen come on back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we we invite you to watch tonight's program with your with your family let's go fat-ass what have I done with that phone number I just be with you in a second I just wanted to talk to Daddy again about that little exercise just take a second hi Debbie alright good listen that went pretty well I think for the first time yeah but you know if we do it again next time just bring the guy right on in here okay cuz there's a little confusion but that's okay alright glad but I think for the first time was just very nice yeah good job alright thank you oh do we have time for the big top ten list okay the category tonight what was that did I mean something what was that there it is hi Debbie re she looks like she's about to cry Paul maybe you better go out there and talk to her my place is right here huh my place is here with you just just don't fire her okay cop ten tonight's category top ten serial killer pet peeves [Applause] you know I spoke to Richard Simmons before the show yeah and he pulled out my file and you know when I wrote to him it was 300 Simmons when you see when you see him running around here like cry like crazy yeah when you see it Richard Simmons running around here you think the guys probably nuts because he's got little shorts on right his little shorts in a little pink top sleeveless tank top now what he does is he goes into various neighborhoods around the world and he he he knows where fat people live and I don't mean this to be a smart aleck II about fat people because I know that some fat people don't want to be fat and it's a problem and to his credit Richard Simmons by figuring out where all the heavy people in the country are is doing a great service and then they go in and they play this game this card game and maybe we'll play a little tonight and sits amazing simply by playing this game you lose weight right now and that it's a simple you're thinking I'm making it up it's true it's the absolute truth and the only penalty of the whole deal is you got to sit there and look at Richard in this outfit but you have come to think of it you would lose your appetite for weeks you know so but he's he's so see there's a method to his madness or madness yeah put somebody on the door because we don't want him in here prematurely well you know who is supposed to be on the big show tonight well you what do you mean who you know who I read about it what do you mean you read about it well I read in the paper that Sylvester Stallone was supposed to be on that's right what happened yeah he's not here Sylvester Stallone is not here he was supposed to be on the show but he is ill not feeling well ah we've been wanting to have him on the show ever since we've been on the weak side we came very very close now right away you hear Sylvester Stallone's not gonna be on the show you think we're being weaseled right it's some kind of a weasel thing you all right so we're gonna call and check up see he's not feeling well where are you calling well first I have to place a test call because I'm nervous about actually calling him I've never picked up the phone and said may I speak to Sylvester [Music] so I'm placing a little test call to get over my nerve yes may I please speak to Sylvester Stallone please yeah I know you know it's just me Dave I'm getting ready to call him hi how are you yeah what's going on yeah you know Sylvester Stallone was supposed to be on the show tonight yeah yeah he ain't here yeah yeah he's not feeling well we're told okay so so what do you think here are we being weaseled are you unhappy that he's not here oh yeah it would have been exciting wouldn't it yeah of course how's Richard Simmons that was must have been exciting uh did you did you lose weight just looking at him do you do you have any questions I could ask mr. Stallone when I phone him okay okay thank you very much but I'll tell him you asked for now will actually call Sylvester Stallone I I hope it's as much fun as that first call he's not feeling well I ain't feeling well I got a cold am i here you're here yeah let's see what he has to say but may I speak to Sylvester please I don't know anybody named Sylvester right away I'm gonna get this weasel thing out of out of the way there you go all right here we go I hope that was mr. Stallone sir home phone wowso Sylvester Stallone's home phone and faith was very excited about the prospect of talking to Sylvester Stallone here we go hello kept me hello who is this Kevin hi hi Kevin it's Dave Letterman is wait a minute Kevin may I speak to Sylvester please yes you can't hold one second who the hell is Kevin hello hello hello it's college kids we've called a fraternity house hello hello Sylvester hi how are you oh I have a priest here right now yeah Sylvester first of all I have a million questions who's Kevin Oh Kevin Kevin is some barnacle that I picked up he used to work in Liverpool and he said he was a coffee used to be a rug cleaner huh so that qualifies it was a cook in California yeah and and and you know I was talking to one of the pages a suite a very nice young woman who works here and she said to me is a Sylvester Stallone gonna be on the program done and I said no he's not feeling well and she said I think there's something weasely going on well are you actually ill well I have been attacked by a clam fever I mean I had you know I hate clams they don't do anything but cause people early death uh-huh so people say hey watch have some spaghetti and clams and I said I did it the next thing I know I was like hallucinating and talking to dead relatives Wow all right now I hope you're taking care of yourself now we want you to come and be on the show in person if you can because you know Frank has been here Joey huh yes he has he was here years ago and your mother has also been here have you shuma gated Oh he's hallucinating again and Sylvester and boy boy are you gonna be disappointed because guess who's here tonight Richard Simmons yeah yeah that's right so all right now listen since you can't be here we have a little videotape now this is this is a videotape of our announcer bill Wendell at home watching one of the Rocky movies and I think it's rocky v yeah yeah so hang on we're gonna show that to the audience now and then we'll let you go and okay go ahead and roll that how here's our announcer bill window watching you know David old Selznick has nothing over you okay you take care of yourself and I appreciate the time and I hope you can come visit with us in person hey listen next time I'll come up bring a barf bag and I'll feel very comfortable I'll be there okay how do we know it's actually you and not one of Kevin's friends doing a voice what do I say yo [Applause] Silvestre [Music] hey hey you know you know what I'm beginning to think we don't we don't need guests here I'm serious the hell with the guests one I'll just call them at home that's right that's where Larry King died exactly that's the same deal we'll just wordy get your rolodex down here next week we just start calling stars at home okay let's let's do a commercial and then when we come back Omar Sharif will join us ladies go to this [Applause] [Music] all right if you're just joining us I'm getting ready to call Madonna it's a great idea for a new show Paul Paul all you have to do is dialing music that's all you have to do thank you okay this should be Madonna hey hey it's me it's me again what did you hear that did you hear a Sylvester uh-huh no what do you think is he's still weasel in us or what yeah really well easy for you to say you're hiding out there by the little table come in here quick get in here quick oh man alive where's the cameraman oh you can see the weight dropping off of the cameraman oh man my my heart is racing like a little bunny I call I call the page David it's Richard oh my god yeah it took some years off my life David Richard Oh what do we do now let's do this top ten list and they get on with me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it is my esteemed pleasure my esteemed pleasure to be with nice to see you always a pleasure to be with you were right over there Paul did you can get with any of that flying dog stuff now I was fine action it's a great dog a beautiful dog but huge an enormous dog about the size of this desk and he came out and just stuff was just spraying all over that's a little dialing music Paul [Applause] [Music] okay perfect just perfect well that's Rachmaninoff isn't it yeah yeah hi it's me Dave guys this you Jill yeah how you doing okay good how you been alright I haven't talked in quite a while yeah how do you like how do you like you are a page right yeah you're not a you're not a campfire girl Jill you know last time we had a little project for you remember that remember what that was and to do what get get what was the guest who wasn't that's right I have the same kind of deal here tonight you know who's over there yeah no don't say you don't say have you seen him yet uh-huh are they there yeah do they seem up into your snooty yeah they seem nice friendly I guess okay well now well here's what we want you to do we want you to try and get them get a hold of them and politely ask them if they won't just come across the hall here and sell low to the folks as a little surprise to us and the vast North American viewing audience all right now I'm a little worried about this and it's the first sign of trouble we'll send all out there well there music music people yeah they're actually friends of mine too well you know might know them well do you think they'll come in or not oh that's anybody's guess okay Jill we still don't know but be very very careful well and we don't want them to play we don't want him to sing we're not gonna make fun of them although lord knows we could hey relax will you take a sedative get ahold of yourself ah Jill I'm sorry wait a little trouble in Sweden so the second you see these people see if you can get him in here okay okay and just bring them right in you know we don't want any delays that was the problem last time no delays okay in fact what would be the code words for this mission no delays no delays sorry what would be the code for this mission exactly exactly all right Jill thank you very much I know and I hope this works but believe me if it doesn't I'm not blaming you okay okay because these are high-strung temperamental musicians all right good luck to you Godspeed all right so maybe if that comes through we have a little surprise a little bonus see we're always we're producing this show on oh no wait a minute now she's going out there now we don't know we didn't want to see this part of it we wanted to be surprised yeah yeah if there's if there's trouble then we want to go out alright so in the meantime we'll do this and then we'll wait for this little surprise right ok you know Paul a couple of nights ago began the big annual traditional Wimbledon tennis competition over there in the England Wimbledon Wimbledon yes not not Wendell ton now I'm in bull done it'll say Wimble tete that's right is someone popping corn up there do you hear that a little yeah kind of a click click yeah I did anyway because they began that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay hey thank you guys [Music] they were they were they wanted to sit down I didn't I was I didn't they wanted to sit down I didn't want to say to him you know here's how stupid I am I would've said jeez I you know I enjoy your your grandparents on the TV show you know help why didn't you say so I think when he asked guys to come in you know they would normally assume that you were they should have said any say something to them Oh Lord well I did I said hi I said which one are you [Applause] well that's my I mean I'm sick about this now now if we get him back in here will you have a question to ask him yes all right one question and all right all right see you see if they do I have to call Jill again to see are they still out there we'll see if they come back you know you have a question right [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right well Paul has a question for you guys how can I get my hair like that [Applause] question you have a serious follow-up right - right - sighs Sperling yeah and it's about the the minoxidil thing and it here's well cool man now you guys I know you guys you across the street right you see who else is over there uh and nuts enough is opening up for us it's just us yeah that's a great show they were they were here a couple of weeks ago those guys are terrific a great all right what time to go [Music] I feel like a complete dork you know because Dick Clark is at least six times my age and yet he's able to talk to that you know the kids well you know what he would have said he would have said something like so we're you guys gonna be Christmastime they seem like very nice guys yeah huh how long you been together well I guess that wouldn't work no no but I do my first instinct was gosh I loved Ozzie and I loved Harriet okay you know they don't want to hear that what are we doing here huh okay well we don't what about the big Wimbledon thing all right we'll we'll do a commercial and then we'll be right back here kids come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] you would never hear Dick Clark say which one are you I didn't call out there and they congratulated you on a job well done I thought she did a pretty good job with that don't you Paul she got the Nelson the floors see I was a worried that maybe they didn't want the one and just take a second then we'll bring Marv Albert now we got a great program we have the hey Jill it's me Dave what do you think yeah good always the sign of a job well done now Jill did you think it went alright yeah yeah you feel okay you're comfortably happy how about they were they happy they say anything nasty about me after they got out in oh yeah and there they had it they they had a sister over there is that right yeah it might have been the girl with the long blonde hair just a gasps okay Jill thanks nice going well what are you doing the rest of the summer I don't know okay good well it's important to plan ahead Thanks I'm winded I'm all excited I mean any surprise gets me a hyper and excited like that even a even a surprise like they're exciting kids you know their act is very exciting let's do this top 10 list will bring a Marv Albert out here ladies and gentleman the category tonight top 10 other things that will add four months to your life that was awful the more I think about it the more embarrassed I get they're nice enough they run over here they're all peppy they're all happy they're all excited and I don't let them sit out and then and then they have to run out just as peppy and is excited after every day had been snubbed by me well you know they're still here oh no let's let's bring out another guy [Applause] thank you for that apply thank you very much all nice to see you nice to see everybody in the band see of course Sid McGinnis is every year meet and one-zip our drummer we Anton fig on Anton fig yes you know Dave I was thinking what isn't calling ourselves the world's most enlightened you can't really say that we why not we have so many bands in and out of here a lot of them are very very dangerous right would you mind if we changed it to Paul Shaffer and a world's more dangerous band I think oh goodness ball for you you're just you're just being silly well I'm trying it yeah yeah is he over there or not morning you think so should we do this or not hey let me try it well I had a little dialing music we did this last night and had a little fun with it this is this is not part of the program this is a little bonus this is a little surprise this this guy is is in the building doing another television show we'll see now if we can't get him to come in here and say hello to you people so just I have to make a call first though so find something to amuse yourselves like you have it already I'm just sick about blowing those two jokes as opposed to what walking out in a snit yeah yeah I'm gone exactly okay this should be this should be the lovely woman who is the page out there in the hallway me Dave Dave huh how do you know it's me or not okay listen Jill you know the thing we did last night with uh MTV's Nelson Medina what do you call those guys what Nelson yeah yeah Nelson you know the little kids that we're here yesterday yeah there are they're gonna be on live at five and you know you brought them over anybody good on their show tonight yeah who who do you think's over the den I don't know you can't really tell me can you okay but you think you might be able to bring somebody in to say hello or not okay nine I know this could be trouble okay all right well yeah all right we'll do the best we can you did a great job last night all right now you know how this works this the second you get this person bring them right in and the place goes crazy okay all right okay anything else I can do for you how long you worked for NBC you know you know if you want to move to Kansas I can get your job with CBS [Applause] that's Jill that's just how powerful a guy I am okay we're gonna we're gonna go back now to our show okay you do you do what you can and the second you have him boom the doors blow open and he comes right in hey you come in with him if you want can you leave the post okay how you doing with all that paperwork there well I hear you're up to your eyes and that I'll let you get back to work here okay all right so now this could be a little surprise so I've screwed up two jokes I'm hoping to atone for that by presenting a little surprise on the show tonight not not scheduled on the show not in TV Guide and no local listen I got no idea yeah nobody knows who this is and maybe I'm buddy who's next star somebody's across the hall doing the live at five television program are they in show business wait a min let's see what's happening here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wait how a wave [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now let me let's do a little experiment here if you're from a different country and they bring you into this room blindfold it and they show you that shot of how we in the hallway let's see the shot again alibi what's the first words that come to your mind when using it dance instructor right isn't that way we're gonna learn the Mambo tonight all right thank you very much all right well there you go that was a surprise where he wasn't okay now what is he sneaking yeah that's how he Mandel okay how we doing on time now I was thinking if that's not a television show I know what is yeah what is fury remember that oh yeah that was a show yeah it was about a family a farm family they lived out on the farm that's right they had a horse horse named fury and their little Donny honey I don't know how about a little Donny fat old Pete you remember Opie and little Donny that's right and fury old Pete and little Donny yeah sure that I used to do back in the center you remember do you remember the the episode where Fury comes down with hydrophobia and drags old Pete and Donny into town about 18 miles I must have missed that one Wow look who's here ladies and gentlemen please a nice welcome for NBC programming genius Warren Littlefield [Applause] and if he's watching tonight he's thinking to himself old Pete and little Donnie hell that's a hit that's Thursdays at 9:00 our problems are over old Pete little Donnie styling music fall if you don't mind it's your last day huh yeah yeah what are you gonna do I'm not sure you going to California with Larry yeah you would yeah don't say that too loudly Jill listen you know I'm calling we went to another kind of surprise guest now who have you brought to us from live at 5:00 there that show across the hall the Nelsons you brought the Nelsons over you brought over Howie Mandel who else Richard Lewis right so those are those three yeah they all worked out pretty well yeah now Jill again without revealing what this surprise might be is there somebody over there right now that we could have on our show as a guest oh no but he's coming right yeah all right now the second he comes the second he arrives bring him right in all right now in the past you've just kind of pushed him into the studio and we don't get to see you I want to see you walk in with him okay okay and and also and also tell them that we don't want to really talk to them okay but we just hear here's what we want them to do we want them to walk in we want them to wave and blow a kiss and then walk out all right so it's it's wave block kiss and then walk out okay but we don't want them sitting down like we're gonna talk to them okay you think you can do this I think all right so we'll see the two of you now run run through the procedure again what happens when he gets here I'll go in and let's go get him right then I'll bring him in right and he'll wave and blow kiss me yeah okay okay okay so any time just bring him right on in okay all right thanks Joe bark a little surprise there for the audience [Applause] [Music] [Applause] not a problem [Applause] and then somebody spills the coffee that's the first episode of the little Pete and Donnie show don't worry we're under control here thanks to this fistful of bounty the quicker picker-upper what's the matter you won't Oh it'll be all right stop your wine and get out of here I can have all you kids get away from me go do your homework get out of here no no dad's got to get out of here what I've never seen such yammering going on down here huh it's fine that's fine and that's driving me nuts that music one cup of coffee the place goes nuts [Applause] this didn't seem to bother anybody alright let's let's do our viewer mail here and then get on with the Big Show you think there was something in that coffee the letter number one let me remind you something these are actual letters from actual viewers every Friday we take a couple of minutes we answer the mail we have time now okay and a surprise interruption from my VidCon see ya here we go dear Dave I am an idiot I am an idiot I am an idiot I am an idiot Ryan chin Sacramento California Ryan have you considered the General Electric executive training program [Applause] look at this man will someone look at this mess it'll be alright hey we're closed get out of here it'll be just fun what letter number - dear Dave why are there no women in the band are you and Paul still under that male chauvinist thing don't you know that went out in the 70s sincerely Jackie Massapequa New York a good question Paul why why isn't why don't we have any women in the band is the question what's the deal well you know it's nothing that we've done on purpose it's just that pull one day you're saying time was easy I am a woman you know and I I don't mean any offense but you don't you don't look like a woman yeah well I am a woman and I'm very offended I'm not gonna sit here and take this oh no no no what the heck I didn't mean any offense by this it just to me it seems like maybe that he doesn't really look like a woman and I I understand yeah something I said and I didn't mean no what day yes and yeah oh I'm sorry I I got I got man and woman mixed up again you know I can never keep those two things straight on I'm sorry for the interruption I am a man okay old Pete and Donny Thursday at night the old Pete thinks he's a woman there's two shows first show Dave spills the coffee second show old Pete thinks he's a woman damn what time is the party dear Dave on a recent road trip to Chicago we had to drive through your home state of Indiana for about five hours much to our dismay however the quality of the roads in the Hoosier State was among the worst ever experienced we were hoping you as an ad of indiana in' with considerable clout could lobby the indiana state legislature for better roads your friends Eddie Frank William Waller Pete Drysdale Winchester Tennessee it took three guys to write this letter well folks I'm afraid I can't help you on this one you see I I like the roads in Indiana just the way they are [Music] [Applause] [Music] letter number four dear day what is that red button for just curious Scott Murphy Stillwater Oklahoma I guess the red button they're referring to is this one right here on the desk I was wondering what that was the one that was soaked in coffee earlier yeah oh you failed coffee get out there quick I push this once and see what happens yes oh [Applause] that twice see what happens yes yes Fred three times not one one three yes yes yes all right I'm gonna try it four times the one two three trying to do the sports a more neons the surprise coming not here yet but no mr. bigshot is a little late no he's a little early we're a little early mr. big shots a little early all right well here's what we'll do we'll do a commercial when we come back Kevin Kline will be out here and we'll get this coffee mess clean up [Music] [Applause] [Music] Kevin flying that will be on the show and we have some other lovely guests crowded house yeah they face Daniels and earlier I tried to arrange a surprise but we got a problem normally we tape the show at 5:30 yes that's right yeah and live at 5:00 is on at 5:00 right well today we're taping the show at 4:30 so live at 5:00 is not on yet at all so that means the surprise guest isn't probably still asleep so it's not a matter of the surprise guests not being here we're an hour early it's like when you turn the clocks back and you get all screwed up so I have to take the page off alert here so hang on well you try and get one of those one of those page off alerts they're great if you're home alone and you collapse you just buzz it somebody can tell it's it I and I don't get a penny for endorsing these but they're great the page off alert try and get one is she gonna make me spill my coffee Kevin Kline is here crowded house faith Davis well I feel hey jail I feel so stupid you know what I did well that's a scheduling mix-up yeah we're on like an hour early did you know that when you were talking to me earlier yeah see I didn't realize you they just kind of got away from me it's a mix-up isn't it yeah yeah how would you describe it yeah me too it's a mix-up okay so if there's if he shows up then I guess early that'll be later in the show bring him in then okay and then I'm gonna take the page off alert now okay I love these matinees the hell are we doing bringing out a guest or what I'll do the top ten how am I gonna get these coffee stains off my top ten card Polident efferdent yeah all right bring in our first guest talented actor very entertaining man nice man CAD Emmy Award winner what did he win for Fish Called Wanda Best Supporting Actor great our first guest is a versatile actor who won an Academy Award for his role in a Fish Called Wanda [Applause] I believe I'm having some kind of spell [Music] [Applause] Braham ladies gentlemen you know during the big blonde commercial break there Kevin Kline was nice enough to bring his lovely wife in phoebe cates yes oh she's very cute well crazy but I have maybe I'm fond of her you're crazy about Kevin client's wife oh no I don't like to put it that way if you don't mind now she is terrific a lovely woman can we check in the hallway again more dear we got to keep this thing rolling yeah this is like a cross-country bus tonight we get is got to keep this mother hauling well do I have oh I guess I do oh geez I better get on the phone we're going out there I don't know what the number is oh here it is okay here we go yeah coming up tonight crowded house faith Daniels all right what do you think is anything happen anything going on yeah okay what time is it it's 10 after 5:00 Oh so the show just began then didn't it yeah this whole time thing has got us completely screwed up you know what it is Jill it's a mix-up okay I gotta go and let me burst into applause wow there was a phone call for you ah let's see tomorrow no we're not on tomorrow Monday we'll be back on Beau Bridges as a nice guy great actor comedian Bob Sarlat a very funny man and author Vince Staten hood did Vince right what was it that about traveling in America yeah well as a matter Hemingway busy let's do a commercial and then the crowded house will be here so come on back [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] but now you're in the big leagues and you're doing the NBC Today Show and stuff actually doing more shows than I really do well how many are you doing well everyone except yours last count yeah and Curry's done it this week uh-huh I don't know who that is and we never know and and then today [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah wait wait a programming boy gets a look at this I'm telling it sunny and faith what do you think [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] very exciting isn't it that's what makes television so damn exciting that kind of stuff there oh yeah Sonny Bono did you know that was
Channel: Don Giller
Views: 93,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Richard Lewis, Richard Simmons, Nelson, Howie Mandel, Sonny Bono
Id: HsdcAsb6wxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 1sec (3001 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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