I Tried To Build Dream Homes in Animal Crossing …but I Built NIGHTMARES instead

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a portion of this video was sponsored by youtube oh oh my god look at all this food there's a bread basket yes there we go there we go there we go you are so welcome ma'am over down over decorated eat some of the food you can get in there [Music] so i kind of sorta haven't been to my animal crossing island in a year everyone's probably dead they probably burned my house to the ground i never finished my island so it's probably still looking like a disaster but i have my adorable animal crossing hawaiian shirt on because i am going back to the island because i got a new job a job that i think i'll be so good at that everyone on my island will forgive me for abandoning them for a year this portion of the video is sponsored by youtube so this year youtube will be featured in the game awards show for the very first time so to celebrate this youtube and me want to encourage all of you to make a youtube short from your mobile device announcing who you want to win creator of the year or game of the year and then upload it before november 26th with hashtag t-g-a-c-o-t-y and hashtag t-g-a-g-o-t-y check out my link in the description below if you want to see the list of nominees for each category and also select shorts may even be included in the show i'll actually be uploading my own youtube short with who i want to win creator of the year later today so keep an eye out for that but thank you youtube for sponsoring this portion of the video i look forward to checking out all of your youtube shorts and now back to your regularly scheduled weird content from me good morning everyone that girl we hate is back ah back to normal just like what happened to me it's been so long my phone is ringing hello lauren where's all the money you owe me oh my god you're alive i forgot that i changed my character into a halloween look last halloween like 20 20 halloween it is now november 2021. ah lord you're here finally lottie allow me to introduce you to lauren she's the worst she abandoned us for a year oh hello i'm lottie i used to work with mr nook a long time ago before this big island venture he started yes yes she's quite talented and now she runs her very own vacation home company well i did have a very good teacher she owes tom nook a boatload of money i will compliment you tom no please don't come for me while i'm sleeping i'll pay you back i promise we just got our new office set up so we're finally ready to start taking orders for custom vacation homes right now we need another team member a go-getter with vision and insight into our clients needs well i may have up and abandoned my entire village for a year because it was too much responsibility but i am definitely a go-getter with vision you'll see just watch all my videos i've worked so many jobs i've been amazing at all of them when i told mr nook what i was looking for he said he knew exactly who to ask and here we are when she came to me you were the first one i thought of after all you've done such a lovely job with your own home have i though i'll leave it to you and lottie of course but my instinct has rarely steered me wrong oh top nook you're so wrong about this i'm gonna be terrible what do you think you interested i'll do it i'll come ruin your business soon see you soon lottie okay tom nook said i did such a great job with my house and that's why he put me up as a reference did i though tom nook i don't even remember what my house looks like but i know it wasn't good i just put a bunch of space stuff in here ah what's straight ahead in the house a kitchen perhaps nope cockroaches and an empty room with just um i don't know what i was doing i have to look back at my old live streams i don't know what i was in the middle of doing what is this room this is the candy room i come in and i just sit here and i eat this bucket of candy that's a year old from last halloween what's over here a bathroom with cockroaches and a bunch of things that don't match or make sense in here fantastic and over here in my gorgeous renovated house that i spent so much time on that definitely warrants me to oh yes a beautiful room with things in the center of it for no reason i don't even know what this room is used for yay i'm so talented lottie's gonna love me and upstairs actually i think upstairs was cool yes upstairs is very cool this is my masterpiece and then the basement is where i hide the bodies no it's where i hide my ice cream cone and monitor all of the villagers yes why do two rooms in my house have just like oh no i stepped on my cockroach friend two rooms in my house just have random food in the center of the room well this is my resume better go to work they're so lucky to have me designing homes for them they definitely did not read my resume or look at my house whatsoever all right time to head to work oh hey buddy how's things been going since i've been gone look at here it's lauren i haven't seen you in what one year in one month well if you needed proof that i have not played that there it is you know i was beginning to think you were just a figment of my imagination it's good to have you back is it though is it though oh my god i'm ruining things already by accident oh my god what i've missed you vitamin l oh she calls me that i hate it i don't know why she does where have you been i was running out of ways to fill my days waiting to see oh my god hug me fauna can't wait to catch up on things oh my god please don't leave me funny maybe i should get out of my halloween look for this i gotta look professional for work all right let me go change real quick ah yes this look is much more professional this might be too intimidating maybe i'll just go back to my everyday look yeah yeah i'll go back to the normal me i want to go to work oh he's so cute hi welcome you must be the newbie the lady was talking about right everyone is so ready for you i don't think they're ready for me first day of work oh hello co-workers everyone this is lauren the person in charge of our custom vacation homes i will let you down glad you're here i wouldn't be i'm gonna destroy this business from the inside out it's policy to wear a uniform when you're working what's wrong with my outfit you know how long it took me to decide you'll find yours in the locker upstairs next to the mirror make me wear a stupid uniform better make me look good oh what i can customize it oh yeah yes really i couldn't wear my outfit but you'll let me wear this stuff you know what i've decided to take this job seriously at first i was gonna dress up like a crazy person but you know what i'm really gonna try and make this work look i'm at you guys now yay oh my god our first client we are going to make your dreams come true just tell your hopes and dreams to lord and they'll get started right away yes yes eloise tell me your hopes and dreams oh this is adorable shall i just go ahead and describe my vision yes yes louise tell me your vision what's your vision and i will make it come to life i'm very particular i have some furniture i'd like to use no matter what you see my ideal place is like a relaxing reading room okay please fulfill that dream lauren i will do my best here we are ah yes a little slab of land with one house on it okay oh are you guys are you guys gonna watch while i do this this makes me nervous get out of here go goodbye get out get out of my workspace ah i can't work under these conditions okay these are the things you wanted in here regardless correct and then oh i have access to all this is there a limit oh my god there's no limit yes what else she got here eloise photos of herself okay don't worry we'll put a bunch of those up yes white walls and white floors now it'll look like you're in an insane asylum oh she likes that okay oh she loves she loves photos of herself we're gonna put them everywhere everywhere oh my god oh yes all right eloise well you wanted a relaxing reading area um i made your house into a reading labyrinth surrounded by photos of yourself i don't even know if you can get to your chair there's nowhere for you to eat there's nowhere for you to sleep this is your life now you will read until you die you're welcome you did it thank you did i though look at it i guess i i guess she liked it did she like it did i win oh god she's like i which way do i go could she even fit oh she can fit okay i didn't know if she could fit between the bookcases can't even see her the bookcases are blocking just but books just books you can't see her just books on books on books just lots of books so we can't see her enjoying it just books but at least we have all these pictures of her so we know what she looks like can't see anything she's doing oh it's exactly how i imagined it is it though no it's even better i'm so glad i asked you to do this well i'm glad you liked it i mean one person's dream home is another person's nightmare cause that house was a nightmare it went perfectly oh my god my payment uh what is hope not bells what is this garbage currency i got gypped okay so now i have to go out and find clients ah yes victims i mean clients oh my god i'm going for the penguin penguin's mine penguin hello ma'am oh a giant projection screen for movies would be amazing see what other ideas we got first i want a place to enshrine a sweet bat collection i thought he meant like the bat like bats the animals i want an exclusive club that only plays my playlist okay i guess that's all we got to pick from i will go with the penguin then jokes on them i put stuff in the cocktail to make them think all of my things are amazing even though they're not that's why they love all the homes they're like this is great it's cause i put stuff in their drink that makes them think everything's awesome that's why we have these meetings i'm gonna build you a projection screen so big penguin that you go blind okay your dreams are about to come true in ways that you didn't think possible and probably didn't want but i could do stuff in the yard too oh yeah do some curtains so it looks like a movie theater do some weird movie theater floors you know what i'm talking about all movie theaters have really weird floors i don't even know if she can get through i guess we'll see the best thing about this is that they're all gonna be playing something different simultaneously it may make you go insane and blind and you can't even get in but that's okay okay she wanted a popcorn snack set but we're gonna give her more food oh my god it looks like a torture device chair oh my god look at all this food okay there's a bread basket yes okay there we go there we go there we go you are so welcome ma'am i don't know if she's gonna be able to move around this looks like some sort of mind control room um i can't get in i did not think this through i wanted to go in and turn oh there we go i turned some on there we go crap i gotta go in and turn all the tvs on it may look like a massage chair but it's actually something that holds you down so you forever have to watch screens and eat junk food this is my dream vacation home i hope it's yours as well i hope she can get in there or she's just gonna stare at it from the hallway oh no over decorated i'd be delighted if you could clear out some space for me to walk or stand or perhaps see the floor is it just because you need to like get into the chair there you go yay you did it thank you go go yonder into the uh half entertainment half torture device room look at all that fresh baked bread right there we yeah every time it shows we can't see what she's doing there we go she does not know where to go she can only walk in this tiny sit in the chair can you not did i block it i'm pretty sure the chair is blocked my bad you can squeeze in there eat some of the food you can get in there you're welcome what a gorgeous vacation home yes my drinks my drinks are working perfectly oh she wants me to take pictures of her in here oh she can't get into the seat okay well you're just gonna stand at the corner then beautiful yes smell all the food smell it all looks like you're my captive oh my god she's holding a lollipop you closed your eyes there we go that's so good you're welcome i told you told you that drink helps they just think everything's awesome all right i think we have enough time to ruin one more client's life you're new about home filled with toys i want the furniture to be stylish and functional i want to be surrounded by dolls i love them so much all the other people would love my services of filling their house with excessiveness i'm gonna go a little minimalistic with this one she just wants functional furniture i could do that a stylish but functional spot because we're gonna go with minimalism here we're just gonna put her in the middle of nowhere with nothing does it count if i put her stuff outside that she wants we need to be minimalistic inside i got some feedback from clients saying that there was too much over decorating so you know what i'm gonna take that oh it does count perfect this is for you to um i don't know stand at and eat yeah let's throw food on this pizza sweet i mean this is one of my dreams eating pizza while staring at the ocean you're welcome and then you wanted the inside to be functional we're just doing very basic and then what what did you want you wanted your chair there you go you can stare at the door and wait for people to visit you that's it as you can see i don't take constructive criticism well okay and i'm sorry that i'm taking that out on you ma'am but it is what it is this will get ruined by the uh elements of living out in the ocean i'm not gonna lie to you it's probably gonna fall apart immediately and that's it the inside of your house has a chair and then here's the other two things you wanted now the question is is she gonna say anything oh my god she likes it are you freaking kidding me that's all you wanted oh i have to see her use this i have to see her use this is she going to eat the pizza i'm very excited stylish but functional yeah i don't know she can't even reach it that's the picture she's not gonna go inside go inside oh man go inside the house come inside i wanna see you use this i'm so mad she only showcased the outside she couldn't even reach the pizza how do you like it in here all right enjoy your chair house i hope you enjoy sitting in your chair okay well that's it for me being a dream makeover artist making people's dreams come true and definitely not giving them nightmares instead but yeah if you enjoyed this animal crossing throwback video then make sure to leave a like before you go and maybe i will do more of them either way i'm going to be playing on my own on the side because i'm really excited about the update and i want to check it out because it's been way too long and i need to finish my island but in the meantime if you're looking for something else to watch why not check out one of these videos and if you're new the subscribe button's right there you can click or tap it it's free and i'll make your dreams come true online that sounded naughty it wasn't supposed to be your dreams of laughing at the internet come true there you go and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 1,291,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, animal crossing, dlc, dream home, funny, nightmares, happy home, shorts
Id: VpspxjD19e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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