Meet Dubai's RICHEST Kid , $100 Million Mansion Tour (18 years old)

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this behind me is a palace [Music] guys we're upstairs right now this is how big the roof yeah is like a football pitch on the left and a football pitch on the right that that's what makes us a patient it's it's not just an ordinary house good morning what is up everyone welcome back to another vlog and oh boy is today's video an exciting one today i'm checking out one of dubai's most expensive mansions yeah all right guys so today we have access to one of the most beautiful houses here in dubai so what you guys see behind me is basically a real life palace yeah it's time to go check it out open sesame [Music] more vlogs welcome to the palace let's go as you can see behind me is something that we have never filmed anything similar to on this channel before this is not a normal house this behind me is a palace it's eight bedrooms eighty thousand square feet of land this garden is we can play football here yeah this is a football two people can play football yeah there's like a football pitch on the left and a football pitch on the right that that's what makes us a palace it's it's not just an ordinary house anyways guys it's time to show you what the house looks like let's go welcome to the crib oh my god the first thing you notice as you walk in is how high this is this is actually 80 feet high and at the top resting are six domes the first thing i want to show you guys is obviously one of the cars here this is a g g-wagon brabus now guys the ruler of dubai sheikh muhammad he drives a g-wagon so a g-wagon in dubai is like the most prestige car you can kind of drive look at that all right guys you hear how loud this car is the crack goes it's insane it's literally a beast i've never heard it and it's so smooth wow guys by the way this house is so big like the ceilings are higher than my future look at this office wow now guys before we actually take you into the mansion we're going to show you the entire garden but because this house is so big we need a smart car to get around when you have a house like this you don't walk yeah you you have a smart car for it it's coming right now whoa the smart car has arrived this is the car they used to get around the garden it's a brabus smart car well not a regular smart car this is like the top of the top of smart cars guys this is my first time driving a bravas smart car i'm looking forward to it it's kind of spacious to be honest it's just a small car yeah honestly this hardcore is not small look at this guys i have so much room okay we're gonna take you guys around the back of the house first things first seat belts on guys it's it's safety we're trying to set a good example for you kids all right let's go oh this is insane yeah over here you see in front of us we have a guest house so this is for when mo comes over and he wants to you know have a small gathering bro this guest house is bigger than my house oh holy moly guys look at that [Music] and we made it that's a bit of the property right now let's go let's go inside open sesame oh my god so now that we're inside the mansion this is the first thing you see the staircase guys this is absolutely beautiful guys as you guys can see it's an eight meter high ceiling with a three meter wide chandelier which is ah wait is that is that windows around the top yeah guys oh my god i'm realizing stuff now guys now that you've seen the the entrance this is all oh my gosh i don't even know how to explain how beautiful this is this alone cost millions i don't want to say the figure it's confidential somewhere but somewhere in the millions now that you see the entrance i want to take you to the first thing you actually see when you enter the house [Music] there is actually a prayer room inside this house so this is something that i find so beautiful guys you don't ordinarily see prayer rooms in a house but this house has one and it just it kind of just shows the beauty of it you know guys like to have a prayer room in the house especially right over here mashallah masha'allah all right let's take them to the next room let's do it [Music] all right guys so as we said this is the first part of the house the guest area now everything in this house has been custom decorated from the chandeliers to the curtains to the tables to everything you see in this house guys the design has been all custom made i mean these paintings have been done just for this house one of one also as you guys can see they also have an amazing portrait of sheikh mohammed which is the ruler of dubai there's a lot of dubai in this house you know there's a lot of traditional aspects and it's just nice to see the mix you know it's just honestly beautiful one really cool thing they have over here is this sword that's it yeah you don't want to show the sword yeah okay this is just an arch art piece that they have here obviously you can't use this it's not even sharp honestly it looks very expensive we should stop touching things yeah yeah all right guys this is the 100 names of god right here it's a beautiful piece of art as you can see it just folds over like this whoa that is so cool so guys this is actually a really cool artwork but it's also very religious it's a hundred names of god all right guys before we continue the rest of the house tour they've invited us to have some appetizers some traditional arab moroccan tea and some desserts so let's check it out by the way this is a traditional thing whenever you're invited to a local house you have to have some nice appetizers it's a must guys lazam as they say lassen all right guys so this is the tea as you see here you put the tea here and then you add the water so this makes it less concentrated obviously now that you've seen the living room apparently in this house exists the world's smallest door everything doesn't have to be big you know yeah you know not big is always good you know small is good sometimes also yo guys this is absolutely insane you know who's live oh damn there's something inside it oh you can actually live there welcome to the balance alright so moving on they also have another living room guys so this is more of like the family friend area of the house guys so family only family only you know you put the guests over there and you have your private living room over here now we're moving on to the family dining table which is also really huge as you can see and this is the you guys haven't seen the main dining table yet this is just the family one but i'd say it's like double the size which is really cool this is already like how many people is this one two three four five six seven thirteen people wow all right where are we going i was impressed i was impressed okay watch this guys you never saw this in your life you know what some people call this technology wow you don't have to do anything how do you close it you don't know how to close it right wow that's nice yeah all right so now that you've seen the house this is the moment you've been waiting for we've been saving the best for lost this house has an indoor swimming pool and when i say it's insane it's insane they have to see it yeah guys i mean if i don't show you you won't believe me like guys the best is always for lost let's show you the swimming pool all right mo hasn't seen it so that's his reaction [Music] oh yo this is ridiculous guys this is an indoor swimming pool i feel like i'm on the moon i don't know if you can see how crazy this is on camera guys because in real life it's a whole nother story this is the coolest swimming pool i've ever seen in my life like this is an indoor pool and it's humongous the reason they've actually made it like this is because when you have an indoor pool the swimming pool doesn't get dirty you can always swim in privacy and it's right beside the gym and oh yeah by the way it's not just the pool there's also a gym here one thing one thing i want to say about this pool before we move on i just like how it's kind of like a lounge at the same time you have your sofas here this is like a chilling space you know if this is outdoors you're gonna have like sofas and stuff like that to chill around you know bro this is ridiculous before we move on on this bed you're probably wondering what is this kind of weird structure over here in the middle of the pool and when they're turned on underwater massage whoa yo imagine getting that massage i kind of like that honestly if you fly floating on top of the water guys the cool thing about this pool area it also has a starlight roof like i feel like i'm in a rolls royce this is crazy what are you doing look at this jet this is insane like when you start here basically this helps you when you're swimming so you start cheering and then boosts you superior it's like a mario booster yeah yeah honestly [Music] i'm like it's a bit hard all right guys so since we're in the gym i've seen this law on instagram ackman's gonna give me a punch okay oh it's just so scary when someone goes all right guys we got this you know me and mo are always super excited when we see the left in the house i don't know why just greece is excited all right guys we're in an elevator inside the house wow and now we're upstairs in the mansion guys we're upstairs right now this is how big the roof is hi hello so now that you're up here you really appreciate the architecture of this house like wow it's huge mungus honestly it's like when you're up close and personal you realize how enormous the dome is all right guys now it's time to eat let's do this whoa whoa look at this all this food kidney man would be buzzing right now guys so when i haven't told you the main dining area is huge look at the size of this dining table wow guys you really don't understand how big this is until you're here in person but this is huge this is one end of the dining table and that's the other if i'm sitting on this side and someone's there like how am i going to tell them to pass me the ketchup like you need to play i have to phone call him like hello yeah i need to catch up next we have the bathroom and i know you guys are thinking why are you taking us to the bathroom ahmed why why are you showing us about are we done wait wait did you see the bathroom guys this is the bathroom honestly when you're here you wouldn't imagine this is a bathroom inside a house it looks like one of those seven star hotel bathrooms like you have four sinks you even have two spots to wash for prayers the best part is in this bathroom you even have a versace house expensive nice can we keep these all right so now that you've seen the dining area it's time to eat some food we literally have a whole buffet right now so we're gonna eat and i'll see you guys on the other side what a day this has been guys honestly i really hope you guys enjoyed this video we've been looking we've been trying really hard to find new houses in dubai so we hope you appreciate the effort and especially something to excite our audience we keep trying to show you new things so we hope you enjoy it by the way i just dropped a new podcast where i'm talking some deep discussions with mo talking about his history his life growing up and i think you guys are going to want to check it out if you want the link is in the bio i really appreciate it peace out guys thank you i mean you don't have to have friends anyway so it's every day my friends are snakes that was that was harsh you broke your heart
Channel: Mo Vlogs
Views: 3,209,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mo vlogs, dubai, dubai mansions, dubai richest kid, rich kids of dubai, dubai houses, mansion tour, dubai vlogs, house tour, palace tour, dubai palace tour
Id: rtYJfNVuCdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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