Meet the Billionaire of California and His PRIVATE CAR COLLECTION !!!

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welcome to the garage of a billionaire yes you've seen the cheap site that's one of the expenses out of all rich people problems you know yeah it's basically one giant birkin bag because small dreams lead to bigger dreams would you ever sell this car everything's for sale except my wife and kid good morning good morning good morning welcome back to another video guys so today look at the view that's insane guys we're in la right now and today is actually really special because we are about to go to one of the most insane car collections ever and you guys are going to be in for a big surprise because you know what other people know this guy and he's balling so he's a real live billionaire he's a real life billionaire so guys as my sister said today we have a very exciting day we're about to go meet one of la's billionaires this is a guy that i've looked up to for a very long time like he has the most insane car collection so when i say billionaire this guy has like four bugattis they were heading out in the tesla i'm actually enjoying this car look at this look at how you open the door look at this you see that's how you open the door fancy look at that all right let's go bro this is such a cool car i love the technology in this car it's so high-tech like it has a big screen mommy what are you doing mommy are you okay in the back lego [Music] guys we made it this is the official l.a hollywood [Music] this is the view i've seen people take whenever they come to l.a like this road with the palm trees you know guys we're here it's time to go see manny horchman let's go oh my god this is the entrance yes sir are you kidding me let's go whoa welcome to the garage of a billionaire this is a spaceship whoa for real oh my god yo that is insane do you see that i mean i've seen cars parked in a garage but i've never seen them rotated yeah is this your turntable for a real car so right now we just entered the garage we're gonna go meet manny freshman himself who's the owner of all of these and a lot more like this this is the beginning guys like this is the this is the cherry on top let's go i don't know which car to look at guys every single one of them is crazy wow oh my god the one and only mr manikoshmi all right let's go meet him let's go with him this is the man himself how are you doing how are you good thank you so much for having us first of all you're a huge inspiration you know thank you but take us around welcome to cali first of all yeah and my man cave yes you've seen the cheap side that's one of the expenses oh this is oh this is where it gets real as if this side wasn't crazy enough this side is like a beast bro all right let's go let's go oh this is my newest baby i bought this uh it took me three and a half years to build it with hermes but it's been here for about seven eight months this is the car that like broke the internet by the way i love the color it's like a creamy off-white what's the actual color and so this is a hermes color it's called cray cray it's not like almond milk yeah oh my god yeah it's like my favorite out of my collection i don't think my next car comes which one is that which is on the plane it's coming what is that yeah it's another airman's do you have like a hermes is like you're you're you're their best person i don't know i mean you know i have expensive tastes guys i the car is so clean i don't even want to touch it like it's beautiful i would take you for a drive but i have to pull too many cars out yeah i love the headlights on the hermes oh wow wow guys by the way the key box to a bugatti chiron is wow i'm confused there's there's a key and there's yes exactly so this is your speed key if you want to go over 230 miles an hour you have this puppy in there and otherwise if you want to die basically yeah you want to fly no no no i'm like what's that fly it doesn't stop there they send you this big trunk which is shiran hermes one of one and then they sent you this cool oh wow they actually they gave you that too yeah that's freaking crazy always have it inside your house i mean like the mini version of your car yeah if you don't want to drive the car you're traveling you can take your car with you it's like the very version of the car see herman's one-on-one but even the fabric inside is replicated of the actual car rich people problems you know yeah all right guys so next up as you can see we have the bugatti vites now guys there is not that many of these in the entire how many in total so there's six variants they made three of each so there is no up 18. so there's three in this aspect in this spec only one for u.s do you know where the other two are uh one's in actually dubai and i think the other one is in asia okay somewhere in asia guys this is really cool so this is a convertible bugatti veyron sport or high grand sport how do you call it the test that's that's 1200 horsepower what's that thing in the middle it's got like an elephant yeah it's an elephant sculpture in bronze uh this was built in memory of etory bugatti's brother and he did life-size elephants in bronze that's what it's called this car is finished in bronze that's his signature but what's your favorite car out of here right now all right guys so next up we have the p1 guys now this is my sister's favorite but i can't lie like i love the bugattis too much like i don't know is that so bad to say but guys um honestly this is one of the craziest collections ever and i love the fact that he has mini versions of each of his cars so you saw the bugatti right there guys come check this out there's a mini version of it right over here whoa what color is because i've seen like really like yeah style oh so this is the only one made uh mclaren made only in this finish is exposed carbon fiber uh body in satin finish and it looks really cool because in the sun the carbon kind of pops yeah but inside is like you know bad mobile this is my favorite color bro but for my future car i'm definitely getting something like this bro well you never know make me an offer i can't refuse oh yeah i know it sounds crazy this is one of my favorites so this is the one off too i bought it from the original owner and he expected in this color so it's the only bugatti veyron they made 270 of them this is the only one that's this color combo oh are you guys ready for more hermes oh this is my most detailed car and it was my first car 2015. so the entire car is basically one giant birkin bag because [Laughter] it has so many birkin bags inside it it comes with a seven piece luggage set it's all cameras obviously but this is a lining fabric they use for their birken bags and this leather is one of the oldest leather 180 years ago the attention to detail oh wow i i didn't expect that look at all this oh this was hand stitched these are all laser cut edge for them as what is this by the way you know i never opened it let's open it let's see what it is hopefully it's not a flute oh it's like a road assistance roadside okay okay first time i've seen one like that yeah it's like right at the top what would you put that in this expensive pack this should be at least some persian pistachios yeah this car is like an art piece wow it's like picasso on wheels you know and because it was the picasso so guys this is personally one of my favorite cars because unlike the other cars you rarely see paganis like it's one of those cars where like you have to be a collector to have it especially this this unique one because this is the only one that's a hermes for ghani they collaborated so wow oh my god like those exhausts bro those are really cool exhaust the lights are really different they're like three in the corners and like you said these are um i forgot what was it they're like laser-cut [Music] right now that you've seen the cars it's quickly time to turn on the pagani oh my god listen to this car okay but i think i should get your reaction oh oh that's the key yeah so pagani is all about you know precision workmanship it's pretty cool [Music] oh yeah by the way guys look at all the lights and everything it's like an airplane a lot of instrument lights it's very cool so this is i heard a lot about the interior of this car it's all like handmade right so that the gear was really cool like you know what yeah when you see the mechanism is showing right through there oh down here yeah three watches where you see the mechanism you should have it with the car yeah i agree wow would you ever sell this car everything's for sale except my wife and kids all right all right guys so now that we're done with the car collection i think it's time to finally have a sit down at the manny table so please be my guest guys so this is the famous business table for manny horsham if you guys want to cut a deal anything that happens it happens here right that's right but yeah this is 1300 pounds and over 2 000 screws all this is full of women on this if you look under this table it's fully like empty there's nothing it's a stealth jet fire they're flying yeah and that's what i wanted to do it is what it is all right guys so there you go that has been manny freshman's car garage but before we end off everything this is the main reason i came here guys so manny horshman if you guys don't already know him he's a very very successful businessman i mean i i don't know but what's your words of wisdom to kids watching to like how did they get here because you came from nothing oh yeah well i've been doing real estate for 30 years it's nice to dream big but have a plan of action small dreams lead to bigger dreams my first car was a honda accord and i saved 100 a week from my paycheck for a year to be able to go to auction and buy that car you still have the car no i upgrade it find it i'll find it somewhere but you know what educate yourself be patient never give up if you want to learn more check out my program i got real estate mentorship program at check it out guys can i get like an access to that men to share you know come on there you go i'll join you one of the lessons you know we're out let's go [Music] is there a secret code hello
Channel: Mo Vlogs
Views: 1,986,596
Rating: 4.9047785 out of 5
Keywords: mo vlogs, dubai, manny khoshbin, billionaire, car collection, bugatti collection
Id: 8oIdYqW-PfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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