Meeting The Amish - First Impressions 🇺🇸

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sue i'm on tv i'm here to learn about amish we're just having a good talk with it take care see you at the game place can you guys have a vehicle a car or no pennsylvania dodge yeah it's a german dialect i'm one of the good players people don't trust each other i honestly thought nobody would talk to me really yeah good morning guys here in florida a place where people come from all over the country and all over the world to escape cold winter weather but there's one group that comes here that i think you'll find to be a bit of a surprise the amish i've been told there's a town way on the other side of the state called pinecraft and so today we're going to go on a mega road trip a mission of minecraft to meet some amish people to understand their culture better and to see how they live here in florida [Music] [Music] [Music] okay guys we're here pinecraft and uh wow that was an interesting shot coming in huh so the goal here is to talk to some amish but i got to be respectful i read online that they don't like pictures uh like still photography but if in the background it might be okay gotta feel it out hello what's going on here you guys this is the wisdom pitch the wisdom bench how how can i get over to the wisdom side of things i gotta age to provide us with wisdom i apply you with wisdom yes yes i'm here to learn about you guys where are you from i'm from california how are you but my wife and i are staying in miami right now so can i sit down all right thank you your name my name is john peter peter i honestly thought nobody would talk to him really yeah i thought it would be like taboo to talk to people because i'm not homage but it's not like that no no i i said something about being one big family yeah you can be part of that big family too if i follow if i follow jesus right yeah exactly like that science says you might be surrendered to jesus yeah you could be part of that big family as well as excuse me jesus christ do you find in these weird times when being part of the family helps oh absolutely like you have brother you have brotherhood you can lean on each other's shoulders during hard times and community we wouldn't want to do without community absolutely community brotherhood right do you feel like uh community gets threatened with all the technology and everything or you're strong enough where it doesn't matter well we're bombarded with it yeah yeah absolutely has a bearing on it it sure does if you want to see a lot of amish in one spot get on the minecraft part still here go down the street to fry okay turn right and go down that way so just about the end of the street and look left hundreds of bicycles hundreds of bicycles and a lot of people will they talk to me yes some will some will some won't it's okay if i'm walking around with the camera and stuff sure really yeah i read online that it was going to be a big problem for me honestly now i'm saying that you're you're going to meet an ambition now and then that probably won't talk to you yeah i understand and that's just that's life that's fine i mean we're our people are not perfect no people are yeah but generally speaking amish will talk to you i'm here to learn about amish yes we're just having a good talk with him yeah but there's a lot of misconceptions about amish exactly i meet a lot of where i live i'm a a terrorist driver and meet them all the time from all over yeah and uh most of them will ask me what about this room springer that's a german we speak german a dialect okay literally that means to run around the young folks when they get their teenager age that we tell them okay it's okay now you can go out and do whatever you want the parents tell the children that experience the world see if that's what you want to be for the rest of your life well that's not true at all would you do that with your children go go out and do whatever you want the uh all kinds of uh evil things well no we don't do that at all but the the reality shows and the romance books about cash okay portray that they think that's a seller you know yeah it's a controversial it's a controversial story we don't we don't promote that at all so what do you what do you how do you say the word the rom spring rom springer what is the rum spring and then that's uh when our youth become like 1678 before they get married they're in youth activities and all things like that they're with the young folks we say so but some of our young people do leave on their own okay and do whatever they want but it's not because the parents tell them okay it's not it's okay to do that tonight there's going to be a gospel sing there by a group of mennonites oh so they want to walk up there up there to the right i'm excited where uh what time six o'clock will you be there no i don't i don't know no i'm going to eat fish tonight we're about to eat fish yeah you're eating fish hey you're like your people what do you call my people we call them english just because they speak english that's yeah yeah we speak german all the time at home pennsylvania dutch you will notice how we dress yep tell me about it um suspenders are utilitarian they help right yeah yeah that holds up very long pictures but that's not our dress does not get us to heaven no it's the heart the heart the heart it's what it's what's in here it is but that that's what gets you to heaven thank you for including me at the uh the wisdom the wisdom chairs the wisdom table your name john how do we do this okay thank you john and this is the good food got the good food around i'm john duke hi john nice meeting you john ow okay john john now thank you guys i'll see you later at the uh the event okay wow so that was you know sometimes you you edit these things down where you know don't come in any activity for like many minutes maybe an hour maybe two hours that was honestly right outside the car uh right to that so what for what a first impression to the amish world and my first interaction was meeting with those guys at the wisdom table so we got some food here uh they told us about a park down here that will have some event going on or some some guys playing games and whatnot and then some music event later i don't know if we're going to do that because i have to drive another four hours back to miami but let's check it out okay we have big olaf creamery looks like some good ice cream okay just got my ice cream at big olafs and they're all amish ladies and a couple guys out there so these are one of the moments where it's like i gotta approach it right hopefully i get lucky get into a vein of humanity and things open up or i get totally closed out so we'll see how this goes [Music] hello is it okay if i sit here yeah okay [Music] are you are you all from uh ohio indiana just came out of the ice cream shop and got some great conversations but like i was saying you gotta you gotta feel the camera stuff up out sometimes and one lady was cool she said yes roll the camera no prom and then some people in front of me in front of us were like yeah i couldn't get the vibe so i didn't do it got to be respectful of this amish began migrating to pennsylvania in the beginning of the 18th century from switzerland i believe mostly from switzerland uh because of religious persecution hello where's the park around here someone told me there's a park back on pry and go that way okay thank you gilbert okay roughly a quarter million amish now living in the united states that number is increasing because they have a lot of kids usually five to seven children it's pretty peaceful i like it it's got a good energy to it you guys are all retired you keep active oh yeah cool so you guys don't you guys don't watch any tv no radios at all we have like down here are you putting me on tv i'm making it so what i'm doing and you don't have to be on any of this right i totally respect you guys okay i uh i have a youtube channel and i like to show different communities in their natural light and give them give them the the light that they deserve like i was just with the hasidic jews in new york typically always portrayed very poorly i got in on some beautiful stories there with people and this is what i do this is what i like to do so i like to learn from people that are different than me you're probably just what do you do yeah yeah i do so i'll tell you about the village okay there's only one village in the united states go ahead put me on okay i want the people to know this please there's only one village in america like pinecraft because it's peaceful and a lot of the amish in the mennonite used to go out to phoenix but there's a few dopey's it's not a safe out there and we like to have everything safe you know years ago we didn't have to lock the doors but nowadays we do here you have to lock the doors yes okay because it's not far to the city yeah and you know a lot of people the virus came through here and a lot of the older people got the bars you know this coveted thing was something that we were going to experience in our life because in 1918 they had the swine flu but the spanish flu spanish yeah and this one was a lot worse yeah and you know sometimes wonder was it god scent or was it china some people say it came from china yeah but the old amish almanac says uh-huh it's gonna be the old dutch almanac says there's gonna be a lot of diseases preferring in a two-year period so that's what we had it's fading off it's not as bad anymore did you have it no very little but there's so many people i have a brother-in-law that had bad lungs and he's still not recovered he's so tired and i have friends that had the virus and did not recover yeah so i can't explain where this virus came from from what i've felt here and i'm not amish so i don't know it feels like less stress yes is that the truth because maybe less tv no tv we have less we have stress don't get me wrong we're just human like anybody else we try and take everything the way it comes yeah you know if something happens you know we're trying to live with it we help each other for a fruit we don't believe in fear you don't believe in fear you can read that yeah you guys are all hanging out very relaxed way too much so what what's that fear fear people don't trust each other there's an argentine in like you guys you guys trust each other pretty well amish people within the amish we help each other we have we have good we have bed like anyone right we work with what we have with the cam yeah the cost of everything nowadays my friend eric's got a bike and he paid 3500 for the bikes this is a nice bike electric yeah and now our safe now our safety has gone down up to 950 dollars someone can steal from a store well you've got to go and leave what yes in fact in fact so they can steal from a store up to 950 if the walgreens or cvs employee says stop or tries to stop them they get fired now that's you know okay i want to tell you something if you know the bible solomon some more god let fire come down over them and it's going to happen to us i mean we can't live like that yeah it's not healthy they're letting the people steal like that i never and that's kind of something it's interesting to hear that but it's not a fun thing to hear you know what i heard so a lot a lot of the western california san francisco they're moving into the midwest where the building is so busy there they're moving out into the mid west yeah out of the big cities they say it's just terrible the way they're building houses so you don't have a whole lot of confidence in your governor out there either no dave and news i don't have any confidence in him he's a terrible leader he's really bad i mean you're exactly right it's terrible and that's why i get into these like the hasidic jewish community or the amish community and i admire the fact that you guys haven't totally lost your minds yet you don't watch the poisonous uh news all day long yeah and just get programmed by this stuff and you're actually hanging out enjoying each other without fear that's that's like a really that that is a nice thing just uh that is poisonous it is it is hey we're on tv bob california bob wants in what's the problem he got me on the team those four are speaking for the amish in a minute yeah one you shaved your beard huh you shaved the beard i did so when you shaved the beard are you no longer all the men have beards you're mennonite then oh you're men and women once they're married yeah once they're married okay and they grow the beard you left the community but you're still in the community oh i'm in the community but i'm just not into the average church oh okay so you guys can all intermingle no problem i can in our area we all have fantastic some place it's a someplace that's a little bit different i'm a mennonite i i'm i'm probably an amishman at heart what do you mean by that i mean they're they're part of my life okay and uh i just i just did not want to live that way uh without i own my own business i needed vehicles and i and uh and so it was like and today they do that a lot more business as an amishman then basically i would have been able to do when i started my business in 72. okay so i mean it's a lot more things changed yeah everybody changes in life there's always changes i mean there's a lot of things that amish people do today that they could not have done uh 40 years ago so you you 30 years can you guys have a vehicle a car or no yeah they do nowadays they it's like the magic but but do you guys that the amish are rich working people and the men i think they make money so they buy the vehicles for the man to haul them around to go to work and our old bishop said oh about 20 years uh 15 years ago he said you know uh the old the amish they want to try to live like they did years ago you know um jacob almond men simmons had a split so and and the old bishop says we can't live like we did 75 we can't live like that 100 like we did 100 years ago yeah and this is what comes in bob understands that these people because we're in modern times if you can't you know see the amish in the men and it's so just like sort of brothers would that be we believe in the same god and the same uh plan of salvation uh there's there's nothing different that we believe from that standpoint okay you're coming in here and you're saying oh we're friendly and everything but you know we have problems in our life i mean yeah you want to be friendly but the romans and if you know history the antibaptist people and the romans we have the same problem that they did way back over history time yeah if you read history we're just human yeah but you know it's something about the village we have a shuffleboard tournament back here and i'm one of the good players you can hear that is that right and this guy is too he's very humble i can see that i can see that yeah so guys where's the shuffleboard just down here just down here yeah just three houses down here check it out on the left check it out you haven't seen it yet no i just got here i'm just exploring from miami this morning what's your name junior fisher mark miller amos bowler and this guy over here don't say much but he's very smart i can tell he's a smart man he's the wise one he's so hot noticing you were speaking swiss german to your wife right well it's a pennsylvania dutch yeah pennsylvania dutch yeah which is like it's a german dialect okay it's a german it's an unwritten language if they talk slow enough by maybe maybe you can catch a third of it okay okay but you guys speak this at home yeah yes but you don't have an accent in english oh we can speak very we speak very good english yeah so your first language do i have time to tell a small story here i think my batteries are going to hold apparently okay now when i was in germany this couple uh our tour guide was a preacher so we went to church every night okay and and the couple would take us along home overnight and they escaped when war started they escaped four way up into the mountains and this is a true story they dug a hole like this in under the ground they lived up there for nine years and all they had to eat was tree roots they cooked tree roots for soup and it's snow like it's up there every winter and they cried when they told me about the story they made it a lot of people did not make it over the war and they made it they were older people they were smart so what's the california people going to do now if everything's going away what are they are they too poor to move or what's going to happen tell me the story look if it goes the way it's going my wife and i are moving sue i'm on tv they got me on tv soon so so what what are people gonna do well look it's paradise it really is paradise the natural beauty of that place is paradise the climate's paradise they've killed their killing paradise i would say you mean over there california just the way it's governed the way the politics are so what do you think's gonna happen with america we can't be going on like this i mean if the big cities are gonna start doing like this it's it's going to be riots everywhere that's why i think you guys have an advantage because you're like you're a tight-knit community you got all each other yeah you got you live in safety you live in safe places i think you've got something going yeah that's what i would say we got singers tonight there's going to be a bunch of homies in a minute i heard is it all right if i show up or not yeah come on down six o'clock six o'clock you're going to be there guys guys thank you i gotta get some signs no that was awesome thank you so much for your background i got some in the house hi john [Laughter] thanks you guys yeah you're welcome have a good day all right that was a surprise i gotta say i was told the amish are unapproachable oh that's not true that's obviously not true yeah yeah right there okay take care you too thank you the the religion is the the guiding i don't think that comes as a surprise to anyone but it's the guiding principle in the lifestyle they got something cool going on here take care see you at the game place wow hey this is what i absolutely love about america is all the are all these different communities living side by side my name is you guys everyone can exist here doing their own thing living how they want there's this this code of or should be this code of respect each other and let everyone do what they want to do and but if you're talking about the hasidic jews in brooklyn if you're talking about the amish down here in florida which comes as a surprise i think for most of us for all the different communities whatever you can think of they all exist here it's such a cool thing and it's a discovery for me this is the beauty of it is i'm discovering my own country i've realized i know nothing about the us and i'm just starting to learn the more of these experiences that we can get into the more color it adds i believe to the country it's a very much misunderstood uh country yeah gotcha so they come through i'm saying the homes are built really well here because of hurricanes 280 thousand dollars and it's 800 square feet so you can see the neighborhood is building new construction new construction oh wow here we go shuffleboard at pinecraft park another one of those feel like i'm in another country experiences so let's check out what the old people are doing here [Music] so everyone comes out for the yodeling at this time ready i'm excited thank you all see you in there and for you there's no way you can understand it because me even being from it i can't understand what's going on here guys this is las vegas for the amish world [Music] seriously you
Channel: Peter Santenello
Views: 1,837,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amish, amish documentary, amish people, amish life, meeting the amish, mennonite documentary, mennonite, amish local, meeting amish, breaking amish, amish lifestyle, amish people lifestyle, peter santenello, amish community in usa, pinecraft florida, amish pinecraft florida, amish people in america
Id: z6SlJZk5guI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 44sec (1544 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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