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all right oh my god i just heard that the word sound just like [Music] what's up guys supercar blondie you will not believe what is happening today this is gonna be so exciting i am about to surprise my employee sergi with his dream car i bought him his dream car ah and i'm here at bmw's biggest showroom in dubai with agmc we're out here in motor city and we're about to pick up his car come with me [Music] look at this i've actually flown out the csl homage car this is a concept car they've flown it out from germany where i originally filmed with it that's super cool this is massive you've got the m2 over there and look a brand new alpena b7 this is so cool oh my god okay right i could be here all day but let's get straight to it his brand new car is waiting this is so exciting i've literally never picked up a new car in my life and now i'm giving one away to sergi i can't believe this i'm so jealous actually i've had a peek and i was like forget it i'm keeping it it's too cool car hand over area it's a very special area here at admc that's where they do all of their handovers with their new cars to their clients now the other thing i wanted to say is he has no idea this is happening he's currently back at work we just said that we're popping out to film a bmw and he's like okay is he in a couple of hours he has no idea and the other thing is he just got some really bad news today and he's really disappointed i just saw his face drop he was just told that he can't go home for christmas because of covert he wanted to go and see his mom his grandparents his dad his whole family in spain and because of what's happening at the moment they said don't come over and he literally just got that news an hour ago so i want to brighten up his day i want to brighten up his year i think he's going to freak out like freak out he mentions this car every single day every single day should we go pick up the new car alright let's do this thing come on i've already got the keys guys look at this look at this it is a brand new x6 m50i and look we've got ribbons on it for him i've also never had ribbons on my car before this is this is so exciting look ribbons ribbons everywhere all new brand new it's got an m package right here it's got upgraded rims and it's got 530 horsepower twin turbo v8 it's about 200 more horsepower than the standard x6 now look at this this is freaking cool all right this is your standard key okay but what you also get is a display key look at this oh it's brand new it's brand new look in order to look it's like a little oh my god he's gonna freak out you guys actually gonna freak out like when i saw this i was freaking out look at this you can activate from the key engine start ready he's gonna freak out he is going to freak this is like his favorite key even if i just gave him the key he would treasure this key come and look inside i just love all the bows everywhere this is brand spanking new it smells incredible oh get a whiff of that i wish you guys could smell this massive thank you to agmc here in dubai for arranging all of this this beautiful delivery this car oh my goodness you guys have been amazing to work with thank you thank you thank you let's turn her off what we're going to do is we're going to put this car right now on this delivery truck you can see it out here in the window we're going to take the brand new x6 m50i to where sergi is currently working he has no idea what is about to hit him let's go give him the surprise of his life [Music] [Music] actually sergi's current car this mitsubishi land so that his friend is driving you can just park it in here hey he hey his car to his friend for the day what's up joey hello how are you how are you man nice to see you thanks for bringing the car it's got a few scratches yeah look at this let me show you yeah let me show you sergi's car wait wait i'm gonna shoot oh a toaster everyone needs a toaster in the back of their car what search you doing with a toaster oh my god what are we gonna find in here oh what's this like to train oh to train okay we have an escape gimbal oh look you have a lamborghini bag okay that's cool and you have lots of green gross oh you have a skateboard and some jeans oh look there's a coffee but that one's how old is this coffee oh okay i was gonna say it's usually three weeks old what we're gonna do is jp is going to call sergey sergi's upstairs jp is gonna say listen mate i'm so sorry but i've scratched your car i've damaged your car you're gonna have to come down the police are here he calls this car his silver bullet so i'm bringing all everyone down from the team kate and nathan are going to be first down we can't bring everyone down at once because it you know we'll race his mission what are you writing okay i love it what's he always talking about car wives what's his favorite car the bmw x7 x6 yeah no no no i mean i'm i'm not good with god yeah yeah yeah but but see even someone who doesn't know anything about cars is like yeah that guy yeah he wants the bmw x something i know it's that yeah yeah at the beginning he's gonna think like what why you did that bro all the time i'm telling you don't like drive safe and everything because i'm gonna be so dramatic so i you just need to see and then when you see that there's gonna be like surprises okay guys so this is kate and nathan my little sister my brother-in-law part of the supercar blondie team what's up it's the secretary you have your dream car salty spring parts oh my god it's the x6 he never stops talking about it what's your favorite car apart from the x6 the x61 million percent rdx6 i literally was just doing a review before and i go would you want this car like would this a pretty cool car like he goes no i think i like the exit literally after every single suv drives we're like so what about this one is this one now your favorite he's like nah like it's cool but i still want the x6 oh my god hi i'm sorry i'm just smelling the car oh my god it's got new car smell all right can i take this oh hang on a minute hang on a minute so she doesn't have to know about this it's my new car yeah crazy huh this is soji's girlfriend she has no idea what's happening right now i've just asked her to come down to bring me water almost almost yes x6 yes i was like yeah yeah that's the one who likes the big one okay we're about to surprise him with his dream car oh my god you joke no [Applause] come on come on sure you guys are crazy what do you think he's gonna do oh he won't believe it no you literally won't believe it so we've been keeping this for a secret for months and we didn't tell you because i knew you'd be so excited that you were like maybe let something out so this is about to be his no oh my gosh that's so insane crazy he's not going to sleep he's not right this is just a thanks for being awesome present and so he's gonna call sergey and say i've scratched your car you have to come down did you speak to jeffy yeah yeah oh my god we've been organizing this all day that's where we've been all day at bmw picking up this car because i wondered what bmw should be good like i had like no idea all right go ahead [Applause] [Music] [Music] and then he's like no oh my god okay he's super stressed right now really straight should we hide somewhere just join me okay you and me you need to go hide somewhere go hide around the corner yeah yeah but he knows alex is here no no just you just me and the police uh when you see like until you're literally saying to him like nathan are gonna come out uh police is telling me like oh my god you have no idea my heart was absolutely pounding out of my chest were you so i believed it 100 that's not even a healthy prank to do my god search this isn't just a prank okay okay oh my god your silver bullet is fine it doesn't have more scratches than it already did okay oh my god i've got something to surprise you with okay come with me you guys like ran a bulldozer on my car a massive thank you to you for all your hard work and what you've been doing for us on the supercar blondie channel you put your heart and soul into it and we appreciate we we love having you on the team okay and i wanted to give you this wow okay oh my god i'm like shaking right now there's just too many emotions to go through and you're such a christian yeah oh my god okay come with me come with me you might notice something up here ah there's just too many emotions yeah all right so is this first of all not the coolest yeah right so you can just turn it on here oh my god okay all right now i wanted to surprise you what with this oh my god okay now turn it on you've actually got a if you can stop shaking we've actually got a load here okay okay start engine yeah wait all right oh my god i just heard the word sound just like oh my god wait wait wait no peeking oh my god okay all right um i have actually bought you your dream car oh my god are you ready is this this one i don't even know it's just it's just too much oh my gosh wow oh my god look at the little wow you're [Music] come here nick turn the camera around this is also like oh my god oh wow check it out wait wait let me show you this wait wait wait i'm shaking like a leaf okay now i understand because when this morning i was like yeah i let jp have the car and you were like why would you give jp the car and i was like why is he such a big deal he's my friend is actually the full spec sheet and these are all of your extra options oh my god on the car all of this stuff look at this so there's wow they're standing i have too much too many emotions in my in my body until i check it out check it out this is yours open her up i feel like you know what's going to happen like i'm going to wake up i'm going to be in my bed i'm like yeah this will always smell wow oh my god oh this is too much seriously like i can't even i don't even feel okay taking this inca i got you flowers [Laughter] wow and it's the m50i too i was completely in the package nerding out about this in germany get in check it out how's it feel i love this right the crystals yes the crystal and and sergey said wait let me get in oh my god oh you turned it off oh my god i just heard the little pop oh my goodness you guys are wow rivet rivet oh my god now this is brand new so it's going to need a bit of warming up you're going to need to drive it in and then you're going to get more of those pops and those goggles and everything oh my god thank you yeah i'm speechless like i don't even know what to say because it's like we'll get so many reactions like in two days once it's started yeah yeah yeah yeah because it doesn't feel real right now emily what do you think what we wanted to do is get it original for you but the next thing is you to pimp it out because i know you want it black on black yeah right yeah yeah okay tell us what you're going to do to it come on let's walk what can i what do you what do you mean what can i do to it can i do anything i want to i could pick it up a little bit but you know this is like yeah we're gonna pimp it out oh my god we're gonna pimp it out what do you guys think we should do to it go comment down below and subscribe to the supercouple on the channel we've got lots more coming um so just gotta like go away and just let it sink in yeah i gotta i have to lay down on a flat surface for like a couple hours and i can't believe it guys thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this video you guys know sergey he's been on my channel now for some time and you're gonna see more of him um because we're going to work him like a little slave hey after this i work for free yes a massive thank you to agmc i went out to their brand new bmw dealership it's massive it's the biggest one in dubai massive thank you to you guys they have amazing deals they gave me a great deal go check them out because they've got concept cars coming into that showroom so literally you can walk into the showroom go upstairs and see all of the latest concept cars that are shipped over from germany especially for them so massive thank you to you massive thank you to you and a massive thank you to you guys of course all your cards are coming you get a car you'll get a job all right all right guys we love you we're out see ya [Music] no i i i don't feel i physically feel like well like i think i'm gonna puke a lot of emotions
Channel: Supercar Blondie
Views: 2,508,744
Rating: 4.9271049 out of 5
Keywords: surprising gift, new bmw X6, best employee, best employer, brand new car delivery, gift wrap, christmas gift bmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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