Meeting Our Baby & Telling My Birth Story 👶

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i don't know how should i introduce her here's melody guys here's melody even though it looks like we're going to antarctica it's really cold down here because the air conditioning there she is is she not waking up she was awake like two seconds ago it made her too comfortable say hi to everyone hi everybody you waving there you go oh the fur baby dexter this is not working he's too close hello she was just so excited to be in a video that she couldn't make it it's so funny when we want her to sleep she's oh you're so sad where are you so she is she look like me she's smiling kinda well here's our baby she's sleeping what newborns do a lot of yep very exciting as you can see yes she's waving to you guys [Music] she makes lots of noises she's smiling kyle good job way to pull your weight and make some content what are you doing nope eyes open for a second she's just so cute i keep trying to get cute ankles over okay well that's why i took a bunch of uh video clips to show you guys during the first month of having her because i figured this might happen so enjoy the clips and then we're gonna pass her off to my mom so we can uh talk to you guys hi you're wide awake [Music] but the hiccups yeah [Music] such a little squirmy's are we taking a ride got mommy's finger i love you you're so cute seems to like it see this is nice melody what are you doing kicking you kicking oh bless you okay now it's just us now it says it's so cold down here i haven't been down here in a month i have gotten lots and lots of questions from all of you guys about everything that's been going on the past month it's it's weird that content's been going up so i've still kind of been here but i haven't been here this is the first time i'm back in a month okay so a lot of the questions that i got was revolving around the birth story and what happened so i figured i would try to in the smallest amount of time tell you a little bit about the birth story because i know everybody's so interested in it melody was born i think when i was 39 weeks and two days and i wasn't expecting it to be that weak i thought because they tell you for your first baby it's usually a slow process it they usually go past the date so that morning i had a doctor's appointment and he said that i was progressing but i wasn't that far so at the doctor uh there's i'm not gonna explain what it is but they do a thing called a membrane sweep which kind of helps progress your labor but he said because it was my first kid and i wasn't that far along it was probably like a 30 chance that it would do anything so i was just like not gonna happen my mom and i we did that we went to starbucks afterwards we came home and we thought it was a good idea to start organizing our office our upstairs office yeah so all like the filing paperwork like really boring stuff so i was sitting in there and i started feeling not great but the doctor had told me that that might happen he was like you might get bad cramping he was like that's good if you feel that just keep doing whatever you're doing to keep it going so i just kept sitting there doing the filing sitting on the floor and then eventually it just got too bad i was like i should go sit on the couch and relax or something so i did but i felt like it was coming in waves which was weird i went to the doctor at 9 30 a.m and then that started happening really bad around 3 30 p.m and i have an app on my phone that counts contractions to start timing it to decide when you should go to the hospital so just for funsies i didn't think i had contractions but i was like oh let's just see like what these are and they were so irregular and close together that i was like that there's no way that's what this is they were coming every minute two minutes like all over the place and not that bad and my mom was here at the time she came like a week early she wanted to be here whenever i went into labor so she could help out and watch dexter for us while we're at the hospital and she's a nurse too so i was asking her and i was sitting there and i had heard only one out of ten women have their water break so i wasn't expecting that to happen to me and i was sitting there and also i just felt like a pop and then ran got up and ran to the bathroom didn't even say anything yeah you just got up and you kind of like hustled to the bathroom i opened the door and i was like i think my water like just the whole process you would think oh my water broke my contractions are happening we're going i had no idea because it all happened not the way that i had thought that it was going to so we called the doctor to ask what we were supposed to do because when your water breaks you're supposed to usually go in pretty quick yeah i remember when you said your water broke i just like snapped yeah he started grabbing i just started like grabbing everything like my bag of snacks our go bags what are you doing yeah the hospital the hospital bag had finished those yeah we had those weeks ahead of time grabbed all them put everything downstairs filled up our water bottles so the doctor obviously said he said because we had been dealing with um like a scare like the day before we had to go get an ultrasound for melody's heart because they were concerned that it was like slightly enlarged which they said they said could be totally normal um this plays into a big part of it too this literally that literally happened the day before we were like so stressed out we were we had to run to specialists because they were really worried about the baby's heart but then luckily they didn't they couldn't find anything serious so they said no go with your original plan deliver your regular hospital we're sure it's fine we'll just check her when she's born anyway because of all that my doctor said usually i'd tell you to labor at home for a little bit and then go but he was like you should probably just go to be safe so we left at like 4 30 and i was like crying on the way out because every time i saw a dexter dexter made me super sad for some reason out of nowhere and i'd never cry so it was freaking everybody out that i was crying my mom and bobby out that it was i was crying and then we got to the hospital i was like i'm going to drop you off the front door i'll grab everything and i'll meet you inside she's like no just go park and i'll walk you're in labor probably or yeah i still had no idea what like i figured so what happened was usually when you your water breaks you still have like you could have 24 hours before you deliver the baby before it becomes a problem and my contractions weren't that bad so i was like i probably still have a lot of time let me just walk with you we'll help with the bags by the time we got to the room and checked in it was like 5 30. so already only in labor two hours maybe i had heard such good things about the nurses i was like ready for my really sweet awesome empowering nurse we get there and the nurse that's on staff was like coming off probably i don't know an eight or twelve hour shift and we were her last people and she was just trying to get us into the system so she could go home basically i don't know she was just out of it she was not she was not kind of like distant and just wanted to like do all the processing and like that paperwork like everything computer ask all the questions yeah she was asking me like just basic questions she wasn't giving me any info she was like a little she was a little cold just kind of like yeah okay you're gonna have a baby and we're like yeah we're here to have a baby can you be a little bit more yeah and usually when they tell you you usually go to the hospital and they'll like check if you're dilated to see if they're gonna keep you or send you home yeah which she didn't do she never checked if i was dilated how far i was nothing so we just kind of went through it like contractions were getting worse and worse and worse she eventually left right as it started getting kind of bad yeah it was around seven o'clock the set the new nurse came in it was awesome yeah she was awesome but she like walked into madness they all said they were expecting me to be in labor for hours so they weren't rushing or anything um because especially because it was my first baby they were concerned because the contractions were one right after the other and they were concerned that the cord was wrapped around the baby's knit yeah so neck or so what was happening they weren't they weren't talking to us but like in between i felt bad because i'm like in pain so i was like half hearing everything that people were saying and bobby was just there they kept saying we most likely are gonna have to do an emergency c-section was like the last thing that i wanted to do that was like my biggest fear going into it they were like we might have to do an emergency section your baby's in distress her heart rate would shoot up every time she'd have a contraction and then when she wouldn't they would go back down and they basically thought i was i was going to be doing it for hours so they were like the baby can't handle it for hours so their thought process was they were trying they were asking like when i ate last to make sure that i could go through surgery like all this stuff and i was like i feel like i have to push is that normal like because nobody still nobody had checked if i was dilated or anything i think they thought the first nurse checked me and she never did she said has anybody checked you were like no and she's like all right let me check you so she checked and she's like oh uh like you're fully dilated i see the baby's head yes we're about to have this baby we're about to have the babies i didn't have an epidural which was my other biggest fear that i was gonna somehow have the baby way too quick and not be able to have any pain meds or anything i don't even know everything happened so fast so basically once they found out that she was fully dilated the baby's head was like she could like see her and like the nerves could feel it three more nurses come in start getting lauren's like legs ready for labor our doctor wasn't there yet to the one to deliver she was stuck in traffic we found out so they called the on-call doctor they're getting him in i'm like right by lauren's side all this chaos is going on she's just like focused on breathing and pushing and there was so my plan was to use like just be with lauren i didn't want to like cut the cord i didn't want to see nothing i'm kind of queasy when it comes to blood and stuff like that there was no time for that i saw pretty much everything i wasn't queasy at all i think it was just adrenaline taking over and just me being concerned for lauren and the baby and they started awesome we went from having one nurse yeah and then the next time i the next thing i remember is just having all these nurses being like four times all right girl you got it there was our like that nurse that seconders came in kind of like leading the team basically so they start teaching lord how to like push see the doctor coming in the chaos and like everyone saying things i don't know what they're saying just like it's felt like an emergency emergency situation doctor comes in he comes in he goes down and it was just like he's like do this get me this get this it was four cycles of pushing not like four questions but like a cycle of pushing through a contraction i'm by lauren just right trying to keep her focused trying to like help you know talk as calmly as i can looking at her holding her hand trying to like help breathe with her and all of a sudden yeah they didn't even like get warned the doctor just takes the baby and plops her right on i'm like oh she's like there she is lauren you did it there she is you just gave natural birth there's melody there's our baby they bring melody over to like bassinet crib thing where they check on her and go to take photos of her and they're like yep everything's good she's checking out good you know how they're like hey let's try to like put my finger by her hand she's grabbing my finger and then they wrap her up they bring her over to lauren i love you [Music] so she was going to go to the nicu right away just because that heart issue we had talked about first to go there and monitor her and to eventually get an echocardiogram either like the night she was born or that it ended up happening the day after basically we only got to hang out with her for hang out hang out chill we got to have our time with her for like couple minutes a couple minutes before they took her away which sucked but i think it was such a whirlwind that it didn't set into like later that night it didn't it was uh i was kind of just like oh i get to like rest for a second yeah for me it was just like such a relief like she's out lauren's good melody's good she's healthy she's going to the best place she can go lauren's good let's just so intense i couldn't sleep so that whole night i couldn't sleep just because i was constantly replaying everything in my head like how how did this we went from like sitting on the couch relax and chilling to a couple hours later having our baby i was just and also i was just so happy because lauren was done being pregnant because i felt so bad for the last the last like what two to three weeks was pretty rough harper and just oh yeah the last couple weeks because everything up to them was i would say it was a pretty good pregnancy it was i had no complaints until that point i know it was painful because lauren doesn't curse much like she'll curse like she'll say like the s word or like but she's not like a curser like i curse i say her i curse a lot lauren doesn't care she was like under her breath like like cursing and just kind of like not like scream but just like under her breath like cursing and laura i could tell she was in pain but like was it as bad or as painful giving natural birth as you thought it was well there they said question on a scale of one to ten how much did giving birth hurt which is funny because that's what they kept asking me they were like on a scale of one to ten how bad is the p like before the baby came when you we first got in you said like four or six yeah and then it was like uh nine or ten yeah it was going up very fast yeah they were like we're not going to give you the epidural until you're at it like a 10. and then it was like five minutes later all right i'm out of time yeah it was bad it was definitely like probably some of the worst pain i've ever experienced but i also haven't gone through did you feel like you're gonna pass out from it or no no that's what i was always no i some women do they do pass out no i think the adrenaline was just basically your body and your brain is just like get this this get this thing out get this baby out like in the beginning you're you're it's painful but you're just like i hope i can get the epidural i hope i don't get a c-section i hope this isn't that bad and then toward the end you're literally like do whatever you need to do to get the baby out i don't care so i have no idea what happened what would you rather would you rather have it the way it went it was quick or would you rather be in labor for 24 hours with an epidural i feel like kind of what you want to wait yeah the way that like it sucked in the moment don't get me wrong yeah i don't i'm not i would feel like just i'm not excited to go through that yeah again ever but i think because it was so fast thank god i think from from my perspective not bad even though it was like kind of felt like emergency-ish kind of a situation how quick it was i think if you got checked right away and they're like wow you're dilated yeah she's coming it would have been a little better piecewise but for me it was just like so quick it was like there was no time to kind of like you couldn't like it's happening take it in yeah i couldn't really take it in after the baby's born it's just like all the pain is gone yes the weirdest thing i don't know people told me that and i was just like there's no way that you don't feel anything just gone you go from like dying to just be like oh hey and start talking to people again and it was it's such a weird crazy experience it's for sure yeah you did it yeah you went through natural birth and they feel like that's kind of like something like i went through it it sucked but yeah right i went through the the most painful thing they say that you can go through with no drugs after the two hours they moved us to the recovery room and we didn't have melody the first night because we'd wait for the next morning to get her heart the best part about the first night was eating i don't know why just like oh yeah and the hospital food was so good i don't know why it was great it was really good they had her on like a camera or like um and then and i see in the nicu there she was like on a live stream i guess you could say so we could watch her it's pretty cute and pretty emotional just watching her there she said i would just kept getting her i kept getting so sad because i was like that's when it started setting in i was like they won't let me see my baby oh yeah so that's the other great part of it i wasn't supposed to get covered tested because when we first got there they saw on my charts that i had covid back in january and they were like oh we're not going to test you then because there's no way that you can have it again so then i had the baby nobody tested but because the baby went to the nicu they were like oh you know what it's procedure we need everybody who goes into the nicu to get tested so they tested me they did like the rapid test and then later on that night when the nurse came in she was like um she's like by the way your covet test came back positive i was like and chuck was like there's no way i was like i have literally been at home on the couch i had to decide i knew it was going to come back positive because that's the rapid test and we had it but all the nurses agreed they were like there's no way that you had you said you have no symptoms right i said absolutely none no symptoms i haven't been around the only people i've been around all are vaccinated i haven't been going anywhere and i know how rare it is to get reinfected if you look it up it's extremely rare especially that close together getting covered twice because at first i was like oh no they're not gonna let us go see the baby this is going to ruin everything oh yeah which some people asked if you have to like wear a mask and labor i did but you took it off but then i took it off when i was actually in the pushing part they put an oxygen mask on yeah oh yeah you had the oxygen that was nice but then in our recovery room we had to keep it on like when people would come in and out which is actually another question i'm stepping on again a lot of people asked how it was having a baby during covid super annoying yeah we had to do like extremely annoying we had to do a lot of extra tests well only because we had covid yeah if we didn't have covid they wouldn't have made us jump through as many hoops during the pregnancy my theory is that so when we would go get the ultrasounds she was a little her weight was kind of low it wasn't dangerous so just a little low we're both small people it was kind of like okay she's fine and then all of a sudden we told the one ultrasound tech that we had covered and i s everything changed the attitude changed yeah i feel like they wanted to use us as like a study case oh these people are covered let's see what happens to them well listen it's good to be extremely cautious with babies and covet but it just felt kind of like they were they wanted to use us as an example i heard them say that they were using the placenta or they were keeping the placenta because we had covid like the hospital was keeping it meaning that they were probably running tests and stuff on it which is fine but it's interesting that they never asked if they could take yeah i don't want it oh yeah i saw that i saw the doctor take that out and everything and it was just like oh there that is but i'm fine with them testing it making sure that like it won't affect pregnant ladies in the future for babies finally got melody back the next morning [Music] it's not a fun recovery process for sure the first like week is rough recovery wise i had a pretty big surgical cut down there that i had a lot of stitches for so that was not fun the first couple days i needed a lot of help you were very good with helping me but yeah we finally got her back her heart and everything is good thank god her weight is good literally everything we had to stress and worry about the whole pregnancy ended up being good yeah how did it feel told your baby for the first time so many people ask me this that i watched a lot of blogs where i like cried when people held their baby for the first time because of the birth yeah everything i was just so like happy to have her like it felt awesome no i was i was more in shock they like put her on me and i was like it's over like like because i was expecting so much more of a different person i didn't really hold her until the next day yeah i think it was more sad i almost cried when i was holding her when they cleaned her up and brought her back to like let me hold her for a little bit and then they were like okay we have to take like the nurses were like nicely trying to rip off the band-aid of like hey we have to take her from you now so that was sad but yeah one of the questions was how are you doing mentally after giving birth i got postpartum depression with my first son no one warned me that could happen i was very aware that that's something that yeah i was gonna say i feel like i knew about it they yeah cause they like scare you so much about it like make sure if you have any of these feelings that you tell somebody i definitely didn't have postpartum depression there's something that i didn't know that existed that was called the baby blues which you can have the first like week or two and it's mainly just because your life just went through a major change you're not sleeping as well and your body's hurting and your hormones are going crazy but like i would cry over every like anything i would like start talking bobby about something and start getting choked up and be like i have to go like there's a couple times i'd like excuse myself but it was never bad crying the first two weeks are definitely the roughest yeah for sure because you're still healing you're learning everything you're going from like having full sleep to like not much sleep not knowing if you're doing everything right uh thankfully we had my mom was staying she's still staying with us that's why we're filming this right now um before she leaves this weekend so that uh bobby can be in the video because otherwise when i'm filming he's gonna go watch her thank god she was here because she took her in the mornings and then we could actually sleep and not be total zombies during the day and then bobby's parents came over a lot to try and help so we've definitely had a lot of help just like every baby she's a good day she has bad days she's days where her stomach's hurting her we're just going through a growth spurt and there's some days she's chill like today was a really good day today's been good last night last night was very good that was like the most sleep i've gotten in a little while yeah which brings me to my next question is melody a good sleeper does she wake up a lot at night just questions about her sleeping routine i have read so much stuff about babies and sleeping since because we we felt like we had it right in the beginning she was sleeping like four to three hour spans which was really good at night so we thought we had it down and then all of a sudden she switched and started doing like every hour every two hours or like she would sleep really good in the beginning of the night before we would even go to bed and then sleep terrible the rest of the night when we went to bed right now she's sharing a room with us but her sleeping is okay she has last night she was great she slept for like a five hour span for the first time in the beginning and then she used to wake up the good time was when she would wake up at we would put her down to eight she would wake up at 12 and then she would wake up at four and then she would wake up at like seven or eight yeah that was great because one of us would take the 12 o'clock the other one of us would take the four o'clock and we'd each only have one get up time in the middle of night now she kind of wakes up at like 12 3 4. yeah like but last night she did really good she woke up at two and then she woke up again at 4 30. so it was a little better yeah um but yeah i mean it's to be that's it she's doing good she did okay she sleeps she likes her swing during the day you can put her in her swing and rocks her and she stays in that for a while and she also loves to be held she'll fall asleep in our arms like like nothing and then you put her in the in the bassinet and after she starts moving and crying oh yeah the other question that i saw a lot was about dexter and melody like all so many questions we're asking how did dexter react when he first met melody and how long did it take to actually get used to melody when he first met her he was fine he was anxious for sure yeah anxious excited i was doing a lot of research on how to properly introduce babies to dogs so we each when we came home from the hospital like each of us went in individually to say hi to him so he can get his energy out and then we brought her in because just keep it calm but he was really good with her maybe the first every time we would go in the middle of night to have a diaper change he used to like follow us back and forth because he was so anxious and didn't know what was happening why this like little creature was crying in the middle of the night and why we were good getting up with her i guess he's like over here he's used to her he's all good he goes up and he sniffs her and he'll give her you know a little lick kiss every now and then and in the middle of the night when we go to change her and stuff he just stays in his bed now he's just like yeah he's used to her yep somebody asked what the best and worst parts about being a parent are so far i mean the best parts are you have a kid to reach the best part is you have a child to raise like them being cute i mean okay so like one of the like most enjoyable parts is when she's crying or cranky and you figure out what's wrong and she you calm her down and she's and you put her to sleep like that feels great like yes i did it i figured it out i calmed her down a bit of sleep the worst part is when you do that and you think you did it right and then five ten minutes later starts crying and yeah like last night it happened and i was like she was asleep i fed her she stopped eating like i don't know and then i picked her up i held her on my belly powdered a little bit 10 you know 5 10 20 minutes later put her back in the bassinet out so it's like i think it's for me we gotta start doing that because she seems to like that because she wakes up and she's she's crying we're like oh she wants to eat but it's not always we're trying to learn what else we're trying to like distinguish her cry when it's she's pretty easy i would say like when it's like a hysterical when i cry with like all right she either needs to be changed or fat but it's just like a man kind of crying like all right she's uncomfortable or just whatever yeah she's honestly a very easy quote-unquote easy baby yeah i wouldn't say ever like any baby is an easy baby so you still have to do a lot with them at all times she had a couple bad not even colicky episodes but like gas episodes where she would just cry and nothing would help but that was that's something the minority of the days and she hasn't knock on wood i think every time she has one of those days we're like all right what can we change like is it her bottle is it like the way she's sleeping what's she sleeping in so it's like problem solving a lot of problem solving yep that's a good answer oh yeah everybody's already asking if we're having more kids i think we're gonna like figure out this part of our lives first it's just hard it's just the pregnancy is nine months and then the labor and it's it's intense it's hard and it's like it's hard on you know lauren it's it's a lot especially you know during coffee was tough too but yeah if we do decide to have another baby i think we'll obviously be more prepared or used to it so we'll know what we're doing we've gone through the worst of it like we went through a pandemic baby and then also like the craziest birth we think we want to have another kid but we're not like all right once you're ready we're gonna have another kid it's just kind of like kind of like how we felt with having the first kid was like we both want to have kids we're not sure we're ready and then we were both ready around the same time we talked about it all right let's have a kid yeah yeah that's probably the way i'll play it yeah like we kept saying we're like oh we'll be happy if we have a kid or if we don't have a kid but let's just see how like a year two years from now we're like we're happy with melody we don't want to have another kid we won't and vice versa if we're like all right we're ready for another one yeah then we will i said i was like nothing about the experience so far has made me been like i never want to do this again yeah definitely there's been nothing but i uh i'm waiting i basically have to wait for the point where i'm just like yeah let's do all that again yeah there's a couple things i think we want to do with her first and like we want to do like we both we haven't been on like a real vacation since our honeymoon so we want to take like a real vacation we're not in a rush i think it's best in life not to have a plan have like a loose plan or like kind of what you want don't be like all right in 18 months from now when you're good it's like no no don't don't life throws too many curveballs at you to try and have a plan oh and then lastly a lot of people were asking about our thoughts on melody being treated different when she got older because of what i do for a living or what we do for a living and asking if melody's gonna be in videos as far as i am concerned i don't have any plans to have her in videos for one right now she's a baby like you're not gonna do a bunch of videos i don't have a desire to have her be a main part of the channel like this is my thing that i started and then like bobby helps and does what he can for it but like me and dex are kind of like side characters or like you know whatever i don't want her life to be dictated no or have any impact because of what i do well we've been posting a lot yeah if you want to see pictures or updates of our real life we do post those on instagram stories and um sometimes on twitter but i cuz i'm trying to find this middle ground like right now i'm okay with posting about her because she's a one month old like she's gonna change so much what she looks like there's nothing like there's nothing embarrassing about being a baby right now that she would that would come back to like haunt her later yeah or that something she wouldn't want on the internet but at the same time i feel like if i was like i'm not posting anything about her um restricting yourself no but i feel like then people look for it harder yeah like when you when you share what we want it's like when people don't show their faces like youtube creators don't show their faces it creates this like who's gonna worse it's like you have more pressure on yourself when you have these like restrictions so you'll you'll probably see her here and there and like our own personal posts and things but nothing's ever gonna center around her yeah we don't want that and specifically because that question do you think she'll be treated different i don't want her to be i don't think she will be by the time that she's old enough to know like i feel like by the time she's old enough and in school or daycare with other kids that are also her age that would be old enough to watch my videos i feel like it's gonna be so far in the future that like yeah i i mean i'm sure that each group probably won't even want to watch yeah i mean i'm sure things will be different because of who we are and our jobs and whatnot but it's we don't want it to be like a major impact on her life we want like we want her to grow up as yeah i want her to be normal as we i don't want people to be able to google her name and be like oh look at all these videos of her like throughout her life and yeah that's just our that's how we that's what we want to do other people do that or want to do it that's fine that's what they want to do constantly asking us on twitter or in comments how you doing how's the video how's this i know you guys i know you care and i know you want to know but when everything like i'm not going to just go oh she's good she's good she's yeah don't you want me to give you an update oh she's having cramps today you're like just let us have our lives we will share what we want to share i'll link our socials he posts a lot i i've been posting here and there when i'm able to or have the energy to but yeah now that this video is up that means every video after this is me filming after the baby so yeah don't ask where the baby is she's fine somebody's watching her it's most likely buffy she's good don't worry i would not leave her unattended but yeah i have started filming again obviously every week's gonna be different i'm gonna hope that i can keep up with the regular like three to four a week if something happens that's beyond my control during the week in our personal lives with the baby or the dog or whatever i will let you guys know but yeah that's it we wanted to just share melody in a proper video probably for the last time in a while yeah if you want to see anything about like our regular lives and things that's on our social medias if you have more questions you can ask them in the comments below and i will try to scan through and type out whatever answers thanks thank you to our parents for helping us yes thank you very very much for all of the help we very much appreciated it and it has made things way easier thank you to you guys for being so supportive and interested and um still watching my videos while i was on my maternity leave all right we're gonna go be with the baby now love you guys and i will oh and we will see i'm so rusty it's been a month you guys soon bye
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 3,008,773
Rating: 4.9804635 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, pregnant, pregnancy, pregnancy announcement, surprise, big announcement, i'm pregnant, we're pregnant, finding out i'm pregnant, having a baby, announcement, we had the baby, birth, meet our baby, meeting our baby, birth story, questions, q&a, labor, delivery
Id: D4eIiGl02e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 8sec (1868 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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