Meet the BILLIONAIRE GIRL of Dubai , $100 million Mansion !!!

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guys welcome to my house [Music] follow your dreams and follow your heart good morning yo what is up everyone welcome back to another oh my god they're everywhere they don't want me to do the introduction so today i have a very very exciting day because today i'm gonna be meeting one of the most successful women in the country mona katan co-founder of huda beauty and she's recently launched her own perfume called kayali she's very successful guys apart from that herder family one of the sweetest families i've ever met and i i consider them literally like my family i love you guys if you're watching this i love you without further ado today i'm going to go show you the life of mona katan and i'll see you on the other side [Music] hey hi guys so right now we are here at monacon's mansion yes guys so today i'm gonna be introducing you to one of the sweetest girls you're about to meet not only that she has her own empire guys like this entire house it's massive this is hers like it's it's in one of the most expensive areas in dubai so guys today we're gonna go meet one of the most awesome people show you their success story let's go [Music] hello how are you how's everything good thank you so much introducing it's monica really good by the way i know they can't smell you but you saw really good i love that compliment i'll take it so guys today she's gonna be taking her us into her life into our house and i'm just gonna grab the camera from here you can take over the show hi guys i am mona catan uh co-founder put a beauty and kylie and global human lover i don't know teddy bear what do they say welcome to my house okay guys i'm going to take you inside and i want to take mo to my favorite place first my perfume basement it is like a crazy perfume mad house you guys have to cut by the way i love it i love this like i love the fact that you're you're so focused on perfumes like look at the house guys yeah you're so sweet so guys before we go she has a perfume dungeon i would say but i want to show you guys the rest of the house a little bit better this place is beautiful we have like a play area over here with a ton of books yeah it's pink and gold i love it this is custom the piano is custom as well and it actually plays music on its own so oh second place i love the way it looks but it's really fun oh my god look at this [Music] yeah you're just gonna cheat you're gonna press the button no i can't play so terrible so tell me about like the artwork here so when i first moved in this house it's been about three years i did go a little bit crazy and i kind of was like oh i got my own house so i went i went nuts and i actually curated all this art that painting with the one that has um donald on like the stallion with like the money that was the first one i bought and then i was like oh my gosh what am i trying to portrait like that's not good i can't be just focused on work and success and like you know wealth i need to focus on love so then i had him create the unicorn with jasmine aladdin it says ride slow so i'm trying to like balance out my life a little bit more still working on it but we're getting there so let's go down to my basement i'm going to show you all my favorite perfumes guys when i tell you this is a million dollar perfume collection it's actually a million dollar perfect little bit more i mean it's kind of your work so it's like an investment all right let's go [Music] you guys ready oh my god my crazy perfume basement so true story before covid i had all this stuff in the office but i had to move it in here because it gave me so much anxiety being separated from my babies what i was like i can't sleep so far what if somebody takes them what if there's a fire like it will explode so i have to move them to my house i love fragrances so i collect like the classics the uber are like expensive original ones um celebrity fragrances like i'm obsessed just a little bit i mean guys this is an insane perfume collection here's like crazy nicki minaj bottles like i love wait is that nicki minaj's perfume those yeah these are two of her bran perfume i've never heard about that yeah it's honestly celebrity fragrance are huge in the us i don't know why they don't sell here so i have to get these all imported from abroad how dump is this this is nicki minaj's perfume yes look at this bottle tell me it's not so sexy how sexy is that so this is actually one of my favorite brands mccaliff and the juices oh if you guys smell this yes that's right hi guys so now that i'm here with mona how many perfumes do you have probably 3 500. oh wow i need to count again are any of them like investments like do they go up in price or food does food actually goes up in value over time um actually like there are some foods that are like 100 000 of dollars just for like a tiny little vial it's insane wow but i want to show you guys the most expensive fragrances i have so this bottle right here which is insane it's it looks expensive i feel it it's like so heavy i can tell it's like marble oh okay take it around here this bottle is 3 000 pounds that's like crazy five thousand dollars almost i think so yeah something like that but this is insane it was like one of 50 pieces made in the world it's by bulgari do you want to spray also i don't want to say it's too expensive okay one just one okay that's it that was like fifty dollars yeah right there it's huge this one was also like quite expensive this was like about eight hundred dollars or pounds i can't remember but also very looks very nice do you want to try it no i i think one is enough yeah this is hermes louis vuitton again love this brand do you wanna try it guys today i'm gonna smell like a butterfly so we're putting kalei vanilla i have to be honest you have to do this that's the best way to scissors yes because then as you sweat you just smell so delicious i like it i've never been sprayed like this much that's the thing about me whenever i spray i spray like once and i see girls it's like we're gonna have to change that we're gonna work on those fragrance routine he's going to be like he's going to wake up like this gotta save time all right guys so now that we've seen all the perfumes it's time for the most important one which is chaotic um yeah so k ellie is definitely my baby i'm clearly a crazy perfume obsessed person imagine like when you smell a fragrance you wore like a year ago it brings like memories instantly guys i love it look at all of this like just having the bottles next to each other oh we have a baby one too that's cute okay now we're gonna go upstairs to show you guys my bag collection that's my other passion but it gets me in a lot of trouble so i don't have as many bags let's go so now i'm going to take you upstairs so we're going to look at the mess i'm going to take the lift because these kill these heels i wore just for you i don't wear heels like for the past nine months i think i've worn no heels at all guys we're taking the elevator upstairs i love i love having elevators in houses you know it's so useful especially when you're carrying all these bags all right let's go okay guys now i'm gonna show you my second passion well i guess it's my second fashion but this is my closet wow bag collection and um yeah my clothes um and over here is my bag collection which i've been working on forever i i invest in like brick-ins and kelly's because they do go up in value um that's my argument advice to my family and they're like why but it's true it's actually true guys oh my god so apart from the birkins this is so cool you're so cute i love that you love this one this one makes me so happy it reminds me of like childhood and like cotton candy and just like good times these are like really limited bags by gucci oh these are gucci yeah these are gucci so these two right here were super limited i've never worn them but these are just collector items oh that's so sad guys there's a gold in there the car yeah oh my god that's insane guys mona also has a crazy sunglass collection which i kind of see we kind of ignored it wow i'm kind of like a collector like when i like something i go in hard and i just like get obsessed i love that though because you have a beautiful collection now thank you so much i love funky glasses like big the bigger the better like these i love these are these cute wow i love them these are really fun i i love the whole like wow go big or go home definitely 100 so as you can see this is moda's bag collection and i know a lot of girls are going to watch this like mono we want this uh guys so honestly speaking i'm a guy but i understand why women buy specifically a lot more birkins as well they're an investment like honestly like but yeah saying their investment are you ever going to sell them probably not no you know that's what i do with shoes you could but i wouldn't you know so guys honestly i know it sounds weird as a guy i love perkins just because i love und like knowing when something's an investment hermes if you're watching this i wanna broken you're gonna see me carrying around anyways okay what's your favorite bag um i would say my favorite one is this one right now because it's small and i just got into like the smaller size this is the size 25 and then i think this one because i got it recently did you know approximately like how much is your closet worth my whole closet i just um had to do it for insurance purposes it was a lot oh yeah yeah that's a good one so guys since we're here mona i want you to take us through a couple of the bags how much does something like this cost so this one i believe it was around 280 000 durhams so that's like 80 000 dollars yeah and then if you were to buy it from like not hermes because i bought it directly from romance but if you bought it from like a reseller you'd probably be spending yeah over a hundred thousand dollars i like it i like it you're gonna see me one with one of these bags one day it's like how men like watches like nowadays a lot of watches are really good investments they can be yeah you wear it you enjoy it and you have your money there exactly and you can sell for more hopefully if it's a collector's piece we're never gonna send it guys by the way mono is gonna keep this bag collection it's gonna keep growing it's true this is never gonna go no it's not i heard it i had so much fun with you honestly i love that you appreciate like collections and like the amount of effort that goes into things because most guys come in here who are just like what oh my god waste of money dad is like he terrorizes me every time he's like what's wrong with you and i was like i mean i'm an honest person guys this section yes that section all right guys anyways that's been the awesome mona to end of today's video we're gonna show you one last thing i think we should show them the backyard oh yes i was like the best one do it okay great all right let's go awesome okay we're going to the beach now i'm going to walk in these hills on the beach with me okay guys this is my backyard here's the pool and it overlooks the ocean which i really love it has that kind of infinity look so guys apart from what you guys saw inside this is my favorite part the actual house honestly you have a massive pool over here and the best part is you have your own private beach this beach is entirely for yourself mona lasting inspiration to the ladies watching because you're like a lady boss what should they do to get this you know follow your dreams and follow your heart honestly and i think that's what you do so well i think just follow what feels right to you and follow your passion whatever you whatever you do that makes you feel like energetic that's your calling that's it that's it thank you guys bye mono i love you i love the fact that you're so humble about this it's your house anytime you're welcome guys that this is i'm coming pool party tomorrow
Channel: Mo Vlogs
Views: 2,705,884
Rating: 4.8891759 out of 5
Keywords: mo vlogs, dubai, dubai mansions, rich kids of dubai, mona kattan, huda beauty
Id: QnDP4zn5GTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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