Meet the BILLIONAIRE Prince in Dubai , $100 million Mansion !!!

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yo what is up everyone welcome back to another video and today's video doesn't even need an introduction today I am actually meeting Prince Marcus he is actually royalty yes they keep everything sure and simple today I'm actually heading to his house in Dubai and she has an insane calculation let's go guys oh my god this this is what you call a car collection it is insane alright guys so this is my first time ever meeting Prince Marcus he is actually a real estate guru and his great-grandfather was like the Emperor of Europe literally guys alright guys I don't know if this is security that just came behind me but oh my god you see that I don't even know what that car is over there yo bro this is my first time seeing this - so this is a saline I think that's what the name says on the car but this is absurd I've never seen this car in my life so I'm pretty sure it's very very expensive I mean typically you have one rolls-royce but he's got two two rolls that's a lot hi guys so now that you've seen the cars right now we're gonna go meet Prince Marcus himself so we're at his house this is crazy I'm honestly so excited because I love meeting new people specially successful people guess what comes around goes around I don't know I meant like if you're around you know he has another car - by the way - looks like it's from a movie it is from a movie I don't watch movies whether it's the cool car outside his house apart from like his six-car garage he has a seventh car which is like a collectible if you guys don't know this car what are you doing from the movies guys this car to find it in this condition it's impossible let's go guys let's meet Prince Marcus let's do this guy's oh my god so we're here outside this door this door is massive so his house is huge and one more thing I want to show you before I'm not gonna go inside check this out guys this is what you call the royalty like he has his own emblem outside his house and on all of his cars here we go this is the moment of truth we're about to meet Prince Marcus himself so this is Prince Marcus this is who you've all been waiting to me I can't even talk right now this is insane and today I'd switch this house it's my first time meeting him that's correct that's correct and he is person in person he is a very big icon now I'm gonna let him show you his mansion and today is gonna be a fun day I hope so hi guys welcome to Prince Marcus's mansion let's go [Music] this is my entrance for this my motorcycle I drove instead motorcycle all over Europe but it's maybe not the right motorcycle for the Dubois Suites and I don't like to a percent right now just here in the house safe from ascend and just to marry this is the first time I ever see a motorcycle in the middle of someone's living room like it's just there and it's not like adorable motorcycle this is beautiful very high and it's not easy to drive but I drove mr. motorcycle all Europe I was in Austria in Switzerland in Germany I was everywhere with this motor so it's not very comfortable but it's just unique and a special motorcycle and I love special things down this is actually so beautiful guys like I've never seen a chopper like this in like someone's living room [Music] welcome to the back garden this is like an entire river out here I need I didn't build the pool it was like this before but now I will change it I will uh I bought a little bit more land behind the wall here and I will build a grotto here what's like a grotto like a cave Oh we'll swim into the cave swim inside there's a Jacuzzi inside like a real grotto like a like a cave like it Wow hi guys so we're inside the back garden right now this place looks amazing I'm gonna say that word a hundred times today but basically he's actually bought all of the land around it just to make like underground water passages and like just everything like you know like when you have like childhood dreams and I in the future this is the future and now I do it I can I'm gonna just show you how big this garden is cuz maybe if we stand still you won't realize it but look at this place it's huge so how big is this wrinkled 34 meters 34 meters like guys 34 meters long oh so that's the jacuzzi we have a massage pants you could actually throw like full-size parties in your own house I'm sure you've done it yes a lot of clothes this is what they call the barbecue area but I haven't changed is also into a chill-out lounge and I will take out the grass here and make a bar behind these poles because now you have two chairs in the pool and you sit there and waiting for the waiter and there's no way that because there's grass so I think there has to be a bar who serves you even fresh drinks or chooses or milkshakes or alcohol or whatever you want honestly I'm kind of jealous seeing all of this because I want this house what do I say like like this is like a former President of the United States Wow I had like how does this happen like how did you suddenly like Bill clip we did a lot of charity in America even with Elton John together for against fighting AIDS okay and we did a lot of charity for children this is a very nice guy I think everything just happens society it's very easy if you live in Hollywood with you so you know hi guys okay so we have a little surprise coming right now oh and it's right there this is what you buy in a custom shop okay so this is like Thor's hammer which I saw and I was like this is really cool but this is like plastic if you guys can hear it and then this wow this is like you guys this is the original Thor hammer from the actor and Avengers yeah Hemsworth if I hit somebody with this that's gonna be a lot of damage right okay we're gonna put that back yeah thank you that's amazing just a cape of talk oh the whole original movie outfit Wow alright so guys this is the actual cape for Thor in the movie and oh I this okay because like yeah you have to uniform I am the real-life Thor right now like Wow by the way there's a second motor side is the pawn spot Ducati Wow oh yeah it's only one of Hot 100 what ever driven I inherited for my brother so I will never touch it ever never start it so it stays here forever and she is even so this is a one of 100 Ducati if you know Ducati that's like the Bugatti of motorcycles like it's literally the best and it's just in his living room thank you guys so here's the thing you guys have seen like most of the house right now yes but the main thing the cars the cars I'm a car collectible ii collector what you collect uh I collect all boy toys yeah I love the watch by the way guys by the Richard mill you guys if you don't already know already living no three full Corbin let's go let's go oh my god okay your neighbors are gonna hate you know they love me big pictures Wow you get out so we have your favorite car in the back this is a treat Bentley Missouri it's not wrapped it's real color it's painted pink it was Paris Hilton's car before and now it's my daughter's car Wow even inside everything is pink so this car actually used to be Paris Hilton's car and now Prince Marcus gave it to his daughter so Wow when she was five o'clock she at five but when she was five years old she said daddy I need a pink car because when mama drives me to school I need to go in a pink car I'm inside a pink Bentley and the interior is pink like everything is pink on this car even the steering wheel always thing now you should drive it I mean you have to drive this car this has really been converted into pink right now rolls-royce ghost is also Missouri also not wrapped is also painted in matte white with a little pearl effect but this is a car what I use with my driver this is all white white white I love white and of course white and black black and white this is my drop head also white white white specially built for me naturally happen by rolls-royce motor cars good wood for His Royal Highness Prince Marcus of sexy you can actually see it's specially hand-built for Prince Marcus this right here guys was this like your first sports car Tony Stark has one Prince Marcus has 120 Starks is orange ours is white even better I don't know who saw the movie Gone in sixty Seconds with Angelina Jolie and Nicolas Cage this is the original car from the movie they had 19 cars in the movie this is number 10 so you see this is actually the car very scratch the mirror oh but we fixed it and this is the engine and here's the sign the license for the Eleanor Wow shows this is one of the 19 cars from the movie guys so they had 19 of these Mustangs in the movie and this is number 10 Wow go baby go button like in the movie and this is the Nitro what pumps in together in the engine and for 20 to 25 seconds guys a lot of boost so as you can see in the back of the car that's the nitrogen this is what makes the car like fly pretty much Wow so the car is pretty powerful that's at least I can say about it this right here is a monster you want to go for right should we go alright alright guys I'm gonna go for a ride in this monster right now let's do this [Music] guys as ridiculous what's happening right now I am like whoa I need to do my seatbelt first I don't know why I just feel scared in this car cuz I know what it can't do and that just scares me so that's why I'm a bit nervous right now I'm not saying much it's just it's a scary situation you don't know yet so much fun okay so Prince Marcus is gonna go one more time with the car I'm gonna be standing outside this time just to show you guys the mayhem Oh guys this is not a good idea are you sure I should drive it's mine okay let's go let's go [Music] [Applause] hey guys I just want to say if you haven't already followed Prince Marcus he's actually on Instagram so you definitely need to go check him out go follow him right now if you guys want to see us do more crazy stuff like this again [Music]
Channel: Mo Vlogs
Views: 2,784,659
Rating: 4.7479653 out of 5
Keywords: mo vlogs, dubai, prince, dubai billionaire, rich kids of dubai, prince marcus, prinz marcus, dubai richest kids, billionaires of dubai, car collection, crazy car collection, dubai car collection
Id: -Y7wrtP1KHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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