Madonna's First Appearance on The Ellen Show (Full Interview)

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I have waited three years to say these words. Please welcome five-time Grammy Award winner, Madonna. [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] Wow. [CHEERING] OK! Yes, you love her, but let her talk. So I ran over there to watch you in the building and we just showed it to them. That was incredible. Thank you. Now, what does that feel like? First of all, what does feel like moments before you go on? What's your thought process? Well, right before I go on I'm always saying prayers just to remember everything-- remember my words, remember my dance steps, don't trip and fall and look like a fool. I know. Were you in those shoes? That's insane. Yeah. I try to wear the most dangerous footwear possible. All right, so you're saying prayers. And then you go out there and do you just zone out? I try to find somebody in the audience to connect to. Did you find somebody? Yeah, I did. Who was it? A man screaming hysterically. Yes. But anyway, so you get off. Then I get off. Yeah, then you get off. [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] Yeah! Let's stick to the music first, and then we'll get to that. OK. So then you get off stage, and then what? And then I can't believe it went by so fast. It's sort of I want to go back and do it all over again. Yeah. Because you were playing every single thing that had happened. To do one song in an award show always freaks me out. Because when it's over with, I was like, wait a minute. Did I just do it? That was the rehearsal. Let me go back and do it again. Right. And now, how long have you been working on that performance? For a month. Because we had to film all the stuff that happened in the beginning with Gorillaz. That was cool. Yeah. It looked really good. Yeah. Because I thought that was going to be you, and you were going to step out of that somehow. Oh good, we tricked you. Yeah, you did. Excellent. And not too many people trick me. Yeah? So you did. That's what they say, yeah. Yeah, that's what they say? So they've told you. And now I changed right before you went on stage, thank God, because we would have had the same outfit. Really? But I notice you have some crystals on your jacket. I do. I have little crystals on my jacket. It's nice like that. So everybody wants to know, and I know you talk about this all the time. But I was talking to people before the show. And LL Cool J, who is in great shape, said ask you how you stay in such great shape. Are you sick of talking about that? Go ahead, ask me. OK. How do you stay in such great shape? [LAUGHTER] First it was running, right? I fell off a horse and broke nine bones, and it didn't do anything. Yeah, let's talk about that first then-- [LAUGHS] --the horse situation, how long have you been riding? Because I just started riding. I've only seriously been riding for a year. OK. Yeah. And what did the horse do? It wasn't my horse that threw me. It was somebody else's. So then that must have freaked you out, because you work out. And suddenly you broke-- what did you break, everything? I broke my scapula, my collarbone, five ribs, and my left knuckle. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. And so then what did you do to work out when you were like that? Well, then I sort of didn't do anything for a month, and it was strange. I shriveled away. And then I had to start all over again and invent a whole new workout. Well, you look amazing. Thank you. It's incredible. [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] We have to take a break. There's all these rumors now-- Looks aren't everything anyway. What? Looks aren't everything. Oh, don't I know it. Yeah. We have to take a break. We'll be right back with Madonna. Madonna was just saying that she doesn't watch television. She was saying she's never seen this show before. You would like the show though, you really would like it. And I'm glad that you're on it, even though you hadn't seen it and you're trusting me. I am trusting you. But do you watch anything on television? I mean, you watch movies. But have you watched a show actually? I watched stuff on DVD like The Sopranos, or did you ever see The Office? Yeah. Yeah, that's funny. Yeah, the new one here is good, too. Is it? Steve Carell-- yeah, it's really good. Yeah. I'll send you some DVDs of my show, if you watch DVDs. OK. All right. Yeah, all right. I'll send you some DVDs of my children. I would like to see them. They're smart as can be and adorable. Thank you. I don't know if you saw-- it was on MTV a while ago and I just finally got a chance to see it-- I'll Tell You a Secret is the name of it. I Was Going to Tell You a Secret, yeah. I'm Going to Tell You a Secret. And god, Lourdes is smart, amazing. And then little Rocco is laughing at her jokes. Yeah, he's funny. He really is funny. Yeah. And looks just like Guy. Yes. Exactly. So tell me this, because now there's rumors. Clear this up. It's talking about you and Guy. Let me see. Let me see how good we look together. It's good. Yeah, not bad. Not bad. Yeah, that's a good one. He should have shaved. He should have shaved. I like him like that. Do you? He looks a little kind of rough. So they're saying that y'all split up. What's going on? Really? We split up? That's what they say. OK, well, he's still calling me every five minutes. OK. [LAUGHTER] Is he here? Is he in town? No, he's in London. Is that hard? I mean, do you spend much time apart? Well, sometimes. I mean, he works and I work, and we can't always coordinate our working schedules. What's the longest you've been apart? The longest? Uh-huh. Two weeks about five years ago. Really? Yeah. And then now it's never more than a week. That's great. Now, is he into Kabbalah like you, or would that be a problem if he wasn't? Oh, no. No problem at all. I would say he studies, but probably not as enthusiastically as I do. Yeah. No, he does in his own way. He's into the more intellectual side of it than I am. But as long as you both agree in the same kind of what life is all about and what your outlook is, right? I mean, the main thing is we have to agree on how we raise the children. That's a big one. That would be really hard. Yeah. But I didn't meet him and say, oh, you have to believe in the same things I believe in. And when I met him, he was an atheist and I was a Christian. So my credentials are being a decent human being. And now you've changed his mind? About what? Not being an atheist. Yeah, I would say he believes in God now. Maybe he always did. But Brits are sort of allergic to the idea of that thing. But when you have kids, it's hard to have kids and not have something for them to think about. To believe in also. Believe that something created that-- Right. --beauty. Yeah. Yeah. Trees and stuff-- Everything. --animals, yeah. I'm going to ask you a few questions that the audience gave us to ask you. OK. What is your drink of choice? This is from Selena from Omaha, Nebraska. What is your drink of choice? Is this an alcoholic drink? It's just drink of choice. Oh. Coffee, and lots of it. Really? You drink a lot of coffee? Yeah, I do. Sometimes I drink Red Bull. Really? That's only when I'm desperate. OK, that's only when I have jet lag and I have a show and I have to wake up and I need some serious artificial stimulation. But I try not to do it very often. I know, you're so much about purity and cleaning. I know, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I had one. I'd never had one before, and I thought I was going to explode. Yeah. This is my question. What's your passion besides your children and your family? Horseback riding. It is? Yeah, I love it. And every single day you ride? I don't, because I don't have the time to. But if I have a day off, that's what I want to do. Yeah, I love it. And what's the name of your horse? Tom. Tom? Yeah. And what kind of horse is it? He's a Welsh cob. All right, we have to take another break and then you have a huge announcement that I'm so excited about. OK. We'll tell everybody. I'm not pregnant, don't worry. Now they're not going to turn it off-- Oh, I'm sorry. --because that's the main thing they were waiting to hear. Are you going to have more kids do you think? We're going to say that in the next part. No, that's something else. We'll say that, too. All right, we'll be right back. [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] We're back with Madonna. And I say that just in case you aren't noticing the jacket-- it's Madonna. It's amazing how people have followed each and every step. Your journey has been a very interesting one, and everybody has been with you every single step of the way. And I'm grateful for that. It's great. Because you're so pushing the envelope all the time. And I think, obviously, people love you for it, people hate you for it. But more people love you for it because you take chances. Well, I think pushing the envelope, if you decide that you're going to do that, you also have to accept that sometimes you're going to ruffle a few feathers. Yeah. That's OK. It's good to shake things up. Well, it's great. If you don't do it, nothing's going to change. If I don't do it, who's going to do it? Yeah. Right? That's right. [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] Let's tell them the big, exciting announcement. I think it's great. OK. Are you guys ready? Yes! [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] OK, I can't hide it anymore. Just waiting to see what you were going to say. No, I'm going on tour this summer. [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] I think to commemorate this announcement, I think maybe Ellen and I should dance. Yes! [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] Do you want to? Yeah, what song? Well, I have a song I like to dance to. But do you have a favorite song of mine you'd like to dance to? I dance to your songs. The last five days, I've danced to every single one of your songs, so whichever-- what? Sorry. That? This is it, yeah. But we have to wait til the beat kicks in. All right. Meanwhile, I'll say you can log on to our website to purchase a copy of Madonna's CD, which is doing so well-- Confessions On a Dance Floor. We'll be right back after this.
Channel: TheEllenShow
Views: 344,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ellen, degeneres, ellen show, humor, comedy, funny, celebrity, television, music, interview, tv, ellen degeneres, the ellen show, daytime tv, talk show
Id: 1Mm6MVURtm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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