Marco Pierre White was a Savage

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Unfortunately he was an abusive sociopath to his employees too

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ramiel01 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 19 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Love his demeanor.

I'm forced to bend over backwards for whatever stupid fucking thing customers want me to do because corporate is afraid of offending anybody.

Order after close? Make it or we'll get a bad review.

Take out cold because the ubereats driver didn't use a hotbag and left your food on your doorstep for an hour in 20F weather? "Oh so sorry, heres a refund and a 50% off coupon for your next order"

Want a pizza with half red sauce, half pesto, cheese only on half of each sauce, and different toppings for each corner? "Of course we'll do that for no extra fee"

Parents letting their kids run amok in the restaurant screaming, blowing whistles, hitting other customers, and throwing food? "This is a family friendly place and we're unable to dictate what constitutes acceptable behavior"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nicksvegancooking πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 19 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I can’t get past the whole shilling for Knorr thing

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xlaurenthead πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 19 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
someone told me that you you kicked out eight people in the last two weeks what were the reasons for that I think that's I think that's right eight people in two weeks God I'm below par is that all they must have knocked off a no they must have knocked off a no you do it I'm here 18 hours a day six days a week this is like my house this is like my home when I cook every night it's cooking for people who hopefully are appreciative and as I say 1995 are very appreciative you've got that other five percent we're incredibly rude obnoxious they clicked their fingers they arrived late and I don't want those people in my house if I came to your house for a dinner party and I was obnoxious I was rude I was late I mean let me you're gonna tolerate me you didn't ask me to leave aren't you don't just because they're paying for it they think they can be rude and obnoxious well in Harvest they don't get a bill you just ask them to leave they don't want their money no I didn't make Gordon Ramsay cry he made himself cry that was his choice to cry I didn't even want to help me no you've all got better things to do well well if it's necessary yes then yes if it's not then no don't ask me what's your big question basically these lobsters have come fresh from the sea this morning and I suppose if I was a lobster I prefer to end up in my own hands and someone else's hand can you imagine I mean at least they're gonna get a good Christian death here you know what I mean and onions great marriage if you get your act together boys for sake come on you get out hey come here come here come here come here come here for the position hey do you need changes to it since you started doing it no it's always coming in for lunch does he eat at Harvey's a lot yes you become quite friendly with them don't you yes there's nothing like modern answers either nope there's no point in doing this Marcus well fine you can go then there's no doors over there no but if you're not gonna call you know all I've got to do is all I've got to do is make the sauce yeah but that is what I'm being paid for not being paid for anything else to make the sauce but I was engaging you in something sorry I didn't want to put I didn't want to cut myself but you can listen and you can cooperate there's just much points I'm sorry I understand your grammar and I understand if you wish me to cut myself on screen then I don't mind I'll do it for you I'll do what is ever expected of me okay we'll just chop the chicken or the chocolate you want me to chop the mushrooms I'll chop the mushrooms you almost made the sauce I'll make the sauce okay okay to sell my heart never expect that I think we should get rid of the film crew it's actually intrusive for the last six weeks at the end of the day we've got to get results and I don't care how we get them I don't care how many boys we've got to go through to get them where would you like to come madam I can't do you I'm full I've got to do I'll tell you what I can do for you I can do you at 9 30. you're desperate are you would you like to give me your number and your bedroom number sounds rather nice room 20. I'll have you a nice table bye-bye who is calling I'm sorry maku is in Paris today he is he will not be back until Tuesday the 30th yes you can ask me anything but whether you get an answer there's another question Harvey's restaurant good morning have you got the right number for the head chef uh who would you like to speak to yes we've got three of them on the Monday thank you bye-bye it is Market white speaking yes bye-bye sir bye hello office restaurants will you please stop ringing your puppies you drive me crazy okay bye-bye hey so very unpredictable he can phone he can phone me in the morning and scream and shout down the phone this isn't good enough that isn't good enough what are you gonna do about it let's let the phone down on me and they found back up 10 minutes late and said how are you darling you know it's great really it's one big game I've never seen one before you know that I'm surprised I haven't used it fat content's not high enough if you've got the serious Marco you've got a problem if you've got the other Marco thing you know you can have a good time with him he's good fun a difficult guy to work with though impossible I would say I mean obviously you've got to be a very special person to work alongside someone like that someone is very eager to learn and willing to take Marco's tension well I couldn't I'd agree with you there because I came from poverty and now I live a rich lifestyle I'm off of my 17 Kingfishers we're all too scared to tell him that we've run out Harry where's Harry gonna kill me hey what are you doing if you're not a fish Harry I counted that was more than 85 but I have no idea where they are they just swam off to me if you gave that to your mother would she be happy not with the way it is right now [Music] one of the few because you've been married a few times is there I'm not being smart I'm very lucky I'm not but you are very lucky I'm very lucky I found three ladies who wanted to marry me yeah played his jersey this place he's dead this place is dirty ignore them ignore them ignore them there you are that wipes it for you want to speak to someone else I like speaking to you Ro AR at least something comes back
Channel: TMURPH
Views: 1,534,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zmjapU29GKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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