Inside Amish Vacationland πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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The one with the stuff hanging down? Not sure what the tree is, but the stuff is Spanish Moss (Tillandsia usenoides) growing on it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/phytomanic πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can't say what kind of tree but it looks like it's overgrown with Spanish Moss.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Klekihpetra πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

It looks like either a live oak or a laurel oak covered in Spanish moss.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mulls228 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks a lot! I thought that the moss was part of the tree

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/spaghetti-soup πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] so everyone comes out for the yodeling at this time ready i'm excited thank you all see you in there and for you there's no way you can understand it because me even being from it i can't understand what's going on here guys this is las vegas for the amish world [Music] another one of those feel like i'm in another country so let's check out what the old people are doing here women on the left here the men on the right cool tree i have no idea what kind of tree that is it's a florida type of tree and it looks like one big party this guy just swayed me over wow these are like the friendliest people again one of those you're told one thing and the experience is completely different how you doing good did you wave me you waved me over right no i was just waving at you oh okay okay what's going on here guys playing shuffleboard is there is there like is this a competition or is just for fun just for fun on tuesday night at six o'clock they do that okay okay do you do you live down here full time no just for the winters yeah great good stuff about you california california yeah oh you're a long way you've been down here before first time i never thought i'd have to go to the uh the amish community in florida to feel free but this is the reality we're in right now yeah where i'm in in san francisco we're all locked down restaurants closed everything closed ridiculous we probably don't have more of the virus than you do you don't you have the same amount of family and you have way more older people here it's disturbing yeah it's a precious gift that we have what's that smiling at each other yeah if you go without it for too long it does some weird things to your head people are playing bocce ball out there oh i heard six o'clock tonight right yodeling bocce for those that don't know it's a classic italian game i forget what this little ball is called but the goal is to uh throw the big balls and uh get closest to the little ones how you doing so i didn't know you guys were all into bocce that's an italian game it is that's a little more challenging it is [Music] do you play are you as good as that other lady down there she's pretty good i know she is i just i like to play to have fun complaining at me good then i like to get it off let them have a little bit of leeway then you're usually happy to play again [Laughter] your first cousin your first cousins i was first then he was last yeah if you're not first relaxed you say you're older than me just about half an inch just a little couple of years yeah that one's the closest don't matter how far their way if you're the closest it counts yeah whoever's the closest wins now red got to throw theirs red's got to go there now that's the perfect yeah i feel like you guys could all go to italy and uh compete with those guys here okay yeah we got a good game going now you're not believing that italy i don't know over in europe but this is where the game comes from originally yeah yeah all right guys i'm gonna go see you at the yodeling tonight take care bye-bye thanks you guys got a hot tip on a restaurant so we're gonna get some food try some traditional amish cuisine after that go to some yodeling which is that swiss singing hello it's going well you got a great thing going on here i love it yeah it's like a family community community yeah we're from ohio and guys are from indiana illinois pa and it just it's everybody plays you're all like one big family it just seems like we're all missing mennonites and there's english here and you know what's surprising to me is it's very inviting yes everybody's welcome like even i'm non-amish and i thought that would be a problem but it's yeah everyone seems cool thought the camera wasn't going to be happening today and they all accepted it they said no problem so who knew you never know until you do it or until you watch this channel right again this is my perspective this is my experience you could come in here next time and it could be different but i doubt that these guys seem pretty relaxed pretty cool open inviting feels like stepping back a little bit in time before technology no one was on their phone there no one looking at screens just felt like the 90s a bit when we would all just meet up it's like very calming he's from san francisco and he's never experienced amish people wow oh my goodness she was actually born amish yeah yeah so i was i mean i you know [Music] this this is your father this is yeah i don't know i mean do you need to be social distance are you fine with this or do you want to move we're five and a half feet away well she was only amish for two years two years as a baby okay but then very conservative uh we called ourselves amish mennonite um the next step would be amish mennonite yes and then conservative then conservative mennonite and then mennonites and then just is there mennonite light and then tonight live even after that that's a good question like what are you gonna do with what we tell you yeah what's your name peter santanillo yeah when did you arrive in this like minecraft place about three hours ago i'm fascinated like did you my wife told me about it your wife told me about it yes because she like read about it that come down here yeah they can have electricity in their houses okay and they they might go to uh major league baseball spring training game okay which they would not do in their home there's always been a saying and it's it's partially true but not near everything but but partially in that you would say what you do in florida stays in florida so when i first entered minecraft i thought nobody would talk to me i thought it'd be tough to run the camera but that's why because it's more open here in general yeah people coming here a lot of the lancaster county pennsylvania amish are kind of taking over this place a little more which i know uh which they're kind of a different group it's more conservative different than than the holmes county ohio or northern indiana uh they're they're a little bit they're a little bit different breed how so i don't quite know how to say it really but uh so there are many different sects let's say and within the amish the amish mennonite people why is it's just like high in soup there's 37 varieties for 57. 57 yeah okay there there's just all kinds of different varieties and and even here in our little amish community there used to be one amish church where everybody what well so many people are coming anymore that it takes more it takes more than one area where they can have church so they have about four places right now in the wintertime not quite so much but two of those even though they're very small in the summer like and even though they're out on the street and they're friends and all that but they wouldn't worship together because the one is a little bit stricter than the other side so it's complicated so it's complicated so you can't just you can't just label the amish the amish and for you there's no way you can understand it because me even being from it i can't understand it you can't just say amish because there's so many different types of so many different little little changes here there or or one group can can use tractors for certain things and not for another and and some of them now why they can have rubber tires on their tractors and others have to have steel wheels and so there there's just all those different things and it's primarily it's primarily controlled by the bishop the head creature in the church is pretty much pretty much so the rules everyone lives by come from the head preacher in their church in their community pretty much so but then some people move out of they'll move out of that bishops community because they can have a skid loader over there or they can have a lawnmower that has a motor on it so it's almost the equivalent of like you move out of california to florida because you want those state income taxes and you want the same thing you don't want to it really is gotcha wow interesting you're really getting it isn't there that one i love this i love it about every stage oh yeah because because they they'll be people that move out right so that they can do their own thing exactly start their own rules right and you're you're a pastor for men and a mennonite church right our church is like an interdenominational but it did have mennonite roots so it's yeah mennonite roots 60 years we just had our 60-year anniversary every stereotype's getting killed today honestly a woman mennonite woman mennonite pastor dressed like this how is that possible how is that possible god does amazing things yeah hi vernon and that's vernon is it changing much do you think the culture right now or not really maybe maybe i see a change he's on the electric scooter yeah this is minecraft and minecraft you get to have okay right you can come down here and you can have electricity and you can have all that okay this is las vegas for the amish world that's good you said it what's what happened in pinecraft station right right and there's some amish people that or even conservative mennonites that resent that i think you hear them oh yeah they can do that in minecraft but like i actually love it i i love it that people can come here and be more free because it's for freedom that christ has set us free and so so freedom is our is our natural as believers in jesus it's a natural thing doesn't that doesn't mean we don't do the right thing what a day thank you guys what an honor oh my honor my honor and uh this is what i live for this stuff so i'm gonna go get a meal i'm gonna get an amish home-cooked meal thank you guys thank you tell your wife we said hi i will i'll be watching you on youtube all right business card okay now uh i was in the concrete and construction business all right or take another one just in case you lose one all right thanks you guys bye bye have fun in las vegas and the restaurant is off to yoders and that's what pine craft is a community where you walk the streets you know it's on that porch earlier just on that porch guys it's unbelievable everyone is very open and cool here and so an interesting point um the people that come here are going to be a little more relaxed and so they were saying as you heard they're more conservative in some places in different amish places but in pinecraft we have the electricity coming in on the grid and cars and electric tricycles so i always find it super interesting in these communities the deeper you get in the more complex you realize they are you can't just put one label on it amish are very many many very many different types of amish as they were saying and this man's laughing because i'm yellow because i'm goofy looking at a camera i'm speaking into it what a beautiful place i love what you guys got here it's really cool just everything the whole ambiance of the community is beautiful amazing there's only one like it it's one of the coolest things i've ever seen really everyone keeps everything clean everyone knows each other you're just cruising around it's the biggest fellowship in the country fellowship state is that what you said yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] so this is normal a line like this oh this is short this is short okay okay and you're saying the key lime pie is to die for lemon green lemon meringue pie that's the only day they have any the line goes all the way back i'm a big fan of the cup but it's where it's strong the food is this good look at the line one one okay is it all right yep thank you all see you in there all right uh this is what i've heard about out in the line there the key lime or the lemon meringue the and the key lemon is right beside it oh you got both okay great fantastic thank you oh god this is so cool this is one of the coolest things i've ever done all right amish food i know nothing about it what is like the most amish thing on the menu here would you say baked chip baked chicken with stuffing is that it's a big portion right it's a quarter chicken a side of stuffing and then you get two side dishes so cool they're speaking pennsylvanian dutch which has uh german roots with a lot of english words but it's sad a foreign language to me thank you so much that's it that will do it for the next year thank you all right guys here we have it half baked chicken mashed potatoes gravy amish style quite a feast very good very good stuffing in here a little bit like thanksgiving with chicken good hearty food though i don't think in this climate here in florida though i'll be able to eat this this is the size of my hand and uh it's about three meals in one here we have a key lime pie having a nice crust underneath a little meringue which is very light and sweet the key lime itself sweet little bit of sour and with the crust fantastic combination it's that massive meal and a pie 2161 wow amazing bargain thank you oh yeah very inexpensive wow i haven't seen a price like that for quite some time so we're off to some yodeling like you know swiss yodeling i guess that's what they're doing got invited it's one street over here and then out there is that where the yodeling is okay so everyone comes out for the yodeling at this time going to the italy seems like everyone else is too we got golf carts tricycles it's a popular event huh once in a while somebody shows up like this he's got a real good reputation so like traditional swiss yogurt great cool how long you down here for we're usually two weeks that's two weeks here a year yeah probably it's about zero at home you know oh where's that pennsylvania no ohio ohio yeah it's tough to beat this yeah that's right it's a good time yeah thank you take care look at all these tricycles here and the crowd has amassed stage set up there with some microphones looks like quite a serious event what i'd like to convey is the vibe the feel of this community is so relaxed open just nice really nice people yeah yeah no problem are you ready for this the yodeling yeah [Music] for me [Music] but instead me would walk away [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] thank you all see you in there [Music] what would happen if i went up there to lancaster county as in to check it out i'm not amish hey no problem no problem all right there's a lot of you at our house for supper seriously [Music] i would love it a lot of different people we were see what was that 13 years yeah you get this is your wife yeah and your kids her name's lydia what your name is i thought before today i thought the amish would be like completely closed off to me that's what i thought and then everyone's been cool like everyone's super open that's where you get that information there's a lot of a lot of a lot of folks in them things that's not like true yeah [Music] really yeah so two things i just learned from the lady lydia she told me the it's a it's a prayer veil so it has nothing to do with marriage it's a religious thing and then john told me who's amish that uh you know he's got to use technology for business and that's sort of an accepted thing for many people now so he has a phone and computer so it's a little more i think it really depends who you talk to as far as what's allowed to be used and what's not hello wonderful evening you have beautiful great music take care and so that's it guys a little adventure to pinecraft and big eye opener for me a lot of hospitable people a lot of openness and i really want to get into true amish country in pennsylvania i think it's lancaster county the sort of the heart of it so that will be in the future all right until the next video thanks for coming along take care through as the week goes on yeah so this is what we learn in our hearts when we go to church so don't be judgmental yeah that's right and and it's the word of god because
Channel: Peter Santenello
Views: 263,107
Rating: 4.9561243 out of 5
Keywords: amish, inside amish vacationland, meeting the amish, breaking amish, amish people lifestyle, amish community in usa, amish local, mennonite, mennonite culture, peter santenello, amish people, pinecraft florida, pinecraft amish community, amish religion, amish food, amish lifestyle, who are the amish, amish religion in america, amish life in america, amish life, amish paradise
Id: 6Y2ZqL8OIMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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