Meeting Gandrel before knowing Astarion is a vampire - ALL OPTIONS | Baldur's Gate 3

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ah stranger forgive the aroma you catch a waft of something foul metallic and sickly sweet powdered iron Vine an old Hunter's trick and most monsters will think twice before making a meal of me you're a monster hunter I'm surprised I thought Olga were vagrant Cutthroats and more we steal chickens curse your crops seduce your daughters the list goes on I wish I had half the power settled folk think my people possess alas I am a simple Wanderer a simple Wanderer and Monster Hunter but I'm no witch doctor or Katz wrote I'm surprised I thought all girl were vagrant Cutthroats practical and dangerous people we travel the land never settling in one place we steal your chickens curse your crops seduce your daughters your friend here has heard it all I'm sure now I wish I had half the power settled folk think my people possess alas I am a simple Wanderer a simple Wanderer and Monster Hunter but I know which Dr Hawkins wrote I'm surprised I thought all girl were vagrant Cutthroats your friend has just heard the rumors of my people that we steal chickens curse your crops seduce your daughters I wish I had half the power settled folk think my people possess alas I am a simple Wanderer a simple Wanderer and Monster Hunter and I'm no witch doctor or Cuts wrote I'm surprised I thought all girl were vagrant Cutthroats you should listen to your companion next he'll warn you that my people can curse your cow to give only sour milk and will seduce your daughter to a life of roaming I wish I had half the power settled folk think my people possess alas I am a simple Wanderer a simple Wanderer and Monster Hunter but I'm no witch doctor or Cuts wrote something terrifying no doubt Dragon cyclops Cobalt nothing so dramatic I'm hunting for a vampire spawn I fear he's gone to ground I hope the hag of these lands can help me flush it out if I can afford her blood price a vampire spawn why but I'm no witch doctor who cuts wrote true and I have no proof to offer but my word if you wish it our paths need not cross again I'm hunting a vampire spawn and it's a little too bright for you to be my prey I fear he's gone to ground I hope the hag of these lands can help me flush it out if I can afford her blood price a vampire spawn why it is a sacred Mission from the head of my tribe she sent me here to capture the Beast and return it to her capture and bring it where Baldur's Gate my people wait for me there under all the smiles you can feel a starion's tension she coiled like a spring hand inching towards his weapon why just so that Empire's a Godless parasites we do not need a reason to destroy them but in this case it is a sacred Mission from the head of my tribe she sent me here to capture the Beast and return it to her capture and bring it where Baldur's Gate my people wait for me there under all the smiles you can feel as Darien's tension he's coiled like a spring hand inching towards his weapon why yes yes fine it's just specific why not kill the Knolls or goblins rampaging around here it is a sacred Mission from the head of my tribe she sent me here to capture the Beast and return it to her capture and bring it where Baldur's Gate my people wait for me there at night of course beyond that I must say no more there are some Trade Secrets we cannot share how sensible we should go but you are fun tracking your monster no I mean we have different quests I wouldn't want to distract this fellow from his path any more than he'd want to lead us from ours the elf is right I have my own road to walk a road that leads me straight to a hag's den alas but I wish you well be safe thank you treating with a hack I need all the luck I can get may your road be kind there's a lot to know I've crossed paths with your people before you know it wasn't a good experience I've crossed paths with your people before you know it wasn't a good experience that bad let's go we've wasted enough time talking the girl helped themselves no one else whatever is price it would have been too much trust me I did us a favor he was spinning a tail and you were falling for it vampires sacred missions honestly he would have followed us to camp and slit our throats in the night trust me I did us a favor it's a figure of speech darling I'll be disappointed if you trusted me at all now if we're done we have more important business to get on with I did us a favor no no we're done here let's go I did us a favor I had my reasons you can be sure of that now if we're done we have more important business to get on with trust me I did us a favor I absolutely definitely will think about it now if we're done we have more important business to get on with
Channel: MissNooki
Views: 9,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, baldur's gate, baldurs gate, bg3, Astarion, Gur, Gandrel, vampire, monster hunter, swamp
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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