A Week With The Amish - 7 Takeaways 🇺🇸

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here we have some old order amish buggies and in this video guys i'm going to talk about what i learned here in amish country ohio holmes county it's been an unbelievable trip and journey i've learned a ton met so many interesting characters so i want to share with you my biggest takeaways number one amish for those that aren't amish you know we all look at the amish as the amish right it's one label it's not it's there are so many different sects and to make it oversimplified right now i'm going to talk about this hat this is a schwartzen trooper hat now these are the amish we traditionally think of the ones away from electricity the ones completely removed from the modern world well that's just a certain type of amish there's old order there's dan there's new order there's beachy amish and these are the amish that can drive cars around and use technology so you can't necessarily like many of these communities in the world just put one label on them second takeaway community they i don't think it comes as any surprise but it's always different when you feel it okay they have a very very very strong community i just got back from an event where they're fundraising they're doing an auction for kids that can't afford their health care bills and none of them have health insurance so they can collectively come together as a community and pay each other's hospital bills i drove by a funeral the other night i mean there was hundreds if not thousands of people out there from around the community everyone sort of came in for it so it's really nice to feel this strong rooted culture i would say number three language most amish speak pennsylvania dutch they're all bilingual they can even the most conservative can speak english but they speak pennsylvania and dutch at home most of them so i was told i was told by a writer here david klein that without that language without the cohesiveness of their native language there's no way their culture would stay together found that quite interesting so it's almost like in a way traveling to another country when you come out here when you integrate with these people and get into their lives and their homes you hear a different language going on you see different customs it's like traveling to a completely different country number four technology okay we can see here solar power battery this is my friend brian he's an old order amish and it looks sort of like a normal home they have some kerosene lamps inside they have some solar they do have running water inside it's sort of like a normal place but i'd say as a whole especially the more conservative you go there's not much technology in life uh the most conservative there's none and it's almost like you're stepping back into forgotten times in a way and there's something peaceful about that and calming maybe just because i've been in cities for so many years that i feel it but it's just sort of a ah not everything's about a screen even though they exist i get to be completely fair it just depends the person you are with but but as a whole it's not the center point if that makes any sense i don't think you know the screen is coming out to dinner with the family if the world ever does completely go into the ground then the most conservative amish i don't think will be too affected that nothing will really change in their lives short of a nuclear winter they they won't even know it's happening this is my rental car but every time i've drove up to my friend brian's place there's been nothing in the driveway and it's like nobody's home but it's because they don't have a car so his sect of amish old order can be driven around so i can drive around that's okay but he wouldn't be able to be driving around in a car on his own problems i don't want to over romanticize any culture and as i feel like a foreigner coming into another culture you know when you have a short amount of time everything looks great usually especially here i mean the gardens are kept well everyone's mowing grass everything looks nice the people are very respectful very little crime but i've gotten in a lot of conversations this last week and what everyone sort of told me is like we're human just like everyone else i mean they're there are drug problems in the society they're drinking problems in the society they're every other type of problem that every other society is dealing with maybe at a lesser level i don't know um definitely on the surface it looks very well off but don't get me wrong when i show all these places and speak so highly that you know i'm trying to romanticize the fact that they're no problems here they're problems i mean the puppy mill thing is a big deal obviously that's gotten a lot of attention i didn't meet anyone that had a puppy mill i you know it's not like i came into contact with it but it does exist obviously there are those that want to break free from the religion and move out on their own and maybe they're excommunicated i didn't come into that story but i know it happens so no not everything's perfect friendliness i thought it would be a little less open a little less friendly i thought you know these people are really trying to hold their world together and and be apart from the modern world the outside world to some degree therefore they're going to be cold inhospitable couldn't be any further from the truth people really helped me smile at me brought me around gave me their time maybe i was lucky but overall there's there's a there's a nice friendliness in the culture and it's interesting how they get along with the non-amish pretty well i i've heard some people don't like they want to have nothing to do with the non-amish but a lot of people do and that surprised me i didn't think it would be so easy to get into now to get into with the camera different story that's not easy that's super hard it's been a challenge so i'm pretty happy with the footage i've gotten here over my last week and lastly i want to say hard work these people work hard i want to do a shout out to the schwartz and troopers uh these are the most traditional amish people as i said earlier they work the hardest i mean they're heating their water they're they're canning everything they are living completely off the land and those people um wow they all they do is work but amish in general work very hard they're very proud of what they build they're very much hands focused and building furniture or working in the field so they see the end results of their work and they're very proud of that so lastly will i become amish no it's not happening i'm too much of an individual you know we all come from different conditions different circumstances i see the attraction i fully see the attraction uh here in this community and i'm not saying my ways are better or worse at all um because i admired a lot of what i saw here a lot of what i experienced so big respect to all of the amish who showed me their world with open arms i want to especially thank josh miller and brian miller no they're not brothers but it seems like everyone either has the name miller or yoder or a few other names but they're very popular names these guys really brought me in without them no way i would had the access for the series if you haven't seen the series i'll leave a playlist at the bottom um i got into different aspects of the culture here but no amazing people uh want to thank everyone involved with this all right guys if you haven't been amish country and if you're thinking of going i would say be super respectful like i don't i don't like putting cameras on people's faces that don't want it and you know i didn't have like a telephoto lens zooming up on people's personal life and there's so many times where i had the best footage ever and i couldn't use the camera and i kind of could have probably snuck it in but i would have felt i don't want to be that guy it's quite disrespectful so the best stuff was really off camera so keep that in mind if you come here and just be respectful be be cool to people and they're they'll they'll give it back in volumes alright guys thanks for following the journey in holmes county ohio see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Peter Santenello
Views: 285,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amish, amish documentary, amish people, amish life, meeting the amish, mennonite documentary, mennonite, amish local, meeting amish, breaking amish, amish lifestyle, amish people lifestyle, peter santenello, amish people in america, mennonite lifestyle, mennonite usa, mennonite vs amish, amish vlog, amish paradise, mennonite vlog, amish country, amish religion, amish culture, amish ohio, who are the amish, amish culture and beliefs, amish culture in america
Id: Z5yt7YxhEJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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