Meeting Tom holland

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[Music] okay ready there you go think firstly massive thank you for coming I see a few familiar faces so you guys know what the brothers Trust is about but it's a family a heart and our family is constantly growing and so welcome and thanks for being a part of it it really means a lot to us that you're here supporting our charity that supports charities in loads and loads of different ways so thanks for coming this film is really fun it's like the perfect Christmas film it was a really strange one to make because I worked with Will Smith for two years but never met him hopefully that doesn't come across but enjoy the film and the film is all about embracing your inner weirdness so at the end if you can think about the weirdest questions to ask me I'm so bored of what was it like to make this film so yeah the weirder the questions the better and I'll see you afterwards so thanks guys and enjoy the how about you in the back who's your favorite bit the kittens yeah the kitty glitter it's really hard to say that in an American accent I'm Kitty glitter how about you always your favorite vet I know what's that called the multi pen the multi pen yeah I like that I'll be a very useful gadget to have day to day crazy eyes yeah how are you in the back yeah I like yeah under the table yeah it's really funny does anyone have any questions throughout the film any weird questions took us about two and a half years for me but the directors who've been working on this have been working on it I think for nearly six years now takes a long time because when we're doing the recording sessions I think there's 400 animators who are listening to the session animating as we're recording and every single frame there will be one person drawing ten pixels of that one frame so it takes a really long long time it's really really a lot a lot of work working into this why prefer chicken wings they're tastier so I probably go for chicken wings yeah good question I can't say I've ever been asked that we were typically record for about four hours and I think I did about 20 to 25 sessions on this film there's quite a few no more than you would usually do but that's only because we'll and I schedules never aligned so we were never able to work in the same room I'd like to be able to fly so not a pigeon but maybe it evil and so yeah maybe maybe an eagle my favorite food I'm doing that I was doing this film recently where I had to lose loads of weight and all I could think about was pizza so I think peace is probably my favorite food it's just because it was funny when I was working in America where will lives will was working here in London where I live and then when I went home will went home so we just basically kept missing each other so we never got the chance to meet until I don't know if you saw but we didn't escape room together recently and we got locked in a room together which was amazing if you could be any villain what villain would you be and why I think the best villain ever in like literature or film is Voldemort I would like to be bolded Harry Potter but if I had to be a villain I'd be you in the background yeah there you go oh it's amazing fun it's pretty scary but it's really fun it's really really fun it's a dream come true being part of the Avengers my favorite film and why well that's a great question one of my favorite animated films is the Robin Hood Disney film the Fox and the hare the Fox one that's one of my all-time favorite films just cuz it's so fun and it always puts me in a good mood in the middle well the reason I turn you into a pigeon is because in all major cities in the world there are pigeons everywhere so if you're a spy it's the perfect camouflage because you can always blend in with other pigeons if it was Eagles it wouldn't be it'd be pretty weird if you saw an eagle in England in London my favorite film that I've ever made is spider-man 2 that's the more not I'm most proud of in the and I'll have the multi pen because it's got more gadgets you could use it for different things have been more useful you know if I could have any superpower what would it be I always because I travel so much I would like to be able to teleport it would make my air miles much smaller and also would mean I travel for a lot much less obviously Karen Gillan and I know each other from all the Avengers films she plays nebula which was it's amazing working with Karen when she's blue because you don't know that it's Karen I remember when we did Avengers 3 I think it was we went to comic-con and my best mate Harrison had only met Karen when she was blue and then when we met her at comic-con again Harrison was like who is this lady it's being so nice to me all the time how does karen we've been working with over the last six months and but but yeah she's she's awesome what was the biggest spoiler you've ever leaked I did actually reveal the in spider-man 2 there are drones but no one picked up on it but the biggest spoiler ever was when Mark Ruffalo told everyone that everyone died in Avengers the reason it's so funny is just no one believed him Karen no I didn't know that was I I don't get to make up the lines I just have to say them but there was loads of different names because I'm wearing the mask you never see what I say so we can change it later in post-production so she had loads of different names throughout the process of filming it's not really hard it's impossible well we've got better at it now and in spider-man 2 we changed a few things from the first one to make it easier but yeah it does take a really long time the hardest thing is is to drink water you have to pop one of the eyes out one of the glass eyes and you put a tube down through the eye mass into my mouth and then I'll drink water and then eventually we got so good at it I could drink Starbucks frappuccinos but they get really nervous cuz the suits are like they cost hundreds of thousands of dollars they're super expensive and if you get anything on them my god son Charlie spilled coffee all over one week and the stain is still in there and the stains actually in the film if you watch the film you can see Charlie's coffee stain to get to keep them no and I've tried to keep one steel one that's like robbing a bank my favorite film let's think of another favorite film I really like this one really like this one that's not just self-promotion I do actually really like this one in 2020 I'm shooting a film at the moment called cherry which will carry on over into 2020 and then I'm shooting a film called uncharted with the same guys that made this film no totally different people which is a film about a kid called Nathan Drake who goes on an adventure to find some treasure and then and that's all I know I don't know two more questions guys I got to get to the next screen who hasn't asked a question yet you haven't asked a question my favorite superhero is spider-man how about you do I still dance sometimes I dance as a nightclub but I haven't been to a dance class in a really long time I'd like to my next film is shooting in Berlin and Berlin is a great city for dancing so maybe I'll start again when I'm there last question doctor do that what about there what would you like to know again similar to this one I am just a voice in it I play a dog which is a dream come true because I love dogs I always wanted to be a dog but but no I didn't do any filming I just did voice recording alright guys well thanks for coming see too often I see you outside wow that's really bright I'll see you outside for a picture and and I really appreciate you guys coming to see the film
Channel: tianna Xx
Views: 12,091
Rating: 4.9864864 out of 5
Id: C4azJ02xALw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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