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if you could ask Tom Holland and Chris Pratt anything in the world what would you ask them what would you ask them YouTube we're going to another movie premiere la what movie we're going to see the premiere of onward there's a new Disney film coming out called on where it looks like you even seen the preview tonight we're going to the red carpet premiere or I guess it's tomorrow Claire is going to be the spokesperson for whirlpool and as part of that she will get to interview a couple pretty cool people claire has actually been in a movie with Tom Holland a real small part and spies in disguise but he's the scientists and spies in disguise yeah are you ready for the bad news it has to do with you is not coming June is not coming Haley's gonna come babysitter so we're leaving June here in Seattle it's gonna be really really sad when something goes Mickey Mouse though which should be actually probably watching a good amount of Mickey Mouse and I see like he knows genie who taught you how to work that thing she's distracted because he's trying to watch Mickey Mouse but we love you dude you I am on my way to work I'm actually pretty important to get work today some stuff going down it's been like the 5th wettest winter in Seattle history so I feel like it's been raining straight for like just months with no sunshine sun's out today it's a good day [Music] I know what I'm about to say sounds a little crazy but right now with my partners at my company we're trying to raise fifty million dollars give or take a few million I know a lot of you guys know this story but I started this company a couple years ago there was like a brief month where I had to quit my job at Amazon and we were like living off youtube I felt like I was living off my daughter and I could not handle the feeling of that and that's when with some of my partners we came up with this idea for a smart home camera company the good news is the company just absolutely blew up we actually have more users on the company side then we have subscribers on YouTube so the company is actually bigger than our YouTube channel and bigger than our Facebook page bigger than our Instagram which is why I spent a lot of time here the challenge of that is when a company is growing that fast it needs a ton of money to to keep up that growth we're up to like 80 or 90 employees now we have a big office over there we spent the twenty million dollars we raised last year growing our company now we need somewhere around fifty million dollars for phase two and phase two is going to be like it's a make-or-break it [Music] [Applause] [Music] so today we are just working on a bunch of slides to prepare like a deck to pitch the investors to raise money so if you know anybody that wants to loan us fifty million dollars leave a comment below or something like that I just uploaded the two slides as a separate piece he is rated on v3 made some changes [Music] [Applause] you ready to go to LA on the airplane cars we're gonna see onward there where's June all you love Jude yeah we're not breeder but you just you just share the news you're a baby less trip who's ready for the red carpet [Music] you guys already missed June yeah well let's not make a big deal out of it around places and fame because a lot June always causes a teeny bit of troubles like today there's control to me can't say she controls you bad well she does [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] like their friends and half house [Music] your baby sisters at home [Music] we're actually not in a hotel this time we are staying with Bridget in Bali which she has this beautiful like Mouse house it's like a Disney house she calls it the mouse house and so it's like decked out full on Disney house he's trying to see us movies you've seen this is the cause the TV is a magic mirror there's all these things of serials she said Mickey Mouse see all right little mouse let me get sleep good night person's already out tonight cars with no baby traveling is a breeze would you like go on the escalators no elevators like a million elevators yeah there's much less luggage they don't have diapers and wipes in my bag and a spare change of clothes for her so is it quicker and easier but like so sad this is like super fun and super cute but it's also like would be paradise for June because she loves Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse so much right now so I'm sure a lot do you miss - not the wise cam speaking of my company this is like best use case ever Ashley's is over there checking on Junior right now it might be a little biased but wise can you seriously just zoom in you can see your little face you can watch your little back breathing it's so comforting from like a bazillion miles away so that is what my company does wise calm and check it out all right we're going to bed see you tomorrow at the premiere you guys ready for a movie premiere yeah I'm so excited of course we are on our way to the red carpet to go to the premiere the excited buddy you're gonna ask Tom Holland if he does his own laundry that's a great question number whirlpool sent us of this so we're an asked we're gonna ask Chris Pratt who does his laundry all right we'll have to find out and see [Music] looks like your brother [Music] resting [Music] [Music] well here on the red carpet or I should say blue carpet for this movie and Claire's gonna stand right here next to this whirlpool signed celebrities are going to be coming down here interviewing all the press and in the last step on their media tour as the as the stars from the show come down is they talked to Claire and answer her questions right here so should be fun before night don't Instagram lives I'm honest about life okay and yeah I'd say that we should look to like one of the only people in the world that actually tells me it was very she makes dinner everyday is she a good cook oh yeah what's your favorite dish [Music] really nice that's what a sophisticated palates I'm impressed I wasn't eating a broccoli casserole [Music] this is the only pictures in it with Chris Pratt's awesome smile [Music] I long to see you when day is resting just walked out of the movie it's pretty cool interesting movie cars what do you think so we're here with our friend Nephi Garcia dick a designer daddy this is a guy that makes a large dresses [Music] along to see you you sir did it guys good work team Crosby the party is over headed back to Seattle today what do you think jr. is doing right now I'll probably sitting around watching Mickey Mouse that's my bow of the lulav thinking to [Music] [Music] [Music] so they are dropping me off right where they pick me up back to his home at work I got a meeting at 3 o'clock it's now 3:30 and 30 minutes late but which means I'm gonna miss seeing Junie which makes me so sad but you guys are about to go see June yes and then we come June Dutch gives us a hug I bet she will give you a hug all right you guys thank you so much [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're a great time Jesus completely modest see you on the next adventure [Music] California where do I start [Music]
Channel: The Crosbys
Views: 346,740
Rating: 4.9480467 out of 5
Keywords: Family, Family Vlogger, New Family Vlogger, Cute Kid, Ellen Kid, Kids on Ellen, Disney Kid, Disney Family, Best Family Vlogs, Claire Crosby, Crosby Family
Id: _iiueqpdYx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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